Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 83 Bamboo Horse, also known as Lanyan

Chapter 83 Bamboo Horse, also known as Lanyan (1)
there is such a man

Liang Yue is good at everything, but treats Xi Qingnuo as a treasure and other women as grass.

Xi Qingnuo has always been afraid to go to the North District of City A, for fear of meeting acquaintances.Today the boss held a celebration party, because the boss lives in the North District, so it is nearby, and the location of the celebration party was chosen in the North District.She wanted to finally have a chance to eat and drink, but she had to find an excuse to decline.

After get off work, Xi Qingnuo could only watch helplessly as her colleagues happily discussed what delicacies would be served today. As a foodie, she could only swallow her saliva tragically.In the autumn evening, the chilly wind poured into her thin knitted cardigan, which added a lot of sadness.

She shrank back and found a leeward corner to wait for the bus.When a champagne-colored BMW drove past her, she seemed to think of something suddenly, and immediately smiled treacherously on her originally sad face.Today is the long-awaited Friday, and she can have another pair of chopsticks at home. She immediately takes out her mobile phone and dials the family number she specially set up.

"Hello?" A low voice came from the other end of the phone.The magnetic voice gives people an inexplicable sense of solidity.

Xi Qingnuo immediately covered the phone with a playful smile and said, "Beautiful Liang Yue, come to my house tonight, okay?"

"I'm already at your house."

Xi Qingnuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Beautiful boy, wait until I get home to play with you!" Just then the bus came, and there were too many people, so she immediately changed her tone in order to squeeze in early to get a seat "I'm hanging up." She hastily hung up the phone and squeezed onto the bus with her slightly plump body.

It has been more than half a year since I returned to City A. When I first came back, Xi Qingnuo made a vow that I would be able to slim down and return to the graceful figure I had when I was in college.It's a pity that God gave her a heart that wanted to lose weight, but Naihe left her a foodie mouth.In the past six months, she couldn't bear to lose a catty of flesh, and her figure was still slightly fat.With a height of 1.6 meters four and a weight of 120 catties, the clothes have soared from the original S size to L size, she is bleeding in her heart!Li Xintong, a college classmate and current best friend, hurt her more than once. Whenever they met, the first thing she said was always pretending to be pleasantly surprised: "I lost weight!" Xi Qingnuo's eyes sparkled with surprise every time: "I'm really thin?" "No, the clothes have lost a lot of weight." Then, Xi Qingnuo collapsed.In fact, she really made up her mind to lose weight, but Liang Yuemeinan is a superb cook, and if she makes a mistake, she will be hated forever, and she can only watch herself getting fatter and fatter.After being ridiculed, she wanted to beat him every time, but he would gently catch her fist and said with a smile: "You don't know how much I like your plump figure, it feels very comfortable to touch." She relaxed her heart and lost weight The matter has been shelved until now.Xi Qingnuo's house is rented in the southern district of city A, which is an old city.The place where she works is in the north-central part, which is an economic and trade zone.From home to work, it takes an hour and a half by bus.Li Xintong didn't understand her very much. Even if she had no financial means, she could still rent a house in the North District. The prices in the North District and the South District were similar, but much closer.Only Liang Yue who knew Xi Qingnuo never asked.

After getting off the bus and turning a few small alleys, Xi Qingnuo smiled knowingly when he saw a champagne-colored BMW parked downstairs.Got home.The house Xi Qingnuo rented was in disrepair for a long time, the stairs had no lights, and the steps were incomplete. It was okay during the day, but at night, it was only dark.Every time Liang Yue came, he would always say with a wry smile, "Why bother yourself so much? Go home." She always shook her head resolutely.She has no face to go home!On the third floor, Xi Qingnuo took out the key to open the door.Speaking of the broken door, Liang Yue nagged it several times, but Xi Qingnuo was too lazy to replace it with a security door.As soon as the door opened, she smelled the aroma of food.She hasn't eaten properly for many days. Every time she gets off work, she buys fast food in the restaurant downstairs and takes it home, then sits at the computer desk while eating and playing with the computer.

Only on Fridays, when Liang Yue brought food to her house to cook, could she eat home-cooked food.

Xi Qingnuo opened the cabinet at the entrance, took out his slippers and changed them, and walked briskly to the kitchen.The light in the kitchen was very bright, and the slender figure was standing by the stove, the string of the apron tied a beautiful bow behind his waist.If there is no such thing, just judging from his unpleasant shirt and well-fitting suit trousers, she would think that the leader came to check her kitchen.

