Chapter 422 [434] Go home and feed

"It's really annoying, the national server is all rubbish, and it's a fucking EZ jungler, ****..."

In the training room of the 419 team's base, Wang Hao cursed irritably, typed quickly and sprayed back, pressing the keyboard loudly, a teammate next to him looked over, and then looked away again.

No one came to dissuade.

TL and the Yulong team have locked two places in the World Championship, and the last place will be decided tomorrow. This will be extremely important for 419. However, the results of the training match are not ideal, and everyone's performance is not good.

Wang Hao lost his temper about this, and there was a fierce verbal conflict in the process of blaming his teammates. He was still in a bad mood after the quarrel and appeasement due to his extremely poor emotional adjustment ability, so he wanted to play the trumpet on the national server to vent, but Did not expect to encounter such a thing again.

Lin Xuan's counterattack was extremely sharp, which made Wang Hao even more angry. He immediately changed the target of the spray from the support Lulu to the jungler EZ, and quickly sent out two messages with shielded asterisks.

"Is there a housekeeper here? Help me take a screenshot."

Lin Xuan was not in the mood to keep arguing with this giant e-sports baby. He always felt that the saying "language is the choice of the weak" makes sense. significance.

In the process of commercialization and professionalization of the e-sports industry, it must also be formalized. The more famous the more popular, the more you must pay attention to your words and deeds.

Some fans may connive unconditionally and without a bottom line, but whether it is the official or the club, it is impossible to allow professional players to destroy the image and influence of the entire industry in this way.

Lin Xuan's silence did not extinguish Wang Hao's anger. He has been relentlessly spraying people, and Lin Xuan did not block it to influence the audience to help him collect evidence.

Jiang Qianyu typed: "Are you sick?"

She tried to say something rationally, but the other party didn't have this idea at all, and continued to insult completely out of venting, so angry that she typed a lot of words and deleted them all when she was about to send them.

Lin Xuan smiled and comforted: "If a dog bites someone, you can't bite back. You have to find a stick."

Jiang Qianyu naturally understood what he meant, exhaled angrily, ignored this Lu Xian, and went to help Lin Xuan hit the red BUFF.

Lu Xi'an didn't come, only Lulu helped, and the speed of the two of them was not too fast. When Jiang Qianyu came to the line, Wang Hao had already been pushed out of the area of ​​the last knife, and it was difficult to gain experience.

Jiang Qianyu had a grudge in her heart, but she still followed to assist Lu Xian. When she cooperated with Lin Xuan in the bottom lane, she could even play in the master game, but it did not mean that her game awareness and level had reached the level.

In all fairness, Wang Hao's strength and consciousness are definitely top-notch in the world. Even in the game of kings, it is difficult to line up a support that can completely keep up with him. Even in the professional arena, Wang Hao is also famous for picking supports. .

Naturally, Jiang Qianyu couldn't keep up with Wang Hao's consciousness, not to mention that Wang Hao was emotional at the moment, and his style of play was obviously more aggressive. Not long after he was promoted to the second level, Wang Hao seized the opportunity of the opponent's Hanbing to move forward a little Going forward to fight, Jiang Qianyu was not able to keep up in time, causing Wang Hao to be disabled first, and then he was killed by the opponent's double flash after he was healed.

The two sides made mistakes in cooperation, but Wang Hao also had a big problem. He himself had one less flash than the opponent, so it was unwise to choose to fight. Of course, maybe he wanted to find an opportunity to destroy the opponent's flash in exchange for Balance or advantage - if Ice Flash is knocked out, his flash cools down earlier than the opponent.

None of this matters anymore because he's dead.

Wang Hao, who was killed in battle, was ignited again, and the keyboard was crackled again, and one message after another with asterisks blocking the content soon appeared in the chat box.

Lin Xuan just won the double BUFF and was planning to go to the middle lane to gank. Seeing that this guy was trolling people again, he finally couldn't hold back the fire, and directly typed back: "I don't even have the ability to judge the basic situation, just this psychological endurance And emotional regulation ability, is there anyone who claims to be the No. [-] ADC in the LPL and the No. [-] ADC in the world?"

These words are equivalent to directly transferring the point of view from his teammate Lu Xi'an in this round to Wang Hao. The former can also be said to be an unpleasant quarrel and conflict in a RANK. This person pissed off.

These are completely two natures, the former still has room for relaxation, and this is pushing the two directly to the opposite.

The full screen barrage was almost detonated.

"Fuck, are you so rigid?"

"Brother-in-law, calm down, there is no end to this."

"Baby fans still have 30 seconds to reach the battlefield"

"Hehehe, where does a person who has never even played in the LPL have the confidence to laugh at the number one ADC in the LPL?"

"Isn't it milk powder?"

"It's funny, if you take your sister to play games, you should be honest with her. Spoil Wang Hao? Are you qualified?"

"Turn black turn black"

"Although it's a bit irrational, it's really refreshing. I just can't understand this kind of stupid stuff."


Lin Xuan didn't look at the barrage, and didn't intend to stop there. He typed very fast. As soon as the last sentence was sent out, the next sentence was finished and quickly sent out: "The uncrowned king?"

"The world's number one ADC who has never won a championship?"

"Chen Muyu took over the LPL banner after retiring?"

"Don't embarrass yourself here."

"You don't deserve to play professionally."

"Go home and get some milk!"


In the training room of the 419 club thousands of miles away, there was a loud "bang" that made everyone in the training room turn their heads and look over. They saw Wang Hao's face was flushed, and his palms that had just been pounding hard on the keyboard were clenched into fists. The veins bulged, like an enraged pit bull, yelling almost out of control, typing on the keyboard as if smashing it with both hands.

Needless to ask, the rest of the 419 team probably knew what happened. They had been getting along for a long time, and they all knew Wang Hao's temper, and no one tried to dissuade them.

His angry curses and crackling keyboards echoed throughout the training room.

"What the hell are you?"





The chat box was quickly filled with Wang Hao's counterattacks. Lin Xuan didn't care. He just opened the bullet screen of the live broadcast on his mobile phone and saw a lot of content with a strong tone. After laughing, he calmly said: "Last time when the poodle , as I said, I have zero tolerance for such garbage people."

"If you want to turn black, please feel free, and you can cancel it if you want... This is not my live broadcast room, but I am qualified to say this, you can cancel it if you want, no one asks you to watch it."

"I haven't watched his game, but judging from this game, such a mentality will never be able to reach the top, and he is not qualified or worthy."

"Still boasting the LPL's No. [-] ADC here, the world's No. [-] ADC? When did LPL become so low that this kind of person should carry the flag?"

His attitude is by no means calming things down, and even a little dislike of making troubles, because it is not necessary to bring things to this level, and it can be said that it is not a very mature way to deal with it, too impulsive and superior.

However, Jiang Qianyu has no intention of stopping it, even if such a direct conflict is the first to be affected, it is her fans and audience who cancel and leave.

The sweetness in the heart is overflowing with delicate face.

Like the rainbow after the rain, the sky is full of rainbows.

(End of this chapter)

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