Chapter 416 [428] After many years, Yiru's first love
Xue Huang's eyes met Lin Xuan's for about two or three seconds. During this time, no one spoke, and the two assistants would not interrupt, and Chen Muyu didn't seem to intend to interfere in this kind of psychological confrontation.

Lin Xuan slightly suppressed his smile, but still had a composed expression. Xue Huang's calm expression suddenly relaxed, and he laughed, "A man has 31 flowers. From this point of view, a man's thirty and a woman's eighteen are all the same. This is the most beautiful time..."

He finished speaking with an awkward smile, and then withdrew his smile, "Okay, let's talk about something serious, after Sky is promoted to LPL, will he move back to Shanghai City, or find another city to live in? If it's the latter, he will definitely need Invest more."

Chen Muyu smiled while washing tea with hot water warming utensils: "Since the League of Legends entered the Asian Games, the general trend of the development of the e-sports industry has arrived, but in recent years, the results of the LPL have not been satisfactory, which has led to the development and progress of the country. It’s not as fast as expected. If LPL wants to develop, it still needs an opportunity. This opportunity is LPL’s results in the World Championships... Next year’s Asian Games, e-sports will most likely become an official event, and there will be Olympics in the future. It's a real trend."

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Brother Chen, do you regret that you shouldn't have retired so early? If you were here, LPL would not have fallen from being a two-horse race with LCK to being bullied by Europe and the United States."

The structure of the League of Legends World Championship in this world is somewhat different from that of Lin Xuan's previous life. The LPL in Chen Muyu's era was the absolute world leader. Although Sky failed in the World Championship for two consecutive years, no one dared to say anything before the game from the beginning to the end. Such words as victory or defeat.

In two years and four heavyweight finals, all five rounds were played, and Sky was always standing. The opponents changed two, and Sky had one win and one loss with each of them.

It's a pity that they failed to win the relatively heavier annual championship trophy of the global finals.

However, since Chen Muyu retired and Sky was relegated, the LPL has never entered the semi-finals again. The semi-finals of the World Championship have basically been taken by the LCK, and the other seats are basically contested by the LCS.

After sky, it is not that no one can beat the LCK team again. The anti-Han Qixia LMS has done it, and the LCS has also done it, but there is no LPL again.

This is an important reason for restricting the further development of the domestic e-sports industry under the general trend of global e-sports.

Chen Muyu shook his head and said, "It's not about whether I regret it or not. Maybe if I didn't retire, I would regret it even more. The so-called life, the so-called destiny, is nothing more than a choice."

Chen Muyu answered calmly, as if he had already been relieved of this question, took out a thin and clear white porcelain teacup, and while pouring the tea skillfully, looked at Lin Xuan, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which The general trend of e-sports, um... The reason why I agreed to your conditions at the beginning is also because of this consideration. My expectation for sky is not just to return to LPL...Of course, this may be a very long and difficult process, but in the end It's making progress, isn't it?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Of course this is what I hope too."

"It's what we all want."

Chen Muyu first handed Xue Huang the teacup, and said meaningfully: "Once it is included in the official events of the Asian Games or even the Olympics, the significance will be a milestone span, and the clubs behind the players will benefit from it. Naturally, I don't need much Said, Boss Xue should be able to understand."

He was obviously still coordinating the relationship between the two, and he didn't want to cause a stalemate, and he was admonishing with Sky's future and Lin Xuan's potential.

Xue Huang picked up the teacup and took a sip, put it down and said calmly, "That's what I hope too."

Chen Muyu smiled slightly, stopped talking about this topic, and returned to Sky's plan, "Alliance is the trend, and it is more in line with the development of the industry and the interests of the club, but there is no need to rush, Sky will still be in Hangzhou next year, and in the future If you choose to settle in the city, in fact, with the current development of Hangzhou, it is not impossible to accommodate two teams in the future. In the future, most of the west of the city will need to be developed.

Xue Huang nodded, and asked again: "Have you discussed these matters with Director Mo?"

Chen Muyu smiled and said, "She's not as interested in Sky as you are. I was interrupted by her when I started, saying that I can arrange these things... However, when the time comes, someone will take care of the arrangements. You just need to pay for it." Enough."

Xue Huang laughed loudly, saying that he didn't care about Sky, and indeed he didn't care that much, but it was obviously impossible to say that he didn't care at all. Anyone with a discerning eye in e-sports can see that it's good to get a share of the pie.

Chen Muyu sipped his tea carefully, paused for a while, smiled again, and said: "The situation is probably like this, because there are five parties, so the shareholding must have changed. You and Sister Yi each hold [-]%, Luo Yu [-]%, and the remaining [-]% will be divided equally between Lin Xuan and Su Che, how about it?"

He also looked at Lin Xuan while speaking, and added: "Of course, there is still room for negotiation."

To be honest, Lin Xuan wondered if Chen Muyu also fell in love with his little girl, otherwise why would he treat him like this, because seeing this is not acting in front of Xue Huang at all, there is no need for it anymore, but he is really telling him negotiable.

He remembered a sentence that he didn't know when he saw it.

How to make people feel that you are sincere?

The answer is that you are really sincere.

Chen Muyu was able to go from a penniless poor boy to his current height in just a few years. It would be a joke to say that he has no heart, but he really knows how to handle people's hearts. This can be seen from the difference between Xue Huang and Lin Xuan.

The so-called great wisdom is as stupid as great ingenuity is as clumsy, probably so.

Even if you know that he may have some people-manipulating skills, you will not be disgusted, and you will even think that this person is really good.

