Chapter 118 If I Have You, I Will Be Happy Forever (26)
secret (4)
Song Zimo didn't speak, but just grabbed Li Xintong's still conscious left hand, and led her left hand to cover her chest, feeling his scorching heartbeat through the thin shirt.Immediately, Li Xintong's cheeks flushed, she smiled, turned her head away and did not speak.

Song Zimo raised her chin, kissed her lips, tasted them repeatedly, and finally left her lips with a slight smile: "Isn't it still possible to kiss? This moist mouth is quite dexterous."

Li Xintong was shocked: "Smelly rascal." If her long legs were strong, she would definitely kick him hard without hesitation.Seeing that Li Xintong was still in the mood to scold him, Song Zimo smiled slightly, stroked her soft long hair, and looked at her infatuatedly.

Seeing his affectionate gaze, Li Xintong couldn't help turning her face away shyly, but a smile as bright as a summer flower had already bloomed on her face.

They get along very peacefully. Li Xintong may be used to Song Zimo's all-round care. When he wants to go to the toilet, he will wait for Song Zimo to come and let him carry her into the toilet. Even when he helps her take off her pants, she won't blush. Sorry.She could defecate and defecate in front of him, which was quite a challenge for a lady, but she overcame it.

At first, Li Xintong resisted Song Zimo's meticulous care.After two weeks passed, Li Xintong finally began to rely on Song Zimo.Although the time exceeded Song Zimo's budget, he was still very satisfied with the result.

After being bored in the hospital for two weeks, Li Xintong was really bored and had a headache, so the second Song Zimo entered the room, he said to Song Zimo, "I want to go out for a walk."

Song Zimo nodded.He carried Li Xintong to the wheelchair and helped her put on sunglasses to prevent her eyes from being sunburned.Then he pushed her out of the ward and went for a walk in the garden downstairs.Li Xintong wears sunglasses, his eyesight is the same color as the sunglasses, and because of his illness, his eyesight is doubled, and his vision in front of him is actually very blurred. If you don't look hard, you can only see figures shaking.

Song Zimo parked the wheelchair under the shade of the tree, nodded slightly, and whispered in Li Xintong's ear, "It will be more comfortable to sit here. The sun is not too glaring, how is it?"

"Okay." Li Xintong replied, leaning her head on the back of the wheelchair, closing her eyes and resting her mind.She suddenly remembered that she went to see her father in the United States a few months ago. She pushed the wheelchair and took him to rest on the lawn of the hospital. My father kept talking about his beautiful daughter, who was his baby, and hoped that her daughter would be safe. He can try his best to protect her in his lifetime and make his daughter happy.At that time, she stood behind her father, weeping silently. Although her father suffered from Alzheimer's disease, she always remembered that his daughter was the one he loved the most, and it was the daughter who wanted to exhaust all his blessings the most.She was speechless, only a simple sentence: "Your daughter also loves you very much."

Thinking of her father who was still waiting for a kidney source, Li Xintong's eyes shed tears silently again.Because she wears sunglasses that almost cover her entire face, outsiders cannot see her mood swings.Li Xintong tilted her head, leaned her cheek on Song Zimo's arm, and rubbed it attached.

Song Zimo felt his arms suddenly become soft and trembling. He bowed and hugged Li Xintong into his arms, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

"I miss my dad."

"When you recover from illness, go to America to visit your father, huh?"

Li Xintong smiled slightly and nodded.She doesn't know when the disease will be cured.a month?a year?ten years?Or for a lifetime?Or just die like this?She was really down on it.She will not pursue happiness, will not strive for happiness, just want to live with the flow.

She fears being abandoned again, or that she won't be able to beg others not to abandon her.It's not because she was hurt and didn't dare to try, but because she was afraid of repeating the same mistakes, because she knew that after repeating the same mistakes, she would never stand up again.

Half an hour later, after the two finished basking in the sun, Song Zimo sent Li Xintong back to the ward.Because it was Sunday, Song Zimo could stay with her in the hospital all day.Li Xintong's appetite has been poor since she was ill, Song Zimo always tried to get her to eat as much as possible, but Li Xintong was stubborn, and would not eat if she said she didn't want to eat, absolutely refused to accommodate.Just because he knows Li Xintong's unambiguous character and has no room for change, every time Song Zimo persuades her to eat more to no avail, he always sighs: "Tongtong, what do you want to eat more?"

Li Xintong always said lightly: "Don't eat." His tone was not decisive, but his actions were very decisive.

Even so, every time this happens, Song Zimo will always repeat this sentence in a low voice, Tongtong, what can you do to take an extra bite?
How much did he hope that Li Xintong would let go and change his original intention?However, there never was.

A few days later, Li Xintong's symptoms were severe, and her eyesight was close to blindness.When doctors and nurses came, they had to speak first, and then Li Xintong knew they were coming.Li Xintong didn't have a bad temper when she first got sick, she was quite optimistic, with a smile on her face from time to time.

Everyone knows that she has a boyfriend who treats her very well.


At 09:30 in the morning, the nurse walked into the ward, intending to give Li Xintong an IV. She first greeted Li Xintong and asked her in a customary way, "Have you eaten yet?"

