Chapter 135 Let Me Love You Forever (9)
There is an imaginary rival in love (1)
Ever since meeting Yu Cheng, Shen Qian has always looked at You Ran awkwardly.When meeting Youran for the first time, even if he couldn't see him, his pupils would always glow faintly, but during the two days since he came back, Shen Qian found that the light in Youran's eyes was shimmering with golden light, and the occasional mutual Looking at each other, Shen Qian always felt that he was looking at her, but she was not sure if he was looking at her.

Until the third day, Shen Qian got up early in the morning to go out of the bedroom to go to work. When the door opened, she happened to bump into You Ran who came out with her, and the two looked at each other again.

"As soon as I heard the sound, I knew you were going to work." You Ran kept staring at her.

Naturally, the eyes of a blind person will not move away for a long time, staring at one place.But Shen Qian really didn't like his eyes on her, and felt that he could see through and see her completely.So Shen Qian jumped two steps away from where he was just now, and peeped again, very well, he didn't look away.

Shen Qian coughed lightly, "It's almost time, I have to go to work."

"This is for you." You Ran raised his hand suddenly, and Shen Qian realized that he was holding bread and milk in his hand.

Shen Qian was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized that she had been so focused on him for so long that she hadn't noticed the bread and milk in his hand, Shen Qian couldn't help but laughed, and accepted You Ran's kindness :"Thanks."

"Thank you, thanks to your care during this time."

Shen Qian laughed and said, "You are so obedient, you never gave me a chance to take care of you."

You Ran's expression froze for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Is that so, then I'll be misbehaving once today."


"You'll know when you come back." You Ran still maintained his usual smile.

Shen Qian couldn't talk too much, so she bid farewell to go to work, but she was still a little puzzled, when she went back, why did You Ran behave so badly?Smash up the house and let her clean it up?Getting sick or falling on purpose for her to care for?Or run away from home and let her find it?
The more Shen Qian thought about it, the more she thought about it, and finally she wondered if You Ran would cook and eat her half-breed son?
With a restless mood, she went to work unsteadily.

In summer, the weather is hot, so we should pay attention to what we eat.Maybe it's because they pay too much attention to food, causing many people to get sick, and dogs are the kind of animals that don't pay attention to food and only pay attention to food, so the probability of getting sick is even greater.

It is not an exaggeration, the threshold of the pet hospital will be trampled by the owner of the dog.There are only a few consulting rooms in the pet hospital, and almost all of them are crowded.Even Shen Qian's gynecology and pediatrics are the same.Of course, their conditions are also varied.

After working all morning, she didn't even have time to eat. Shen Qian saw that she couldn't go home to cook in this way, so she called You Ran.

"Hello?" The phone was connected.

"Mr. You, I'm sorry, I'm very busy today and I can't go home to cook. Are you going to order takeaway at noon today?"

"It's okay, you are busy."

"Thank you." Before You Ran could speak again, Shen Qian had already hung up the phone and continued to work.

On the other end, You Ran hung up the phone with regret.Lao Zhang who had been standing next to him suddenly said, "Master, the car is ready, hurry up, master doesn't like being late."

You Ran sighed, "Didn't he say he didn't care about me anymore, why did he call me over today?"

"Young master, your eyesight has improved for a few days. The master is so happy to know that you are willing to recover. As a son, he should see his father."

"Son? Father?" You Ran sneered, "Understood, let's go see my father who is so tall."

Seeing Youran's attitude, Lao Zhang was used to it.He knew that Young Master Youran had always been indifferent, always smiling and approachable to everyone, regardless of words or expressions.Only the mention of his father makes him lose control of his emotions.

Lao Zhang is quite familiar with the housekeeper of the old man's house, and he heard some things from hearsay.He also guessed some clues as to why Yuran didn't wait to see his father.

In fact, Commander You had not one but three sons, but the other two sons died 15 years ago and seven years ago.Among the three sons, one is Youran's half-brother, and the other is Youran's own younger brother.

