Jinzhu "Sweet Pet Love" Collection

Chapter 97 If I have you, I will be happy for a lifetime

Chapter 97 If I Have You, I Will Be Happy Forever (5)
She only needs to take care of his life briefly, and the partner is still a good-looking man, which is actually quite a deal.Most importantly, urgent needs can be resolved quickly.


The company treated it coldly and asked Li Xintong to talk to the client himself.The customer has paid the full amount, so they don't care how to pay.Li Xintong felt that the sky had completely collapsed, and a huge debt of tens of millions was suddenly pressed on her who depended on money like her life. She felt that the best solution for herself was to jump off the tall building, and it would be settled once and for all.But when she thought of her father who was being treated in the United States, she couldn't resist jumping off the building again.If she died, her father would not be able to survive. How could she treat her best father so selfishly?But with such a huge sum of money, she really can't do anything.Li Xintong wanted to call her cousin and ask her what to do.She took out her mobile phone and looked through the call records. She was shocked by a series of numbers. She didn't recognize the number, but she knew who it was.

Her former and current creditor, Song Zimo.

She knew that she would have no self-respect if she fought like this.She should put an end to any contact with him, or even die forever.But she has no way out, she can only beg him, she needs a way to survive.Li Xintong dialed that string of numbers.

"Hello, who is it?" Song Zimo's lazy and deep voice came from the other end of the phone, as if he had just woken up.

"It's me." Li Xintong gritted her teeth, feeling a little nervous.

"Who?" Song Zimo didn't know if he really didn't recognize her voice, or if he deliberately made things difficult for her.

Li Xintong tried hard to control the urge to hang up the phone, she said: "Li Xintong from Hua's Jewelry Marketing Department, I wonder if Mr. Allen still remembers?"

There was a silence from the other end of the phone, and it took a long time before he answered, "My working hours are 09:30."

"I have some private matters with you."

"Oh?" Song Zimo smiled, as expected, and asked with interest, "What's the matter?"

Li Xintong pursed her lips, it was really hard to say this, she was obviously such a strong person, but in front of Song Zimo, she would always do shameless things, whether it was the stupidity of chasing after her in the past, or the helplessness of reality now.Li Xintong said: "It's not convenient to talk on the phone, can I come out and talk?"

"A19, Floor 6, Block B, Xinghai Building."

"Ah?" Li Xintong couldn't react for a moment.

"I don't want to go out right now. Either you come here, or you don't have to talk. I'll give you an hour. I won't wait after that." The other end of the phone hung up before Li Xintong agreed.Li Xintong listened blankly to the phone's busy tone at first, and then became angry after realizing it.what attitude?Even if you don't want to talk to her anymore, why are you so reluctant?
If it wasn't helpless, Li Xintong would definitely not be able to keep this face from him. After being treated so coldly by him, he would have to go to Xinghai Building with a "hot face" to stick his cold ass.

Li Xintong rang the doorbell several times, but the door of A6 was still closed.Li Xintong raised his wrist to look at his watch, it has not been more than an hour!She continued to press a few times before the door slowly opened.Song Zimo had already washed and washed, and stood in front of her in all his clothes.When he saw Li Xintong coming, the confidence in his eyes made Li Xintong feel very uncomfortable.He expected her to come?

"Come in." Song Zimo stepped aside and motioned for her to come in.

This is a duplex suite similar to a luxurious presidential suite. The decoration is simple and elegant, mostly white.There were still uncleaned cutlery on the dining table. Judging from the residue, there was white toast, milk and ketchup. It was a very simple breakfast, and it was also very foreign, which was no longer what he was used to back then.

"Sit." Song Zimo sat on the sofa in the hall before her, and with the attitude of the host, he signaled her, the guest, not to be too polite, it's not good to stand all the time.

Li Xintong sat down next to him.

Song Zimo raised his eyebrows, a little surprised by Li Xintong's sudden approach.

Li Xintong said straight to the point: "I am responsible for the jade carvings that your company bought from our company."

Song Zimo interrupted her: "It's 42:[-] Beijing time!"

He was reminding her that now was not the time for business.Of course Li Xintong understood, she gritted her teeth and expressed her intentions: "I am fully responsible for the jade carving's accident. I have no money to pay for it. Based on our previous friendship, can the money be slowed down?"

