Chapter 205 If I Had You, What Would I Need in My Life (15)
Not parallel lines to begin with (3)
In Yisheng's eyes, this kind of smile was very weird, and it made her feel terrified. She opened her mouth and smiled awkwardly: "Did Brother Song come to look for me?"

He raised his eyebrows, and the anger that he hadn't seen for a long time flashed between his brows. He said, "I'm here to see the moon."

She was taken aback for a moment, only to hear him go on to say, "Sister Ye came back so early."

Song Anchen seldom called her sister. In her memory, he only called her sister once. It was when they were in junior high school. They went home together, and suddenly a "Cheng Yaojin" came to confess to her. For a moment, she didn't know how to respond, so it was Song Anchen who responded for her. He said that Sister Ye already has someone she likes.He smiled meaninglessly and sincerely, but I remember him with a straight face afterwards, and he didn't talk to her for a long time.

When Song Anchen called her "Sister Ye" again, she was very stressed and could only pretend to be stupid: "Uh, it's actually okay, it's only 10:30 now."

Song Anchen didn't answer her words, but kept staring at her without blinking or feeling.Life was overwhelmed by Song Anchen's silent but powerful eyes, she surrendered: "Okay... okay, it's a bit late."

"I'm hungry." Song Anchen said suddenly.

It's unimaginable that when a person who doesn't speak for a long time finally opens his mouth and it's this old-fashioned excuse, he really almost fell down in his life.Having learned the lesson of "serving the Lord without food" last time, the refrigerator is already full at this time, but she can swear that it is definitely not for this pig that often tells her that she is hungry!

Yisheng gave him a blank look: "Then you go home and have dinner."

"I am hungry."

"Then you drive to the store to eat."

"Too hungry to drive." His complexion was very bad, and his eyes kept pressing her, burning hot.

She gritted her teeth: "then go to my house to eat."

"Okay." He began to smile with a half-smile, and there were all kinds of amorous feelings in his eyes.

Yisheng glanced at him, dumbfounded.She led Song Anchen upstairs, but there was always a little sadness in her heart, he was her bamboo horse, the son of her father's best friend, she wanted to stay away but couldn't stay away, wanted to get close but didn't have the courage.

As soon as I entered the house, I turned on the light, but no matter how I pressed it, it didn't turn on. In the dark room, I was dumbfounded, maybe the light was broken.Song Anchen said from behind: "Your incandescent lamp seems to be broken."

"It should be, you wait for me to get off, I'll get a ladder and put it on." Sheng Sheng put on his shoes, turned on the lights elsewhere, and ran to the balcony to get the ladder.As soon as Yisheng picked up the ladder and turned around, he saw Song Anchen standing at the door, catching the ladder in her hand, and moved it calmly to the lamp in the living room.

He said, "It's better for a man to do this kind of thing." He took off his coat and handed it to her, then climbed up the ladder: "Pass me the light bulb."

Yisheng was stunned for a moment, completely immersed in the sudden warmth, she was shocked, and quickly handed over the light bulb she was holding.He took the bulb and started to install it.At this time, there was a sudden vibration of the mobile phone, which was extremely ear-piercing in the dark and silent room.

"Help me pick it up." Song Anchen said from above.

Yisheng quickly fumbled for the phone from the coat in her hand, and checked the caller ID along the way.yeah?Is it Rollosh's?
She pressed the answer button and put it in her ear to respond, "Hello?"

"Who are you? Where's Song Anchen?" A displeased voice came from the other end.

Yisheng glanced at Song Anchen, who was at the top, and said honestly: "He is above me."

"What? What are you... What are you doing..." A trembling voice came from the other end, just about to answer her, when he suddenly beeped, Song Anchen's cell phone was dead.

She shrugged helplessly, at this time the surroundings were suddenly illuminated by lights, and the lights were installed.The light shone on Song Anchen's face, and one could clearly see that he came down slowly with an unfathomable expression on his face, smiling but looking at her deeply: "Who called just now?"


"Oh? That's why I'm on top of you?" Song Anchen stared at her and smiled.

She was captured by his smile for the rest of her life, and only then did she realize how ambiguous what she said just now, she was dumbfounded in fright, and mumbled: "Actually... I mean you crawled on top of me."

She began to speak incoherently.She gritted her teeth, it's better not to speak.Song Anchen was in a good mood, so he smiled and picked up the clothes and mobile phone in her hands, and asked, "Do you have a charger here?"

