Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 18 Let me love you, no matter day or night

Chapter 18 Let me love you, no matter day or night (2)
just an accident (2)
She looked back, outside the glass window, Ye Weiyin stuck herself on it, waving her hands non-stop.She couldn't understand why He Chiyuan looked at Ye Weiyin so gloomyly.Based on what she knew about He Chiyuan, Ye Weiyin, who had a baby face and a petite figure, was exactly the type he disliked the most.But He Chiyuan's eyes lingered on Ye Weiyin for more than ten seconds. Was it curiosity or... another reason?
None of the people inside responded to Ye Weiyin, and after getting discouraged, she gave up exaggerated body movements and continued to hide in the corner to wait for time.For those who have heaters inside, time passes quickly, but for Ye Weiyin who is freezing outside, every second is a torment.She felt that she was frozen, her body stiff enough to be used as a mallet.

The doorman saw that the girl had stood there for more than four hours in the snow-covered winter night, so he couldn't bear it, so he opened the door and said, "Girl, I don't think the guests who have reserved the venue have any intention of leaving, why don't you come back tomorrow." .”

Ye Wei shook his head with a stiff smile, continued to stamp his feet back and forth and waited.The doorman saw that she was stubborn, so he could only sigh and continue to be a doorman that he was competent for.

It's already 12 o'clock!Ye Weiyin looked helplessly at the two people who were talking intermittently inside, and prayed that they would go to another place for a date quickly, so that she could go in and find her Master Julien!He Chiyuan's eyes flickered occasionally, as if he saw Ye Weiyin's eyes eagerly wanting them to move their positions.He looked back calmly, and rarely asked Chen Zhaodi with a smile: "What else do you want to eat?"

Chen Zhaodi was not very interested in desserts, so she shook her head and said, "I won't eat it."

"But I want to eat." So He Chiyuan ordered more, and Master Julien continued to be busy in the kitchen.

On this night of cold wind and blizzard, Ye Wei stood shivering on the street, looking resentfully at He Chiyuan who was leisurely eating dessert inside the glass.Finally, due to lack of strength, she tilted her body and fell to the ground like a piece of ice.

People rushed towards Ye Weiyin, including He Chiyuan who was the first to rush over.


Because Ye Wei felt very hot, he kicked his right foot, pressed the quilt covering his body under his feet, smacked his mouth twice, hugged the quilt and continued to sleep...Suddenly, a pillow hit her, and she jumped up reflexively Sitting up, eyes wide open in horror.She is now in a strange room, the decoration of the room is exquisite, there is a huge rose flower basket on one side of the bed, there are hundreds of roses in it, the faint floral fragrance is refreshing, Ye Weiyin can't help but feel good.

"Are you awake?" Suddenly, a cold and deep male voice came from her ear.

Ye Wei was taken aback, turned his head mechanically, and saw the man who bumped into her in the morning looking at her expressionlessly.Ye Weiyin asked in confusion, "Why are you here?"

The corner of He Chiyuan's mouth twitched, and he mocked her coldly: "This is my room."

"Why am I in the room you opened?" Ye Weiyin only felt that his mind was in a mess.She looked at this man carefully. Although his appearance was perfect, his behavior of changing girlfriends frequently made her very disdainful.Being so irresponsible to feelings is definitely not a good man...

Ye Weiyin hurriedly pulled off the quilt and looked down at his clothes, then screamed: "Ah——"

She sued him fiercely: "You bastard, you actually took advantage of me!"

He Chiyuan raised his eyebrows: "What? Taking advantage of you?" He looked her up and down contemptuously, staring at her big round eyes, "I don't even bother to look at your undeveloped figure. ! If I touch you, I think you took advantage of me."

"You!" Ye Wei became irritable, it was unbearable, he not only insulted her appearance, but also insulted her personality!Although this is true, it cannot be said so easily!Ye Weiyin pursed his lips, "Then who changed my clothes?"



He Chiyuan continued: "The cold medicine is in the hall, get out after taking it." Before Ye Weiyin could speak, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait, I remember I was at the door of Master Julien's restaurant, why are you here?"

"Because I ate for a long time, I ate until 2 o'clock in the morning, which made you faint from the cold, so I take the responsibility."

"..." Is there anyone who takes responsibility so actively?