Song Zimo didn't seem surprised by the purpose of her visit. He had a calm expression, neither disagreed nor agreed. He just asked: "If I slow down, how do you plan to pay back? With your salary, no matter how good your performance is, you can't pay me back." It takes ten years. Do you think our friendship is worth ten years?"

Li Xintong felt humiliated, talking about their "friendship" was already a huge humiliation.But she has no bargaining chips. She held back her tears and pretended to be strong and said: "I can't marry a rich man. Even if I sell myself, I will try my best to return it to you. I really have no money now."

"Then sell yourself."

"..." Li Xintong's eyes widened.

"Sell yourself to be my babysitter, and be on call 24 hours a day." Song Zimo also looked at her, there was no emotion in his eyes, and Li Xintong couldn't guess what he was thinking at all.She just asked, "Why?"

Song Zimo grinned, "Didn't I give our 'friendship' enough face?"

Li Xintong had nothing to say, thought for a moment, and only asked: "The nanny you mean..." She wasn't sure if the nanny he said was different from what she understood.Song Zimo said directly: "I don't have any acquaintances in China. In daily life, you try to help me take care of it. Also, if I am bored sometimes, you should also come and talk to me, so that I don't feel lonely."

"..." Li Xintong had nothing to say again.She didn't understand why Song Zimo made such a request at all.She could only look at him fixedly, as if telling him with her eyes, let him think again.However, Song Zimo's eyes were clear, and he had no intention of changing his mind at all.

Li Xintong pursed her lips and thought.Song Zimo seemed a little impatient: "I hope you don't misunderstand. Naturally, there is no free lunch in the world. The condition I offered is just to let you buffer, and the money still has to be paid back, but how many years to pay in installments, you can decide .”

After Song Zimo said this, Li Xintong's uneasy heart just now calmed down.

Li Xintong said: "Thank you for remembering the old love, I will work hard to earn money, but it seems inappropriate to be your nanny all the time, is there a deadline?"

"I'm going back to China this time to develop the domestic market. I'm not sure if I'll do well or not. Let's see the situation in a year."

"Does it mean one year?"

Song Zimo didn't give a clear answer, but just smiled at her.Li Xintong, who was still confused just now, suddenly understood that the reason why Song Zimo made this request might be because he really felt too lonely.When he returned to the United States a year later, his favorite Jia Lingke did this kind of work.The reason why she was chosen was that their "friendship" was one of them. The more important thing was that Song Zimo was indifferent by nature, a bit obsessed with cleanliness, he didn't like strangers intruding into his space, and he didn't like to communicate with strangers.To put it bluntly, it means that the adaptability is not strong.After all, she had been with him before, and no one understood his many habits and hobbies better than her.Moreover, she clearly knew that Song Zimo was not a casual person.

Li Xintong said: "Okay, I promise you."

She only needs to take care of his life briefly, and the partner is still a good-looking man, which is actually quite a deal.Most importantly, urgent needs can be resolved quickly.

Song Zimo suddenly reached out to her, wanting to touch her hand.Li Xintong flinched slightly, hesitated for a while, and finally was held tightly by Song Zimo.She was about to tell him that the duties of a nanny did not include this, when Song Zimo asked softly, "Are you hungry?"

"..." It seemed that she was thinking too much.


It is still on the waterside terrace.Li Xintong held the chopsticks in a daze, and stared strangely at Song Zimo, who had a great appetite, to see how he was eating with gusto.Li Xintong thought, is he really that hungry?

Li Xintong coughed softly twice: "If there's nothing else, I'll go to work."

She is not hungry, but she has no time to watch him eat. She wants to find other big bosses to sell jewelry and jade carvings, so she smiled and said to the gold master Song Zimo: "I'm full, I'm going to work." She just wanted to get up, Song Zimo As if chatting, he said, "When will you move here?"

"Ah?" Li Xintong couldn't understand at all, with a silly and innocent expression.

Song Zimo paused, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and fixed his deep and unpredictable eyes on her: "I want to live with you."

"I'm just a caring nanny!"

"You can choose to move in with me, or you can choose me to move in with you."

"I'm a nanny!" Li Xintong was a little uneasy.

"Shouldn't the nanny live in the employer's house and provide services on call?"


"Why don't you pick a place and we can move in together?"

