CH 454 0454 The Powerful Fantasy Mirror
After Li Chen blocked Gaia's hand, unexpectedly, Gaia's hand was like a snake, wrapping around Li Chen's arm.

Gaia's entire body was filled with an evil aura, and she was completely different from the previous Gaia.

Moreover, Li Chen felt that some very evil forces were constantly eroding the parts where he was in contact with Gaia.

"You are not Gaia, what are you?"

Li Chen did his best, directly shook Gaia away, and asked.

It's not that Li Chen has never fought with Gaia, but he hasn't encountered the current situation.

Gaia is surrounded by an evil aura, as if the end of the whole world is coming.

It can be seen that Gaia has been controlled or killed without knowing when.

After all, it is impossible for Gaia, whose fundamental avenue is existence, to have such evil power.

This kind of power exists in Gaia, just like a drop of water dropped into a pot of boiling oil, it is impossible to exist peacefully.

It can be said that the foundation of Gaia is damaged almost all the time.

But any Gaia with a little foresight will not accept this power for the sake of power.

"Jie Jie..., my family has been in this world for so long and can't open the door of this primitive world. It is thanks to you that you can open it. In order to repay your kindness, you should surrender obediently and become my slave."

Gaia, who was covered in black energy and had a ferocious face, looked at Li Chen as if he was looking at a huge delicious food, and said with a strange smile.

But Li Chen is not a vegetarian, if he is not prepared, how could he come to open the door of origin.

"You bastard who hides his head and shows his tail, do you really think that I am at the mercy of others?"

The fantasy world mirror appeared behind Li Chen. The palm-sized fantasy world mirror became extremely huge at this time. Under the fantasy world mirror, Li Chen and Gaia were as insignificant as two ants.

For Li Chen, the mirror of the fantasy world is a treasure of powerful combat power, and for Gaia, the mirror of the fantasy world is a huge wall.

A huge wall that can block Gaia, and even suppress and kill Gaia.

"You are not qualified enough to want me to be your slave."

The light reflected from the infinite mirror shone on Gaia, and the huge and unparalleled world in the entire illusion mirror and the pillar of thousands of laws suddenly came to suppress Gaia.

With just one blow, Gaia was blasted out of the place of origin like a cannonball.

Although this blow was powerful, it was nothing to the strong in the Eternal Realm, but Gaia's injuries from this blow all recovered in a short time.

I saw a Gaia with disheveled hair like a hungry ghost from hell, flying in the same way with a fierce face, looking at Li Chen as if he was looking at a dead person, his eyes were full of desire for destruction, his voice was a little hoarse, and he said.

"Ah, you angered me, I don't want you to be my slave now, I want you to die!!!"

Li Chen sneered: "Dare to come? Hehe, today I want to see what evil is at work! Let me suppress you!"

Countless chains of laws and chains of rules in the fantasy mirror behind him flew out under Li Chen's will.

The regular chain fell on the oncoming Gaia, and immediately entangled Gaia like flexible spirit snakes.

"Just this chain of laws wants to trap me? Break it for me..."

The chains of laws and chains were immediately stretched straight under Gaia's power, and the slightly fragile chains of laws and chains were directly shattered under this force.

However, more chains of laws and chains of rules flew out of the mirror of the fantasy world, wrapping Gaia into a ball of dumplings without waiting for Gaia to get out of trouble.

The huge pulling force pulls Gaia towards the fantasy world mirror.

As if sensing his own ending, Gaia, who was braving the evil power all over his body, suddenly screamed.

"Aren't you going to make a move? If I die and the plan goes wrong, the Empress will not forgive you."

"Is there any helper? But it doesn't matter, I suppressed you, I will suppress you one by one." Li Chen said to himself.

Huge mana poured into the fantasy world mirror behind him, and the pulling power of the fantasy world mirror on Gaia increased dozens of times in an instant.

Gaia, who was full of evil power, was pulled into the fantasy world mirror without waiting for rescue.

A hand stretched out from the void, and only had time to pull a few rules and regulations, just watching Gaia being dragged into the fantasy mirror

"Damn..., I order you to release the Lord of Deceit."

Li Chen sneered: "You still want me to release you when you're in my treasure?"

After a pause, he continued: "Dream!!!"

The killing intent in Li Chen's heart made the surroundings seem to become cold.

"Since you're here, let's all stay here." As soon as the words fell, the Magic World Mirror behind Li Chen suddenly turned into a palm and fell into his hand.

Countless knives, spears, swords, halberds, pagodas, tripods, mirrors, pictures, etc. flew out of it like a long river of treasures and surrounded Li Chen.

Although the Fantasy World Mirror only incorporates tens of thousands of treasures that are more than innate treasures, after the evolution of the Fantasy World Mirror, there are no fewer than hundreds of millions of treasures.

The treasures in the Long River of Supreme Treasures are false and real, making it hard to tell the real from the fake.

But what is certain is that even if Li Chen is a strong man who has transcended the realm at this moment, the outcome of the two may not be determined.

The Supreme Treasure Changhe can be regarded as one of Li Chen's most powerful methods today.

A big man holding a giant ax and wearing an unknown animal skin around his waist, a beautiful woman waving a cattail fan, and a man holding a long sword with a face as cold as ice stepped out of the void.

Li Chen sensed that the cultivation bases of the three were all in the Eternal Realm, especially when he saw the big man holding a giant axe, Li Chen couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The big man holding the giant ax looks almost exactly the same as Pan Gu, but all three of them are the same as the existence called the Lord of Deceit, with an evil force all over their bodies, which makes people sick.

Following Li Chen's will, the river of treasures bombarded the three of them directly, and the endless treasures bombarded the three of them with the power of the entire treasure world, and the expressions of the three who were originally indifferent suddenly changed drastically.

"The Lord of Deceit's information is wrong. The power of this treasure is probably beyond the power of Transcendence."

The big man said with a solemn expression, and moved the huge ax in his hand, and the treasures were unloaded one by one.

Although the other two were also resisting the attack of the Supreme Treasure Changhe, from time to time, the Supreme Treasure flew past the defense and attacked them.

Each blow caused no small internal injury to everyone.

Li Chen's expression turned ugly when he saw the Supreme Treasure Changhe who couldn't help the crowd for a while.

Although with the power of the fantasy world mirror, I am much stronger than the general Eternal Realm powerhouses, but facing the three Eternal Realm powerhouses, the power of the Supreme Treasure Changhe alone still feels a little powerless.

If it goes on like this, just consumption can consume himself to death.

I don't know who is controlling these people. Usually, I can't find one or two Eternal Realm powerhouses in the entire void, but now they appear in piles.

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind, I gritted my teeth, and shouted:
"Even if I try my best to lose my cultivation base today, I will suppress you and the other three!"

"Tianhe - Fantasy World..."

A world unfolded based on the Supreme Treasure River, directly enveloping the three of them.


(End of this chapter)

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