Xi Qingnuo leaned lazily against the door, and coughed softly twice: "Liang Yue is handsome, Ai's family is back." Liang Yue turned around.What kind of face is that?Stern sword eyebrows, straight nose bones, slender phoenix eyes are unpredictable, and thin lips are slightly parted: "Xi Qingnuo, it took me more than an hour to clean your house." Xi Qingnuo couldn't answer for a while. When I started talking, I laughed unreasonably, and changed the subject: "Oh, it smells so good. Let me see what delicious food you made."

36 is the best plan.She had just downloaded a new game these few days, and she devoted herself to it as soon as she got off work, so much so that she made herself unkempt and became a "gone in the messed up room".If Liang Yue knew that she was not doing her job properly, she would be blamed again.

Xi Qingnuo walked to the dining table and saw her favorite side dishes on the table.Regardless of whether her hands were dirty or not, she stretched out her paws to pinch a vegetable and put it in her mouth. When she glanced at the row of clothes hanging on the balcony, she almost choked to death.

She ran over to take a look, good guy, it was all the change of clothes she left in the bathroom in the shower yesterday, and even washed her underwear for her.Xi Qingnuo's face turned red "shua", comparable to red panties fluttering in the wind on a hanger.

Although she and Liang Yue wore the same pair of trousers and played together until they grew up. When they grew up, they never regarded him as the opposite sex and slept together, but after all, men and women are different. Helping her wash underwear and other close-fitting clothes, It still made her a little embarrassed.

"The meal is ready, I'm leaving." Liang Yue said this behind her back.Xi Qingnuo hurriedly turned around and watched him take off his apron neatly, put on his suit jacket, and button it meticulously.In a few seconds, his image suddenly changed from a handsome man at home to a capable elite.It's hard to imagine that the general manager of Yuehua Group cooks for this humble company clerk, right?He drives a million-dollar BMW, but she has to squeeze the bus every day; he lives in the most upscale residence in city A, but she lives in this small house that looks like a slum; his monthly income is enough for ordinary people to live. For a year, she not only moonlighted, but also was rescued by others every time.We all grew up together, why is there such a big gap?
Xi Qingnuo hurriedly said, "Why don't you eat before leaving? Could it be that you poisoned the food and were afraid of poisoning yourself?"

Liang Yue didn't seem interested in paying attention to her teasing, picked up his work bag from the sofa, changed his shoes, and prepared to leave.Xi Qingnuo immediately felt aggrieved: "Beautiful man, look how pitiful Aijia is, why don't you spend this long night with Aijia? Just leave." She leaned against the wall, her pair of pitiful cut water Twin pupils stared at him.

Liang Yue looked at her coldly: "Give up that job, don't you have a teacher's certificate? Be a teacher." This is not the first time Liang Yue has mentioned this to her.She studied in a normal school and worked hard to finish four years of college. If she was not in city A, she would definitely choose to be a teacher instead of a small clerk with no security.Thinking of this, Xi Qingnuo's originally unscrupulous face suddenly became serious, and his boneless body straightened: "It's not like you don't know my difficulties." "You just need to go home and admit your mistake, and nothing will happen." " "Even you think I'm wrong?" Xi Qingnuo suddenly raised his voice, with a little anger on his face.

As long as you mention this matter to her, Xi Qingnuo will be anxious.No matter what the relationship is, Li Xintong is like this, Liang Yue is like this, and so are her parents.She doesn't regret running away from home in the first place.Seeing her like this, Liang Yue knew that there was no need to continue talking, so he was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Resign from your job and come to work in my company."

"Ah?" After changing the subject, Xi Qingnuo's expression immediately changed from queen to ostrich. "The company is fully controlled by me now, and my mother doesn't care, so you don't have to be afraid of meeting acquaintances." She said that, and she was a little moved.When she came to work at Liangyue Company, she could use chicken feathers as an arrow. Who would dare to bully her?In terms of treatment, how could Liang Yue lose her?It would be more convenient to go home, Liang Yue would definitely drive her home, instead of squeezing the bus that can crush people.Thinking about it this way, Xi Qingnuo agreed: "Okay, I will resign tomorrow, when will I start working in your company?"

Liang Yue raised his wrist and looked at his watch, as if he was in a hurry, he said, "Whatever, call me at the company."

Xi Qingnuo also sensed that he was in a hurry, and asked curiously, "Are you in a hurry?"

"My mother arranged a blind date for me. Seven o'clock."

It's already [-]:[-], and even the speeding car can't make it. As Liang Yue, who always does things meticulously and does not allow any deviations, this is the first time he is late.

Xi Qingnuo was astonished when Liang Yue said that he was going on a blind date.This astonishment surprised her a little.She never thought that Liang Yue would leave her, even the 25-year-old Liang Yue had never been in a relationship, so she didn't think there was anything wrong.Now, this is undoubtedly a stone, smashing heavily into her still heart, and the ripples spread continuously, giving her the illusion that she would lose him.

