Chapter 143 Let Me Love You Forever (17)
There is a former lover (3)
At that time, she only knew his two good things. As for the third good thing, she discovered it today.He got into the water and wanted to plunge in, but the buoyancy of the swimming ring prevented him from diving in.He said helplessly: "Qianqian, I want to throw away the swimming ring and experience the feeling of diving headlong into it, is that okay?"

"This is your business, ask me what to do?" Shen Qian sat by the swimming pool, soaking her feet in the water, swinging and swinging.

"I want to ask you, if I can't get out, you remember to come and save me."

"..." Shen Qian rolled his eyes at him, "I just changed my clothes just now, I don't want to get wet."

"Please." He clasped his hands together, but he had a playful smile on his face, without any sincerity in begging for help.He quickly dropped the swimming ring and plunged into it, but he never came up again.Shen Qian called out, "Qin Hao."

No one answered.

"Hey... little mouse." Shen Qian was really in a hurry now, she threw the mobile phone beside her, jumped into the water without saying a word, just as soon as she entered the water, Qin Hao suddenly appeared, laughing loudly , "Qianqian, you've been fooled."

Shen Qian was taken aback, then glared angrily: "You can swim?"

"I was going to ask you to rescue me, and we will give you another artificial respiration, but unfortunately you are too slow to react, I couldn't bear to wait underwater, so I couldn't hold back and had to come up."

Shen Qian patted the surface of the water angrily, "Bastard." Then she took a scoop of water with both hands and splashed it on Qin Hao's face. Qin Hao smiled heartily and burst out laughing.

Shen Qian was short of breath, turned around and prepared to go ashore.At this moment, Qin Hao's phone on the shore rang continuously.Qin Hao also went ashore, and he answered the phone before he could wipe off the water on his body.

"Grandpa, what's the matter? Ah? You want to see me now?" Qin Hao sneaked a glance at Shen Qian who was wringing the water off his body, and said, "Well, I'll go right away."

Qin Hao handed the bath towel he brought to Shen Qian: "Wipe it, I'm leaving first." He paused, hesitated to speak, and after thinking about it, he finally said "Bye".As soon as he turned around, he saw You Ran leaning on the hatch.His eyes were cold and his face was expressionless, just staring at them for a moment.Qin Hao walked over and greeted politely: "Cousin, are you here to swim?"

"No, I just heard someone shouting, just come and take a look." You Ran glanced at Shen Qian lightly, and said indifferently.

Qin Hao nodded.

"Go quickly, grandpa is looking for you."

Qin Hao was taken aback, "How do you know that Grandpa is looking for me?"

"Didn't you answer the phone just now?" The corners of You Ran's mouth were slightly curved into an arc, a half-smile.Qin Hao couldn't help shivering, he didn't know You Ran very well, he only knew that his grandfather had adopted two children, one was his father and the other was You Ran's mother.Youran's mother died early, so the family relationship between Youran and this place has weakened a lot.

But Qin Hao knows that even if his cousin treats people without emotion, he will still smile like the morning light.Now, Qin Hao felt the frost in his indifference, so he nodded and left.

Shen Qian was wiping her hair with a bath towel and didn't notice You Ran who was standing at the hatch all the time.Suddenly Shen Qian's cell phone rang, and she picked it up: "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

Shen Qian was taken aback, looked at the time, and found that twenty or ten minutes had passed. If she said she was going to swim, You Ran would be upset. She lied subconsciously: "I'm... in the room, I'll go there right away .”

"Well, hurry up, I'll wait for you." You Ran hung up the phone directly, looked deeply at the shallow and wet back 50 meters away, turned indifferently, and went back to the room...

Shen Qian let out a breath, brushed her hair carelessly, and leaned against the fence to blow the sea breeze.She was too lazy to go back and change, and was going to blow dry directly outside.She kept shaking the clothes on her body, and when she felt that it was almost dry, she entered the hatch, turned to Yuran's Room 101, rang the doorbell, and Yuran opened the door.

