Chapter 421 0421 Half Step Eternal
Jumping out of the prehistoric world, the chaotic world outside the prehistoric world is even wider.

Jumping out of the chaotic world, the world of nothingness outside the chaotic world is also too big to make people despair.

Who knows that when one jumps out of nothingness, there is a bigger world outside of nothingness?What's more, Li Chen has not yet jumped out of the chaotic world, and has become an existence that can exist forever and in the world of nothingness.

Li Chen was unprepared at the beginning, and was a little caught off guard under the impact of this torrent of information, but the strong in the Dao realm are not vegetarians, even if they are extremely small under this force, it is not what this pure power and information torrent can Repressive.

Li Chen immediately built an information barrier in his spiritual consciousness. No matter what, he had to defend against the impact of this information flood, and after gaining his own control, he would consider other things.

Building a barrier is very simple for Li Chen, but it is a bit difficult to build an information defense barrier under the impact of this torrent of information.

Basically, as soon as the information barrier is constructed, it is immediately destroyed by the flood of information.

However, Li Chen wasn't discouraged, one solution didn't work, so Li Chen immediately changed his mind.

First build a simple barrier. It is not required to be able to block all of these information floods from one's own sea of ​​consciousness, at least one percent, one thousandth, or even one ten thousandth of it must be able to block it.

As for the follow-up, slowly strengthen and encrypt this barrier until it can block all information torrents.

However, a simple barrier skeleton needs to be constructed at one time, otherwise it will be completely destroyed before it can gain a firm foothold.

But this couldn't help Li Chen, and after a while, a simple barrier was built by Li Chen.

It's not so much a barrier as it is a broken net with air leakage...

The barrier built by Li Chen enveloped the entire sea of ​​consciousness, but it could only block about one ten thousandth of this flood of information.

If it exceeds this speed, it is basically destroyed before it is arranged.

At this moment, Li Chen's work is easy, along with the simple information barriers that have been arranged, he constantly strengthens the strength of the information barriers.

Li Chen mobilized everything that could be mobilized by the power of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. With Li Chen's movements, the barrier was continuously strengthened, and the gaps became narrower. One, one thousandth, one hundredth...


All the torrent of information was intercepted by Li Chen outside the sea of ​​consciousness. Through the control barrier, only the information that Li Chen wanted could pass through the barrier and enter the sea of ​​consciousness.

After doing all this, Li Chen just let out a sigh of relief.

The huge power in his body was almost about to form a power crystal, and even Li Chen's entire footsteps began to turn into a power crystal.

For Li Chen, the power of the feedback from the Tongtian Tower has to find a place to vent, otherwise he will definitely explode himself.

But pure venting is simply a waste of this body's strength.

Therefore, Li Chen thought of a way.

That is to transform this power into the power of good fortune and create all things through one's own understanding of Tao and power.

Indirectly enhance the origin of the world on the other side.

Just do what you say, the huge power in Li Chen's body is like a river embankment that has released its sluice, and it flows crazily towards the world on the other side.

The whole world seems to have returned to the beginning of the sky, the age when all things were born, countless continents were born out of thin air, endless spiritual energy filled the entire world on the other side, and countless creatures were born under the power of Li Chen...

But within a few minutes, not only the little power that was looted by the prehistoric people had been fully recovered, but even the whole world on the other side had grown bigger and stronger under Li Chen's power.

With the power released, Li Chen's pressure was not so great, and the power crystals that had begun to form on his feet also returned to their original state as the power continued to pass.

It took a whole stick of incense before the power fed back from the Tongtian Tower stopped. Without the power feedback from the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen's state of surpassing the peak of the Dao suddenly fell.

After all, Li Chen has reached that level, even if he falls back, he is much stronger than the general peak level of Dao.

Having experienced the state of that realm, Li Chen at this time has only one description for this realm, that is: omnipotent, omnipotent, eternal and eternal!

Therefore, Li Chen named this realm the Eternal Realm.

After experiencing this experience, Li Chen also has a certain understanding of this realm. This realm is countless times stronger than the Great Dao Realm. Li Chen even suspects that under the power of this Eternal Realm, he can't pass a single move at all. The main reason is that This realm has been turned into phenomenal existence, such as: life, death, fate, time, space, law and so on.

It can be said that this level itself is a conceptual existence.

It is not difficult to understand why Li Chen rose to the Eternal Realm under the power of the Tongtian Tower, but fell back after losing the power of the Tongtian Tower.

If the Eternal Realm is so easy to achieve, there will be no legends of the Eternal Realm in this chaos, and even the Dao is not an Eternal Realm, let alone others——

At this moment, although Li Chen fell into the Eternal Realm and lost the ability to incarnate in the Eternal Realm, Li Chen still retains part of the perspective of the Eternal Realm. The power of the Calamity within a radius of billions of trillions where Li Chen is located can become Li Chen's eyes. .

This kind of observation method is simply not something that can be found by the existence of the Great Dao Realm and below.

Falling into the eternal state, but higher than the peak state of the Dao, Li Chen named this state half-step eternity.

Because of the power feedback from the Tongtian Tower, Li Chen's actions were forced to stop. After regaining his freedom, Li Chen once again went to the chaos to test the power of the Tongtian Tower according to the established goal, to see what the upgraded Tongtian Tower would bring. changes in aspects.

The Great Desolation continues to expand, and has already occupied the inner area of ​​​​the chaos, and even began to extend to the outer area of ​​​​the chaos.

Therefore, Li Chen's experiment can only be carried out in the outer area of ​​chaos.

In the chaos, black and white star chess pieces appeared around Li Chen, and Li Chen seemed to be in the world of stars.

It seems very beautiful, but once the two black and white chess pieces collide and tear off the mask of camouflage, the power will be like a demon escaping from hell, destroying all the vitality in front of you.

The two chess pieces, one black and one white, flew towards the chaotic distance under Li Chen's will, and collided with each other at a distance far enough from Li Chen to the world on the other side——


The huge explosion sound reached Li Chen's ears, and Li Chen even felt that Chaos was slightly shaken by the explosion of the Star Chess.

"The power has increased by 50 times, and the range has increased by 10 times, um, not bad--"

Li Chen held his chin with his left hand, talking to himself.

I saw that the surrounding stars and chess changed, and changed into the appearance of Luobao money...

(End of this chapter)

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