Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 95 If I have you, I will be happy for a lifetime

Chapter 95 If I Have You, I Will Be Happy Forever (3)
Front (3)
"You are so afraid of rekindling your old love for me, you can stay away." Song Zimo tilted his head slightly, expressing his thoughts lightly.

Perhaps it was Song Zimo who knew Li Xintong too well. As expected, Li Xintong stood beside him because of his words.The corners of Song Zimo's mouth were raised slightly, and his usually serious face smiled, very nice.It's a pity that Li Xintong didn't notice that the smile she was most fascinated by was blooming for her.

When the elevator went down to the B1 underground garage, Li Xintong followed Song Zimo to a high-end car, and her heart was actually quite complicated.Maybe Song Zimo was right to leave her?At least if he hadn't left at the beginning, he wouldn't have been able to have such financial resources and status, sitting at a high level and looking down upon others.

Li Xintong originally thought that Song Zimo would take her to a restaurant like Shuixieloutai, but when the car drove to the snack street in the North District, her eyelids jumped violently.Sure enough, the car stopped at the entrance of the snack street.Song Zimo unbuckled his seat belt and planned to get out of the car, but seeing Li Xintong sitting still, he raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you going?"

"Does senior Song want to take me to eat Duji fish ball noodles? I will have diarrhea when I eat that stuff. And the stinky tofu on the roadside, I will also have diarrhea after eating it." Li Xintong didn't want to go with him to reminisce about "the past" smell".

But Song Zimo never seemed to treat her very gently.

"Diarrhea or the contract, which is important? Hmm?" Song Zimo directly asked her to choose.

Li Xintong opened his mouth and looked at him in disbelief: "Do you have any sympathy?"

"What good can compassion do me?" Song Zimo asked back.

Li Xintong had never realized that Song Zimo was such a bitter and mean person, a sentence could silence her.Her sharp teeth were defeated in front of Song Zimo.Li Xintong angrily unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car before Song Zimo, and walked straight to Duji Fish Ball Noodle Shop in a familiar way.

The business of Du Kee Fishball Noodles is still booming, and there is an endless stream of diners coming and going.The facade has been renovated, and it is twice as big as when Li Xintong last visited five years ago.The proprietress standing in front of the cashier seemed to know Song Zimo, and waved to Song Zimo enthusiastically: "Here we come, a bowl of fish ball noodles, right?"

Song Zimo replied with a smile, "Two bowls."

The proprietress's eyes lit up, she looked around sharply, and finally locked on to Li Xintong who was standing behind Song Zimo, looked up and down curiously, gave Song Zimo a look hint, and began to place an order.When the proprietress handed the receipt to Song Zimo, she smiled wickedly and said, "I'm treating you today."

Song Zimo was also polite, and said calmly, "Thank you."

Standing behind Song Zimo, Li Xintong felt as if he was being traded illegally, and felt that they were abnormal.

The taste of fishball noodles has not changed at all compared to five years ago.Whether it's the bowls and chopsticks, the soup, and even the position where she sits has not changed.Song Zimo also brought his share in front of her, and looked at her eagerly without saying anything.Li Xintong felt goosebumps all over his body, and asked disgustedly: "Why?"

Song Zimo was lost for a moment, but his face returned to normal calmly, looking at the fish balls in her bowl indifferently: "Put all your fish balls into my bowl."

"..." Li Xintong's lips trembled, she picked up a spoon, picked out the white and tender fish balls from her bowl, and put them into Song Zimo's bowl.Song Zimo seemed to appreciate this scene, a smile he couldn't control overflowed from the corner of his mouth, watching her seriously pick out fish balls for him.

"Okay." Li Xintong handed his share in front of him.

Song Zimo began to eat fish ball noodles.

Li Xintong also immersed herself in eating.He was working in city A during the summer vacation. She knew that Song Zimo liked to eat fish ball noodles, but she was a picky eater and didn't like fish ball noodles very much, but she always wanted to rely on him.So every time she came to eat Duji fish ball noodles with him, she would always pick out the fish balls for him, in a fancy name, to let him eat more of his favorite food.But Song Zimo's eyes were sharp, and he always exposed her shortcomings, knowing that she was giving him something he didn't like.

Li Xintong would never think that Song Zimo brought her here because he wanted to recall the past with her.For Li Xintong, those things were both beautiful and cruel.But to Song Zimo, it was just a not-so-good dream, and he could forget it when he woke up.

After eating the fish ball noodles, Li Xintong asked: "I'm full, can I go?"

"Yes." Song Zimo nodded.

Li Xintong picked up the bag on the table: "Thank you, Mr. Allen, for your hospitality. I will take my leave first. The delivery time of the jade carving will be announced later."

Song Zimo didn't keep her and let her leave on her own.In fact, Li Xintong thought that he would give her a ride, but it was a good thing if he didn't keep her, and there will be no more interactions in the future.It couldn't be better for her.


