Chapter 121 If I Have You, I Will Be Happy Forever (29)
As ever (3)
This thought frightened Li Xintong. She wanted to go to the hospital for an examination, but felt that this was a very embarrassing thing. After struggling for a while, she had no choice but to go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick and take a test.That day, she reported to Lin Xiaowan in advance that she left work earlier than usual, bought a pregnancy test stick on the way home, and went home to test.


Li Xintong squatted on the toilet, staring blankly at the two-bar pregnancy test stick in her hand, her mind went blank.She is pregnant?She couldn't take it.Perhaps it was because of her first unexpected pregnancy. Li Xintong had a fluke mentality at the time. Seeing that the two bars on the pregnancy test stick were one deep and one shallow, it might be due to her improper operation.So she decided to go downstairs to the pharmacy to buy two and try again.

As soon as she went out, she met Song Zimo who was coming home.Song Zimo asked her, "What are you going to do?"

Li Xintong didn't intend to tell him about it, so she lied: "There is something wrong going downstairs."

Song Zimo wanted to ask her something, but felt that he was too lenient, so he said, "Come back early."

"Hmm." When Li Xintong passed by Song Zimo, Song Zimo felt that her face was pale, as if something was on her mind?
It dawned on him when he saw the pregnancy test in the trash can in the bathroom.He looked at the two bars on the pregnancy test stick and smiled half-smile.

Li Xintong really felt that she was doomed. She took the test three times, and the results of the three pregnancy test sticks were all two bars, one deep and one shallow.Maybe it's because she doesn't want to get pregnant so much that she has come to this point, and she still has a fluke mentality, thinking that she is not sure, so she has to go to the hospital to have a look.

Now that the doctors are off work, this matter must be put on hold until tomorrow.Li Xintong returned home feeling apprehensive.As soon as he entered the room, Li Xintong could smell the aroma of food.She changed her slippers and walked to the kitchen. Although she only saw Song Zimo's slender back, his tall and straight figure was enough to whet one's appetite.Li Xintong walked over, hugged him from behind, sniffed the scent of his body, suddenly felt refreshed.

Song Zimo froze slightly, turned sideways: "What's wrong?"

"Hug." Li Xintong's tone was a little coquettish.She didn't know what Song Zimo would do if she was really pregnant?Tell her to have an abortion?Or let her be born?Song Zimo probably won't marry her, but he will definitely treat her very well.It's just this result, she doesn't want it.What she wants is like now, a man waiting for her as soon as she returns home, she doesn't expect him to cook and wash for her, as long as he can accompany her for the rest of her life, be her reliance, and when she is vulnerable, she can find him hug.

Song Zimo turned off the induction cooker, turned around and held her in his arms.Li Xintong felt that this embrace was really warm, and she was very attached to it.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Song Zimo's tone was filled with imperceptible expectation.

"No." Li Xintong still chose to hide it.

Song Zimo didn't speak, he hugged her with a wry smile, lowered his head slightly and sniffed the fragrance in her hair.He said, "Tongtong."


"do you still love me?"

Li Xintong was startled, and said with a smile, "Didn't you already know?"

Song Zimo didn't ask any more questions, but just hugged her tighter.

Song Zimo was surprisingly calm that night, and Li Xintong felt that his mood seemed abnormal, so he poked at Song Zimo whose back was facing her: "Song Zimo."

Song Zimo turned over and hugged Li Xintong in his arms, feeling sleepy: "Huh?"

Li Xintong nestled in Song Zimo's arms, and asked cautiously, "Are you tired today?"

"A little sleepy." Song Zimo lowered his head and kissed Li Xintong's forehead lightly, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Good night." Li Xintong rubbed into his arms, found a comfortable position, and planned to close her eyes and go to sleep.Song Zimo looked at Li Xintong in his arms, and slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.He is really tired these days. Recently, Dongyue Group acquired Huadong Tourism and became the chairman of the new group. The internal situation is quite chaotic. In addition, Song Baozhu is dissatisfied with such a change in the situation and plans to withdraw his shares. If the shares in her hand are taken over again , The huge amount of money made him very stressed.After all, the acquisition of the shares of East China Tourism was a bit of a personal factor, which was a blind act.Fortunately, he has a good partner who supports him, otherwise there will be more troubles later.

