Chapter 412 [424] Close relatives and close relatives (revision)
Emotions cannot be controlled by will, but behavior can be controlled by reason.

Although it is a reorganized family, although the original relationship between Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu was not very good, but these years, Lin Yi and Jiang Ya can still be said to have given them a good enough family environment, even better if multiple native families .

The head of this reorganized family is Lin Yi, but Jiang Ya is actually the person who leads the direction of the family. With her cleverness and gentle love, she successfully combined the two broken families together.

And if there is no accident, with Jiang Ya's intelligence, it is absolutely possible to continue the happiness and beauty of this family.

A pair of children have been taught very well by her. The son is honest and obedient, with excellent grades, and the daughter is beautiful, intelligent, well-behaved and sensible. Even if Lin Xuan is not her own, she already regards her as her biological mother.

This was supposed to be a model reorganized family.

However, the accident still happened.

This family had an extra helmsman in advance. His scheming, wrong intentions, misunderstanding in the hospital and subsequent getting along made him have undue feelings for his sister who was not related by blood, and he paid for it. action.

Because they were playing a game at the same time, the original indifferent relationship between the two has changed. However, there is no blood relationship, and there is no brother-sister relationship.

The smart and beautiful Jiang Qianyu quickly realized the great harm that this situation might bring to the family, so when she returned to her hometown, she ended this relationship that should not continue in time with great will and reason.

Reason, however, can control behavior, but not emotion.

Because of the live broadcast, she had to sleep out. In order to enable the two to take care of each other, Jiang Ya and Lin Yi let them live together. They are all mentally tortured, and their relationship with each other is also ups and downs.

Lin Xuan finally took the opportunity to confess his love, and Jiang Qianyu was deeply moved, but still remained rational, and calmly drew a line that must be adhered to in the relationship between the two.

He makes a good brother.

She makes a good sister.

After falling in love, breaking up, and reuniting, the two finally found a balance point between ethics and love.

However, after getting along for a period of time, especially after Lin Xuan chose to play professionally, parting catalyzed the fermentation of feelings, and finally temporarily overwhelmed reason.

Even when she was taking a nap, she was worried that his return was a dream, and she woke up from time to time, and she had to go out of the room to see if he was there.

Seeing him here will continue to go back to sleep.

She woke up again at night, went to the living room but didn't see him.

So she came to his room, and she wanted to say a lot, but when she reached her mouth, she seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn't say a word.

"do not know what to say."

She said softly, her voice sounded a little aggrieved, a little angry, but she didn't know who she was angry with, whether she was angry that he couldn't fully understand what she thought in her heart, or that she couldn't even like her sister like him. Can you just die shamelessly?

Lin Xuan was lying on his side on his bed. Because he didn't have a pillow, he was somewhat uncomfortable, so he leaned on one of his arms, stared at her shining bright eyes in the dark, and said with a soft smile, "If you want to say something, just say it." What, I love to hear whatever you say."

Wanting to say that she didn't want to be a younger sister anymore, she just turned over and buried her cheeks in the pillow that smelled of him, and a clear and pleasant voice came out from the pillow, sounding muffled: "I don't even want to say."

"Then don't say it."

Lin Xuan was very kind, "I'm happy just lying down like this."

She gave a soft "um" and was silent for a while, then turned over again, still lying on her side and looking at him.

The darkness blinds other perceptions, making it difficult to see the face and expression of the other party, but it also enlarges the part that can be seen and felt. At this moment, the four eyes meet, the soft light is like water, and the heartbeat between the two seems to be connected together. A feeling of harmony.

She finally said softly: "I miss my sister."

Lin Xuan was slightly taken aback, "Who?"

"My sister."

The soft voice resounded in the darkness, revealing a little bit of loss, confusion and sadness, "Yesterday was her birthday."

Lin Xuan was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand, and gently squeezed her soft and tender cheeks, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It's useless to tell you."

Xiao Nizi wrinkled her nose, and said in a low, nasal voice, "I don't even know where she is now."

Lin Xuan asked: "Doesn't Mom know?"

"I probably don't know... Maybe she knows, anyway, she didn't tell me."

Lin Xuan didn't know what to say for a while, seeing that she was depressed, he stretched out his hand, groped in the dark for a while, and held her palm. Jiang Qianyu struggled twice, but couldn't break free, so he let him.

