CH 435 0435 Land of Origin
With a wave of Li Chen's sleeve, the Tongtian Tower covering Gaia's clone immediately disappeared into nothingness with the concept of "existence" of Gaia's clone, but it was directly suppressed by Tongtian Tower.After doing all this, Li Chen chased in the direction where Gaia left with Dao.

As the existence of the Eternal Realm, the boundaries of time and space are very blurred. In one step, an infinite distance has been crossed, which is not comparable to the speed of the Great Dao Realm.

However, Gaia is the one who leads the way. He is the only strong man Li Chen has seen who has reached the eternal realm like himself. Naturally, his speed is not for him. Li Chen has only entered the eternal realm for a short time now, and he can't catch up with Gaia at all. speed.

Even in Li Chen's induction, the distance between himself and Gaia is still getting farther.

'There is no way to go on like this...'

Li Chen thought to himself as he moved forward.

Although Tongtian Tower suppressed a clone of Gaia at this time, it was not restrained by Gaia's clone. It was just a little more difficult when Gaia's clone was taken into custody at the very beginning. After Gaia's clone was detained by Tongtian Tower, the suppression changed instead. It's easy.

Li Chen controlled the power of the Tongtian Tower to wipe out Gaia's clone, and at the same time controlled the form of the Tongtian Tower to transform into a rainbow bridge. In the whole process, Li Chen only took a few steps.

But just a few steps away, it is already an incomparably far distance away from the nothingness where the chaos is.

If Li Chen hadn't been careful when preparing to obliterate Dao, and left a faint mark on Dao's body, maybe under the cover of Gaia, Dao's trace would have been lost.

Li Chen followed Dao not only because Dao was his enemy, but also because of Gaia.

To be honest, after Li Chen advanced to the Eternal Realm, he didn't pay much attention to Dao.

Even if there is only a thin line between the Great Dao Realm and the Eternal Realm, only Li Chen knows that the difference between this line is the difference between heaven and earth.

The gap is as big as the gap between a strong man in the realm of a saint and a mortal.

But Gaia is different. Gaia is a strong person in the Eternal Realm, and the threat to him is too great. If he doesn't take the opportunity to remove the two together, he will be in trouble in the future.

After all, there are only those who are thieves for a thousand days, how can there be those who can guard against thieves for a thousand days.

There is a contingency in everything, and I am not a lone ranger, if Gaia and Dao are targeting my disciples and friends, Li Chen can only passively defend.

In addition, even if Gaia is seriously injured, he still has to save Dao, which makes Li Chen more interested in Dao.

What's more, Li Chen also wanted to learn from Gaia the reason why he came to this world, and find a way to return to the world he was in.

Counting all kinds of reasons, Li Chen has no intention of letting the two go.

Dao, which was held by Gaia, couldn't help but be a little surprised to see that Gaia was still running away.

But the surprise was the surprise, Da Dao didn't dare to ask any questions when facing Gaia.

Not only because Gaia's power has reached the eternal state, but also because Gaia is the creator of the Dao, and in the eyes of the Dao, Gaia is the father and mother.There is no family affection for Gaia Avenue, and Daode has more awe and fear for Gaia in his eyes.

Although the Dao has not reached the eternal realm, under normal circumstances it is impossible to sense the strong in the eternal realm.

But Dao could sense that the boundless empty space behind him was almost filled with Li Chen's breath.

Brightly told Dao that Li Chen was chasing himself and Gaia.

Squinting at Gaia, Da Dao found that Gaia didn't panic when he sensed the breath behind him, as if he was in control, and there was a faint feeling of excitement on his expressionless face.

Seeing Dao was horrifying, and it was hard to tell whether it was Li Chen who came to chase him and the others, or Gaia's intentional guidance.

The veteran Eternal Realm powerhouse really deserves to be a veteran powerhouse, his aspirations and methods are not something ordinary people can guess clearly.

Dao even suspects that Gaia has already touched the legendary realm.

But then again, after the Rainbow Bridge appeared on Li Chen's side, he directly boarded the Rainbow Bridge in one step, and came directly to Gaia and the avenue within two steps.

It was almost Gaia who left with Dao on the front foot, and Li Chen chased him through the Rainbow Bridge on the back foot.

Gaia was fine, but Dao was scared to death.

Li Chen's clinging attitude really challenged his nerves.

From Dao Dao's point of view, Li Chen is simply unreasonable. He has no hatred for killing his father, nor does he have any hatred for becoming enlightened.

It must be known that there are countless strong men who have offended so many people in endless time, who can kill all their opponents to death.

While chasing and fleeing, the three came to an unknown place in nothingness.

The empty space here is no longer pure nothingness. The void is filled with countless chaotic energies, but relatively speaking, it is much stronger than the power of chaos.

Anyone who comes here will receive an inexplicable message, and thus know what this place is called.

When Gaia came here, he didn't hesitate, and with a straight stab, the whole person took the road and merged into this unknown area.As soon as Gaia entered it, Gaia was like a fish in water, her speed increased sharply, and she disappeared without a trace.

After Gaia stepped into this unknown place, the Rainbow Bridge was derived, and Li Chen immediately stepped out of the Rainbow Bridge.

Looking at the boundary in front of him, Li Chen couldn't help frowning.

Li Chen didn't know anything about this boundary, if he didn't see Gaia and Dao entering it, Li Chen wouldn't want to enter here at all.

Because when he came here, Li Chen suddenly calmed down, and even the thought of chasing Gaia to kill Dao became much weaker because of this calmness.

Just one area can affect the mood of the strong in the Eternal Realm, and Li Chen knows that this place is not a good place.

Without thinking long outside this unknown place, Li Chen stepped into it.

If he doesn't continue to pursue Dao and Gaia, Li Chen will lose his sense of Dao.

Ever since Gaia came here with Dao, and after entering here, Li Chen's sense of Dao has been intermittent, and it seems that the induction will be cut off at any time.

After stepping into it, a wave naturally appeared in Li Chen's mind.

Li Chen also knew the name of this place.

This is the place where countless secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and even higher-level worlds were originally born, and it is called the place of origin.

The reason why this place can become the place of origin is nothing else, it is an inexplicable power that can be called boundless and similar to the power of chaos contained in this area.

Li Chen sensed it carefully, and found that this power was not only similar to the power of chaos, but also somewhat similar to the power of grandmist.

It seems that all the power in the world can be evolved by this power.

(End of this chapter)

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