Chapter 193 If I Had You, What Would I Need in My Life (3)
Where is the deceased (1)
It's hard to imagine that Yan Heng can rent such a good house, not to mention that it is located near the Third Hospital, this community is still new and located in a downtown area, judging from the housing prices in City B, it is not cheap.Moreover, most of these houses are for sale, so how can they be rented?Once I entered the house, I felt strange.The house has two bedrooms and one living room. The interior decoration is brand new, even the furnishings are the same. It is really hard to tell that it is for rent.Yisheng couldn't help asking: "Brother, this house is actually yours, right?"

Yan Heng was stunned for a moment, and quickly waved his hands: "How could it be, how can someone as demanding as me live in such a small house?"

This is like a bachelor apartment.Yisheng looked around, his eyes quickly aimed at every corner of the room, but he didn't find any clues.She had no choice but to compromise, maybe she really didn't think too much about it.She said to Yan Heng: "Thank you, senior brother, I will pay you back the rent on a monthly basis."

"Junior Junior Sister, are you also fussing over me?" Yan Heng started to rub her fluffy hair again, with a doting look on his face.And I was used to giggling all my life.This seems to have become a unique signature action and inevitable reaction between the two.

Yan Heng helped Yi Sheng pack up the place, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.Life is very sad, and now it is the beginning of summer, it is a bit hot, she is even more embarrassed.

"Brother, let me treat you to dinner."

Yan Heng just finished his work, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said out of breath, "Okay, I want to have a big meal."

Yisheng smiled on his face, but felt trembling in his heart, the dead duck said stiffly: "Just eat, I invite you."

"Very good, I will take you to eat delicious food."

Delicious food is expensive.She had to cry silently for the rest of her life, but this time her wallet had to lose weight.Hey, it's a crime to beat a swollen face to pretend to be a fat man.The two left the community and walked to the downtown area on foot.

The two walked on the street all the way north, talking all the way.

"This neighborhood is very close to the Third Hospital, about 15 minutes away. If you get up late in the morning, there will be breakfast sellers on the way to work, so you can settle it on the spot." Yan Heng introduced, pointing to the surroundings The entire street is full of food and beverage outlets, and I am dazzled to see them all my life.

"That community is a newly developed real estate. Nine times out of ten the real estate you can buy there is either rich or expensive." He pointed to the Lingtian community that he passed by in his lifetime.Yisheng glanced at the gate of Lingtian Community by the way. This gate is a bit larger than the main entrance of her university. Just the "Lingtian Community" written on the marble can tell the momentum of this community.There is also a giant sculpture at the main entrance, with a fountain... It's just a entrance. After so much thought, the interior is even more luxurious. The private cars entering and exiting the entrance are all imported million-dollar cars. This community, in one word, is amazing!

"My family lives in Room 3, Unit 401, Building C, you have to remember." Yan Heng added later.

Yisheng snorted and rolled his eyes at him: "You don't show off your wealth! Brother!"

Yan Heng laughed loudly, hugged her by the way, and leaned into her ear: "I don't know if the more golden tortoise you are, the luckier you will be?"

Yisheng pinched his arm directly: "Go to hell." The force was really strong, and immediately a bruise appeared on Yan Heng's white and tender arm, and he hissed in pain.Yisheng looked at him suspiciously, pulled out his hand strangely, glanced at his hand, and was surprised to find that there was indeed a bruise.She opened her mouth and looked at Yan Heng, only to see that guy smiled instead of angry.

"Doo toot." A Bentley drove out from Lingtian Community, honking its horn behind them.Yisheng glanced behind reflexively, pulled Yan Heng out of the way, and complained to Yan Heng: "Big man, why are you so thin and tender?"

Yan Heng just laughed, but the Bentley that was supposed to be driving stopped abruptly.Sheng Yi raised his eyes to look at the car, and couldn't help but feel strange. Could it be that it broke down?Just as she was thinking this way, the Bentley car suddenly stepped up the accelerator and sped away, causing Sheng Sheng's face to turn pale with fright.

"Junior sister, how long are you going to hold my hand?" Yan Heng smiled with a bit of a naughty look.