But as his best friend and the most understanding Xiao Qingmei, shouldn't she wish him a successful blind date?
"Then I wish you success, I think you just need to wink at her, and she will be fascinated. Remember, I will be a godmother after giving birth." She forced a smile, showing a row of neat teeth, He looked really happy.But after she finished speaking, she regretted it. She had gone too far, and she hadn't even met her face, and the children had come out.

Liang Yue paused, pursed his thin lips, and let out a stiff "Mmm".Unable to see how much he was pleased with her blessing, he closed the door and left.The room was suddenly terribly quiet, the only sound that "resonated" was the sound of closing the door just now.

Xi Qingnuo stood at the door blankly, the ripples in her heart lake became even bigger, which made her lose her mood all of a sudden.She walked to the dining table and looked at the meals that would normally be eaten cleanly, but at this moment she had no appetite at all.

What, a blind date!When she was crying in city B and said that she wanted to marry him, he still hugged her and said he was willing to marry her.As a result, her scar healed, and he also forgot what he said to her, and it really was to coax her.

She angrily picked up a piece of meat, bit and chewed fiercely, but accidentally bit her own tongue, grinning in pain and burst into tears.

Respect the past with a glass of wine, no matter how much you love, you will never look back.

This is the promise she made to herself.

This Friday is not destined to be peaceful.

Xi Qingnuo was upset for no reason.She thought that she could fall asleep quickly by lying in bed.But she counted a thousand sheep, but she still couldn't sleep at all. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, sat up abruptly, and planned to go to the kitchen for a midnight snack.In the autumn weather, she was wearing winter pajamas and dragging cotton slippers to the kitchen.She turned on the faucet casually, and at that moment, the faucet suddenly opened, and the water splashed all over in an instant, spraying water all over her body.Regardless of her own embarrassment, she quickly reached for a rag and stuffed it into the water pipe connection to temporarily prevent another eruption.

Xi Qingnuo was at a loss all of a sudden, his whole body was soaked, his clothes were dripping with water, his hair was wet and hung in bunches on his head, he was very embarrassed.She knows that the most important thing now is how to solve the problem of water spraying from the faucet.But where would she know how to fix these?Without even thinking about it, she ran directly to the room, found her mobile phone, and called Liang Yue.

About half an hour later, Liang Yue arrived.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he took off the rag and sprayed a stream of water in his face. He had no time to hide, and immediately became a drowned chicken.The kitchen was also showered all over, but I couldn't find a dry place.But he had to bite the bullet and rush to the faucet, find the water gate and turn it off to prevent flooding in the house.

The water source was cut off, and the kitchen was eerily quiet, except for the regular and rhythmic dripping sound of water droplets.Liang Yue was covered in water, and turned his head helplessly to look at Xi Qingnuo, who was leaning against the door with an innocent face. The good-tempered man silently rolled up his sleeves and began to change the faucet without saying a word.

After changing it, he reopened the water gate, turned on the faucet, checked that everything was normal, and then turned off the faucet with peace of mind.

Because Xi Qingnuo was sprayed with water again because he went into the kitchen with Liang Yue just now, the autumn night was a bit cold, and it was inevitable that he would catch a cold from tossing back and forth.Xi Qingnuo, who had been watching his work from behind him, sneezed without warning.

Liang Yue looked at her with a frown, took her hand and walked to the bathroom, took out a towel and covered her head, and wiped her hair very ungently, not forgetting to scold her: "What about your brain? Really? Understand how a brain like yours survived to this day. Can't even close the floodgates!"

Xi Qingnuo ignored his cynicism at all, and followed his words: "I was brought up by you, Liang Yue is a beautiful boy." Liang Yue didn't retort anymore, but his lips were tightly pursed, with a cold face, The meticulous look is very serious, like a father wiping his daughter's hair.

Xi Qingnuo was rubbed against his face by his wet sleeves, only then did she realize that Liang Yue was more drenched than she was, and hurriedly grabbed Liang Yue's hand.Liang Yue stopped his hands in puzzlement, and looked at her questioningly.Xi Qingnuo took the towel from his head with a smile, stood on tiptoe, raised his hands high, finally touched his hair, and helped him to wipe his hair clumsily. Look for it, right? Hehe."

Liang Yue laughed, and let her help him brush his hair, even if someone brushed his hair in a mess, his scalp was numb. "Oh, you're all wet, quickly take off your wet clothes." Xi Qingnuo completely disregarded his wishes and started to take off his clothes.Liang Yue immediately grabbed Xi Qingnuo's hand to unbutton his shirt, narrowed his slender phoenix eyes: "I'll do it myself." His eyes were smiling, and the smile made Xi Qingnuo, who was originally calm, suddenly feel guilty , his face flushed immediately, he couldn't move his awkward hands, and he quickly looked away.Liang Yue thought she would leave the bathroom, but unexpectedly stood still.Do you want to see his strip show?He didn't mind at all, he pursed his lips and smiled, reaching out and unbuttoning his shirt one by one.

