Chapter 182 If You Don’t Give Up, You Will Never Leave This Life (22)
true love (3)
"Master? Jin Bo, your eyes are blurry, this is uncle." Zeng Weiyi followed Ji Qixuan's example and corrected him.

Uncle Jin waved his hands helplessly at the two of them: "The young girl and the young lady and the old woman are both a couple, you two should hurry up and see the master, hey!"

Zeng Wei saw Jin Bo running away, and blamed Ji Qixuan: "You really have nothing to do."

"You should thank me, or you have to answer Kimber's questions all the way."

After finally approaching the villa, I saw Zeng Gan flying a kite in the garden... Old man Ji sat on the outdoor rattan chair, his eyes were smiling, as if seeing Zeng Gan was a very happy thing. Over 60 years old is considered a healthy age, but due to the torture of illness, the old man is thin and old, just like a dead leaf about to leave the trunk, which can be blown away by a gust of wind at any time.

"Mummy." When Zeng Gan saw Zeng Weiwei, he ran over with the kite, the thread in his hand, and said happily, "Mummy, look at my kite, it was made by grandpa and me together." , does it look good?"

It was a butterfly with red wings and yellow spots, bright and passionate.

Zeng Weiyi smiled and said, "It's pretty."

Old man Ji staggered over, and smiled at Zeng Weiwei, his otherwise flat face suddenly wrinkled, and he said with a smile: "Yiyi is here, it's still as beautiful as before, it's okay The injury is not serious, so don't worry, ahem." Before he could say a word, he started to cough, and Jin Bo, who was standing beside him, patted his back for him.

Zeng Weiyi blamed himself again in his heart, why was he so reckless back then, to contradict such an old man?I was even more moved. She was rude, but Elder Ji still invited her and treated him kindly, even though she used to hurt his son like that.

The Ji family seems to be her driftwood, moving her, giving her warmth, and more importantly, making her lonely and wandering heart like duckweed anchor on a safe haven.

Zeng Weiyi called out emotionally: "Daddy."

She had never called Old Man Ji Daddy, even though she and Ji Qixuan were about to get married, she still called him Uncle Ji stubbornly.

Zeng Wei's sudden endearment cheered this sick old man who had entered his mulberry years, and he smiled: "Good wife."

Although Zeng Weiyi knew old man Ji very well, after all, she hadn't seen him for several years, and because of Zeng Weiyi's guilt, her attitude towards old man Ji was very reserved.Since entering Ji's house, she has been silent, even at the dinner table, she just eats in silence.

"Mommy, is your throat uncomfortable?"

Zeng Weiyi had food in her mouth, and the two men on the table followed Zeng Gan and focused on Zeng Weiyi, she was not without embarrassment.

Zeng Weiyi glared at his son, and said politely to old man Ji: "Daddy, who is this cook? The food he cooks is really delicious."

Old man Ji smiled and said: "When you came here to eat, you said that these dishes were too salty, and you scolded the chef, so that the chef would put half a teaspoon of salt in the dishes in the future." Obviously, what old man Ji meant was that the chef In the past few years, I have been saving half a spoonful of salt, bearing in mind Miss Zeng's deep teachings.Now the persistence has finally borne fruit, and has been praised by Miss Zeng.

Zeng Wei coughed lightly twice.

Ji Qixuan chewed quietly and slowly.He doesn't like to talk at the dinner table, but there is a happy smile between his brows.

Zeng Wei was "framed" by his son and had to say a few words: "Daddy, you have to add a cook bonus. It is really commendable for you to insist on putting half a teaspoon of salt less for so many years."

Old man Ji smiled kindly. He looked at Ji Qixuan ambiguously, but said to Zeng Weiwei: "You don't know, the cook has liked you for a long time. You are so beautiful."

Old man Ji still loves to joke with her as before. If Zeng Wei was the only one in the past, she would definitely laugh happily, raise her head and say two words in a very stinky way—of course.

Now, hearing this, she felt guilty.She is worthy of being loved by everyone.She smiled embarrassingly: "Daddy, don't say that in the future, Xuanxuan will be jealous."

Xuanxuan... Ji Qixuan's eyebrows trembled, and Zeng Gan was even more exaggerated. Hearing his mother call his beloved daddy's name so affectionately, his whole body trembled, and he put his hands on his chest with a look of disgust, and rubbed himself Seeing Zeng Weiwei staring at him, he immediately sat upright and laughed: "Mommy, go on, go on." After speaking, he stretched out his hand as a gesture of "please".In less than a second, he himself lowered his head and frantically ate the rice, with a look of invisibility.

Old man Ji burst out laughing, and murmured: "Xuanxuan? Xuanxuan!" His precious son has never had such a nasty nickname since he was a child.

Zeng Wei's intestines are full of regret.That claim was completely random, and she definitely didn't intend to be nasty.

Acting like nothing happened, she picked up food for Ji Qixuan and said with a smile, "Eat more."