Yisheng let go of her hands like an electric shock, but her hands, which had nowhere to rest, could only be retracted behind her back, and she said, "Let's go, please go to dinner."

Yan Heng smiled extremely brightly.

In this busy area, there is an elegant restaurant that stands out from the whole street.It has luxurious facilities on the outside and elegant inside. It is a standard gathering place for upper-class society and a good place for urban white-collars to date.Yan Heng brought his whole life here.The two sat by the window, Yan Heng ordered a French red wine steak, Boston grilled shrimp, and then gave the menu to Sheng Sheng: "What do you want to eat?"

The first thing she looked at was the prices of the dishes Yan Heng ordered, and when she saw that they were all in three digits, her blood turned cold.Brother, how can you be so rude?She hesitated to turn the pages back and forth, unable to click.She pretended to be disconsolate, with a bored expression on her face: "These things have no appetite at all."

Yan Heng seemed to have expected it long ago, with a smile on his face: "Then what do you like to eat?"

"Well, in fact, I'm not a picky eater. The main reason is that I have been very angry recently, and my throat hurts after eating these."

"Ma'am, we have light ones here. Take a look." The waiter smiled and said modestly.

Her whole life seemed to be deflated, and she took a few more casual glances with a little discomfort. When she saw that fried cashew nuts with celery cost 189, she really wanted to cry without tears.She became cruel, and said with an extremely calm look on her face, "One more fried cashew nuts with celery."

"Okay, what more do you want, ma'am?"

Want more?Lifetime really wanted to swear: "No need." She tried her best to hold back her irritability and responded with a smile.

"Sir and Madam, wait a moment." The waiter took away the menu very politely, bowed to them and left.

Only then did Yisheng relieve the nervousness just now, and raised his eyes just to meet Shang Yanheng's half-smile expression.Yisheng smiled awkwardly: "Brother, what are you looking at?"

"Is there enough to eat?" Yan Heng's tone was extremely gentle, but no matter how you looked at it, it seemed that there was a knife hidden in a smile.

"Enough, lose weight."

Yan Heng seemed to understand and nodded: "I remember when I was eating with you before, you loved heavy food, even if you got angry, you didn't care about it, but now you have no appetite."

"Yeah, ha ha." Life is really speechless, always feel that he did it on purpose.

But in fact, he did it on purpose, just like when he was in college, he just liked to tease her.After the food was served, he had a great appetite and insisted on drinking some wine. She wanted to close her eyes, be cruel, and spend a little more, but she didn't expect that the price of the wine was more than the price of a table of food, and she couldn't afford it at all. up.

"Brother, please do me a favor and show me your hand!" After the waiter walked away, Sheng Sheng begged for mercy in a low voice.Yan Heng looked at Sheng Sheng in surprise, with a dazed look on his face.

Well, I'm still pretending for her!This time she decided not to support the fat man, and said bluntly: "I have no money, and the consumption here is beyond my ability."

"Pfft!" Yan Heng finally couldn't help laughing.

Life finally knew that he was playing with her!Sure enough, Yan Heng said: "As a senior brother, it is impossible to invite junior sister to treat you, so I will treat you this time."

Yisheng rolled his eyes at him, and immediately picked up a shrimp: "Say no sooner."

So, she started to eat and drink.Yan Heng kept watching her eat with a smile, with inexplicable satisfaction on his face.

"Ah! Doctor Yan!" Suddenly someone shouted from behind Sheng Sheng.

Yan Heng raised his head to look at the source of the sound, and stood up: "Lin Ruohan?"

"Cough!" Life choked.She raised her eyes to look at the hand she was holding with Yan Heng, and looked at Lin Ruohan from bottom to top. She had a naturally tall figure, long curly hair dyed flaxen color, and a black dress against her fair skin. is noble.

Lin Ruohan seemed to be aware of Sheng Sheng's gaze, and looked down at her, suddenly pale with shock.Yes, she should be surprised that an old friend whom she hadn't seen for six years met in this kind of scene.

"Didn't you study fashion design in France? Why did you go back to China?" Yan Heng didn't know their relationship, so he didn't realize it.