"Yes." Yisheng ran to the room to get the charger for him, luckily the model was the same.Song Anchen plugged in the power on the spot, turned on the phone again, and then bursts of text messages came.It took less than a few minutes to shut down the phone in the blink of an eye in a lifetime, so many text messages?Really busy.She murmured, and saw Song Anchen opened them one by one, dialed the phone, a woman's voice came from the other end, Song Anchen echoed softly, and occasionally turned his eyes to Sheng Sheng, with a smile that was not a smile.

"At that time, I was indeed on top of her." Song Anchen looked at Sheng Sheng with a smile, and there was still vague ambiguity in his eyes. He was so embarrassed that he did not say a word.

"You're thinking too much, it's not that we're busy." Song Anchen paused, "She didn't hang up on you, it's because the battery is dead."

I have been speechless for a lifetime, this woman thinks too much.

"Yes, I see." Song Anchen hung up the phone and stood up suddenly: "I'll go back first."

"Uh, you don't want to eat anymore?" Sheng Sheng blurted out these words, but he didn't think there was any hint of persuasion in these words.Song Anchen half-closed his eyes, quite interested in Lifetime's reaction, looked down at her, and leaned forward: "Keep me?"

"That's not true." Yisheng turned sideways and wanted to stand up, but he was suddenly trapped by him and stuck on the sofa, Yisheng was dumbfounded: "What are you doing?"

"Sister Ye, I don't allow you to fall in love anymore." He opened his eyebrows, and there was his usual intimacy in his eyes, as if he had returned to the past, and he always doted on her.

Yi Sheng stared into his eyes: "Why?" She trembled suddenly, choked with sobs.

"Unhappy, I am very upset." Song Anchen frowned: "Do you understand?"

What is he upset about?She doesn't understand.She gritted her teeth: "Then go and fall in love, I'll be humble."

Song Anchen laughed when she heard her words, that kind of frivolous smile, she had never seen him like this before.

"What if I say I'm jealous?" Song Anchen raised her chin, and the hot air in her mouth caressed her face, with a warm current running through her nerves all over the place. She couldn't help shaking, not quite believing him if.

"Stop joking." Yi Yi turned his face away, trying to calm down.I don't want him to buckle her backhand and not let her escape, but solemnly said: "Do you think I am a person who likes to joke?"

Before she could react, he nibbled her lips lightly, once and for all, but the sensationalism was enough.The hands that had nowhere to rest in my whole life trembled slightly, and I wanted to push him away but climbed onto his neck for some reason.

Song Anchen didn't expect that he was acquiescing to his behavior in his whole life, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Are you seducing me?"

She immediately let go of her hand, trying to push him away, but was caught by his hands.He smiled and said, "Unfortunately not tonight, I have something to do." He stood up awkwardly, straightened his wrinkled clothes: "I owe you a meal." He narrowed his eyes.

Yisheng rolled his eyes: "Understood." Every time he squinted his eyes, he definitely looked threatening, as if he would be rude if he didn't do what he did.Song Anchen nodded contentedly, took the phone away and prepared to leave.

Yi Yi watched him leave, and suddenly realized that she was really too active at that time, not like herself at all.Her face immediately burned up, with an expression of wanting to cry but no tears, Song Anchen must be laughing at her, wanting a girl, wanting a girl...

She covered her face and sat back on the sofa, her face was hot.She was "shocked" recalling the scene just now, and she couldn't help but glance at a spot on the floor tiles, where a blank piece of paper was lying.She was a little strange, she seldom moved around in the hall, how could there be paper?

She stood up, walked over to pick up the piece of paper, opened it, her face turned pale.

This is a test report, a test report about pregnant women.Rollosh's name was emblazoned on it, and the test result was negative.She is not familiar with this woman, so it is impossible for her to have this inspection sheet at home. The only reason is that she just took out her cell phone from Song Anchen's coat and dropped it on the floor without noticing it.

But how could Song Anchen have her report card?And tonight she called him again, and then he left without even eating?A series of associations made the burning hot face of my life cool down by half.

She had to think on another level.But thinking about it this way, didn't she suddenly realize that she had become a complete fool?She slumped on the sofa, scratching her hair, feeling irritable.

She shouldn't have expected anything extravagantly from the beginning.This is self-inflicted.

(End of this chapter)

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