Xi Qingnuo sneaked a glance at Liang Yue, and shoved the towel in his hand to him guiltily: "I'll go out first." She hurried away with a red face like a monkey's butt.No, if she doesn't leave, her head will be congested and she will fall to the ground!
Liang Yue laughed to himself, did he overestimate Xi Qingnuo's face?He also wanted to play tricks on her.

Xi Qingnuo fled to his own room, closed the door tightly, kept slapping his cheeks with both hands, and breathed heavily.She touched her forehead eagerly, and found that she didn't have a fever, but felt bored for a while!What happened to her today?Why are you always thinking wildly?God, her brain must be flooded like the kitchen.

She scorned herself fiercely, and after adjusting her mentality, she changed into clean clothes.As soon as she came out of the room, she saw Liang Yue standing at the door wearing a bath towel, his lips were blue from the cold, but he was staring at her seriously.

The next thing Xi Qingnuo noticed was Liang Yue's plump chest muscles and six-pack abdominal muscles.Perfect inverted triangle muscular body!She has always thought that Liang Yue's figure is a natural clothes hanger, who looks good in anything, but she doesn't know that this clothes hanger has "a universe inside".

She swallowed hard.

Liang Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, walked up to her in three steps at a time, and embraced her without warning.The firm and powerful hug made Xi Qingnuo almost choke on his own saliva.It was not the first time she was hugged by Liang Yue, but it was the first time she was hugged by Liang Yue like this. Although her body was a little cold, the heat from her skin burned her whole face red, and she was very shy Di nested in his arms, very well-behaved.

"It's so cold." Liang Yue hooked his lips with a shallow smile. "Ah?" Xi Qingnuo, who was still immersed in the girl's fantasy, was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, a cold feeling came from his waist, and he froze to death.Liang Yue said coldly: "It's fleshy and warm, it's really round and round Nuonuo." "Liang, Yue!" Xi Qingnuo pushed him away through gritted teeth, and glared at him.It's too much!Xi Qingnuo hadn't finished staring, but Liang Yue ignored her, walked into Xi Qingnuo's room, commonly known as the boudoir, wrapped himself in the quilt, and squinted at her with a pair of slender eyes: "Here You have two choices, either I will sleep here tonight, or help me dry my clothes and send them to me." Xi Qingnuo twitched the corners of his mouth: "Is there a third choice?" "Yes , I chose both of the first two." Xi Qingnuo immediately dilated her nostrils, and her eyes were bright: "Hold on, beautiful man!" She strode out of her boudoir and ran to the bathroom to help him dry his shirt.Liang Yue is indeed a man who is thoughtful about the details of life.When she went in, she saw that the shirts were neatly hung on the hangers, as long as they were spread out flat and dried with a hair dryer, it was very simple.Xi Qingnuo couldn't help curling his lips, and a smile appeared.She knew that Liang Yue was reluctant to embarrass her.She carried his shirt back to the boudoir, only to see Liang Yue was holding a pocket book, frowning and reading it intently.Xi Qingnuo, who could never catch the point, first noticed the quilt on Liang Yue.The quilt was casually draped over him, and one corner slid down to reveal the looming muscular biceps.This can't help but make people imagine, what would it feel like to hold such a powerful arm?Xi Qingnuo had to admit that at that moment she wanted to give it a try.Liang Yue turned to look at her, and put the book in his hand on the table: "Dried it?" She went crazy, and even took Fa Xiao, who grew up wearing open crotch pants, as the opposite sex.She didn't want to look at Liang Yue again, she lost her clothes and ran out of the room and sat in the living room in a daze.When Liang Yue put on his clothes and came out neatly dressed, she blushed nervously and felt that he was particularly masculine.It must be because she didn't wear glasses!She has 250 degrees myopia.Liang Yue looked at her tangled and frantic little face, and smiled faintly: "I'm leaving." "Uh..." Xi Qingnuo watched him walk to the entrance and was about to put on his shoes, he hesitated to speak.There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Liang Yue's mouth, and he said lightly: "Good night." He just put his hand on the handle, and when he was about to open the door, Xi Qingnuo, who couldn't bear it, hurriedly asked: "Beautiful man, what's the blind date today?" How is it?"

"Well, a very beautiful woman. I am very satisfied." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and smiled at her knowingly, "In the future, the child will definitely recognize you as a godmother, don't worry. I'm leaving." He gently closed the door and left A bomb left her scorched.

