Chapter 81

This kind of tacit understanding is not for everyone. Sometimes Lan Zhen feels strange why he always trusts this woman inexplicably. It is obvious that they have not known each other for a long time, and
They are not familiar with each other, but they can trust her without reservation!

Sometimes I really feel that fate is very strange. He has no feelings for Yu Xi, but he has feelings for his sister. This strange thought puzzles him, because he has never trusted people easily.

But she trusted her so much, it was unbelievable, but it still happened.

Yu Xi smiled faintly, "Brother Lan, I will go find the herbs right away, and one more thing, you should be careful with your brother, and you should be ready to deal with him now, he will definitely have something in these two days

Action! "

Lan Zhen frowned, "Did you see it?" He already knew what the elder brother was thinking, even the assassination in Tianxiang Kingdom last time, he also sent someone to do it, who would know that he was in Tianxiang Kingdom?
Yu Xi nodded, glanced at the memorial on the table, and said calmly: "The depths of his eyes are full of desire, but it's well hidden, making it hard to find, but I can see it!" What she experienced

There are too many things to do, so what is this little?She was tricked when she first managed the company. Because of her stubborn personality, she didn't tell her grandpa, but relied on herself to investigate and deal with the truth, and took a
The group of veterans was shocked.

Thinking about it, I used to be considered a strong woman in the mall, but how did I become a little woman in this ancient time?

It seems that love is really not suitable for her, it will make people stupid, stupid, and not like themselves!
"In fact, I gave him a lot of opportunities, but he didn't cherish them. But how could this matter have anything to do with him? Father's illness..." Lan Zhen looked at Yu Xi hesitantly.
Is it related to him?
Impossible, no matter how bad the eldest brother is, he would not poison his father, he absolutely does not believe it, nor can he accept it!

Yu Xi understands his feelings, but this is a fact, even if there is a conflict, it is unavoidable, because some injuries cannot be undone after they are caused, for example, if he is poisoned, it is impossible
To be forgiven, at least if it was her, she would not forgive!
But in the face of being betrayed by the person closest to her, that feeling is definitely painful. She can understand it, but she can't empathize with it, because everyone is different, and words of comfort may be too shabby
, but she still wants to say, "Don't be sad, it's not your fault, don't feel sad!"

You can't be too tolerant, sometimes you have to be selfish, it's obviously someone else's fault, it's unfair to bear the pain, so she won't be sad because of those things!
But after thinking about it, she couldn't do it. It seems that she is not ruthless enough, she must be ruthless in the future, otherwise there will be more injuries.

People, you always have to experience to grow and understand that this world is not as simple as it is said, she is not simple, but what she experiences is not emotional, so she always treats her feelings
Can't handle it well!

Lan Zhen tried his best to control his emotions, not wanting others to see the pain in his heart, "I know!"

"Then I'll go first, remember to think more about yourself, some people will not change no matter how tolerant you are, what I say, you can understand at this point, the future emperor must not soften his heart

do you know? "She still has to find herbs.

The moment she turned around to leave, a sentence floated into Yu Xi's ear, "But family love, I can't let go of it for the rest of my life!"

No matter how many unreasonable things that person has done, he is still his big brother. This fact cannot be changed. He knows the consequences, but he cannot accept that his own big brother did such a thing.

Such a thing, actually poisoning the throne, this idea, he has never had, always thought that the father was sick, but did not know that it was poisoning!

He couldn't just draw conclusions before the matter was clarified, but after being told by Yu Xi, the possibility was indeed very high.

He knew about the big brother's ambition, but even if he had the ambition, how could he hurt his father?
Since childhood, Emperor Father has been so kind to them. Although he is strict, he is sincerely doing their best for them. Moreover, Emperor Father has never favored anyone. Between brothers, you have everything you have.
, but he didn't expect his elder brother to be such a person, how could he believe it?
Yu Xi, who was going out, was led by the little eunuch from a place where no one was there. The beautiful garden of Haolan Kingdom is indeed very attractive, but she can only take a look at it from a distance. After all, now is not the time to appreciate it.
"Girl, go from here!" The little eunuch said respectfully, pointing to a door.