Normally, Li Xintong would laugh and say he ate.Yes, every morning at eight o'clock, Song Zimo would deliver steaming original soy milk, white-cut steamed buns or various homemade nutritious porridge, without exception.But today, for some reason, it was already 09:30, and Song Zimo was late coming.Li Xintong replied to the nurse, "I haven't eaten."

The nurse was also quite surprised and asked Li Xintong curiously, "What happened to Mr. Song today?"

Delivering food on time every day has become a routine, and not delivering it once is an accident.Li Xintong was very calm: "Something happened at work." In fact, she didn't know what happened, she never asked, and Song Zimo didn't have the habit of telling her.

Just like today, he didn't come, she didn't ask, and he didn't explain.Both are casual, like their relationship is dispensable and can end at any time.

Skipping breakfast would cause stomach pain, so the nurse asked her to have breakfast first.Li Xintong agreed, and the nurse said, "I'll go to another ward to see. Ring the bell 15 minutes after you finish eating."

"it is good."

Li Xintong heard the footsteps of the nurse leaving.She took out her phone from under the pillow and pressed the dial shortcut key.Song Zimo helped her set up the shortcut keys for dialing a few days ago.At that time, I asked her who to choose in 1?Li Xintong chose her cousin Susan almost without thinking.When asked 2, Li Xintong said that the following numbers can be arbitrary.

Yes, except for her cousin Susan, she hardly calls anyone else.

She touched 1 by feeling, then dialed it, and it was Song Zimo who answered the phone.Li Xintong thought at the time that maybe he had misread it and found other numbers.If you come, you will be safe, so let's find Song Zimo.Li Xintong asked: "Busy?"

"I'm sorry, the breakfast wasn't delivered, I'll be right away, just wait for me."

Li Xintong wanted him to keep busy, but she heard the voice of the nurse who was about to give her an IV drip on the phone: "Hey, Mr. Song, why did you come to the women's and children's section?"

"Get out of the elevator early."

"Mr. Song must not have woken up."

When Li Xintong heard the conversation between the two, his face was momentarily stiff, and then he smiled coldly, pretending that he didn't hear anything.Song Zimo said on the other end of the phone: "By the way, what do you want to eat?"

Li Xintong said lightly, "Sweet potato porridge."

"Well. Wait for me."


When Li Xintong hung up the phone, his face was expressionless.She felt very thirsty and wanted to drink water, so she reached out to the head of the bed, trying to reach the water glass on the bedside table.Suddenly, a big hand grabbed her hand and led her to hold the water glass on the bedside table.

Li Xintong felt that it was a man's hand, it was not smooth and had calluses.She thought, it should be a passing nurse who saw that she wanted to drink water and helped her.She looked ahead without focus, with a smile on her face: "Thank you."

No one answered her.Li Xintong thought, maybe the nurse helped her get the water cup and left.She didn't think much about it. After drinking the water, she continued to lie down and closed her eyes to rest.For some unknown reason, Li Xintong's hearing became sensitive due to loss of vision. She was lying on the bed, but she always felt that she was not the only breathing sound in this ward.

After all, the feeling was greater than the hearing, so she couldn't make a judgment, so she kept silent and continued to close her eyes and meditate.


Li Xintong didn't know how long she slept, but when she woke up, she heard Song Zimo talking with the doctor at the door.

Song Zimo asked: "Doctor, is Xin Tong's illness really going to be cured?"

"So far, there is no accurate cure. It can only be suppressed by drugs, and most of them have to recover by themselves."

Song Zimo asked again: "Then what is the possibility of Xintong recovering?"

"As far as her current condition is concerned, it is really hard to say. It is a rare disease in itself. She is the second patient with this disease that I have encountered in many years of practice. My first patient was 13 years ago. Still under treatment."

Song Zimo didn't speak anymore.

Li Xintong thought that she might never get better from this illness. It would be a lie to say that she was not sad. She would not be able to stand up in her good years, she would not be able to see, and she would be even more useless than a useless person.With her personality, she would rather die than live like this.

Li Xintong heard footsteps, she knew it was Song Zimo walking towards her.She pretended not to wake up, closed her eyes, and lay flat on the bed.She felt a hand touching her face, very light, like a feather.She heard Song Zimo's sigh.

"Tongtong." Song Zimo was calling her, trying to wake her up.

She pretended to be awakened, opened her eyes, and looked at the ceiling blankly: "Are you here?"

"Drink the porridge."


The porridge brought by Song Zimo today is not made by himself, Li Xintong can tell, the porridge bought outside has a lot of MSG, Song Zimo likes the original taste, so he will put as little MSG as possible.She tried to ask, "Where did you go today?"

"I have to deal with some things at work." Song Zimo replied calmly.

He is lying to her.He was in the hospital in the morning, but he was not looking at her, but Jia Lingke who was pregnant with his baby.Li Xintong was sad, but she was no longer the willful little girl she used to be, she smiled lightly and said nothing.If he wants to cheat on her, then try to cooperate as much as possible.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Song Zimo asked her, "What else do you want to eat?"

