Chapter 435 [449] Unreserved Shallow

After the laughter stopped, neither Lin Xuan nor Xu Qingru spoke in a hurry, and stood silently by the corridor.

The drizzle is like silk, dense and dense, and it seems to be connected into silk threads under the neon lights of the street. The air becomes more moist and comfortable as if it has been washed, and there is an occasional breeze, blowing with cool and moist water vapor. Come, fresh and pleasant.

Since Lin Xuan's confession to Xu Qingru was rejected, this is probably the closest the two have met to get along with each other before that.

Xu Qingru suddenly turned his head to look at him, his clear eyes looked at him, shining brightly under the light, and compared to his usual tranquility and beauty, he seemed to have a playful smile, and asked softly: "You..."

Speaking of this, Wei Wei paused, Lin Xuan wondered: "What's wrong?"

Xu Qingru hesitated, smiled and shook her head, "It's okay."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It's easy to be beaten if you speak halfway, let me tell you."

Xu Qingru just pursed his lips and smiled, but he refused to say what he wanted to say just now. Lin Xuan didn't ask anymore. He looked at the time, and before he knew it, nearly an hour had passed, and it was past eleven o'clock. When I go back, Xiao Nizi is probably going to explode.

Xu Qingru seemed to see what he was thinking, looked up at the sky, and asked softly: "It seems to be a little smaller, why don't you go back now?"

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Okay."

The two of them crossed the street together, and when they reached the downstairs of the opposite hotel, Lin Xuan asked Xu Qingru to go up first, but she shook her head and said, "I'll just go up the elevator, don't worry about me, you can call a car first."

Lin Xuan didn't insist any longer, called a car, and said goodbye to Xu Qingru. Xu Qingru walked to the side of the street, nodded with a smile, waved his hand and watched him get into the taxi, and watched the license plate go away. After a long time, he looked away faintly, Turn around and walk into the hotel lobby.

After swiping the elevator card, the elevator went up smoothly after a slight overweight feeling, just like her mood at the moment.

Ever since she decided to come with her roommate who planned to come to Hangzhou to play, she has been uneasy. She didn't know whether she should look for him, worried that she would not see him, and even more worried that she would see him... This kind of entanglement came after the chance encounter the night before. It's finally over.

To meet him by such a coincidence in such a big city, isn't it God's will?

Finally decided to meet, but became more uneasy.

It wasn't until she sent the message and saw Lin Xuan's response that she finally calmed down a little. The meeting was not as embarrassing as she had feared, and it could be said that it was completely beyond the best situation she could imagine.

The restless heart has finally settled down completely.

When she read the song "Poppy", she actually thought of another sentence, where the peace of mind is my hometown, and the place where the heart is peace is the beloved.

However, after parting at this moment, the surprise at the beginning gradually faded away, the reality of having parted and about to part for a long time gradually invaded the mind and consciousness, and the heart that felt warm and slowly became empty again.

She exhaled lightly, telling herself that she would be punished for being too greedy, and the elevator stopped slowly. She dispelled the empty sense of loss, made herself happy again, walked out of the elevator with brisk steps, and made a little distinction direction, and then walked to the side.

Just after taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and looked at a figure that he had glimpsed out of the corner of his eye when he just walked by.

Meng Hua, who leaned against the wall and watched her walk by, smiled, and asked in a joking tone, "Am I so non-existent?"

Xu Qingru asked strangely, "What are you doing here?"

Meng Hua said, "What do you think?"

Xu Qingru frowned and remained silent.

"I said it was a coincidence, do you believe it?"

Meng Hua smiled bitterly, "I happened to be standing in front of the window, and I saw you below."

Xu Qingru looked at the boy in front of him who was really sincere towards him, but always acted in ways that made her feel a little embarrassed or even disgusted. She was silent for two seconds and asked, "When?"

Meng Hua hesitated for a moment, but still said, "When you go in."