Before Youran's mother married Yousling, Yousling had a woman and a son.It's just that in the end, due to unknown factors, the two were not together.

This child was brought up by Yusling, and he spoiled him to an almost outrageous degree.As for You Ran and his younger brother, Commander You hardly cared about them.

As for how the eldest son died, the housekeeper was ambiguous, saying that he died accidentally.As for the youngest son, he accidentally fell to his death when he was playing at the age of four. At that time, Youran's mother took Youran to learn the piano, but as the father, You Ling only took the eldest son out to play, and left the youngest son with the nanny. take care of.The nanny was in a hurry to go to the toilet. In such a short time, the child was gone.

And this, Lao Zhang guessed by himself, was the beginning of this family tragedy.

You Ran lost his mother's love in the second year after his younger brother died.His mother became depressed and died of illness.Commander You's attitude, the harm it brought to You Ran cannot be expressed in words.

Now Commander You only has one child like You Ran.Looking at You Ran's thin back, Lao Zhang sighed, when will the overnight feud between father and son stop?
Shen Qian suddenly sneezed, sniffed, and looked up at the clock. The hands had already pointed to seven ten in the evening.Shen Qian let out a sigh of relief, stretched her waist, and finally finished her busy work today.The entire pet hospital is also very quiet.Usually at this time, if it is not a serious illness, the dog owner will choose to come back the next day.

Li Meili held a magazine in her hand, with a relaxed look, "off work?"

"The off-duty time is too early, isn't it?" Shen Qian said aggrievedly, "I'm going to ask the dean for overtime pay."

"Come on, I haven't seen the dean's figure yet, and overtime pay?"

"Uh..." Shen Qian drooped her shoulders, expressing her weakness.

Li Meili said: "It's rare for me to buy a magazine today to entertain myself during work hours. I didn't expect that I was so busy that I didn't even have time to pee."

Shen Qian blushed, she was speechless for Li Meili's words, eating is better than peeing...

Li Meili went on to say: "Why are you in a daze, I'm off work, pack up quickly, I'll take you home."

Shen Qian's eyes flickered immediately, and she looked at Li Meili with big watery eyes: "Li Meili, I love you."

Li Meili was already sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, holding a magazine and reading, casually said: "Baby, I love you too." The words were sensational, but this person's attitude... Shen Qian chose to ignore it and pack it up Ready to go home.

"Damn, the rich people nowadays are really extravagant. Why don't they just get engaged? They actually charter a luxury cruise ship to travel around the world for a week. Because the cruise ship is too big and invites too few people, a lottery is held among the people. Invitation to travel around the world for a week for free! Damn, such a good thing." Li Meili kept thinking while reading a magazine.

Shen Qian echoed: "Show off."

"The grandson of the richest man, no wonder." Li Meili snorted coldly.

Shen Qian was taken aback for a moment.Li Meili continued: "Damn! Just...just kidding around the world, the groom's father is Caucasian, and his mother is yellow, pfft... The richest man, Qin Zheng, is of yellow race. How could he have a son of mixed race? species?"

Shen Qian was dizzy when she heard this, she couldn't help but stop what she was doing, and asked, "Can you tell me briefly?"

Li Meili gave her a white look, "Qin Zheng is a yellow race, so will his son be a pure white race?"

Shen Qian shook her head.

"That's it, so I'll rely on it! Qin Zheng's son is definitely not his own, so the groom...uh, what's his name?" Li Meili glanced at the magazine, "Ah, ah... The groom is Qin Hao!"

Qin Hao is so rich, he is the grandson of the richest man, although he is not his own.Shen Qian didn't care about Li Meili's yelling at all, it was just the first reaction in her mind.

"Wow, Qianqian..." Li Meili yelled again, suddenly raised her head, her eyes glowed with golden light, and there was a sly smile on the corner of her mouth, "Let's go to the department store."


"Buy something!"

"I don't lack anything!"