He actually wanted that woman to give birth to him, and then recognize her as his godmother?
Xi Qingnuo was dumbfounded.Probably going to lose sleep at night.

The job of the clerk is easy but irritating.Because it was a temporary notice, according to the original contract, the resignation must be explained one month in advance.She simply didn't want a month's salary, patted her ass and left.She is not afraid of running out of money, anyway, she has the Bodhisattva Liang Yue who saves the suffering.

In order to celebrate her stepping into a better new life, Xi Qingnuo called Li Xintong and asked her out for coffee.Li Xintong is a classmate of Xi Qingnuo University, and because they are both from City A, they have a good relationship.After graduating from university, Li Xintong returned to City A, while Xi Qingnuo stayed in City B. The two lost contact for a year.Later, Xi Qingnuo secretly followed Liang Yue back to City A, and the two of them started to connect again.Xi Qingnuo admired Li Xintong a lot. He didn't put love first. As soon as he graduated from university, he resolutely broke up with Song Zimo and returned to City A. He obeyed his father's arrangement and entered the national taxation unit.If she had returned to city A immediately after graduating from university, perhaps her life would have been more comfortable than that of Li Xintong.Unfortunately, there is no if.The two met in a coffee shop with an elegant environment. This time, Xi Qingnuo planned to bleed heavily. The grade of this coffee shop is considered high in City A.Li Xintong's face is very beautiful, she used to have straight black hair, but now she has short and capable hair, but she still looks feminine.In Li Xintong's narcissistic words, there is nothing to do with a good foundation.Every time they met, Xi Qingnuo would always spurn and nag for a while, despising Li Xintong's stinking beauty.Xi Qingnuo's foundation is not bad, but it's a pity that she didn't take good care of it. After gaining weight, she almost lost the word "beauty".

It's been a week since Li Xintong dyed her hair a flaxen color. She is dressed in a simple pink lady's attire, and she walks gracefully in seven centimeter high heels. She is really feminine.As soon as she approached, Xi Qingnuo couldn't help but spit again: "Don't you know that you shouldn't wear such beautiful clothes when you date a fat man?"

Li Xintong didn't take it seriously: "I tried to persuade you to lose weight, but you couldn't stand the temptation of Liang Yue. Your Liang Yue is too evil. If you know that you are fat, you will become a slow-selling product, so you can have you alone. Oh, what a fool." A scheming man." Li Xintong gracefully took a small piece of cake with a fork, brought it to his mouth gracefully, and chewed slowly.

Xi Qingnuo rolled her eyes: "He's not mine. He had a successful blind date yesterday, and congratulated me on becoming his child's godmother." Thinking of what he said before leaving last night, she wanted to Out of breath internal injury.Li Xintong obviously didn't believe it: "Impossible, I don't believe what I say." "Why don't you believe it? He said it himself yesterday." "A high-achieving student didn't go abroad to study graduate school because of your phone call. He went to city B to accompany you for a year. Treating you as an ancestor and taking care of you in every possible way, do you believe that this is just an ordinary friendship? I don't believe that there is a pure and profound friendship between men and women. "

Xi Qingnuo used to think that there was pure friendship between men and women, and he firmly believed that if friendship was taken seriously, it would be deeper than love.Before yesterday, she firmly believed that she and Liang Yue would always be "pure" like this.Until he said that he was going on a blind date, the mixed feelings in her heart made her deeply understand that she could not go on being "pure". She was used to his care and the love he gave her. It was hard for her to imagine that if One day, he will transfer everything he gave her to another woman, will she agree with a smile?
Seeing that Xi Qingnuo remained silent, Li Xintong said leisurely, "His hardware and software are all top-notch. If you don't fight for it now, you will regret it later."

Xi Qingnuo pursed her lips, and ate the cake in front of her tastelessly: "I'm afraid." Her eyelids drooped suddenly, "Xin Tong, I think you understand too. Love is gone, and each other has become strangers. Obviously Knowing where the other party is, knowing the current situation of the other party, but still pretending to never know each other, this feeling is uncomfortable. For others, I may be desperate, but I can't bear the day when Liang Yue pretends not to know me, and I can't bear to have When I miss him one day, I have his phone but can’t call him, and I can’t stand that we are together but there is no future... When I think of these, I feel sad and want to cry. It’s better to be the closest friend, maintain it in the name of friendship, and not be afraid of losing , together heartlessly."

How did Li Xintong not know that without love, there would be nothing left?She and Song Zimo are like this, she has his phone number, knows his home address, knows all his contact information, and she also knows that she still loves him, but she wants to pretend not to know him and force herself to live without him.She chose the road, and she can't regret it.

Li Xintong handed the sugar cube to Xi Qingnuo, said with a smile, "Understood. Those who care too much had better not get involved in love, and don't take the risk of losing it. Hehe."

