Chapter 438 [452] Is the real sister

Xiyan is sick and needs to recuperate, and the Yulong team wants to let her brother-in-law go to the world arena as an emergency substitute.

When this news broke out on the Internet, Lin Xuan also realized that it was not just a joke, because he received a call from Xu Yichen, saying that the Fish and Dragons team was discussing with the competition and asking for his opinion.

Lin Xuan has no resistance to this, but feels that there is little hope. Although Sky is still under the name of the Fish and Dragon Club and he is also a member of the Fish and Dragon Club, he is not the same team after all. He wants to go to the world as an emergency substitute Race is not an easy task.

Xu Yichen didn't know if he thought Lin Xuan could appear in the World Championship ahead of time, and told Lin Xuan to remember to train for rank in the past two days to keep his hand feeling.

Lin Xuan naturally agreed, then hung up the phone and went to the concert with Xiaonizi.

Liu Fuqing.

Although it has the same name as Liu Fuqing, a great power in the Ming Dynasty, it sounds like there is nothing special about it.

If there is no following string of suffixes:

Guqin master.

Professor of Central Conservatory of Music.

He once performed the first program at the opening of the Olympic Games with the Guqin of the Tang Dynasty "Tiangu Yuyin".

Representative inheritor of "National Intangible Cultural Heritage (Guqin Art)" assessed by the Ministry of Culture.

Even when the Shenzhou spacecraft went to the sky, it also brought the Guqin music he played...

Adding such a series of resumes, even Lin Xuan, who only knows Guqin in movies and TV, can't help but feel aloof.

And Ran Qinghuan, the granddaughter of the old gentleman, also appeared.

This talented girl who is said to be a child star is very famous and popular. Lin Xuan has only heard a few songs from her, but those two or three songs, whether it is "One Character Poem" or "Qing Huan Jing Shi Ge", gave him I was deeply impressed. I thought she was a middle-aged woman who saw through the world and had a story, but was told that she was the same age as Jiang Qianyu and was not yet an adult.

And the photos look pretty...

This is too different from Lin Xuan's original imagination of the ancient Buddha in white clothes. Lin Xuan, who has never chased stars, is very impressed with this popular singer. He just took this opportunity to meet and treat it as a concert.

The concert hall is not far from the residence. The temperature has turned cooler these days and the heat has subsided. The two walked leisurely all the way to the concert hall.

The professional music venue with the words "Jiangnan Concert Hall" engraved in front of it was built 30 years ago. It is one of the few professional music performance venues in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions designed for music performances. The maximum capacity is less than 600 people.

Therefore, although it was already time to enter the venue, the concert hall was far less crowded than a concert. It was the first time for Lin Xuan to listen to a concert, so he couldn't help looking around curiously.

You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery
Those who look at the scenery are also looking at you

The bright moon adorns your window

you adorn other people's dreams
The full text of Bian Zhilin's masterpiece "Broken Chapter" has only four sentences and 34 characters. A paragraph of a long poem has been intercepted, but it has become a classic. Naturally, it has its unique charm and reason.

Lin Xuan is like this at the moment.

While looking around and whispering with Xiao Nizi to find their seats, he didn't notice that there was a pair of eyes fixed on him from the entrance of the concert hall.

"No. 12 in row nine, NO.[-]..."

Ni Chang was wearing a pink casual suit with a white T-shirt with English letters printed on it. The 15-year-old girl's petite body was slender and beautiful, like a wicker that had just sprouted, exuding a youthful and sweet atmosphere.

With two tickets in her hand, she muttered her seat number in a low voice, while holding her mother's hand, she raised her eyes to find the seats for herself and her mother, "Row nine, here, here..."

She found the ninth row, but saw that her mother was still walking forward. She stretched out her hand to hold her mother, and asked strangely: "Here, here, here... What are you looking at?"

Fang Jingyue tried hard to look away from the figure in front who had just found a seat, turned her head and smiled at her daughter, shook her head, took her hand and walked to the seat for the two of them to sit down. , he stretched his head involuntarily to look forward, and continued to search for the figure he had just seen.

