Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 75 The moonlight in front of the bed, the beautiful man sleeps soundly

Chapter 75 The moonlight in front of the bed, the beautiful man sleeps soundly (21)
Sad handsome man reborn wife (3)
The end of the red pigment hadn't faded yet, and she pulled Baby Miao and said, "Oh, I heard that the wife of the city lord is very beautiful, and she is very beautiful. See the truth."

When Miao Baobao thought of Qingqiu's appearance, it was indeed very good, and the two were considered a good match.

At this moment, an old man with a long beard and wearing a moon white shirt came to the center of the auditorium, and bowed with deep apology: "I'm really sorry, the wedding is cancelled."

Without any explanation, he hurriedly walked away, leaving all the guests looking at each other in blank dismay.

This will undoubtedly become the biggest gossip in Jiangcheng.

How can a good wedding be canceled if it is cancelled?Does the bride have no objection?In fact, this is inevitable.Originally Qingqiu was still arranging her hair bun, just put on the phoenix crown, and saw Yan Yubai walking in.

It stands to reason that the bride and groom cannot meet before the wedding.

Qingqiu ordered the servant girl to step back, and when the two of them were alone, she was about to walk towards him, but halfway through, she heard Yan Yubai say: "Qingqiu, do you remember when I allowed you to get married?"

Qingqiu's face was pale, her lips were tightly pressed.She stopped and approached his body, and said coldly: "How can you not remember? In the future, I won't perform the ceremony of husband and wife, so I can take Xiaobai with me."

"I'm sorry." Yan Yubai said: "The person I want has appeared, so this wedding is over."

"What?" Qingqiu couldn't help getting excited, completely unable to understand what he meant.

Yan Yubai still said calmly: "I have waited for her for too long, I don't know how long she will make me wait before she is willing to sacrifice herself. I think that using the aggressive method at the right time may make me wait less. I am very happy, She is coming."

Yan Yubai stood up, ready to leave.Qingqiu immediately grabbed his arm, only to see Yan Yubai turning her head to look at her coldly.With just one glance, Qingqiu timidly let go of her hand.

For some reason, Qingqiu feels that Yan Yubai seems to have insight into everything, seeing her too thoroughly.

Yan Yubai still said coldly: "Isn't it just right that you use my mother and I use you?"

"Wh...what?" Qingqiu was tongue-tied immediately, looking flustered.

Yan Yubai continued to be indifferent, "Don't think that I don't know where the aphrodisiac of the goose yellow glutinous rice ball comes from, and you will be unaware of your plan."

Qingqiu's face suddenly turned pale.She moved her lips in an attempt to justify herself, but for a moment her mind went blank and she said nothing.She could only watch helplessly as Yan Yubai crossed the threshold and was about to leave.

Suddenly, she burst into tears, and she said angrily: "Yan Yubai, let me tell you, it's because I love you, do you know? Why can't you tolerate me, why?"

Yan Yubai suddenly stamped his feet and sneered, "Love me? You made my wife and family broken up. Is this love for me? You just want to possess me." He left without looking back.

Qingqiu knelt on the ground, forgot to cry, just knelt and sat foolishly, watching his gradually disappearing back.She took refuge in the Demon Cult, and the leader of the Demon Cult told her an astonishing secret, Baby Miao and Old Man Miao were invulnerable to all poisons, except the aphrodisiac.So, she tampered with the goose yellow glutinous rice balls.She thought that he and her would be strangers from now on, she thought she had succeeded, but she underestimated Yan Yubai's feelings for her.

She has no ability to compete at all. She was not eligible to run as early as a long time ago, perhaps from the beginning to the end.In his arena, she is the only one who is eligible to win.

Miao Baobao finds an excuse to part ways with Hongsu, saying that her relatives are in Jiangcheng and want to seek refuge.Although Hong Su was reluctant to give up, she still wished her sincerely, so she bid farewell and left.

Miao Baobao asked all the way, and finally arrived at the Jiangcheng pawnshop after making seven turns and eight turns.This should be regarded as a time-honored pawn shop, the signboard is a little old, and the doorposts are also eaten by insects and ants.

