Chapter 111 If I Have You, I Will Be Happy Forever (19)
Jealous (1)
Li Xintong looked at Song Zimo's back foolishly, and sincerely felt that a stunning man like Song Zimo, when he looks gentle, is really charming.


Grandma was diagnosed with a broken leg.The clinic's treatment capacity is limited, and the doctor suggested going to City A.But in the middle of the night, the ferry has already stopped, and it will not be available until 06:30 tomorrow morning.The treatment did not wait for anyone, Song Zimo made a decisive decision and drove the yacht directly.

Li Xintong originally wanted to volunteer to be the driver, but found that Song Zimo's driving skills were much better than hers. She immediately felt that she was getting smaller and smaller, and Song Zimo was getting taller and taller.Can this man's pace not be so fast?From the first time she saw him, she kept following him, but she couldn't keep up with his pace.

Everything was arranged properly, Zhang Jing insisted on staying with her grandma in the hospital, and the two of them followed this filial and sensible granddaughter.Li Xintong and Song Zimo went straight home, but not to Li Xintong's house, but Song Zimo's.

The number of times Li Xintong came to Song Zimo's house was not many, only a handful.In fact, she felt that Song Zimo was different from other rich bosses.Those wealthy bosses mostly live in villas or, like Song Ling's family, on the hills.She believes that with Song Zimo's current wealth, buying a villa is a drop in the bucket, but Song Zimo didn't buy it. He chose to live in a high-rise building. The boss, Song Zimo, always felt a bit out of place.When Li Xintong thought about it carefully, she suddenly became enlightened.Song Zimo stays in City A because of work, so he won't live for a long time, and there's no need to buy a villa, just find a comfortable place.This is like Song Zimo's attitude towards her. She was only a temporary choice. He chose her because they knew each other very well and there was no need to waste time getting in touch. He would leave sooner or later.

As soon as the two arrived home, Song Zimo went to the bar, poured a glass of boiled water, and took a few sips.Li Xintong sat directly on the sofa in the hall and asked him, "Why did you come to your house today?"

"no reason."

"..." An understatement left Li Xintong speechless.Originally, this was a stupid question, Song Zimo could do whatever he wanted, how could she control it?Li Xintong pursed her lips boredly, and sighed, she wanted to find the remote control to watch TV, but she saw a lady's bag on the other side of the sofa.Li Xintong picked it up curiously and looked at it, good guy, authentic brand-name goods.Li Xintong grinned happily.Song Zimo must have bought this bag for her.Then the reason for coming to his house suddenly came out in an instant.He wanted to surprise her!
Li Xintong put down her bag, walked over, hugged Song Zimo who was standing at the bar drinking water from behind, and said sweetly, "Thank you."

Song Zimo was startled, a little confused: "Why do you say thank you?"

"Still pretending to be garlic." Li Xintong pinched his waist and found that the flesh on Song Zimo's waist was not as hard as usual. I really didn't expect his physique to be so good!

Song Zimo accepted her as soon as he saw it, and he didn't care why she acted like a baby all of a sudden. He just felt flattered and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Li Xintong didn't even think about it, the unruly hand slowly slipped from his waist...

Song Zimo grabbed her hand, turned to face her, put his arms around her waist, and kissed her directly.

He squeezed Li Xintong tightly into the corner of the bar, and accidentally touched the glass on it, and the glass hit the ground, making a crisp shattering sound.

Both of them were startled, and after standing quietly for a while, they heard the sound of the bedroom door opening, followed by a woman's voice: "Is it Zimo?"

Li Xintong immediately recognized Jia Lingke's voice.She was startled, and looked at Song Zimo who was also in a daze.The first thing he did was to let go of Li Xintong's arms, and looked at Jia Lingke who had already walked out with a little embarrassment.

Looking at this scene, Jia Ling seemed to have anticipated what happened just now.She smiled awkwardly, but didn't intend to leave.

Song Zimo walked up to her and asked, "Why are you here?"