Li Xintong asked Lin Xiaowan for leave early the next morning to go to the hospital.She waited in line for nearly three hours before it was her turn.She went to get the test report in a nervous mood. When she saw the word "positive" on the test form, she felt dizzy and couldn't stand still.

The passing nurse saw her "sick" appearance and kindly asked, "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Li Xintong waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.Just when she was about to leave the hospital, she saw Song Zimo, looking like a good man, supporting the potbellied Jia Lingke to "come to" the hospital.For some reason, she hid herself in a panic like a shady person.

"I have to come for a check-up once a month. It's so troublesome." Jia Ling complained angrily.

Song Zimo smiled: "Our mother asked you to go back to the United States to have a baby, but you refused, so you insisted on staying here to torment me."

"Why? Don't you want to? I'm giving you experience, so you can be familiar with it next time."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Their conversation echoed in Li Xintong's ears, and Li Xintong felt his nose a little sore.How much irony?She and Jia Ling were pregnant at the same time, but Jia Ling was Song Zimo's favorite, so how could she compare with others?If she couldn't marry Song Zimo, the child would become an illegitimate child. Song Zimo certainly didn't give this child much love. After all, he already had Jia Lingke and his child.Thinking of this, Li Xintong's heart felt sad, she touched her stomach which had not yet shown signs, her fingers were trembling all the time, she felt sorry for the child and felt sorry for herself.As long as Jia Ling is willing to get back together, will Song Zimo break up with him?

Sitting in the taxi, Li Xintong looked at the bustling city outside and felt that his future was very bleak.At this moment, her phone rang.Li Xintong looked at the caller ID and was a little surprised that it was Song Ling who hadn't contacted for a long time.She answered the phone, and Song Ling's slightly choked voice came from the phone: "Xin Tong."

"what happened to you?"

Song Ling said: "My mother...has agreed to our marriage."

Li Xintong was taken aback, unable to react for a moment.Didn't she reject Song Ling?Why is he still working hard for their future?Could it be that he has been struggling with their affairs these days?Song Ling immediately gave her the answer.Song Ling said: "I did a lot of ideological work to my mother, but it didn't work. I used hunger strikes, threats and other means, but my mother was unmoved. She also kept me at home for more than a month and asked me to cut off contact All the contacts outside. Today, my mother seemed to have figured it out, and suddenly let me go, and said she agreed to our marriage."

Li Xintong felt that Song Ling was crying with joy when he said this.Li Xintong couldn't answer him.She was touched by Song Ling's dedication to her, but she felt that she was not qualified to marry him. Such a man should be matched with a better woman.Song Ling didn't get a reply from Li Xintong for a while, as if he had been splashed with cold water, his tone was no longer so excited, but cautious: "Can't we?"

"I'm pregnant, do you want to be a father?" After Li Xintong said this, she felt quite cruel.She is just a drowning person now, and Song Ling is a life-saving straw.She was reluctant to have an abortion, and knowing that the child's future was gloomy, she felt very helpless, and it was such a coincidence that Song Ling appeared in front of her at this time.

Song Ling was silent on the other end of the phone.

Li Xintong also felt that she was going too far, and was about to say some polite words to ease the atmosphere just now, but she heard Song Ling answer firmly on the other end of the phone: "Yes."