She stepped over the threshold, carefully took out her mother's jade pendant from her purse, and handed it to the man at the window.The man took it, saw that it was ordinary jadeite, curled his lips, "Two or three is the most."

Baby Miao shook her head hastily, "It's not for pawning."

"Huh?" The man looked at her strangely, "It's not pawned, so what are you using it for?"

"I want to see your boss. This is a token. You just need to give this to your boss."

The man gave Miao Baobao a strange look, and nodded reluctantly, "Well, wait a moment."

Not a moment later, an old man with a beard came out from the side, Baby Miao was taken aback immediately, why did he look so familiar, he seemed to be the old man who announced the end of the wedding?

Baby Miao opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.Could it be Yan Yubai's person?
The old man smiled and held the emerald in his hand, "Shui Ling'er's daughter is indeed a beautiful woman, you are even better than your mother!"

Miao Baobao didn't know how to answer, so he could only sneer a few times, and got into the topic, "Three years ago, I made a three-year term with my father, and my father said that after the three-year term expires, I will go to Jiangcheng to find a fortune teller, and ask him to bring him I'm going to see Papa. Is that you?"

"Of course." The old man smiled and handed back the jade in his hand to her.

Miao Baobao suddenly burst into laughter, "Then please Mr. Bu Suanzi take me to find my father, my baby misses my father very much."

The old man was still smiling. He stroked his gray beard and said, "Come on, I'll take you to introduce someone who knows where your father is."

Baby Miao nodded happily, and followed the old man to the inner hall.

Along the way, all kinds of flowers are planted along the way, and the flowers are blooming, which is really beautiful.Anyone who understands Gu art knows that there is a universe in it.Among these flowers, there are Gu insects, invisible to the naked eye, only those who understand Gu art can smell the smell of Gu insects to identify them.According to the preliminary judgment of the distribution of Gu insects, Miao Baobao is actually a "Hundred Gu Formation", a defensive Gu technique to prevent outsiders from invading.But why didn't he defend her?This made me very puzzled.

It wasn't until she glanced occasionally and saw the emerald worn around her waist that she realized it.Gu mother's blood was rubbed on her jade, and she had become "one of her own" before she knew it.Miao Baobao looked at Bu Shuanzi with a slightly deep look.This old man may be really unfathomable.

The old man brought her into the hall, asked her to sit down, and said to the air in the empty hall, "Come out."

A man walked out of the inner hall, still as handsome as ever, his eyes were blocked by the slightly long bangs on his forehead, and his expression could not be seen at the moment, but judging from his slightly curved lips, he seemed to be smiling?

Baby Miao stared at him blankly, unable to speak for a while.She just watched Yan Yubai walking towards her stupidly, bent her knees, and squatted in front of her, stroking her face with her slender fingers, "You still say you are not Miao Baobao?"

Baby Miao came back to her soul and wanted to retreat, but Yan Yubai didn't give her a chance to retreat, so she could only be imprisoned within his sphere of influence, and asked dryly, "So what? I have nothing to do with you anymore. It matters."

"I haven't signed the divorce letter."

"Then you still marry..." Miao Baobao stared at him incredulously.

I saw him smiling faintly, so bright and moving, it made people's hearts tremble.

It was only then that Miao Baobao came to his senses, could it be that there was another world behind that marriage?

Yan Yubai stood up and bowed to the old man, "Thank you master, disciple."

"The next thing is up to you. Don't bother me anymore, remember to help me exchange this favor."


Listening to their inexplicable conversation, Baby Miao became even more confused. She stood up and asked, "I said, this...what the hell is going on?"

Yan Yubai explained: "Bu Suanzi owed Shui Ling'er a favor 20 years ago, so he gave jade jade as a token in exchange for a favor. It happened that Bu Suanzi was my master."

"Where's my dad?"

Yan Yubai smiled and rolled her eyes, "When the time is right, I will take you there."

"you know?"

Yan Yubai smiled and didn't answer, just said: "Xiaobai misses you very much."

Baby Miao's face turned pale immediately, her lips were pursed tightly, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Okay, you guys want to catch up on the old days, go to your own house, I'm going to rest." Bu Shuanzi stroked his beard and began to order to evict the guests.

