Chapter 464 Chapter 0464

The scene in the picture is in a mess, and the entire galaxy is riddled with holes in the flames of war.

Not only the Star Wars fortress of the Nibiru civilization was torn apart, the war even spread to the home planet of the gods - the fourth planet.

A huge celestial body collided with the parent star of the gods, making the parent star that seemed to have entered a biological explosion become dead and silent.

Only a few people escaped this terrible disaster...

Looking at the screen projected by the Queen Mother of the West, everyone in the Kunlun was obviously breathing a lot harder.

"We must not stand still. It is impossible to surrender and become a slave. Judging from the future scene that the Queen Mother of the West saw, even if there is a gap between this civilization and ours, it will not be too far away. I think we can't wait for the other party to reply I should take the initiative to attack, what do you guys think?"

"What Daoist Tongtian said is reasonable. It is said that the strong will strike first, and the strong will suffer later. On behalf of the Buddhist powers, I have agreed to take the initiative to attack."

After finishing speaking, Jie Yin closed his eyes and waited for other power masters to express their views.

"My church also agrees to take the initiative..."

"I, Jiuzhu Mountain, also agree to take the initiative to attack!" Atum saw that everyone agreed, and said quickly.


Seeing that everyone agreed, Lao Tzu, one of the strongest forces in the Xian Dynasty, spoke again.

"Since fellow daoists agree to attack, we are all ready to go all out. But before that, we have to stay behind. Even if it is what Queen Mother Xi saw, we will have a chance to start again. .”

As a power master, the powerful abilities in his body and the research on the gene chain show that even if everyone dies, they can return in the distant future.

It just takes a little bit of backhand.

Think about defeat before saying victory, and Lao Tzu arranged everything in a few words.

Nuwa and Fuxi were sent back to their home planet by Lao Tzu. Before leaving, they also received a drop of blood essence from the gods (blood containing a complete three-strand DNA).

As the beings with the highest understanding of life among the gods, the two have already touched the realm of creation. If an extinct disaster really happens, only two of them have the ability to reshape the civilization of the gods.

"In this way, the future of the Protoss will be entrusted to you two."

Saying that, Lao Tzu bowed towards the two of them.

At this moment, there is no heaven, no fairy dynasty, no Buddhist kingdom, and no holy temple. There are only gods.

The gods also bowed to the two from a distance to show their respect.

Obviously, the gods are not optimistic about this war. As an existence among the protoss who is proficient in time abilities, the Queen Mother of the West has made several predictions and has never missed it.This time, although the ending is known in advance, who knows how the fate will evolve, the cause of this moment may be the result of the future...

No one can tell.

After all, the future that the Queen Mother of the West saw was just some fragments of the future, not continuous.

Nuwa and Fuxi also bowed to the crowd and said: "I wish to drink with you on the mother planet!"

"I would like to drink with you on the mother planet!"

After the words fell, the two turned around resolutely, left the main force in the small carrier spacecraft of the Golden Phoenix, and flew towards the parent star.

The gods are going to war with the Nibiru civilization, while Nuwa and Fuxi want to collect the genes of all creatures on the mother planet within a limited time.

Otherwise, if it is really affected by the war as in the video, every species that disappears will disappear forever.

The golden phoenix spacecraft resembles a golden phoenix with wings spread out, with Xianchao's very high-end artificial intelligence on it.

Carrying Nuwa and Fuxi, it flew out of the Kunlun like a streamer.

Seeing the two leave, Lao Tzu and Di Jun looked at each other. After taking a long breath, Lao Tzu said:

"Fellow daoists, let's go all out and start a war for the future!"

Originally, all the faction masters were in the Kunlun, and after hearing the clear order to start the war, they returned to their spaceships one after another.

Those who can teleport or create short-distance wormholes can return to the spaceship directly through the ability, and those who cannot return to the spaceship through the ability are similar to Nuwa Fuxi, and go back through a small spaceship.

After all the powerful masters returned one after another, a war was imminent.

At this moment, the planet Nibiru shook violently.

The two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they started to fight at the same time.

The metal ring surrounding the planet on Nibiru began to rotate at a faster and faster speed, just like a chainsaw.

Immediately, a layer of transparent film appeared, covering the Nibiru planet.

This is a planetary magnetic defense device, which can not only resist energy attacks, but also resist certain physical attacks after adding this constantly rotating unknown metal ring.


After a burst of mental power fluctuations, the warships of the gods began to attack one after another.

The colorful attacks landed on Nibiru's defense, but it didn't break through as everyone expected. Circles of air waves rippled on the surface of the magnetic defense layer due to the impact of huge energy.

"The opponent's defense is too strong, and our attack has no way to break through the defense. If this continues, we will definitely lose. What can I do, fellow Taoist?"

One after another spiritual power shuttled through the space, and everyone communicated.

For the protective shield of Nibiru civilization, all the main forces have a look of helplessness.

The magnetic field shield has an upper limit of attack, as long as the attack power reaches this upper limit, its protective ability can be broken directly.

But the problem is that the attack power of the spaceships of many faction masters present cannot meet the requirements of breaking the defense.

Even if the attacks of all war spaceships are gathered together, there is still a considerable distance from that upper limit.

'Even the protective cover can't be broken, is the gap really that big?Why fight like this, why not just surrender...'

some thought in despair.

On the planet Nibiru, tower-like devices emerged from the planet, and the entire planet looked like a hedgehog.

"what is this?"

I looked at the Nibiru planet with some doubts. There is a big difference between the fantasy side technology and the real technology tree, which makes the power masters of the protoss completely confused about the function of this device, even with my knowledgeable knowledge. .

"Brother, I think this should be the attack method of this alien civilization... As for the method, we don't know for the time being, it's better to ask the general assembly to retreat a little..."

Yuan Shi hesitated.

It wasn't that Yuanshi was afraid of death, but that he really felt a great threat, as if there was a knife on his neck.

"Yeah, brother, I think we should retreat a bit, this alien civilization is not simple."

Although Tongtian also felt a threat, he didn't feel where the threat came from, but thought it might be because he was on the battlefield.But to be on the safe side, Tongtian also suggested.

Lao Tzu has been the commander-in-chief of the Protoss precisely because he is the oldest among the Protoss and the most knowledgeable among the Protoss.

Hearing what his two brothers said, without saying a word, he quickly arranged for everyone to retreat strategically.



(End of this chapter)

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