Lin Xuan held her delicate and smooth hand, and said without words: "Why have I never heard that you have a sister?"

"I can't see you again, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Qianyu sniffed again, and said in a low voice, "She is two years older than me, and one year older than you..."

Lin Xuan reached out and patted her little head, interrupted her, and said with a smile: "I am one year and three months older than you, and now I have turned eighteen, and you have not yet turned seventeen, so You are 16, and she is, the same age as me."

Xiao Nizi probably didn't expect him to care about this, looked at him, smiled softly, didn't say anything, and continued: "When I was young, my parents were busy, and it was my sister who took care of me. Later, my parents separated. She was sentenced to Dad, and I haven't seen her since then..."

Lin Xuan gave another "huh" and sighed: "Although I don't know much about your past, I can guess that you should have lived a pretty good life abroad. Although divorced, I want to come on your...father's terms." Or ability, forming another family is not difficult, since the court has reached the point of sentencing, obviously they all want you very much, so no matter whether it is material or emotional, you should not worry, your sister will live a very good life."

Jiang Qianyu said "hmm" again, those eyes were shining in the dark, and the waves were flowing. Lin Xuan couldn't see her expression clearly, but he could feel that Xiao Nizi's mood was much better, and he couldn't help but relax.

Hearing her smile slightly, she asked softly, "Do you know what my name used to be?"

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment before realizing that she took the surname Jiang after her stepmother got divorced, so it was naturally not this name, so she smiled and said, "What's your name?"

"Just take a guess."

Xiao Nizi's voice was a bit coquettish, and Lin Xuan couldn't help but feel better, and said with a smile, "Then you have to tell me what your father's last name is."


"Shen Qianyu?"

"No, it sounds awful."

"Shen Qian...uh, this name is a bit weird."

Seeing him laughing at herself, Jiang Qianyu didn't know what he was laughing at, but still pinched him lightly, and said angrily, "No, I was originally called Shen Yu, the Yu of Jieyu. Later, when my parents divorced, my mother gave it to me." Changed the name."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Shen Yu, Jiang Qianyu...Shen, deep, shallow, homophonic and opposite, half of Yu and Yu are removed, this is my mother..."

I wanted to say that I didn't want Xiao Nizi to have anything to do with my father-in-law whom I had never met before, but I realized that it was not good to say it in front of Xiao Nizi, especially with her current mood, So I hurriedly shut up and dared not speak again.

But Jiang Qianyu didn't care, and there was a little smile in her voice, and said: "When I grow up, I look at my own name, and I think so too...Mom probably doesn't want to have anything to do with her previous life."

Lin Xuan let out a "hmm", and didn't want to talk more about this topic, so he smiled and moved away from the subject, and said, "Shen Yu is also nice, but Jiang Qianyu is even better, um... what's your sister's name?"

"Shen Yuan."

Lin Xuan read it twice, and said with a smile: "Well, it sounds good, my sister-in-law must also be a big beauty, not much worse than her sister."

Jiang Qianyu was so ashamed that he stretched out his hand to pinch him again, Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Since you came back, you have found that you have a lot of thoughts, is it because of this?"

Xiao Nizi fell silent again, and said after a while: "No..."

Lin Xuan was a little surprised, and didn't know what to say for a moment, but she heard her whisper: "I have a lot of things I want to tell people, but I don't know who to tell, I just think it would be great if my sister was here, I can say anything You can talk to her..."

Lin Xuan was at a loss for words.

The sun and the moon are the highest and brightest, and the husband and wife are the closest relatives and estranged ones.

It is human nature to love deeply and be responsible, so many times, no matter husband and wife or lovers, because the relationship is too close, there are many things that cannot be said. Li Jilan's four words "closest relatives and closest relatives" can be said to be very appropriate to describe.

In this case, the existence and importance of brothers or girlfriends becomes very obvious. Xiaonizi is very popular, and there are naturally girlfriends who can talk to each other. She also has a lot to say with her stepmother Jiang Ya, and there is no barrier between mother and daughter. .

However, Lin Xuan is not stupid, so he naturally understands what Xiao Nizi wants to confide in her sister.The person who was the most able to share his thoughts was the one who was the least able to confide in them.

In this situation, Shen Yuan, whom she had never met before, was probably the only person she could confide in.

(End of this chapter)

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