"Yes, this is my farewell." Yan Yubai didn't allow Baby Miao to be willing or not, and directly dragged her over the eaves and walls, leaving Bu Shuanzi's house with ease.

Miao Baobao had thought a lot about the scene where mother and child met, but in the end she was still unwilling to admit that she was Miao Baobao.Although this was obvious, she refused to admit it.Sooner or later, she will leave with her father, she doesn't know if she has the ability to take Xiao Bai away.It's just that when she saw Xiaobai, her little heart immediately trembled, hugged Xiaobai on the spot, and cried that heartbroken, the earth shook, if it was located in the Great Wall, the Great Wall must have collapsed like this.

Xiaobai also cried, and almost lost his breath.The mother and son did not seem to be weeping with joy at their reunion after a long absence, but rather parting from life and death.Yan Yubai couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it.

When mother and son reunite, there must be endless things to talk about. When Xiaobai vividly talked about how many times he was plotted against by others, and Yan Yubai turned the danger into safety, Miao Baobao suddenly thought of a very serious problem.

She can only do light work and has no martial arts. Now that the martial arts world is in chaos, isn't she like a sheep at the mercy of others?This is a very serious problem.After much deliberation, she felt that it would be better to learn kung fu.

Everyone said that the city lord of Jiangcheng had always had good relations with people of the martial arts, and he often received gifts from the people of the martial arts.There are two kinds of gifts, either famous weapons or martial arts cheats.Miao Baobao felt that she could make good use of this resource so that she could have unrivaled martial arts skills, poke a few holes in Yan Yubai's body, and elope with her son.Generally, the hiding place of martial arts cheats must be in the study.

After finishing the Chinese meal, Yan Yubai went back to the study by himself.Baby Miao's eyes lit up, the study?That's where the secret books of martial arts are located, and she has to make good use of her experience of visiting Lantian Villa.Thinking about it this way, Miao Baobao started to draft his stomach, how could he get the martial arts cheats without anyone noticing.

In fact, she thought of a very bad way, that is to use Yan Yubai's "love" for her, first gain his trust, and then... Hehe, Baby Miao is very happy to type this draft, she thinks this method is very good .

She wrote a letter to Yan Yubai, it was not long, only a few dozen words, but it hit the nail on the head and made it clear at a glance.

as follows:

——I love you, let's sleep together.

Then the gorgeous white dove flew over with her gorgeous love letter.Miao Baobao waited very anxiously, and she even felt a little apprehensive, wondering if Yan Yubai would get angry when she saw such a gorgeous letter, and then enthusiastically held her hand to "sex" her.Thinking about it this way, Miao Baobao's whole body trembled, alas, it can't be so fast, if it is so...

She wipes her neck first!She would rather die than surrender.

After waiting for a while, the loving carrier pigeon flew back. Baby Miao nervously took out the note on the pigeon's ankle, opened it carefully, and looked at it, as follows:


Baby Miao blinked, just these two words?Is it too plain?Miao Baobao couldn't help touching her chin. From this point of view, Yan Yubai might not be interested in her. This is a bad problem. If she is not interested, her plan will be in vain. How can she effectively approach him? study, and then get the martial arts cheats without anyone noticing?

Be courteous.She thought of those scenes in the forbidden book where the sister-in-law seduced the younger uncle, pretended to be gentle, and then did that... Of course, she didn't do that, she just acted like she really wanted that.

Doing nothing but doing nothing, taking action is worse than moving her heart, she went to make a cup of chrysanthemum tea and knocked on the door of Yan Yubai's study.

"Come in." Yan Yubai said like this.

Baby Miao opened the door and said with a smile in his eyes: "Brother Yubai, please drink some tea. The white chrysanthemum is so fresh and tender. Try it first."

Yan Yubai was taken aback for a moment, apparently unable to bear Miao Baobao's hospitality, he picked up the teacup, blew on the hot air, took a sip, and felt that the taste was not bad, so he praised, "Not bad."

Baby Miao leaned over tenderly, "Brother Yubai, let's go to sleep."

Yan Yubai paused, raised his eyebrows, "Now?"