Shen Qian said embarrassedly, "I kept you waiting."

"Come in." You Ran glanced at her, turned around and went in by himself.

Shen Qian was taken aback for a moment, You Ran was rarely so indifferent to her, could it be that she was blaming her for being late?She hurried into the house and closed the door behind her.

The layout of You Ran's room is similar to Shen Qian's room, but the color tone is different. His room color is orange.You Ran walked directly to the inner bedroom, and Shen Qian followed in, thinking that Qian Qian of his family should be in the bedroom.

However, his bedroom is empty and there are no dogs.He only turned on the wall lamp, and the dim orange light softly hit Youran's stiff face, which was very inappropriate.

"Where's Qianqian?" Shen Qian looked around, and saw that there were only her and Youran in the bedroom, and there were no other visible creatures.

With his hands in his pockets, You Ran half-closed his slender eyes. He yawned and said lazily, "You have been dragging on since noon until now, so I had no choice but to send Qianqian to the medical staff."

Shen Qian felt very sorry: "I'm sorry, I..."

"Miss Shen must be very busy today, right? I'm sorry for delaying you for such a long time, and there's nothing else to do now, you can go back to your room." You Ran walked over, opened the door, and gave the order to evict guests.

Shen Qian was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to fight back, You Ran was filled with cold air, although there was no anger on his face, but the aura emanating from his body told her: he was angry, and very angry.

He should really be angry, she was almost twice as late as the appointment time.He should be angry, Shen Qian has no complaints, but subconsciously, she doesn't like to make Youran angry, this consciousness makes her panic, why does she care so much about his feelings?

Shen Qian gritted her teeth and refused to leave, she said, "Mr. You, I apologize to you for my lateness, and I will never dare again." Shen Qian bowed, seeing You Ran was indifferent, "Or, I invite you Have a meal?"

You Ran squinted at her, his eyes were dark, and his tone was cold: "I'm full."

"Then..." Shen Qian tried to coax people again, "Will you let me go next time?"

You Ran suddenly sneered: "Miss Shen, it's getting late, I want to rest, please go ahead." You Ran opened the door and walked out of the bedroom coldly.Shen Qian stood there dumbfounded, with all kinds of feelings in her heart.People have already said that, if she still doesn't leave, she will be a bitch and find no fun.However, her feet seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't take a step, so she could only stand there stupidly.

It wasn't until she heard a "bang" slamming the door that she shivered suddenly, and started to walk out of the bedroom. The outer hall was empty, and You Ran had already gone out.Shen Qian pursed her lips tightly, feeling aggrieved, who is she provoking?She knew she had made a mistake and had to correct it. He is still so irritable. What does it mean?

The more Shen Qian thought about it, the more depressed she became. She sat down on the sofa and picked up her mobile phone to call Li Meili to complain.

"Is the team leader angry? Really? It's amazing, the team leader who is always in the spring breeze is angry? Oh hehe, Qianqian, your skills are really good." Li Meili kept making sarcastic remarks, Shen Qian couldn't bear it, "I'm serious Well, what should I do now?"

"Yo, you care so much about the captain's emotions?" Li Meili said "hmm" for a long time, as if she was thinking, she held back for a long time, and concluded, "Qianqian, are you in love with the captain?"

"Nonsense." Shen Qian refused to admit it.

"Then why do you care so much about whether he is angry or not? If he likes to be angry, let him be angry. You can go to bed. It's none of your business anyway."

"But..." Shen Qian couldn't explain clearly, she kept rejecting the fact that she fell in love with Youran in her heart, "I don't want him to be angry, I like to get along with each other in harmony."

"If I'm not mistaken, his Qianqian will give birth to a cub on the boat, and your period of care will expire, and you two will have nothing to do with each other in the future. If he is angry, let him be angry. Anyway, you will be fine in the future. "

Hearing what Li Meili said, Shen Qian felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. As soon as she got emotional, she couldn't restrain herself, and muttered sadly: "He is very upset now, it doesn't matter if I don't want to be with him."