Xi Qingnuo picked up a cube of sugar and put it in the coffee cup with a half-smile, then picked up the bone china cup and drank it.No matter how much sugar cubes are put in the coffee, it will still be bitter, and the sugar cannot hide its original bitterness.

The essence has changed, how to cover it up?

"By the way, Ye Weiyin is getting married."

Because Ye Wei was their best friend in college, when they were freshmen, the three of them called themselves the "Three Sluts" and dominated the online game world.Later, their love partners were also in the same boys' dormitory, and they often dated six people when they were dating, and they were very close.Even after graduation, they broke up collectively, with a tacit understanding.

"With whom?"

"He's from her family, many years older than her. He is a returnee and very rich. His father, like your Liang Yue father, is engaged in real estate. She will develop with that man in City B in the future."

"City B? Will she get hurt?" Xi Qingnuo smiled jokingly.Ye Wei fell in love with Lin Munian to death, chased him for a long time before his lover finally got married, and cried like crazy when they broke up. "She has her own sense of propriety. She is married, so she won't think about it anymore." "That's right, hehe." Xi Qingnuo smiled sadly, just as she raised her hand to take a sip of coffee, Li Xintong in front of her looked as if she saw Ghost expression, staring at her back.She curiously followed Li Xintong's gaze and looked back, it was okay not to look, but when she saw that she almost choked to death from the coffee.

Liang Yue and a woman were walking into this coffee shop together. Although the two kept a normal distance, the conversation and laughter between the two really made people imagine.Li Xintong said: "I know this woman, she often appears in magazines. Ning Wanting, the eldest lady of the Phoenix Group, has a very rich family background, hehe, she matches Liang Yue very well." Xi Qingnuo gave her a hard look. "Oh, don't talk about it, the two are really a good match, they are both pleasing to the eye, and their heights match well." Li Xintong commented seriously, while looking narrowly at Xi Qingnuo, as if expecting something.Xi Qingnuo just glanced at it, and took a sip of coffee sullenly: "Are you trying to say that I am the type who affects the appearance of the city, too short for Liang Yue's height?" Li Xintong blinked, pretending to be innocent: "I didn't So, this is all your self-knowledge." Xi Qingnuo took a deep breath, wishing he could kill Li Xintong.Ever since she gained weight, Li Xintong only satirized her every now and then, and didn't sympathize with her fat man's miserable mood at all. "Hey, do you want to go say hello?" Li Xintong blinked at her with an expression on her face.Xi Qingnuo didn't give her a good face: "Why are you going to say hello?" "Yo, it's like a friend who just met and came to say hello, why are you guilty?" Li Xintong smiled treacherously, provocatively saying "you dare not" Sample.

Excited by her, Xi Qingnuo didn't care about 21, [-], stood up with a "huh", and walked towards Liang Yue aggressively.Seeing her aura like this, Li Xintong couldn't help laughing.Obviously caring about it to death, but the duck's mouth is stubborn, it's not cruel.

"Hey." Xi Qingnuo slapped Liang Yue's neat suit with such force that it seemed to vent his anger.Liang Yue was obviously "injured" by her strength, even though he remained calm, his eyebrows frowned slightly.He turned his gaze to Xi Qingnuo lightly: "Why are you here?" "Come and drink coffee with Li Xintong." Xi Qingnuo glanced at his table, and Li Xintong, who was sitting in his seat, saw Liang Yue turn his head away. On her side, she smiled as a greeting.Sitting opposite Liang Yue, Ning Wanting, the eldest lady of the Phoenix Group, suddenly smiled and added: "This lady looks familiar."

"Miss Ning must have misunderstood you. I haven't seen you. But Miss Ning, I've seen you on the covers of many magazines." Xi Qingnuo replied with a smile.In fact, she was talking nonsense with her eyes open, she never read magazines, she just made fun of Li Xintong.

Ning Wanting smiled slightly, a standard professional smile, perfect and impeccable.Xi Qingnuo wanted to say hello and finished, so he could retreat completely, but unexpectedly, Liang Yue said one step ahead of her: "I'll take you back later, when will you be ready to eat?"

"Ah?" Xi Qingnuo was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised.Even Ning Wanting, who was very well-mannered sitting across from her, lost her composure and stiffened.Xi Qingnuo felt that it was inappropriate, and quickly waved his hands and said, "No need, I'll just go back by myself."

"Call me after eating." Liang Yue completely ignored her refusal, and said flatly, "Miss Ning and I still have something to talk about, you can go with Li Xintong first." Everyone has issued an order to evict guests, so how could she just stand still? not moving here?I had no choice but to return to my seat in dismay.As soon as she sat down, Li Xintong came over curiously and asked, "What did you say? Why did you come back with a bad face?" Xi Qingnuo said unhappily, "He said he would take me home later." Huh?" Li Xintong was also surprised, isn't it, how can there be an ending where the male lead runs away with the trickster?