"Whoever buys any product on the sixth floor of the department store can receive a lucky draw card, and can travel around the world for a week for free!" Li Meili looked very excited.

The corner of Shen Qian's mouth twitched, and he squinted at her.

Li Meili suddenly realized, "Yes, I forgot that Qianqian never forgot about Qin Hao. This groom is Qin Hao. What a shock, the bride is not you. Hey, poor Qianqian." Li Meili shook her head, showing a Quite helpless.Shen Qian had black lines on his face.Li Meili stood up suddenly, walked over and patted her on the shoulder, "Where there is no grass in the world, why bother to fall in love with a hybrid rice?"

"I didn't." Shen Qian resented.

"It's okay, I'll take you to drink and go crazy." Li Meili put her hand on Shen Qian's shoulder.

"I didn't." Shen Qian began to feel wronged.

"Maybe you can meet a man in the bar, let's go." Li Meili began to drag Shen Qian out.

"I really don't." Shen Qian vowed to die.

"What are you afraid of? I'm here." Li Meili completely ignored Shen Qian's resistance and continued to procrastinate.

"I swear, I'm not sad at all."

"And my family is here." Li Meili didn't listen and was still procrastinating.

Shen Qian strongly resisted, but finally compromised, and said painfully, "Okay, let's go shopping in a department store."

Li Meili smiled slyly, and patted Shen Qian on the shoulder: "Good job, go over there generously, and watch him enter the grave with a smile on your face." .Besides, don't think she doesn't know, her purpose is not to comfort her, but to fool her into going shopping in a department store.

The sixth floor of the department store sells dresses of various styles and naturally of different grades.Both Shen Qian and Li Meili are relatively frugal women. Generally, more than half of their monthly salary will be deposited in the bank, and a little money will be set aside every three months for themselves.Originally, the two of them would spend a total of one or two thousand, which was almost enough to buy a set of clothes.

Unexpectedly, the sixth floor only sells impractical dresses, and there is an endless stream of people coming and going on the sixth floor. Obviously, the purpose of coming here is only for the lucky draw.

The two looked at each other, and bought something impractical to draw a prize?And it's not 15.00% winning, although the probability is very high, [-]%, but not everyone can be so lucky?

People with a little bit of money might not care about such a small amount of money, but for someone like Shen Qian who has a monthly income of only [-] and lives in a first-tier city, this is quite a waste.Li Meili gritted her teeth and said cruelly: "Buy it once, if you win, you will get paid."

Shen Qian glanced at Li Meili, unable to speak for a moment.She really couldn't bear to pay for a dress that she would never wear in the future.Li Meili pulled Shen Qian up and took her to a dress sales counter of the Rochas brand.

The dresses sold by this brand are more complicated, and they usually match a whole set for customers.Li Meili immediately fell in love with the two-layer texture of the puppet model, which was separated by black embroidered velvet and white beaded veil, and paired with a white fox vest, it looked extremely elegant.

The lady at the counter came over and introduced to them, "This is designed by the chief designer of Rochas this year. There are only three pieces in the country. Our mall just entered today, and this is the only one."

limited edition?The first reaction in Shen Qian's mind was that the price of this dress might be sky-high.Li Meili also noticed that the price must be high, so she just shook her head and looked away.Shen Qian just followed her as a little follower, looking casually, in fact, she really didn't want to buy it, and she was really not interested in the little bargain of traveling around the world for free.

It's strange to say that Li Meili is only willing to visit this counter, wandering back and forth, trying to choose one that suits her heart.Finally, she stopped in front of a simple and elegant black knee-length dress, "I want this one."

Shen Qian glanced at the price and couldn't help but smile wryly.Although this dress is not the cheapest among them, it is the cheapest among the designs of Rochas' chief designer.

The salesperson at the counter opened the order, and Li Meili went to pay the money, leaving Shen Qian alone at the Rochas counter.