"Pfft..." On the other end of the phone, Li Meili was drinking milk when she was yelled by Shen Qian and started to swear, "Fuck me, Shen Qian, you still don't admit that you have moved on ?”

Shen Qian was not without grievances: "It's just a little tempting."

"Hey, when Qin Hao went abroad, I never saw you so sad. I remember I also said that if you don't confess your love, your future relationship will be fine. I deeply remember that you said at that time that there is no grass anywhere in the world." , why bother to fall in love with only one blade of grass.”

"..." Shen Qian was speechless for a while.That's right.

"Then I will return your original sentence to you now, you can wash up and go to sleep."

"My beautiful sister, I am old. At this age, young grass cannot be eaten, and old grass cannot be chewed."

"You mean, you want to chase the captain?" Li Meili's voice soared immediately, and Shen Qian had to move the microphone a few feet away from her ear.

"Damn it, Shen Qian, you're fucking insane. The captain's father is Commander You, Commander You of Military Region A! He's a general. Do you know what it means to be right?"

"..." Shen Qian had black lines on her face, she didn't think about it that much at all!She gave the ceiling a blank look, "I swear to God, I, Shen Qian, never thought of being with Captain Youran."

The door was opened, and You Ran walked in by accident at this time, and he stared at Shen Qian quietly, his eyes like torches.

Shen Qian hurriedly said goodbye to Li Meili, hung up the phone, and stood up in a panic: "Mr. You, I..."

"What will you do if you break your vow just now?" You Ran held Qianqian by the hand, apparently he just went out to pull Qianqian back.Shen Qian couldn't help but hear the oath just now, she opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer.

Youran untied the dog leash, freed Qianqian quickly ran to her kennel, then raised her eyes innocently to look at the two confronting each other.Shen Qian felt cold all over, she didn't know how to explain why she made such an oath just now, she really didn't mean it.

You Ran walked over slowly, approached her, held her chin, and brought her face closer to meet his gaze. He smiled slowly: "If I let us be together, what would you do?"

Shen Qian wanted to turn her head away, but he tried very hard, and what she did was in vain.Shen Qian felt that You Ran's whole body was dense, not as gentle as usual.

"What if we were together in the future, huh?" He asked again.

Shen Qian finally turned her head away, You Ran chuckled: "Then you must propose to me."


"Okay, Miss Shen, I'm sleepy, so I won't see you off."

Shen Qian left the room very depressed.What is the logic of what You Ran said?She walked dejectedly to her room.Speaking of which, Shen Qian's sense of direction was really bad. She made a wrong turn at one turn and ended up in a rather unfamiliar cabin on the other side.

Shen Qian was thinking about finding someone to ask for directions, but a middle-aged man happened to pass by, and she stepped forward cheerfully: "Uncle, how can I get to 388?"

The middle-aged man paused, turned his head mechanically, and saw Shen Qian grinning silly, but the corners of the middle-aged man's mouth began to turn white: "Shen Qian?"

"Yeah? How do you know me?" Shen Qian also looked at him carefully, but she didn't have this impression in her mind.

The middle-aged man frowned, and glanced at the direction of Shen Qian, which happened to be directly at 101. He suddenly realized, but his face turned darker and darker: "Shen Qian, can we talk on the deck?"

Shen Qian had a weird look on her face. She really didn't have any impression of this man, but seeing that he was dressed in a serious manner, he didn't look like a bad guy, so she nodded and agreed to follow.

The two leaned against the fence, the night sea breeze caressed their faces, and the moisture hit, Shen Qian smelled a faint smell of the sea tide.The middle-aged man looked into the distance, his eyebrows frowned.

"I know that the commander was too impulsive back then. He told Ranran a fake news without asking the truth, which caused you to break up when you were in love the most. Later, I heard that you had a car accident and disappeared. The commander thought everything was caused by him , has always been very guilty. But he is such a precious son, in order not to affect his studies, he had to use his own private power to make mistakes, but in the end, seeing Youran like this, the commander still told the truth." The middle-aged man turned towards him. She smiled crookedly, "Fortunately, you are together now, but I will leave it to you in the future."