Jia Lingke looked at Li Xintong who was arranging his clothes, and said to Song Zimo ambiguously, "Don't you want me to come?"

Song Zimo laughed: "You should know how much I welcome you."

Jia Lingke took two steps towards him, put her arms around his waist lightly, and said with a smile, "I miss you very much, and so does my aunt."

Song Zimo hugged her: "I will return to the United States in a few days."

Li Xintong, who seemed to be an outsider, watched such a touching reunion with cold eyes.Just like many years ago, Jia Lingke from the United States appeared in front of her, and Song Zimo, who was already her boyfriend at that time, accepted Jia Lingke's American-style hug without any scruples, and his eyes were gentle.At that time, she was like a fighting cock, with all her hair on end, pulled Song Zimo back into her arms, and solemnly announced that he was my boyfriend.Now, Li Xintong feels how naive she was at that time, and she is not qualified to drag Song Zimo back at this time.

"You guys talk, I'll go back first." Li Xintong said suddenly.

Song Zimo, who was still saying hello, just turned around when Li Xintong winked at him, as if encouraging him to seize this opportunity.Song Zimo frowned deeply because of her magnanimity.Li Xintong left as if fleeing for his life, but Song Zimo did not chase after him.

Jia Lingke watched silently. When she and Song Zimo were the only ones left in the room, she suddenly laughed like a considerate sister: "She has changed."

Song Zimo looked at her seriously.

Jia Lingke said: "In the past, she was very nervous about you and had a strong desire to possess you. Although she was very polite to me, her eyes were full of defense and hostility. Now she is so magnanimous, as if she wanted to send you out .”

Song Zimo was silent for a moment, and finally just smiled helplessly: "She doesn't love her anymore."

Jia Ling was taken aback, but Song Zimo changed the subject: "By the way, when did you get off the plane? You don't call me, so I can pick you up."

"I called you a lot, but you didn't answer."

Song Zimo was stunned for a moment, took out his cell phone and looked, only to find that there were three or four missed calls in his cell phone.Song Zimo said, "Are you hungry?"

"Well. I haven't eaten for more than ten hours."

"Go, go out and eat."

"it is good."


Li Xintong was wandering on the street alone, looking at the busy street and pedestrians, all of this had nothing to do with her, she was just alone.She suddenly felt very lonely, and there was an indescribable emptiness in her heart, which kept absorbing her breath, making her feel very painful to breathe.

She didn't know where to go, she didn't want to go home, she was afraid to go home empty.She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call her cousin Susan, but the message came from the phone, "Sorry, the number you dialed has been shut down."At that time, Li Xintong really wanted to charge her ten yuan, and then scold her for the ten yuan phone bill.But today is different from the past, she is not in this mood.Only my cousin and her two girlfriends, Xi Qingnuo and Ye Weiyin, can have a heart-to-heart chat.But it was too late now, except for the cousin, the two girlfriends had their own families, and she was the only one left.

For a moment, Li Xintong wanted to get married.Song Zimo created an illusory beauty for her when he returned to China, and then shattered it, but she was still obsessed with it.

She scrolled through the address book on her phone, and there were all numbers that could only lie quietly in the address book, none of which she could dial.When she saw "Rich Second Generation Ling", she hesitated for a while, thought for a long time, and finally decided to call.

Song Ling answered the phone very slowly, and his speaking speed was also slow, as if he was woken up by her call.

"Are you still in the South Sea Islands?"

"Well, do you want to accompany you to watch the sunrise again?"

"I...I'm in City A now, I'm bored by myself, I want to find someone to hang out with, I thought you're back too." Li Xintong was a little disappointed, she pretended to smile relaxedly, "It's okay, you Go to sleep, excuse me."

"Wait." Song Ling hurriedly called Li Xintong to stop her from hanging up.He asked: "Where are you now? I'm going back to City A now. Wait for me for half an hour."

Li Xintong's hand holding the phone trembled, a little shocked: "No, no, no..."

"Where are you?" Song Ling's unquestionable voice came from the phone.