Li Xintong squinted at him, and said in a rather helpless tone: "My small temple can't accommodate your big Buddha. Besides, I have the right to refuse your unreasonable request. If you force me again, I will die for you." Look." Li Xintong knew that she was being unreasonable, even a little aggressive, but she had no choice but to keep a distance from him as much as possible, so as not to repeat the same mistakes and fall into the abyss of eternal doom.

Song Zimo sighed, and didn't force himself: "Where do you live? Garden District? Let me see where you live. Is there any problem?"

That was the place where Li Xintong used to live. The last time Song Zimo sent her home, she made a fake one with the feeling of "well water does not violate river water".She never thought that she would have an intersection with Song Zimo, and the intersection was so complicated.This time, he shot himself in the foot with a rock, and the lie was about to be exposed.

Li Xintong coughed twice: "I've moved, I don't live there."

"Where is that?"

"No. 36, Lane [-], Nanchao."

Song Zimo frowned and thought for a moment: "Got it."

He actually knows that place?Li Xintong expressed some doubts, this big Buddha actually knew about a small alley where no shit?Doubts are doubts, it's not a big deal, Li Xintong didn't want to be entangled, so he didn't ask: "Then can I go?"

"No." Song Zimo picked up the chopsticks again, ate the food, and said lightly.

"..." Li Xintong asked unhappily, "Does the boss need anything else?"

"Finish with me." When Song Zimo looked up at her, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed a little affectionate.

Li Xintong shuddered all over, unable to bear the electric current, sat down awkwardly, resting his chin on his hands, watching Song Zimo eating gracefully in boredom.When Song Zimo finally put down his chopsticks, Li Xintong grinned as if he had been pardoned and said, "Can I go?"

Song Zimo asked, "What time is it?"

Li Xintong raised his wrist and looked at the high imitation Cartier watch: "10:30."

Song Zimo glanced at Li Xintong's watch.Li Xintong was a little guilty, and blocked the watch with his other hand to divert his attention: "Can I go?"


Li Xintong got up, smiled politely at him completely absent-minded, and left.They are very estranged, Li Xintong can't treat him as before, she can feel that Song Zimo treats her the same way.The feelings fade away, leaving only traces, and they are squandering the remaining beauty by relying on this trace.

Song Zimo's efficiency is extremely high. As soon as Li Xintong returned to the office, the director of the office called Li Xintong to come to the office, saying that the Dongyue Group had paid the money, and the order was completed perfectly. Her commission will also be included in this month's salary. to her.The colleagues in the office knew the ins and outs of the accident, and asked curiously, "How did you solve this problem?"

Of course, Li Xintong didn't want to say that he was honored to be his "nanny" because of their previous "friendship", so he had to be sloppy: "Their company plans to invest in a project and wants to sign a contract with a company for joint development. The boss of that company It happened to be my former client, so I got involved and facilitated this contract! Hehe." Li Xintong felt a little guilty, and added "hehe" at the end to ease his guilt.

Who would have thought that the director of the office would stare wide-eyed, and grinned in surprise: "Ah, recently Dongyue Group and Huadong Tourism cooperated in the resort project, and you were the one who made it happen? Xintong, it's not easy!"

Li Xintong was startled, unable to answer for a moment.The director of the office seemed to be unable to wait for Li Xintong to answer, and continued to say excitedly: "It is said that the investment in this resort is huge. First of all, the hotel investment is a big piece of fat, and many companies are rushing to it. Our company's jade carving depends on you, Xintong !"

"..." Li Xintong knew this was the case.

Seeing the grinning head of the office, Li Xintong was completely unmotivated. At the beginning, she jumped into the fire pit just for the jade carving.Now she is going to set herself on fire for the jade carving!What's even more tragic is that she is willing to set herself on fire for money.This feeling made Li Xintong very sad.She really became the type she used to despise the most, a full-fledged gold digger.

The director of the office gave the person in charge of the resort project information.Li Xintong knew this person, but he had only met him once, and his deepest impression was because his wife scolded her once and poured wine on her once.The person in charge of East China Tourism is Mu Wanlin's husband, Jiang Jun.It's really a narrow road.

Li Xintong originally wanted to find the next buyer, but gave up because she was thinking about how to talk to Jiang Jun.She thought about it all afternoon. If Song Zimo hadn't called, she wouldn't have known that she was off work.

"I'm already downstairs at your house, when will I be back?" Song Zimo's deep and bewitching voice was on the other end of the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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