Shen Qian couldn't help but laugh out loud, "I just look like the Shen Qian you said, I'm not her."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and smiled heartily, "It's not uncommon in this world to have the same name and surname. What's strange is that there are people with seven piercings in their left ears, and their bodies are uniformly hot. Ms. Shen really knows how to joke."

Shen Qian pursed her lips and remained silent.What he said was right, what a coincidence, so coincidental that she couldn't even explain it.

The middle-aged man looked at his watch and sighed: "I wanted to take you to meet the commander, but at this time the commander is playing cards with Mr. Qin, so it's better to give him a surprise the day after tomorrow. Although he has always known that I'm with a girl now, but I don't know that person is you, Miss Shen."

Shen Qian couldn't speak, but felt a tightness in her chest, as if someone had hit her chest hard.

"I have to go back first." The middle-aged man said, "See you at the engagement ceremony the day after tomorrow."

Shen Qian watched him leave.This middle-aged man seemed to be very familiar with the Shen Qian he was talking about, with a smile on his face all the time, and he was sure that Shen Qian would return to You Ran's side as a matter of course.

Shen Qian's heart suddenly fluctuated.Will she be Shen Qian in his mouth?She wasn't sure, but there was a trace of hope in her heart.If she is the Shen Qian he said...then she and You Ran had a past?

The only person who can confirm it is her mother.Shen Qian suddenly became uneasy. She paced back and forth on the deck, and finally gritted her teeth and dialed Shen's mother's number.

The other end quickly answered the phone: "Hey, didn't you say you were going to travel around the world?"

"Mom..." Shen Qian hesitated to speak.

The other end of the phone was very quiet, as if she was waiting for Shen Qian to speak, but Shen Qian didn't know what to say at this time.Until a sigh came from the other end of the phone: "Qianqian, are you still unable to let go of the past?"

"Mom, I just want to ask you one question, just one question, okay?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and asked cautiously: "Mom said that I once had a boyfriend. Is that boyfriend named You Ran, the son of Commander You?"

Shen's mother didn't speak, her attitude of neither admitting nor denying made Shen Qian very anxious.

"Qianqian, you promise mom one thing."


"Never tell anyone that you are Yu Tianyang's daughter. Forever."

Shen Qian was taken aback, this was the first time that her father's name was spoken from her mother.Shen's mother continued: "Maybe, you have already been in contact with people in that circle, and you will know sooner or later. Mom has no objection, and she can't stop you from continuing to contact. This may be fate. Back then, mother didn't stop you and that child Youran Even now, mom doesn't stop you, that child has suffered a lot for you, mom knows. But, you must promise me, don't tell anyone who your father is. "

Shen's mother admitted Shen Qian's identity, but repeatedly asked Shen Qian to keep it secret.

After Shen Qian hung up the phone, she slumped on the deck, letting the sea breeze blow her dazed face.She never dreamed that she was the legendary You Ran's mysterious girlfriend.Shen Qian thought of the coincidence of pierced ears, of having a special affection for people like You Ran, of the ring on You Ran's finger clearly engraved with the words "Shen Qian Exclusive", and He usually whispers softly...

what is this?Why did You Ran clearly recognize her, but not recognize her?She doesn't understand.Could it be that there is no need for recognition without feelings?Shen Qian's heart suddenly became confused.

She immediately got up and called You Ran, but there was always a busy signal on the other end.

Shen Qian had no choice but to stand up, rush into the cabin, and look for him in person.Her sense of direction was extremely bad, and she couldn't find North again.At this moment, she just wanted to go crazy, and when she finally found Room 101, she immediately rang the doorbell.

No one opened the door.

Shen Qian continued to ring the doorbell.Finally, the door creaked open, and the smell of alcohol came in. You Ran leaned against the porch and asked expressionlessly, "Is there anything else Miss Shen can do?"

"I just want to ask you, who am I?"

(End of this chapter)

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