The plot is too reversed. "Liang Yue is good at everything, but he treats Xi Qingnuo as a treasure and other women as grass, tsk tsk." Li Xintong regretted suddenly.Xi Qingnuo cast a shameless glance at her: "Beauty, what kind of nerve are you having?" "I'm not talking about you, if you don't want to try with Liang Yue, don't delay him." "Crazy." Xi Qingnuo Qing Nuo scolded her angrily, "Could it be possible for me to tell him, don't be nice to me anymore, I have no result with you, you should go and have a good relationship with yourself? What if he told me, 'I never wanted to be with you? What's the result, don't be sentimental. 'Then what should I do? Where do I put my old face?"

Seeing Xi Qingnuo's excited look, Li Xintong laughed for a while: "Okay, okay, I don't care about you, since he will send you back later, I don't have to be the messenger to protect the 'pig', I'll go first." , ready to leave with her bag.

Xi Qingnuo hurriedly pulled her: "Don't bring someone who abandoned me halfway. Just pat your ass and leave after eating? You are a heartless woman." "You know, I have always been heartless. I even Song Zimo You are willing to give up, facing me who values ​​sex and despises friends, what do you think will end well for you? Hee hee, I'm leaving."

Xi Qingnuo looked at Li Xintong's receding back and slandered: This ruthless woman will be abused sooner or later.Angrily, she picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee. Because she drank too fast, she really choked this time, and her cough made her liver and gallbladder burst.

"I can't even drink anything." Someone's helpless voice came from behind her.Don't think about it, Liang Yue is a handsome man.She turned around hastily, before she could wipe off the coffee left at the corner of her mouth, she could only wipe it off with her hands in front of him.It was obvious that Ning Wanting glanced at her in disgust.Xi Qingnuo didn't care, and asked the calm Liang Yue directly: "Are you ready?"Liang Yue's car was parked in the underground garage, so he went to get the car first, leaving Xi Qingnuo and Ning Wanting waiting outside.

Originally, Xi Qingnuo thought that Liang Yue would only send her home alone, but she didn't expect that she was just passing by, how sad.Ning Wanting suddenly asked, "I heard from Mr. Liang that Miss Xi is his childhood sweetheart?"

Xi Qingnuo obviously didn't expect Ning Wanting to talk to her, so he was taken aback and nodded. "I don't know where Miss Xi's parents are?" As a childhood sweetheart with someone from a family like Liang Yue, ordinary people with logical ability can think of this.Xi Qingnuo's parents must also have a lot of background.But the clothes Xi Qingnuo wears are at most mid-range, and his words and deeds can't be put on the stage, which is really strange.Xi Qingnuo said lightly, "We studied together in primary school, and we just played better." "Oh." Ning Wanting is also a smart person, so she didn't ask further questions when she saw her answer like this.

Liang Yue's car drove out and stopped in front of them.He got out of the car and opened the door of the rear parking space first.Ning Wanting stood there motionless, as if it wasn't for her.Seeing that she was not sitting, Xi Qingnuo understood that she was going to take the passenger seat.She also knows how to be modest and is ready to sit in the back parking space.As soon as she lifted her foot, Liang Yue said to Ning Wanting: "Miss Ning, don't you want to get in the car?"

Ning Wanting was taken aback for a moment, obviously she didn't expect that the back seat was for her.There was a hint of displeasure and disappointment in her eyes, but she still sat in the back seat with a smile on her face.Liang Yue saw Xi Qingnuo in a daze, opened the door of the passenger seat, and pushed her in: "Go in, you can't stay here for too long."

Thus, Xi Qingnuo was completely shocked and forced into the passenger seat by Liang Yue.No wonder she was so shocked, because the passenger seat has a story.Xi Qingnuo generally likes to sit in Liang Yue's co-pilot seat, and every time she takes a car, she will directly sit in the co-pilot seat consciously.Once, when the high school class reunion was over, one of Liang Yue's good buddies drank too much and couldn't drive, so Liang Yue sent him back first.Xi Qingnuo habitually opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in by himself.In the end, the buddy muttered: "Huh? Are you two together?" Xi Qingnuo was puzzled and asked him why he said that.The buddy said very firmly: "Liang Yue once said that when he buys a car in the future, his wife can only take the passenger seat in the passenger seat." Liang Yue explained very calmly: "He drank too much and talked nonsense. language."

The buddy refused to admit it, and refused to get in the car after arguing for a while.Xi Qingnuo said worriedly: "Beautiful Liang Yue, does it mean that he wants to sit in your passenger seat?" Forgive her for thinking so, Liang Damei has excellent software and hardware, but he has never seen him like a woman.