While speaking, he clearly felt a sore feeling spread from his heart to his whole body, but the expansion of the area did not relieve the pain in his chest. He fixed his eyes on Xu Qingru, hesitated for a long time, and finally asked: " you……"

After only saying one word, he paused again, "Forget should be tired too, right? Rest early."

Xu Qingru gave a soft "hmm" and walked towards the room. Meng Hua followed behind her, silent for a few seconds, and couldn't help but say, "You seem to be very happy..."

Xu Qingru turned to look at him, straightened her loose hair casually, and said, "It's okay."

Meng Hua was speechless, the bright smile she just showed downstairs from the bottom of her heart emerged in her mind, and her heart was even more sour, but she just smiled.

Xu Qingru asked a little strangely: "What's wrong?"

Meng Hua shook his head and did not speak. When he looked at her again, the bitterness and loneliness that had been hard to conceal since the first meeting seemed to have faded a lot, as if the girl in front of him just asked a question proactively, which was enough to warm his cold heart.

Xu Qingru stopped, looked at his face for two seconds, seemed to hesitate, and then said softly: "It's not what you think."

Meng Hua gave a silent "hmm".

Xu Qingru frowned, stood there and thought for a while, her expression seemed a bit embarrassed, Meng Hua hurriedly asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Seeing him, Xu Qingru seemed to have forgotten his own sadness and disappointment, and was somewhat moved in his heart, but this move did not make Meng Hua move forward on the progress bar of pursuing her, but made her want to make Meng Hua even more. It would be better for him to give up earlier.

However, she still didn't say anything after all.

She had already said the same thing, but Meng Hua still went his own way, so she knew very well that no matter what she said now, he would not give up just now.

Why is she not like this, how can she persuade others?
"Either you find your home, or my feelings are wiped out."


When Lin Xuan returned home, Jiang Qianyu and the four of them were still awake. They were watching a variety show in the living room. Zhao Han, whose legs were resting on Jiang Yuqing's stomach, almost disappeared, and sat down when he heard Lin Xuan's return.

Lin Xuan felt like he was the head teacher of a primary and secondary school. As soon as he entered the class, everyone sat upright.

Of course, sitting upright is somewhat exaggerated, they just pay attention to certain postures so as not to be indecent, but there are exceptions, such as Jiang Qianyu who dares to put her long white legs on the back of the sofa in a short skirt.


Surrounded by this group of female monkeys, she screamed pitifully, and wanted to jump out to escape, but was soon caught and hugged by Liu Shuangshuang.

Lin Xuan shook his head helplessly. When passing by, he stretched out his hand and patted Xiaonizi's delicate and tender feet. He didn't dare to follow the delicate and smooth feet, and went back to the room by himself.

"Hey, don't run away."

Before he entered the piano room, Jiang Qianyu yelled, and when Lin Xuan turned around, she was already sitting cross-legged, and asked with a teasing look, "How's the date?"

Zhao Han and Liu Shuangshuang turned their heads almost at the same time, but Jiang Yuqing, who was supposed to be the most concerned, took a second to look at it, as if the TV she was watching concerned her more than this question.

"Tired, go to sleep."

Lin Xuan didn't bother to answer, rolled his eyes angrily, went back to the room and closed the door, and continued to sleep on his own floor.

Xu Qingru left Hangzhou the next day and didn't tell Lin Xuan any more, and Lin Xuan naturally didn't ask. Jiang Yuqing and Zhao Han didn't leave until another day later. During this day, Lin Xuan obviously noticed Jiang Qianyu's abnormality.

Xiao Nizi began to become very unreserved.

This lack of restraint is mainly reflected in front of him.

It's hard to hide liking someone, even if you cover your mouth, it will come out of your eyes.

So in order not to let the three girlfriends find anything unusual, since their arrival, Xiao Nizi has been paying attention to some details, even her tone of voice and eyes.

But since Lin Xuan came back from meeting Xu Qingru last night, starting from those white and tender long legs that turned up, she no longer paid that much attention.

(End of this chapter)

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