"Miss, do you want to pick one too?" The smiling face of the salesperson at the counter made Shen Qian feel embarrassed, she glanced at it casually, and finally pointed to the limited edition outfit just now: "This one."

The salesperson at the counter looked over in surprise, "Miss, do you want to buy?"

"Yeah, I really like the corsage on it, it matches the clothes very well. Hehe." Shen Qian smirked, but the salesperson at the counter had already turned petrified, and it turned out that what Shen Qian wanted to buy was just the one on the limited edition dress Grape purple corsage...

The salesperson at the counter reluctantly opened an order and handed it to her, "Miss, pay at the cashier."

"Okay." Shen Qian turned around disheveledly, sticking out her tongue secretly.But just as she raised her eyebrows, she saw Qin Hao crossing his arms and looking at her with a half-smile.

Shen Qian paused, and suddenly felt ashamed. She wanted to pretend that she didn't see it, but Qin Hao called out just after taking a step, "Qianqian, what a coincidence."

Shen Qian forced a smile on her face and stopped: "Hehe, what a coincidence."

"Buy a dress?"

Shen Qian scratched her head and said embarrassedly: "Actually, I just bought a corsage."

When Qin Hao heard it, he was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "I'm convinced."

Shen Qian rolled her eyes to the sky, and she didn't want to be opportunistic, but because of Li Meili's excess passion, her best friend had to be passionate together, but she didn't have enough funds, so she had to feel free to let it go.

Shen Qian hurriedly put aside the subject, with a smile on her face: "I forgot to congratulate you, happy wedding."

Shen Qian didn't notice that Qin Hao's beautiful brows frowned, and his face lost color. He partly moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't find what to say.

"Shallow." He said suddenly.

Shen Qian raised her head to look at him, but saw that he was staring at her intently, and said, "Let's elope."

"..." Shen Qian's head buzzed, and she suddenly felt that she was sleepwalking.

The two just stared at each other like a human being, neither of them was willing to back down, they were waiting for the other to speak first.However, the day failed, and Li Meili, who had finished paying the bill, came over and saw the two "staring at each other" and couldn't help but let out a "Yeah". Although the voice was small, it was enough for the two to recover.

Shen Qian chuckled and said, "Little mouse, I'll pay the money first." Then, she ran to the cashier in a desperate manner.Li Meili looked at Shen Qian's fleeing back, and then at Qin Hao who was smiling at her, feeling as confused as Monk Zhang Er.

The price of a boutonniere is eight hundred!When Shen Qian paid, she really wanted to vomit blood.What is she trying to figure out?Just for a lottery ticket?What a losing business.When she returned to the counter with a sluggish attitude, Qin Hao had already disappeared.Shen Qian handed the list to the counter salesperson, and the salesperson handed her a delicately packaged bag.

"Damn, Qianqian, you are really willing to pay for that dress."

"Ah?" Shen Qian was also a little strange, she obviously bought a corsage, why is that limited edition dress in the bag?
Shen Qian looked at the salesperson at the counter with questioning eyes, and the salesperson at the counter just smiled faintly: "Buy one and get free clothes."

"..." This, this is really frustrating.

Especially Li Meili, her whole body collapsed. She quickly looked at her bag, and there was only one item in the box inside. She asked, "Why does she have me?"

"Only for this one." The lady at the counter said calmly, as before.

So the restless Li Meili clenched her hands into fists, wanting to die.How can this be reasonable, there is such a perverted thing?Buy a corsage worth 890 yuan and get a dress worth [-] yuan as a gift?

International joke!

Shen Qian also walked out with the dress quite nervously.Li Meili's eyes were red, and she looked eagerly at the bag in Shen Qian's hand, "You're really lucky." Shen Qian didn't answer, flustered.This whole incident is beyond comprehension.

The two walked to the lottery location, and Li Meili gave the list to the customer service staff. The staff read the receipt and adjusted the electronic automatic rotation system for her.There are different characters scrolling on the screen. If the character is any one of the hundred years, then you will win the prize.

(End of this chapter)

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