Lin Ruohan said with a smile, "A foreign clothing company hired them with a high salary."

"Oh, that's it." Yan Heng smiled and glanced at Shi Sheng who was watching them, and said a little uncomfortable, "Li Sheng, let me introduce you."

Yisheng stood up, instead of looking at Yan Heng, he looked at Lin Ruohan and smiled politely: "No need to introduce, we know each other."

Lin Ruohan also smiled: "Long time no see, Ye Yisheng." She was still a proud and temperamental princess, and she greeted her with a sense of aura.She is tall and slender, even though she has tried her best to raise her height all her life, she is still half a head shorter than her. In addition, she is wearing heelless slippers at this time, and Lin Ruohan is wearing high heels, making Lin Ruohan taller and more domineering.

For Lin Ruohan's attitude, she was used to it 800 years ago, and she smiled indifferently: "Yeah, how are you doing?"

Lin Ruohan smiled and said, "Thank you, I saw a psychiatrist for a year and went abroad to hang out."

Yi Yi's face turned pale, and he stopped talking.Yan Heng moved his lips and was about to speak, but Lin Ruohan's eyes no longer lingered on Yi Yi, and turned to Yan Heng: "Dr. Yan, we'll talk when we have time, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ruohan left indifferently and arrogantly, leaving behind Yan Heng inexplicably.Yan Heng looked at Yisheng strangely, his expression was not very good at this time, he was a little dazed.

"Life, so you still have a story." Yan Heng smiled self-deprecatingly.He thought he knew her very well and knew that she had a bamboo horse that she loved very much, but the bamboo horse was indifferent to her and broke her heart.Her father corrupted the law and went to prison when she was most vulnerable.When she was young, she had to leave home and go to the north to study.That's all he knows, but he doesn't want to, she still has a story, and it's a story that can't be told.

Life returned to calm, quietly sat back on the chair, and continued to eat the expensive Boston grilled shrimp, so peacefully as if he hadn't met anyone.Yan Heng lowered his eyelids slightly, watching her eat slowly.

At that time, he finally knew that some things were insurmountable, and he couldn't touch the memory of her youth.He was suddenly curious about what kind of person her bamboo horse was, occupying all the childhood memories in his life, including happiness and sadness.

Officially going to work in my life is Children's Day.It was unlucky to say that it was pouring rain that morning, and she was walking on the sparsely populated street with a small blue floral umbrella. The small floral umbrella blocked her face, and she just wanted to leave as soon as possible.All the way to the north, she must pass through the Lingtian Community. As soon as she passed the gate of that community, a speeding Bentley drove past her, splashing a large wave of water, all of which hit her dress.The back of her clothes was completely soaked, and she almost screamed, but it was too late, and she could only watch the car speeding away.

She stared at the Mercedes-Benz Bentley, and wrote down his license plate number, 88888.This number is actually very rich!

"Dudu..." Yisheng was about to move on, when an Audi Q7 parked behind her was honking at her.Yisheng turned to look at the driver's seat, and saw Yan Heng showing a row of white teeth and smiling brightly at her: "Beauty, I will give you the honor to send you to work, may I?"

Yisheng burst out laughing, and the depression from being splashed by the water just now disappeared.She got into his car naturally, and said with a smile: "Brother, what a coincidence."

Yan Heng pursed his lips and smiled, started the car and drove towards the third hospital.On the way, Yan Heng casually asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Yisheng was stunned for a moment: "No." She never woke up naturally before nine o'clock. Even on the first day of work, she was woken up by the alarm clock, and then stayed in bed until nearly 7:[-]. Naturally, she didn't wake up. It's time to make breakfast, and it's raining heavily today, so I don't need to buy breakfast.In fact, I have long been used to a life of hungry and full meals.

"I knew it," Yan Heng casually took out a box of milk, two slices of toast, and two boiled eggs from the car box: "Hey, it's nutritious and light, and gives you a strong sense of satiety."

Yisheng was slightly startled, took the breakfast hesitantly, and smiled unnaturally: "Senior brother is more considerate and considerate of himself and others."