Ji Qixuan stared at the dishes in the bowl in a daze.Zeng Gan said again: "Mum, you are unhygienic. Didn't you tell me before that you should not help others to pick up food casually? This is very bad, because there is saliva on the chopsticks."

Zeng Weiyi held the chopsticks, feeling the urge to run away.Seeing that Zeng Weiwei endured so hard, Ji Qixuan extended a helping hand, and also picked up a dish for her, and said lightly: "Eat."

Zeng Gan was about to shoot at his beloved daddy again, but Ji Qixuan first opened his mouth and explained to Zeng Gan: "When Mommy said that the pickled food makes others drool, it refers to the kind of relationship that is very ordinary, like me and your Mommy, Grandpa and you are all a family, it doesn’t matter if you pick each other’s food, but it’s a sign of a happy family loving each other.”

Zeng Wei kept nodding his head, expressing his agreement with Ji Qixuan's explanation.

Zeng Gan refused to believe this fact.He was a bit of a clean freak, and he couldn't do the thing of drinking saliva, so he turned his head to grandpa again.Old man Ji also nodded in agreement.Zeng Gan took a deep breath, and asked again without giving up: "Really?"

The three adults nodded together.

Zeng Gan, full of grief and indignation, stared at the delicacies on the table, feeling unwilling, turned his head away with extreme reluctance, as if he had made up his mind, suddenly stood up, spit a few mouthfuls of saliva on the dishes in front of him, and then blushed. Eyes, as if about to cry: "Daddy, Mommy, Grandpa, please spit a few mouthfuls too, we will love each other before we eat."

Zeng Wei said weakly, "I really doubt that the original IQ test was fake. His IQ is at least 250."

Ji Qixuan burst out laughing.

Ji Lao even laughed heartily, and spit a few mouthfuls of saliva into the dishes, overjoyed.In the past few years, he hasn't smiled like this for a long time.

Now, he is very content. Although his health is getting worse and worse, he has seen the wrinkles between his son's brows smoothed out, he has a well-behaved and lovely grandson, and Zeng Weiyi... Although other old friends say that she is beautiful, but not She is suitable to be a wife, but he has always firmly believed that she will be suitable to be Ji Qixuan's wife. After all, Ji Qixuan can tolerate her shortcomings, and she can also tolerate Ji Qixuan's shortcomings.

In the beginning, when the scandal about Caring Ling and his son came out, he smiled wryly and had a hint of joy.He thought his son would be able to leave the rose behind, and mentioned many times to bring her home to see, but his answer was always just: "Next time."

There is no deadline for his next time.Elder Ji couldn't hold back anymore, and asked him: "What are your plans? I know you've been looking for her secretly everywhere but to no avail. What are you still insisting on?"

He always knew that his son was extremely stubborn, and he felt worthless for him.For so many years, his son is still alone, who knows what she is like in the distance?So he advised his son: "Maybe she is already somewhere, married to someone else, married and had children."

When he said this, he was a little moved. He just had a little joy, but he said: "Then she also knows that I have a girlfriend. Every media is reposting my relationship with Caring Ling. She is in a certain place." A corner must know."

His purpose is just to let Zeng Wei know that he is still there when he is happy!

At that moment, Old Man Ji could only shake his head. This son is hopeless.


Old man Ji looked in front of him, Zeng Weiyi looked at his son with a dark face and resentment, Ji Qixuan was smiling, and his lovely grandson looked at his parents with aggrieved eyes.

That's it, that's it, keep it up.This was the happiest moment that he had not expected for many years.He blurted out: "Yiyi, you and your Xuanxuan go on honeymoon."

"Ah?" Zeng Weiyi was taken aback.

Even Ji Qixuan was taken aback.

"Grandpa, what's a honeymoon?"

"Honeymoon is a better way to make couples love each other. If a third party gets involved, the couple will have conflicts."

Zeng Gan immediately covered his small face: "Dan Gan is not a third party, why not go to honeymoon."

"I've been in good health recently, and I can manage the company, and it's off-season recently, so why don't you take a vacation." Old man Ji smiled.

Zeng Weiyi's thoughts turned quickly, she walked next to Ji Qixuan, and said with a wicked smile: "I'm already registered to marry you, and you haven't taken me on my honeymoon yet, so hurry up and agree."

Ji Qixuan's face was calm: "Then you have to promise me, I will choose the location."

"All right." Ji Qi's election must not be a bad place, it must be places like Hawaii and Provence.Although she has been to these places, she is still very interested in going again.

Ji Qixuan turned to old man Ji and said, "Then, thank you for your hard work, Daddy."

Old man Ji laughed happily.In fact, he also wants to know where he will go to have a good time with his only son who has always loved him.Zeng Weiyi spoke his heart out the next moment, and asked Ji Qixuan where he wanted to take her for a walk.

"Lantau Island."

Zeng Wei immediately felt like a deflated ball, the enthusiasm that was originally full suddenly deflated.

Old man Ji was also taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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