Li Xintong paused: "This is Huangpu Road."

"I'll call you when I arrive." Song Ling hung up in a hurry, and Li Xintong felt that he was rushing over.She looked around and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. Is it a kind of emotion or a kind of sadness?What moved her was that there was still someone who was very kind to her, but what saddened her was that this person was not the one she wanted.

She sat directly on the flower bed by the roadside, instead of playing mobile games, she waited for Song Ling while patiently watching the passers-by and vehicles passing by.When a call came, she thought it was Song Ling, but the caller ID was "Song Zimo".

She pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Where is it?" Song Zimo's voice was a little low.

Li Xintong pretended to be open-minded and said, "I'm just playing."

"with who?"

"Guess." She didn't want to answer the question, but she couldn't be too direct.

"What time is it? Hurry up and go home!" When Song Zimo said this, Li Xintong could feel him frowning.

Li Xintong smiled and asked, "Will you live with me tonight?"

"..." Song Zimo on the other end of the phone didn't speak.

Li Xintong naturally knew this was the result, and laughed a few times: "I'm just kidding you, take care of it, oh, I really hope you and Sister Lingke can reconcile soon, so that I can feel at ease. My Mobao is very loyal!"

"I'm your boyfriend!" The voice on the other end of the phone was high-pitched, without feeling angry or arrogant.Li Xintong didn't speak, and waited patiently for him to hang up.But unlike what she expected, Song Zimo still spoke, and he said, "Go home early."

"Understood, I'm hanging up the phone." Li Xintong didn't care if Song Zimo had other things to say, and hung up the phone directly.

Maybe she has a bad attitude, but she can't control it. When she thinks about how embarrassed she was just now, she feels so depressed.The phone didn't ring again, Li Xintong looked at the phone that had been quiet all this time, and her heart slowly fell silent.She shouldn't expect him to pester her endlessly, she is nothing in his eyes.

Li Xintong lowered her eyes, lost her mind for a while, and then the phone rang again.Li Xintong picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.


"It's me, Song Ling, where are you on Huangpu Road?"

"Coffee Zero is here."

"Got it, I'll be right there."

The "right away" that Song Ling said was really right away. The second she hung up the phone, Song Ling's car had already stopped in front of her.He has always dressed casually, still wearing an ordinary shirt and blue jeans.He looked at Li Xintong's slightly lonely expression, and asked worriedly, "Are you all right?"

Li Xintong smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"Okay, I'll give up my life to accompany the gentleman tonight. What do you want to do tonight? Drinking or karaoke, it's up to you." Song Ling bowed halfway, acting like a knight treating the queen.Li Xintong looked at his unyielding look, and laughed, "It's even more worrying to drink away your sorrows, and I can't sing, do you have other entertainment?"

Song Ling thought for a while, "I really don't know what to do at night other than clubbing and karaoke."

Song Ling looked at her and scratched his red bayberry head, looking totally clueless.Song Ling's life is very simple, he goes to work during the day and either sleeps or clubs at night.Holidays are sleep, sleep all the time.He followed Li Xintong's suggestion to travel for the first time, but he didn't expect to meet Li Xintong by chance.

"Let's go to the hot spring." Li Xintong finally suggested to himself.

Song Ling was startled.

Li Xintong said: "However, the hot springs in our country are shared by men and women. If you are shy, I will not force you."

Isn't this a blatant aggressive method?Would he be shy as a masculine man?However, he did not experience the hot spring shared by many people.There is a special hot spring in his house, and he usually soaks it alone.It was the first time to soak in a hot spring outside, so he was a little bit looking forward to it.

Song Ling said: "Then what are you waiting for? Go to the hot spring."


When Li Xintong is in a bad mood, she likes to steam or soak in hot springs.But most of the time, she went alone, sitting quietly in a corner, and everything outside had nothing to do with her.After sweating or soaking in hot springs, she feels that everything is good, and her troubles have been steamed or soaked away from her body.This is her method of decompression, which has been tried and tested.