"On the spot." Baby Miao coughed lightly, showing her embarrassment and urgency at the same time. She felt that she was really good at acting, and she really didn't make good use of her unique and pure acting skills before.

Yan Yubai stopped talking for a while, and said, "Let's go tonight. I'll still..."

"Brother Yubai, the so-called spring|night is worth a thousand dollars! Don't waste time, let's come." Yan Yubai pulled Yan Yubai, dragged him out of the chair, and pushed him down on the couch.

Yan Yubai didn't resist, and let Miao Baobao ride on.Miao Baobao is just about to take off Yan Yubai's clothes, just like before.He moved a few times, and suddenly realized the purpose of his coming here, and immediately quickly took out the straw from his pocket, and blew towards Yan Yubai.Yan Yubai seemed to have expected it and closed her eyes.Baby Miao held Yan Yubai's cheeks and asked tentatively, "Hello?"

But seeing that he ignored him, Baby Miao was so happy, she jumped off the couch, went to the desk in the study, and searched for the secret books of martial arts.This time, she revealed Yan Yubai's secret.Among the piles of books in the study room, Miao Baobao actually found the eighteen erotic styles that she had back then?Miao Baobao couldn't help being surprised, this Yan Yubai turned out to be a pervert, and he ended up behind his back, so he really can't be judged by his appearance.She threw away the eighteen erotic styles, and wandered to other areas to look for them. She randomly pulled out a scroll from the vase and opened it. On it was a picture of a situation. There was a famous woman who looked very similar to her. She is exactly the same, Shen Yun is very similar, she is not stupid.The scene was so familiar, the woman stood on the porch with her big belly, quietly staring at the man in white who got off the horse in front of her.

The above comment: This feeling can be regarded as a memory, but it was already at a loss at that time.

Baby Miao muttered, "It's kind of sad." Put it away, and threw it back.She continued to look for her things again, and sure enough, she was clever, and in a dark corner, she found a book called: Chrysanthemum Collection.

Where did you see this book?Turning over a few more pages, I saw the first line above, if you practice this scripture, you will be exposed at three o'clock, Miao Baobao suddenly realized that she had read this book a bit, and thought it was really bad to practice naked | Listening to books and the unrivaled magical skill Sunflower Collection is famous for its "Yin|Yang|Harmony|Harmony".

Baby Miao stuffed the chrysanthemum book into his pocket, then stripped off Yan Yubai's clothes, and left the study contentedly.They had already slept, but Yan Yubai passed out from excitement, that's what Miao Baobao planned.

Yan Yubai slept very peacefully on the bed, as if she was still as calm as a breeze in the past. This kind of sleeping appearance has not appeared since four years ago.

Miao Baobao locked herself in the room alone, and started to run around naked to practice!She didn't have any foundation before, and she wanted to practice the mental method. She clumsily recited the mental formula, and started to practice hard at the same time.

Just when she was hot and hot from practicing this chrysanthemum book, someone began to knock on the door hastily, "Mother, Xiaobai is here."

Baby Miao shouldn't, she is concentrating on practicing.

Rouqiu knocked on the door a few times, then ran to ask Dabai to kick the door open.Rouqiu knocked on the door of Yan Yubai's study room, and seeing no one made a sound, he broke in by himself, but seeing Guangliu Dabai, covered his mouth and shoved him a few times in surprise, seeing that he was still unconscious, he went Taking the chrysanthemum tea next to him and spraying it on his face, Yan Yubai was slightly moved, frowned, and quietly opened his eyes.

"Dabai, hurry up and save mother, there is no sound from mother's side."

Seeing that she was naked, Yan Yubai couldn't help smiling wryly. After she was dressed, she was forced to be dragged to Miao Baobao's room. Yan Yubai tried to push the door, but unexpectedly it was locked.

He used a little internal force, and the door opened automatically.Rouqiu went in happily, but heard Rouqiu and Miao Baobao's mother and child screaming.

"Ah!" Miao Baobao tightly covered the quilt to prevent the spring from leaking out.

"Ah!" Meatball tightly covered his eyes to prevent himself from getting a needle eye.

Yan Yubai laughed and joked, "You ran back to your room naked, didn't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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