Li Xintong shook her head, she couldn't see him, but she could feel him, she looked at the direction where he was standing, and said pitifully: "Mo Bao, what if I never get better?"

Song Zimo was stunned for a moment, and smiled wryly: "I will support you forever."

"You will only be with me, a useless person, for the rest of your life, and you are willing?" Li Xintong is still making fun of him at this time.

Song Zimo was not to be outdone: "Don't you still have a nimble mouth? Don't be afraid."

Li Xintong puffed up her cheeks: "Can't you just say that you love me, and it doesn't matter what I become?"

Song Zimo smiled deeply, then hooked her chin, and kissed her tenderly.At that moment, Li Xintong felt very sad.She thought, in the end, he refused to tell a lie to make her happy.She lay on his body, rubbed against his arms, and softly called out: "Mo Bao."

Song Zimo was startled, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his hands hugged her a little harder, "Huh?"

"Sister Lingke needs more care. Don't come here again."

The hands that embraced Li Xintong stiffened instantly.The smile on Song Zimo's face also froze, and he laughed at himself: "Are you so generous?"

"That's what I call empathy."

"Since you are so considerate, then you force me to let me only have you in my heart, regard you as my life, and never leave you forever."

"..." Li Xintong couldn't laugh or cry at his angry words, so he had to say casually: "From now on, you can only have me in your heart, treat me as your life, don't abandon me, never leave me forever."

"it is good."

Hearing the answer, Li Xintong was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Song Zimo to answer so crisply and without delay.Li Xintong felt sad, and sniffed: "You should take medicine!"


Li Xintong has been ill for nearly 30 days, and Song Zimo can be said to be close at every step, taking care of her meticulously.It would be a lie to say that she was not moved. For a moment, Li Xintong hoped that she would continue to be sick like this, but the days of being blind and disabled made Li Xintong feel very depressed. She could not live a normal life and relied on others for everything. This is not her character.According to cousin Susan's evaluation, Li Xintong is the manly man among women and the pretty girl among men.Act independently without losing the charm of a woman.

Such a woman should be loved by men, but she fell in love with a man who didn't love her too early, so that she became a single woman who didn't want to be contaminated with "love".

During her blind period, although she couldn't see, she always felt that a pair of kind eyes were watching her.She didn't know who it was, but she could feel that that person cared about her very much.She asked the nurse, but the nurse hesitated and said nothing.But from the nurse's attitude, she knew that her feeling was right, there really was this person.

With meticulous care, Li Xintong began to recover from her illness very quickly.After three days, she began to have vision. Although she had double vision, she could already recognize who it was.The legs can also hobble forward on crutches.So, she finally saw the person who cared about her silently for nearly forty days but didn't approach her.

Song Ling, the man she rejected.

She wanted to pretend that she didn't see it, and lay on the bed as if she was blind and her legs were paralyzed.When the nurse came in to give her an injection, she saw the nurse smiling brightly at Song Ling, as if she was not surprised by him.After the nurse gave her the drip and left, Song Ling followed the nurse and left.Li Xintong leaned on crutches to find out.She staggered to the door, and heard the conversation between the nurse and Song Ling.

"Miss Nurse, Xintong looks very energetic these days. Is there any sign of improvement?"

"um, yes."

"That's great."

The nurse also said with a smile: "Ms. Li has been taken care of by her boyfriend these days, and she has a good mentality to cooperate with the treatment. If this disease does not recover, I am so sorry." The nurse paused, "Mr. Watching Miss Li, you should tell her. Although Miss Li has a boyfriend, I think she should have the right to know, and she should know that you care about her. Her boyfriend is not the only one who has not given up on her. And the last time I saw Miss Li My boyfriend went to see a pregnant woman at the maternity and child care department, and the two talked and laughed..."

"What?" Song Ling was very excited, with anger mixed in his tone.

"I shouldn't talk too much." The nurse immediately covered her mouth, unwilling to continue.

"What bed number, tell me."

"Uh, Mr. Song, you shouldn't care about this matter."

"How can I not care? Xintong's happiness is in the hands of that man. If that man has no intention of cherishing her happiness, then why should I give Xintong to him? I only like Xintong in my heart!" Song Ling almost He was furious, and his voice doubled.

The nurse was frightened by him, and said submissively, "It's on the 16th floor, VIP502."

Song Ling wanted to rush over in a hurry.

Li Xintong opened the door at this time and blocked him.Song Ling was startled, and said dully: ""

"I heard what you said just now."

"..." Song Ling was silent for a while, finally opened his mouth, but hesitated, "Xintong, that..."

Li Xintong shed two lines of tears.Song Ling was startled again, hesitantly stepped forward, and wanted to wipe Li Xintong's tears, but Li Xintong leaned his head on Song Ling's shoulder and asked hoarsely, "What was the last sentence you said just now?"

Song Ling was stunned: "I only have Xin Tong in my heart."

Li Xintong said: "Will you marry me?"


"Let's be together." Li Xintong cried and finished this sentence.

Song Ling immediately froze on the spot.And this scene happened to be seen by Song Zimo, who was delivering breakfast. He stood quietly behind Li Xintong, his eyes drifting away.

(End of this chapter)

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