Li Xintong was startled, she didn't understand, and wanted to ask, but Song Ling told her the answer directly.Song Ling said: "I asked my mother, why did she hide from my father that she was already pregnant when she married him, and let him raise other people's children for nothing? My mother said, I was the bargaining chip to marry my father, otherwise It is impossible for my father to abandon his wife and children for her. My father and my mother are arguing fiercely now. It is rumored that they will divorce. My father is indeed divorcing my mother, but my mother is unwilling and has been stalemate. I asked my dad, do you want a divorce just because I am not your child? My dad said that he was not angry with helping others to raise children for nothing, but that his mother calculated him. Bad calculations are the strongest in relationships Rebels. He has my mother in his heart, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about everything. I have you in my heart. You didn’t choose to plot me. I am willing to be your retreat. I am not strong enough, and I am full of holes. Completely heal the wounds and pains you have suffered over the years, and even need you to love me, but I promise, I will do my best."

Song Ling's tolerance and sincerity made Li Xintong nowhere to hide, and what Song Zimo gave her was a gloomy, she struggled in it, unable to extricate herself, and could not see the future.Song Ling told her that he was willing to accept her covered in injuries and heal her wounds so that she would no longer be confused or desperate.What Song Ling gave her might not be bright, but at least it gave her an incomparable sense of security.This is what she wants.

Li Xintong covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly: "Thank you."

Song Ling wept silently when she heard the thank you on the phone.He is not good enough, but he will try his best to give her the best, just ask her to be with him.

That day, Li Xintong didn't go to work, and stood alone by the river in a daze. Many people would look at her worriedly when they saw her distraught, but no one came forward to ask her.Until a girl came home from school and pulled her sleeve and asked her, "Auntie, what are you looking at?"

Li Xintong said, "Watch the sunset."

"Why watch the sunset?"

"Because I'm getting married tomorrow."

"Wow. Congratulations, Auntie. Hey, why is Auntie crying? Isn't it a joy to be married?"

"Well, weeping with joy."

Tomorrow, she will break up with Song Zimoti.Everything between her and Song Zimo is really coming to an end.

In the evening, Li Xintong went to Susan's house to find Susan for a drink.Susan opened the door, and looked at Li Xintong, who was addicted to alcohol, strangely: "It's fine, what kind of wine are you drinking?"

Li Xintong carried a plastic bag of wine, ignored Susan's "rolling eyes", went straight into the room, put the plastic bag on the table, took out a bottle, opened the buckle of the can, opened his mouth and poured himself.Susan is not surprised by Li Xintong's behavior.These years, Li Xintong has been very depressed. When she is really depressed, she drinks alcohol. When she is drunk, she will be fine. So Susan looks at Li Xintong's drink very calmly, and even opens a bottle of beer to accompany her. .When he was drunk, Li Xintong started talking nonsense, and he couldn't leave the word "Mo Bao" when he opened his mouth.

After so many years, Susan has long been used to Li Xintong telling the truth after drinking.Susan couldn't understand that Li Xintong loved Song Zimo very much, to the bottom of his heart.It's just because I've been hurt, I'm afraid of this love, I don't want to touch it, and I'm only willing to show my heart when I'm drunk.

"Mo Bao, Mo Bao."

Seeing Li Xintong's obsession, Susan couldn't bear it, so she called Song Zimo and asked him to pick him up.When Song Zimo found out that Li Xintong went to Susan's house to drink and play crazy, he was slightly unhappy, and Susan could feel it.When Song Zimo rushed over, it was already half an hour later.Li Xintong had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

Susan saw Song Zimo rarely, but her impression was deep.Because she has lived so long, she has never seen a more handsome man than Song Zimo.When Song Zimo walked into her home wearing a slightly casual white shirt and thin brown slacks, Susan finally understood why Li Xintong liked Song Zimo so much.This man, dressed so casually, still has such a decent temperament, born with a clothes hanger, demeanor and speech, a born pride of heaven.

Song Zimo squatted beside Li Xintong, stroked her soft long hair, and called softly, "Tongtong?"

Li Xintong "hmm" in sleep, and continued to sleep.

Song Zimo got up and said to Susan, "I took Tongtong away, thank you."

Susan hesitated to speak, and finally gave up the opportunity to have a good talk with Song Zimo, and just said: "Xintong wine is not very good, you should pay attention."