Ye Weiyin was stunned for a while, but when she saw the time on the bedside table, her head buzzed, 12:30 noon!

When He Chiyuan was about to open the door and go out, Ye Weiyin yelled in time: "Hey, who will pay for the rent?"

He Chiyuan said: "It has already been paid."

"Oh, then you go! No delivery."


Because Ye Wei is not greedy for petty gain, he is really out of pocket.

After He Chiyuan left, Ye Weiyin wanted to take a bath after watching TV for a while.When she went into the bathroom, she was surprised and delighted to see that it was about the size of a bedroom.I really didn't expect that in her lifetime, she could live in such a luxurious hotel suite, and it was free!
She grinned happily, and sang a little song while taking a bath.While singing, suddenly there was no sound, and Ye Weiyin's expression also changed suddenly!No wonder some people said that extreme joy begets sorrow. Only then did she realize that the room she opened had not been returned!She booked a plane ticket for tonight, but she hasn't met Master Julien yet!

She stood up immediately, regardless of the bubbles on her body, wrapped herself in a bath towel, and ran out of the bathroom to find her mobile phone.She called the hotel, and only after asking did she find out that checking out before three o'clock would charge half price, and the hotel she was staying at was only 500 meters away from her hotel, so she could send her luggage here, and Ye Weiyin also accepted the tip.After hanging up the phone at the hotel, Ye Weiyin called the airline, canceled the ticket for tonight, and booked the ticket for the day after tomorrow.

Her wishful thinking was very loud, such a luxurious room could not be for nothing, anyway, after twelve o'clock, it would not be too late to check out tomorrow morning.And she was really not feeling well today, and she didn't have the energy to go to see Master Julien, so it's okay to go again tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Ye Weiyin went back to the bathroom to continue taking a bath, came out wrapped in a bathrobe after the bath, and took the kettle to boil water to take medicine.But when she saw a big bag of medicine on the table, she couldn't help being a little silly.I just have a cold and a fever, do I need to take a plastic bag of medicine?Ye Weiyin took out everything and looked at the instructions, almost all of them were in French, she didn't know any of them.

Ye Weiyin sighed, she seldom gets sick, she doesn't have much experience in taking medicine, and she doesn't know how many pills to take.It's always right to eat more, right?So she took three pills of each medicine, and swallowed them in one gulp with warm water.After taking the medicine, she climbed onto the big, soft bed to watch TV.

Because Ye Wei's English listening is not very good, watching is boring, and he feels sleepy again, so he turned off the TV and planned to sleep for a while.

She didn't know that the medicine in this plastic bag contained sleeping pills that He Chiyuan bought for herself, but he forgot to take them out...

Thus, Ye Weiyin soon fell into a deep sleep.

The room Ye Weiyin lived in was opened by He Chiyuan when he first came to France.He lived there for more than ten days.Before going to the horse race in Germany, someone arranged it, and the whole room was filled with a romantic atmosphere. Originally, they wanted to surprise Chen Zhaodi.Unexpectedly, something happened and the room was urgently used, so he had to open another room next door.

Before Chen Zhaodi and He Chiyuan met, they stayed in another hotel.After the restaurant parted, she had been waiting for news from He Chiyuan in the hotel where she was staying.Originally, he thought that He Chiyuan asked her to come to France to further develop with her.Seeing that his dream was about to come true, Cheng Yaojin accidentally killed him.She thought that she would never forget He Chiyuan's expression when he hugged Ye Weiyin, it was very subtle, not concerned, but definitely not the reaction he should have when seeing a stranger faint.

As if, he had been looking forward to it for a long time.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Zhaodi finally received a call from Assistant He Chiyuan.The assistant informed her that He Chiyuan was going to play golf with a client in France in the afternoon, and she would eat dinner by herself. If He Chiyuan came back early, he would call her.Chen Zhaodi seemed to have gotten used to the way of getting along with him, she responded calmly, and then hung up the phone.

She is different from Clara. Clara is a strong woman with the title of rich second generation, she is not attached to men, she has her own career and her own circle of life. Clara and He Chiyuan met in the mall, and she is He Chiyuan's largest French client.Chen Zhaodi thought, he probably went to play golf with Clara, right?

Chen Zhaodi smiled sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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