Chapter 84

He just lost the ability to walk, originally he was blind, but Ye Yingxi forced the poison to his legs, and now he can't even walk.
But losing the ability to walk is better than losing his eyes. He wants to keep his eyes and look at her again. Just one look is enough for him.
I never knew that I would have this kind of thinking. I used to think that I was very powerful, I didn’t care about anything, and I didn’t need to fight for anything to get it, but now it seems to be different.
Susu opened her mouth wide in surprise, watching Qiao Ziqing climb over the lake, her elegant figure was really as outstanding as a celestial being, Susu was stunned.
Seeing Qiao Ziqing wave his sleeves, Susu didn't even see what was going on, Qiao Ziqing had already stood still in front of Susu.
Take it! Carefully take out the butterfly in the sleeve, Susu took the little butterfly as if bewitched, and put it in the net that she had already prepared.
The colorful butterflies are very beautiful, but they cannot fly freely in the net. Susu looked at those butterflies lovingly, and said softly: "Little butterfly, sister will let you go later, play with sister for a while first!"
Looking at the pure and innocent Susu, Qiao Ziqing put on a faint smile, he hasn't seen such a vigorous person for a long time.
I still remember that when I saw her for the first time, she frowned, didn't pay attention to anything, and just looked at herself straight, without any expression of fear. In fact, since that time, he has already treated her she has

had a different feeling.
Afterwards, every little bit of getting along with her has become the most beautiful memory at this moment.
He still remembered that when he practiced qigong like crazy, he just wanted to have something to do and not think that she had left him.
In the beginning, he actually had an impulse, even if she was Ye Yingxi's princess, he would not mind, he wanted her to stay by his side and never leave for the rest of his life.
But when he saw the way she looked at her, he completely lost this idea.
Although he said he didn't want to go back, he knew very well that the expression on her face when she saw him again was definitely something called love.
It was the first time he saw the deep, deep feelings, that obsessive look in her eyes, but the person she was looking at was not him, so he already knew at that time that she could not be his in this life.

I'm afraid that if she is forced to keep her, her heart cannot be his.
Instead of making her sad, let her pursue her own happiness.
In fact, he has always been by her side, silently, quietly, without letting her find out, he secretly protected her, and he didn't leave until she went to the military camp and fell in love with Ye Yingxi.
Seeing Ye Yingxi's love for her, he believed that this man also loved Yu Xi deeply, so he chose to leave.
But when he returned to Wanhua Palace alone, he couldn't live a peaceful life, his thoughts were eroding his heart like a flood of beasts, day and night, nothing could make him interested.
Nothing can make him forget her.
Brother, what are you thinking? Susu teased the butterfly, but found that Qiao Ziqing was looking at the distance with deep eyes, as if she had no focus, just looking at it so unfocused.
Withdrawing his gaze, Qiao Zi looked at Susu calmly, you can leave now!
He wanted to find a quiet place where he could bear the pain of longing alone. Although he knew that he was not qualified to do so, he couldn't control his heart.
Of course she is the only one.

Strange thought, I used to always feel that I would never fall in love with anyone in my life, yet I was attracted to Yu Xi so easily.
Involuntarily, even he himself didn't know why, in short it was very strange.
Brother, you are bored by yourself, Susu, can you talk to me? She likes this beautiful brother very much, so don’t leave. The people in the palace are so boring, no one can play with her, she

Of course we can't let go of this beautiful brother!
I am not from Haolan Country!
Hearing this, Susu was a little surprised, then who are you, why are you in our palace?
People from Tianxiang Kingdom! Qiao Ziqing's voice has a hint of vicissitudes, and his tone is always light and quiet. In addition to his already deep and charming tone, it is even more attractive.
Susu only felt dizzy in her head, looking at Qiao Ziqing's face, charming curves, nose, lips, everything attracted her deeply.
Suddenly, for a moment, she realized that she fell in love with this extremely handsome man in front of her.
I like you! Without thinking about anything, Susu spoke out what was in her heart.
She fixedly looked at Qiao Ziqing, with a serious expression she had never seen before, her little face was a little blushing, like a doll's delicate face, so cute that people wanted to take a bite.
If it was someone else, maybe they wouldn't reject her, but sitting in front of her was Qiao Ziqing, a man who already had someone he loved deeply in his heart, a man who only loved once in his life, his heart had long been