"I'm not as careful and thoughtful as you said, except for you." Yan Heng's eyes suddenly darkened, and his tone was careless, half-true.

I have been peeling eggs all my life, and I haven't taken it to heart. I just feel that my brother has always been kind to her and took care of her. I never thought about whether these things are taken for granted.She was eating eggs and drinking milk at the same time, and before she finished eating, she arrived at the Third Hospital.

The new main building of the Third Hospital has a total of 27 floors.Yi Yi took the nurse report card Yan Heng gave her in his hand, and found the chief nurse on the 16th floor.The director is a plump woman in her 40s. Her distinguishing feature is that she wears rose red lipstick, which makes people feel a little mean.The director glanced at her report card, and then looked her up and down, as if he was a little curious about her.

Her originally mean face suddenly burst into a smile: "Ye Yisheng?"

"Yes." Life is a bit inexplicable.The director smiled and said, "Which department do you want to go to?"

"Huh?" Life is even more inexplicable, and she can still choose subjects by herself?The director quickly explained: "There is a shortage of people in every department, you can go to any department you want."

It turned out to be like this.Lifetime nodded with comprehension: "Then I will go to surgery."

"I knew it."

Yisheng looked at the director suspiciously, and the director realized that he had said something wrong again, and then explained: "Surgery is good, surgery is good."

The director said again: "Go to the tumor surgery department."

"Okay." Thanking her, she went to the logistics department to get a nurse uniform, and officially started her first day at work.

The Oncology Department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of City B enjoys the highest reputation in the sub-provincial city and even in the entire province. Generally, those who can work as doctors in the oncology department of surgery can be said to be elites.Even nurses have high requirements, and the lowest among my colleagues in my life are graduates from prestigious universities, and they are also quite good-looking.According to her new colleague Zhao Jixiang, there are two reasons for coming to this department, the first is the elite, and the second is someone from the family.

Zhao Jixiang is a little nurse with an extremely lively personality. A lot of money came in.

A lifetime of recognition.In today's society, money and connections are king.She also knows how she came to the oncology department.She would not naively think that she is an elite. Although her university is also somewhat famous, her grades are not very good, and she is not an elite at all.And from the various performances of the head nurse, she can also guess a little bit.

What is the identity of her senior brother, the golden turtle who drives a million-dollar car?She couldn't help asking Zhao Jixiang, who is known as the "know-it-all", but she didn't expect the result to be...

Zhao Jixiang opened his mouth wide and blinked three times: "Do you know Doctor Yan?"

Yi Yi said: "He is my senior brother."

Zhao Jixiang dragged her out, hid in a corner and discussed: "My god, are you sure your brother is Yan Heng from our hospital?"

"Yeah." Life is very sure.

"Amen!" Zhao Jixiang drew the sign of the cross on the mural, clasped his hands together, and said with a pious look on his face, "O Allah, how can you treat our weak little sheep like this?"

Life is inexplicable!However, Zhao Jixiang held her hands and hugged her chest as if he had taken a stimulant: "Forever."


"Do you know who your senior brother is in this hospital?" Zhao Jixiang looked tearful.

"do not know."

"Do you know that our hospital is a tertiary first-class hospital? Generally speaking, it is impossible for Dr. Yan Da to be an assistant doctor, but this genius doctor not only successfully performed a major operation, but also his level is absolutely top-notch. It is called a miracle. It is expected to become the youngest surgeon."

Her senior brother is really good, he was a little bit first or second in college, participated in many medical researches, and won many awards.

Zhao Jixiang was excited all of a sudden, and he talked eloquently: "Our hospital is originally a collection of elites, and there are only three famous ones. And Dr. Yan is the best character among the three, sunny and modest. As females, of course we It's a pity that they are all conversations at work, and no one dares to act rashly in private." After finishing speaking, Zhao Jixiang suddenly became sluggish.

I couldn't help but flutter in my life. There are so many suitors behind the legendary senior brother. Seeing Zhao Jixiang's joyful expression, I know that she also has this plan.Yisheng smiled and asked, "Do you want me to help you lead the red line?"

(End of this chapter)

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