Song Zimo smiled, expressing his understanding.When carrying Li Xintong into the car, she was startled awake and looked at Song Zimo half-drunk and half-awake.The two looked at each other for a while, Li Xintong pouted, pecked Song Zimo's lips, and then smirked like a cat stealing fish.Seeing her so stupid, Song Zimo couldn't laugh or cry, fastened her seat belt and prepared to drive home.

Back home, while Song Zimo put Li Xintong on the bed, he also sat on the bed to catch his breath.Li Xintong turned around with a lot of movement, successfully attracting Song Zimo's attention.Song Zimo looked at her, a long snow-white and slender leg pressed against the quilt.Looking up along the long legs, the round buttocks are half hidden.Song Zimo's throat rolled, his throat was a little dry, he got up to pour water, and poured a glass for Li Xintong by the way.Song Zimo helped Li Xintong who was crooked like a puddle of mud: "Tongtong, come, drink some water."

Li Xintong half-opened his eyes, looked at Song Zimo in a daze, and muttered to himself: "Mo Bao."

Song Zimo approached her and pecked lightly on her lips: "It's me, honey, drink some water."

Li Xintong obediently took a sip of water, put his hands on Song Zimo's neck, choked up slightly and said, "Mo Bao, why don't you like me? Why do you never care about my feelings? Although I love you, I also suffer from pain and Sad. Why don't you want me!"

Song Zimo was stunned, looking at Li Xintong who was losing control of his emotions, he wanted to stop and hug her, but Li Xintong pushed him away: "I...I don't want you anymore." Li Xintong burped, as if feeling a little nauseous , directly got up and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

Song Zimo lost his mind for a moment, and went to the bathroom. He wanted to take care of Li Xintong, but when he came to the bathroom, Li Xintong was already sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall and fell asleep.Her clothes were slightly disheveled, her beautiful collarbone was exposed, her breathing was even, she was quiet but endearing.Song Zimo squatted beside her, touching her face affectionately, and sighed.


When Li Xintong woke up, it was already noon the next day.There is a post-it note from Song Zimo on the bedside table, telling her to have a good rest today and not have to go to work.Li Xintong was in a daze, her last memory was at Susan's house, she couldn't remember how she got home.She should have a showdown with Song Zimo today.But she felt that it was not good to have a showdown on the phone, so she decided to talk to Song Zimo at night.So the first thing she did when she woke up was not to wash her face and brush her teeth, but to take out her phone from her bag and turn it on.As soon as she turned it on, it showed that she had thirteen missed calls, three of which belonged to Song Zimo, and the remaining ten belonged to Song Ling.The message was delayed, and after 1 minute, she received a text message, which was at around ten o'clock last night.

--have you slept?I'm so excited that I can't sleep, what should I do?
Li Xintong was a little helpless, he was the only one who couldn't sleep because of such a big deal.He might... really like her.

Li Xintong sent Song Ling a text message.

——The phone was turned off yesterday, so come out for lunch?

In less than a second, Song Ling replied immediately.


When she is the chief?Li Xintong chuckled, went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, and went to the bathroom.When she stood up from the toilet to flush it, she was taken aback.I saw blood mixed in her pee, not a lot, but obvious enough.

It can't be a period, isn't she pregnant?They were all confirmed in the hospital?Although Li Xintong was full of doubts, he still didn't take it seriously, flushed the toilet, washed his hands, went to the bedroom to pick out a beautiful dress, put on nude makeup and went out.

Due to drinking last night, my stomach is not very comfortable today. Li Xintong, who loves hot pot, endured it today and chose a business tea restaurant.When she arrived, Song Ling had been waiting in the box for a long time.As soon as Li Xintong sat down, Song Ling asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Li Xintong thought about it for a while: "You can order it as lightly as possible, my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."

Song Ling was stunned for a moment: "It's nothing serious, right? How about I accompany you to the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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