Regarding the Yuyue Longmen Jade Carving signed under the contract, Hua's Jewelry's branch in City B happened to have it in stock, which made Li Xintong very happy. In other words, as long as she sent the jade carvings directly to Dongyue Group, she would consider the business as complete. up.

This was much faster than expected, and surprisingly smooth, Li Xintong couldn't help but sigh that it really pays off, and he was lucky once!But just as she was so lucky, the company's transportation department told Li Xintong that there was no empty truck to transport her jade carvings, and the company's transportation vehicles had already been arranged, and it would take at least a week, at most half a month, or even a month.How could Li Xintong, who was in urgent need of money, wait?

City B is the city where she studied in university, not far from City A, about two hours away.The transportation fee is only 500 yuan out of her own pocket, which she would rather pay than wait.

Li Xintong mentioned to the director of the sales department that he paid for the transportation of the jade carvings himself, and the director solemnly and clearly stated that it is possible, and if there is any irreparable loss, the company will not compensate for the loss.Li Xintong felt very apprehensive at the time, but after thinking about it carefully, what loss could there be?The so-called misfortune rate is only one in ten million, she doesn't believe it, can she decline like this?Li Xintong wrote a letter of guarantee to the director of the sales department, clearly stating that the consequences of the shipment are at her own risk, and the director of the sales department gave her the delivery order.

After receiving the shipping order, Li Xintong wanted to borrow a car from her cousin Susan and drive to the branch office in City B by herself.It happened that Susan's phone was down and she couldn't get in touch for a while, so she had to take the bus to go.People are unlucky and things don't go their way.The bus she was on broke down halfway, and the passengers got off collectively, waiting for the next bus.Li Xintong has never been so embarrassed, standing on the road in a remote area, eating the wind and sand, and the passing vehicles are looking at them in the wind like monkeys.

Suddenly, a car stopped gracefully in front of her.Li Xintong just looked at this expensive and somewhat familiar famous car, and the window opened.Jia Lingke, who was sitting in the passenger seat, stretched out her head and greeted Li Xintong warmly: "Tongtong, get in the car, we are also going to City B."

Li Xintong looked past Jia Lingke and saw Song Zimo in the driver's seat.The distance was a bit far, Li Xintong couldn't see his expression at this time.

"Uh, how does Miss Lingke know that I'm going to City B?"

Jia Ling could use her mouth to poke at the Kuai Ke who had broken down beside her, and there was a huge "City A-City B" on the Kuai Ke.Jia Lingke said, "I'm going back to the United States, so just send me off, okay?"

no!Li Xintong really wanted to answer like this at the time, but after thinking about it, it shouldn't be like this. We are adults, so where is there any hurdle that we can't overcome?What's more, what does my entanglement with Song Zimo have to do with her.Li Xintong smiled and said, "I'm going to trouble you." She nodded symbolically to Song Zimo to express her gratitude, but she didn't see his expression clearly, so she opened the rear parking door and sat inside to play with her mobile phone.

Jia Lingke asked, "What is Tongtong doing in City B?"

Li Xintong replied: "Get the goods."

"I heard that you sell jewelry. It's a tough job. Why don't you work in your father's factory?"

"My father's factory closed down a long time ago." Li Xintong said lightly.

Jia Ling turned around in surprise: "When did it happen?"

"When I graduate."

Jia Lingke nodded distractedly, and looked at Song Zimo casually.Since Li Xintong was sitting in the back, she couldn't see their eye contact, and she didn't want to see their communication.She shifted her gaze to her mobile phone again, playing with cubes to pass the time.


B City International Airport.

Jia Ling got her boarding pass and was about to go through the security check. Li Xintong clearly saw the reluctance in her eyes lingering on Song Zimo.She thinks these two people are really interesting, the eight-year-old age barrier can be overcome, and they love each other so much, what hurdles can't be overcome?

"Tongtong." Jia Lingke called out suddenly.

When parting, instead of talking to Song Zimo about love, call her an insignificant person?
Jia Lingke walked up to Li Xintong and smiled at her. This elegant demeanor really made people ignore her age: "If you have any difficulties in the future, Zimo will do his best to help you. You don't have to be polite to him, you know? "

Li Xintong was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Jia Lingke to tell her this.Immediately, I saw her wink mischievously at Song Zimo with ulterior motives: "Is that right, Zimo?"

Song Zimo didn't answer, but narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Jia Lingke.

Jia Lingke walked up to Song Zimo, raised her hands, and straightened the tie around his neck for him, telling her like a mother and wife, "Don't just think about work, don't drink too much coffee at night, and don't spoil your body too much." Full of pity, and self-blame that Li Xintong couldn't understand.

She gently rested her head on Song Zimo's broad shoulders: "Fool, live for yourself, do what you want, and promise me."

Standing aside, Li Xintong could clearly see the tears in the corners of Jia Lingke's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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