It is already frozen, it will never be opened again, and I don't want to open it.
Seeing that Qiao Ziqing didn't speak for a long time, Su Su bent down, looked at Qiao Ziqing, looked into his eyes, and said with a smile: Su Su's heart beats very fast, I found that I fell in love with you!
If you like someone, you have to say it out loud. This is what Sister Yu taught her. She said that if you like someone, you must speak up bravely. Otherwise, you will miss it for the rest of your life. She should not regret it forever.
Although she doesn't know what love is, she knows that she likes this beautiful brother very much, and the feeling of liking her brother is different.
She can do many things for him, change many things, these are the things that were in her head just now.
Even if it was impulsive, she felt that she would never regret this impulsiveness for the rest of her life.
My sister said that there are many people in this world, but it is very difficult to find someone who feels the same as you.
If you come across it, you must fight for it!
Although I don't know how my sister knows so many things, but she believes in her very much.
Qiao Ziqing looked at Susu in surprise, why he felt her persistence, and felt her determination very strongly.
What was going on in her little head? It was only a one-time encounter, and she fell in love with him. Without any reason, she looked at him so seriously and said she liked him.
What do you like about me? With a light tone, he just really wanted to know what she was thinking, what was it that supported her to speak so boldly.
Susu blinked her eyes, her sweet smile was even better than the flowers, I just liked it, it was the first time I felt a different heartbeat, and it was the first time I had such a bold idea!
In fact, she herself finds it unbelievable, because in the past, there were many sons who wanted to propose marriage and marry her, but they were all rejected by her, because she didn't like those people at all.
The so-called son of a famous family is nothing more than the influence of her family. Although she doesn't know many things, she is used to seeing the battles in the officialdom since she was a child, so there are some things that she can't know even if she doesn't want to.
Facing the masked people, she has no interest at all. If she is not someone she really likes, she will never sell herself for profit.
And daddy also said that he wants his daughter to be happy, that's all.
What's your name? I don't even know your name! Pouted, Susu said unconvinced.
Clear! I don't want to say my name. My name is just a code name. He doesn't need it. I didn't want to say it at first, but seeing the expectant expression on Susu's face, he couldn't be cruel.
He couldn't be more clear about that expression, because in the past, he also had this expression, waiting outside her window, looking at her secretly, wishing so much that she could open the window and see himself,
But there was only one person in her eyes.
Such a sad scene, every time I think about it, it hurts, as if a hole was stabbed in the chest, there is no blood, but the pain is so painful.
He doesn't know what he likes about her, but he just can't help but want to look at her, hear her voice, see her smile, everything is very simple, but he is so unqualified to have it.
Brother Qing, Susu really likes you, do you have a wife?
Facing Susu's cautious expression, Qiao Ziqing shook his head, "I will never get married in this life! It is impossible for the person he likes to be his, so the wife's seat will be vacant forever!
Susu was angry, pouted her mouth and said unconvinced: You can't say that, Susu must change, and when Susu grows up, I will be your wife!
Hearing this, Qiao Ziqing smiled lightly, do you know what his wife means?
Susu stood up straight, staring at her big eyes and said: Of course I know, the person who wants to live with you for the rest of your life, the person who wants to take care of you for the rest of your life, eat together, walk together and sleep together, forever.