Yu Xi looked to the side, there was really no one there, and it was indeed a remote place, but she didn't care, as long as she could finish the matter safely, she could be regarded as repaying a favor

She is still very grateful to be taken care of by Lan Zhen, but Haolan Country is not the place for her to stay after all, no matter what, she has to go back to Tianxiang Country.
Miss, I didn't go this way originally, but I was afraid that people from Tianxiang Kingdom would come here today, so I took this way! The little eunuch said with a smile.
Yu Xi was absent-minded for a moment, people from Tianxiang Kingdom? What are they doing here?
Come to give the dowry, the third princess is about to get married, so.
Don't talk, I know, then Eunuch, can we go out here? Yu Xi didn't say much, but his eyes became dim, and he was obviously depressed.
The little eunuch looked at Yu Xi incomprehensibly, nodded and said: This way!
You go back, I can go out by myself! Without further words, Yu Xi opened the door and walked out!
There is a lot of traffic outside, unlike the Tianxiang Kingdom's palace built in a place where no one is there, the Haolan Kingdom's palace is closer to the street, so as soon as you go out the back door, you will be on the bustling street.
But why can't she feel that she is in a lively place? It seems that she is the only one left in the whole world, no matter how many people are walking around, her heart is still empty

, that desolation can't be shaken away at all.
Is it from Tianxiang Kingdom? He is here to give the dowry, is it him, is he going to marry someone new?
I said I didn't want to think about it, but why was there still a needle in my heart, piercing it without the slightest hesitation!
The pain spread all over her body, she really failed, every bit of news about him made her at a loss, is this still her?
Why did the once invincible young lady disappear? She was obviously very stubborn and strong. Why did she become like this when she came here?
She can't do anything well, she doesn't care about anything, even if she is injured, she doesn't know how to heal, let it bleed, there is nothing she can do.
Yes, it's just endless pain, nothing but pain, piercing and tearing, making her unable to breathe and live a normal life.
Walking quietly alone, people on the road will look at her with astonishing eyes, but these have nothing to do with her. What she wants has become eternity, and can never be crossed or chased back.
Suddenly, Yu Xi glanced at the carriage beside her, just in time for the curtain of the carriage to be blown up by the wind, just one glance, and her whole body could not move, just one glance, her heart seemed to be frozen, just one glance, she almost couldn't stand still !
Is it him, is that person really him, she can't be mistaken, it must be him, the same white clothes, she remembers she said she likes his white clothes, it looks very clean.
Although she didn't see it clearly, she was sure that that person must be him, that familiar smell, even if she wasn't face to face, she could clearly feel his presence.
Tears slid down wantonly, without any warning, as if it was raining naturally.
I told myself countless times in my heart that it would not be him who married Lan Ling, it couldn't be him, but why is the reality so cruel?
When he turned around, it was already so far away, there was really no hope between them, and he had given himself countless fantasies, but in the end, he was still disappointed, he still married someone else, and personally gave the dowry!
Did she misunderstand him, or was she too naive, otherwise how could she get hurt? Emotionally, she has never experienced it, but she believes in love, a thing called eternal life, and because of her belief, she gives without reservation My own love, but in the end, why is it hurt?
Didn't they say they were going to be together forever? Are those vows really so light, they will be scattered when the wind blows? Is he really unbelievable?
But why, there is still an inseparable love for him in my heart? Is everything false? But those falsehoods are the most beautiful memories in her life.]
Without thinking about it, Yu Xi casually stopped a carriage and got on it, going thirty miles outside the city! She had already found the route, so she didn't need to think too much.
Now my mind is blank, I don't want to think about anything, I don't want to do anything.
It's just bursts of pain, I can't forget it no matter what, it's like a seed has been planted in my heart, and it's slowly sprouting now!
If she hadn't met him, she believed that she would still be living a happy life without any troubles. If she hadn't met him, she would have had more opportunities to visit this different world.
But everything is doomed, strange, what can be blamed? Traveling through time and space, amnesia, getting married, things that would never happen, all happened at the same time, it is really inconceivable.
Miss, it's thirty miles away! The coachman's voice sounded, Yu Xi was stunned, and finally got out of the car.
After giving the money, I looked at the green field, but I couldn't feel happy at all, and my heart was depressed!
If it was before, she would definitely be very happy, because these things let her see the beauty of life, but now, she can't feel anything, only boredom and pain.
If possible, she doesn't want this kind of result at all!
Happiness is her trademark, isn't it?
But she still knew exactly what she was going to do, took out the dagger in her bag, and Yu Xi walked slowly towards the thick grass.
(End of this chapter)

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