The more sincere he was, the more he blocked all of Lin Xuan's negotiating space—of course, Lin Xuan didn't have any cards or plans for negotiating, and this was already a satisfactory result for him.

Xue Huang was silent for a while before asking: "How much money can that boy from the Su family bring in?"

Chen Muyu laughed and said, "As much as you should pay, naturally you should."

Xue Huang nodded and said, "Okay, let's settle this matter like this for the time being... What time is it at night?"

This meant to leave, Chen Muyu didn't hold back, said seven o'clock, Xue Huang got up to leave, Lin Xuan and Chen Muyu got up and saw off first with smiles on their faces, Xue Huang had already walked away, but suddenly stopped and turned back After turning around, his eyes froze on Lin Xuan's eyes for two or three seconds, then he shook his head suddenly and cursed: "Who the hell said that this generation of young people are all muddy and can't support the wall?"

Chen Muyu said with a smile: "The times are always advancing."

Xue Huang looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Qiqi still lives in the same room with you? Let him learn more from you. If this guy...forget it, let's not talk about it, I will buy you a drink when I have a chance later."

Lin Xuan smiled and said nothing, Xue Huang waved his hands and turned to leave.

Regarding Sky's shares and investment, he didn't ask Lin Xuan about it, because it was obvious before his eyes that Lin Xuan's shares were actually donated by Chen Muyu, and it was his investment in Sky and Lin Xuan's personal investment.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the return brought by Sky's return to the LPL alone is at least a profitable investment-if the credit for Sky's promotion is counted on Lin Xuan.

After sitting down on the sofa again, Chen Muyu smiled at Lin Xuan and asked, "How do you feel?"

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said, "I'm not used to it...a little imaginary."

Chen Muyu couldn't help laughing, "Then you pretended to be very good. I was like this at the beginning. Everything is faked. If you pretend too much, it will become true. Is your sister still in military training?"

Lin Xuan nodded, picked up the teacup again and drank it dry, suppressing his shock, Chen Muyu continued, saying: "Her tax this month is estimated to be a bit high, and she should get a studio earlier to avoid tax reasonably."

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "I told her some time ago, but I really don't have time for military training recently, let's try it in a few days, do I have to re-sign the contract?"

"of course."

Chen Muyu laughed, and seemed to be emotionally effective, "Your sister really doesn't look like a girl who hasn't passed her 17th birthday. Nowadays, there are not many young people who can really calm down. They are materialistic."

Lin Xuan muttered in his heart, how can a person not sink if he is stuck in his heart, I weigh more than 140 catties.

Chen Muyu asked again: "Luo Yu seems to want to introduce her to that boy Su Che. Of course, there is no other plan to interfere... Well, it's not important, she doesn't seem to be interested."

Lin Xuan didn't expect him to mention this, and said with a smile, "I really don't have much impression of Su Che."

Chen Muyu nodded, looking very satisfied. Seeing Lin Xuan's strange expression, he coughed and said, "I can go and laugh at her later... It's not a good thing for my daughter-in-law to be too smart. It's a rare opportunity."

Lin Xuan picked up the cup and continued to drink tea, it was easy to choke on dog food.

Chen Muyu didn't intend to continue to show affection, and asked again: "Have you read the latest version update announcement?"

Lin Xuan nodded, "The incense burner is useless."

"It's so easy to come across a version of an ADC that doesn't need to be a grandson... Those designers are so stupid."

"I feel so too."

Even if you don't talk about the two lives, Chen Muyu's real age is actually not much older than Lin Xuan in this life, so it's not impossible to find a topic, especially the most ADC players are full of resentment towards the designer and version (resentment towards the designer Regardless of location), while talking, Chen Muyu's cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Xuan glanced at the long list of prefixes and couldn't help but feel a little funny. He felt a little subversive. Su Luoyu's temperament and elegance did not expect to have such a side. He couldn't help thinking of Jiang Qianyu, but he never thought that Chen Muyu added it himself. on this possibility.

"Why did you go?"

Chen Muyu didn't mean to avoid it, she was quiet at first, and because of the close distance, she could vaguely hear Su Luoyu's voice, although she could be heard, but she didn't have the temperament as in the impression, it was a bit like Jiang Qianyu acting like a baby rogue time.

Lin Xuan picked up the teacup consciously so as not to choke on it.

Chen Muyu didn't have the slightest awareness to spread dog food, and said with a warm smile, "Where is the Internet cafe, what's the matter?"

"No... I just sent your precious girl and baby son out, and Ran Ran came to toss again, dragged me to play games with her, and was almost beaten into autism, um, it was her... so I have to ask you, a master Brother-in-law, do you have time?"

There seemed to be a girl's voice shouting something next to her. It was inaudible, vaguely like "Who said... I know someone who is very good... But he..."

Then came Su Luoyu's voice: "Okay, okay, don't drive, just wait for him."

Chen Muyu said: "I haven't agreed yet, okay?"

"Why do you go to the Internet cafe and not play games? Talk about business?" At this moment, the goddess of the whole people seemed to be possessed by the vexatious Jiang Qianyu, her voice was fierce.

Even though she is already a mother of two children, she looks like a girl in her first love at this moment, but it doesn't make people feel that she is out of harmony.

I heard that love is the best, even after many years, the years go by, treating you like first love.

Is that right?

Lin Xuan suddenly missed Jiang Qianyu who had been separated for less than two hours after having lunch together.

"It's not about business, it's about business, okay..."

"Okay, okay, I know you have worked hard, so I allow you to play games and relax."

Chen Muyu hung up the phone helplessly, and then asked Lin Xuan, "Play two games together?"

(End of this chapter)

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