But this time she brought Song Ling, the effect is open to question.


Bring Song Ling's effect, two words, regret it.

Yes, Li Xintong completely regretted it.She had never seen Song Ling's naked body, but judging from his figure, he had a good figure.When he showed his naked upper body in front of Li Xintong for the first time, Li Xintong finally understood that a man's good figure is also a kind of capital.

As a result, she could not escape being treated coldly by others.This is understandable, anyone would think they are a couple.

It's just that they all thought they were a couple, so why didn't they know how to avoid suspicion?They went to the small pool for a dip, and there were people following them, and then they used excuses to talk and chat, it was so noisy that Li Xintong couldn't calm down at all.In a fit of rage, Li Xintong went to soak in the lemon ice spring.It is an ice spring that is cooler than natural water, and there are huge ice cubes in it. Most people can't bear it, so few people take a bath.

Song Ling really gave up his life to be with the gentleman. When he first got into the water, he grinned his teeth with a look of forbearance.Seeing him like this, Li Xintong couldn't help but burst out laughing, but she shivered and didn't dare to move, it was really cold.

"Are you sure you won't catch a cold?" Song Ling asked a little uncertainly.

"I don't know. But if I have a cold, it's me too. You will catch a cold?" Li Xintong looked up and down his muscular body.

Song Ling was a little embarrassed to be looked at by her like this, and moved a little away from her, looking defensive.

Seeing his cowardice, Li Xintong finally couldn't help laughing.This was the first time Song Ling had seen her smile in a perfunctory manner.Song Ling finally dared to touch the minefield, he said, "Did you quarrel with Allen?"


Song Ling smiled and said, "You suddenly went back to city A, and then you suddenly came to me. When I saw you, I felt that you were unhappy."

Li Xintong had nothing to say.She didn't know if she was being too obvious, or if Song Ling was observing her carefully.Needless to say, she was not happy."Do men separate physical lust from spiritual love?" she said.

Song Ling was taken aback for a moment, slightly surprised by Li Xintong's naked question, and stammered a little: "It depends on what kind of man it is. I can't tell him apart. As for Allen, I don't know, but he can make such a big business from scratch, so it can be seen that he He is a man who is very measured and knows how to control himself. I am afraid that this kind of man will be able to separate and treat the two as two things."

Li Xintong smiled: "I think so too."


Li Xintong said: "So I won't be unhappy. We broke up once, and it doesn't matter again. I understand who he loves."

Song Ling looked at her deeply, and finally asked a question to the point: "So can you separate the body from the spirit?"

Li Xintong was startled, his eyes dimmed, and he didn't answer.

Song Ling said: "It seems that you are not suitable for this game."


"Separate from him as soon as possible."

"Well, that's what I thought too. Sister Ling Ke is back, and I don't think he needs me anymore."

Originally, Song Ling wanted to say that he could take care of her, but he swallowed the words again.He was afraid of scaring her, afraid that she would have a bad impression of him.So Song Ling changed his approach: "Find a reliable rich man to marry, and you can live the life you want to live in the future."

Li Xintong burst out laughing, as if hearing a big joke, and laughed at himself: "Which reliable rich man wants me?"

"Me." Song Ling blurted out.

Li Xintong was startled, and then the two fell into an awkward silence.

Song Ling sent Li Xintong back to the downstairs of her rented room, originally wanted to say goodbye, but who thought that the car had just stopped at the sewer, and her high-heeled shoes directly stepped on them, and the stilettos were inserted into the gaps between the iron bars, and she was very embarrassed. Not to mention his feet, he also fell a big somersault.

Song Ling got out of the car in a panic, helped her up, and asked her, "Is it twisted?"

Li Xintong tried to stand normally, and found that she could stand on her right foot, but could not walk.Song Ling said, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"It's a small matter, no need." Li Xintong smiled back, but sweat was already oozing from his forehead.Song Ling knew that Li Xintong was trying to force himself, so he said directly, "Go to the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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