"Don't doubt my orientation." Liang Yue said so at that time.

Later that buddy was willing to get in the car, also because Liang Yue admitted it.For this reason, Xi Qingnuo's old face blushed all the way.As for whether it is true or not, it has always been an unsolved mystery, and she doesn't know if anyone else has ever sat in this co-pilot seat.

Looking at Liang Yue's attitude today, it seems that she is the only one who has ever sat in Xi Qingnuo.Thinking of this, Xi Qingnuo blushed just like last time.

Xi Qingnuo always thought that Liang Yue would send her back first, and then spend time with Ning Wanting.But I didn't expect that the road I was driving was just opposite to her home, going to the North District.Thinking that she was getting closer and closer to the North District, she became inexplicably nervous.Even though she knew she was in the car and couldn't meet anyone she knew, she was still flustered for no reason.

The car drove into Beishan.Beishan has a pleasant scenery and convenient transportation. In addition, there is a sea a hundred miles away to the east, and the sea breeze blows over, revealing a smell of the ocean.There are only six villas in the whole mountain of Beishan, and the housing price is the highest in the whole city.On Liang Yue's birthday, his mother gave him half of the land on this mountain.But so far, that half of the land is still flat, maintaining the appearance of the year.

The car traveled a long section of the mountain road and stopped next to a villa with an orange-red exterior wall.Liang Yue got out of the car and opened the rear door.Ning Wanting got out of the car slowly, and asked politely: "Do you want to go in for tea with Miss Xi?" Liang Yue did not directly refuse, but opened the door of the passenger seat, and smiled gentlemanly at Xi Qingnuo: " Want to go in and drink tea?" He asked clearly, staring at her with a full sense of threat.It seems that he is saying, if you dare to say what you want, you will see it!Xi Qingnuo felt the murderous look in his eyes, and could only shake his head aggrievedly: "No." Sure enough, Ning Wanting's face turned livid, and she glanced at her with great dissatisfaction.Xi Qingnuo could only complain in his heart, what a Liang Yue, pretending to be a good person, and letting her, a petite and cute weak woman, make a fool of herself, the pressure is unbearable.

"Then, see you tomorrow." Facing Liang Yue, Ning Wanting smiled like a spring breeze, making people feel that spring has come.Xi Qingnuo muttered dissatisfiedly: "Oh, this Ning Wanting must be a master who can stab a friend twice for a beautiful boy."

Saying goodbye to Ning Wanting, Liang Yue returned to the car.The aggrieved Xi Qingnuo finally spoke up: "What? This Miss Ning wants to have good looks and a family background. Do you still have to choose? It is more than enough to be the mother of your future child."

Liang Yue glanced at her without giving her a good face, and when he received his angry message, Xi Qingnuo obediently shut his mouth.It is better to say less.It seemed that since Xi Qingnuo said that, Liang Yue's face had been as cold as ice.Xi Qingnuo had no choice but to relieve the atmosphere, he spoke again: "By the way, don't you have land here? Why haven't you built it yet? Six villas are missing from you."

Liang Yue said coldly, "I'm not in the mood." Xi Qingnuo smiled and said, "You just need to be responsible for paying the money, regardless of whether you are in the mood." Xi Qingnuo scoffed at his excuse. "It seems to be quite close to Dongyang Avenue, right?" Liang Yue raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips playfully.When Xi Qingnuo heard "Dongyang Avenue", his whole body shivered, like an alarm clock that had been turned off and stopped making sound.When Liang Yue’s car drove past the North District and headed for the South District, Xi Qingnuo said kindly: “Liang Yue beautiful man, let me tell you, if you threaten me with this again, be careful that I will molest you and make you famous. No one wants you, hum." In Xi Qingnuo's eyes, Liang Yue is just a delicate "beauty" who has her handle.Liang Yue's hand supporting the steering wheel obviously paused, his gaze was still looking ahead, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with a sneer, "I'm right beside you, and I haven't seen you pounce on me yet." Xi Qingnuo was not convinced: "Give me another I have a chance, and I will not be soft." Xi Qingnuo was irritated by Liang Yue's disdainful smile, so he said such obscene words, although Xi Qingnuo's obscenity Liang Yue has already seen it, but he can't be so ignorant Obscure.Xi Qingnuo immediately vindicated himself: "I'm just kidding." After speaking, he opened the window of the car and let the cold wind blow on his flushed face to quickly recede the blush.

"Nuo Nuo." Suddenly Liang Yue spoke in a slightly deep voice. "What?" "I have someone I like." Liang Yue said to Xi Qingnuo in a very serious tone.

(End of this chapter)

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