Far from being apart!
I won't get married! Heart is gone, he can't give happiness to anyone.
Susu doesn't mind smiling, that was in the past, but now you have met me, so you will definitely change your mind, Susu will do well, be a good wife and mother, brother Qing, you must
Believe me, I want to treat you well!
I just want to be nice to someone purely, without any purpose.
You are still young, these things are beyond your comprehension! And my legs can't walk, even so, do you still like me?
Who would like a disabled person? This little girl must have acted on a whim. Now that she knows this fact, she will definitely retreat in spite of the difficulties, right?
It's a pity that he misunderstood the person. Susu's character is that what she likes will not give up easily, and she must fight for it. I won't. Susu won't mind these things. The outside is always just a skin,
The one Susu likes is you! Although I don’t know you now, we have been together for a long time, and we will definitely be together!
She believed in her intuition, although it was the first time they met, but she was attracted by him, no matter what aspect, anyway, she was deeply attracted, so she would definitely stick to liking him to the end.
Maybe this is what Sister Yu said about love at first sight, it's really unbelievable that this kind of thing happened to me.
But he didn't mind at all, because she was very happy to meet him, never been happier, even if brother Qing's legs couldn't walk, she would take care of him for the rest of his life.
Suddenly, she felt that she had grown up, because this belief was particularly strong, and it gave her a feeling that she could never change.
Whether you say she is impulsive or naive, she just likes this feeling.
Brother Qing, do you believe that Susu really likes you and can do many things for you, you can't imagine how deep my determination is now!
Susu's eyes were extraordinarily bright, as if they were hidden stars, so dazzling that people couldn't ignore them, Qiao Ziqing smiled helplessly, don't say such things lightly!
Such a lovely girl, he still doesn't want to harm her, his heart has already been frozen, so he can't give her any hope, although he also finds it unbelievable, after all, they are meeting for the first time, but he believes this The girl made up her mind, and he saw the light in her eyes.
Exudes a kind of infinite gravitational force, sinking into it, becoming unable to extricate itself, but he doesn't need it.
You believe me, because Susu really likes you!
She desperately wants to get his affirmation, because she needs courage, and he is her motivation.
Qiao Ziqing frowned, looking at Susu's serious and lovely face, she didn't know what to say, don't fall in love with someone casually, and that person is me, I will not fall in love with anyone except her, do you understand, because My heart has already been given to others, so don't waste time on me!
It's not that he is unfeeling, if Susu really likes him and falls in love with him, it will be even more difficult at that time, it is better to let her give up her heart early, so as to avoid future pain.
But Susu ignored his words, thinking that he just didn't want to like him, brother Qing, don't say it, I've made up my mind, so I won't give up easily!
Don't be stubborn, it's not good for you! He knows how it feels to be hurt by love, and he must never let this lovely girl get hurt again, it's a cruel thing, he will never like it.
Susu frowned, put her hands on her hips angrily and said: I also said that I will never give up, because Susu really likes you.
Really, to be liked by her and still treat her like this, you know, there are many people in Haolan Country waiting in line to marry her, but he doesn't care about it at all, it's too much.
Susu, I have someone I love, the one who loves deeply, you know, I will never fall in love with someone else in my life, so don't put your love on me, you have to to return!
Qiao Ziqing looked at Susu seriously, and said with a very serious expression.
Can you accept me who loves other women, can you live with someone who doesn't love you all your life? These demands are something no woman will bear! He knows this very well!
No one can endure that the person he likes doesn't like him, no one can watch the person he loves love others, these are all mental tortures, he has already experienced it deeply, so it is absolutely impossible for Susu to be true to himself If you use affection, it will kill her for the rest of her life!
Susu looked at Qiao Ziqing angrily, then does the person you like like you?
Hearing this, Qiao Ziqing's heart ached a bit, piercingly, she didn't love me, so in this life, I will never get married or have a wife!
No matter how outstanding the woman is, she is not the one he wants, so he will never let others live in his heart, and he has no intention of that.
Love should be for a lifetime, once you give it, you will never take it back.
Hearing what he said, Susu suddenly became motivated, smiled and bent down to look into Qiao Ziqing's eyes. Since she didn't cherish you or like you, why did you guard her? Why did you let yourself live in pain? Well, don’t you want to live happily? You will be very tired like this!
After a pause, Susu continued: "If possible, Susu is willing to accompany you and live a life that makes you happy all her life. She doesn't know how to cherish you, so you can find someone who cherishes you. Isn't living to be happy?" , why don't you think on the bright side?
Qiao Ziqing stared blankly at Susu's serious smile, why did you say these words?
Love is a lifetime thing, you are too young to understand!
But why did he feel a little uncertain when he said these words? Love is only once in a lifetime, isn't it? Why is what she said different from what he thought?
Susu was stunned. In fact, brother Qing, you have gotten into your own horns. What you think is what you think is right. In fact, it is wrong. There are many beautiful things in this world, but you don’t even think about it. To discover and search, I would rather live in the cage of my own pain than to be happy, otherwise you will be sad!
I don't understand how Susu can say so many things. I thought she was just a child, but suddenly changed at this moment!
Don't say what the person you like is so good, she doesn't love you, this is a fact, so brother Qing, don't indulge in your past memories, try to come out, you can see many, many things, originally Dark colors, in fact, go out, is colorful!
Susu racked her brains to think of comforting words. Actually, she didn't understand these things, and they were all taught to her by others. But seeing the hesitant expression on Brother Qing's face, it seemed that these words had worked!
Butterflies were flying around, and the lake was emitting a faint light. Qiao Ziqing looked at everything in front of him, including this lovely girl.
Is he wrong? He has been living in the dark all the time. He really didn't think about going out, because it seems that the outside world has nothing to do with him!
What he insisted on was just the feeling in his heart. His love for her was a little unreasonable, but he never regretted it.
He doesn't know what he likes about her, but if he loves her, he loves her without too many reasons.
You go back first, I want to be alone for a while!
Seeing him like this, Susu swallowed the original words, then you think, I live in the palace, I will come to you! After speaking, Susu turned around and left in three steps!
(End of this chapter)

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