She remembered the row where he and the beautiful girl had just stopped, but she glanced around and didn't see him.

A lot of people had already arrived in the concert hall, and the lights were not very bright, but even if she didn't see his face from the beginning to the end, she would not admit his mistake just by the back view. How can a mother mistake her son? ?
With just a glance, she confirmed that he was not among the people sitting in the row, not even the girl who was beautiful just from the back.

Fang Jingyue couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and hurriedly continued to search to the side. When her eyes swept across the aisle next to her, she couldn't help but see that he and the girl were talking and laughing while walking towards this side.

After learning some news from Ni Qianhui, she quickly learned more about him from the Internet. She who can only barely use a smartphone learned to use Weibo, live broadcast software, and even joined his fan group .

So she naturally recognized Jiang Qianyu and knew that she was his sister.

The younger sister Fang Jingyue naturally knows what kind of sister she is, and has no grievances about it, but she was very relieved when she heard that he and her sister had a good relationship, because it can be inferred that his current mother must be very good to him.

At this moment, staring at the expression in his eyes talking and laughing with the girl in a low voice, I feel a little uneasy in my heart.

Can the relationship between siblings be like this?
Even if there is no blood relationship...

The girl seemed to have said something to him, and turned her head to look around, and he also looked left and right, Fang Jingyue was a little flustered, and quickly looked away.

After Ni Chang put away the tickets, he asked suspiciously, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Jingyue shook her head and said with a smile, "Whatever you can do, just take a look."

Ni Chang looked around strangely, Fang Jingyue glanced away, and saw Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu walking through the side aisle, looking at him deeply involuntarily, but heard Ni Chang's low cry of "ah..." A sound startled her.

Looking back, I saw Ni Chang was very excited, grabbed her hand and shouted loudly: "Mom, mother... Look, is that brother-in-law? It's the one we met at Xida last time." , he is a professional player...and Qianqian? Wow, he must be brother-in-law."

As she was about to get up, Fang Jingyue hurriedly reached out to hold her, and asked, "Why are you going?"

"Take a group photo."

As Ni Chang said, she hurriedly got up and apologized to borrow the way from the people next to her, but when she reached the aisle, the figures of Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu had disappeared, and she quickly hurried to catch up.

Fang Jingyue hesitated for a while and then did not stop, just staring at the entrance at the end of the aisle in a daze.

Lin Xuan accompanied Xiao Nizi to the bathroom, so naturally this company didn't go in with her, or it would be boring to wait, so he went along with her.

Xiao Nizi remembered something after getting up, so she looked around and said that it seemed that the little fairy from the Ran family had arrived in Hangzhou and seemed to want to come to this concert.

"You guys talked a lot."

"No, I just chatted a few days ago in the game. She asked me if I knew about this concert. I said that we had already bought tickets. Then she said that she wanted to come too, but she didn't know. Can I still get a ticket…”

When she said this, she paused for a moment, then turned to Lin Xuan and asked, "You said last time that she knew Sister Luo Yu?"

"If you know him, you must know him. I don't know what the relationship is. It may be that the family has some contact with Su Luoyu's family. I feel that I have a good relationship with Su Luoyu."

Jiang Qianyu nodded, and continued to look around, "Then she should be able to get tickets again, and there should be reserved tickets..."

She raised her toes again and wanted to look to the second floor, but naturally she couldn't see the little fairy of the Ran family, because even if she saw her, she wouldn't recognize her.

When Lin Xuan mentioned this question, Xiao Nizi seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't stop laughing silly for a long time because of her own crime. Naturally, she didn't notice Fang Jingyue and Ni Chang's mother and daughter.

When they arrived at the bathroom next to them, they went to their own. Lin Xuan pulled up his trousers and came out to wash his hands. He didn't hear any movement from the women's bathroom, so he stood there consciously and continued to wait.

He was looking at the mirror and fiddled with his hair a little bored, and suddenly saw a fourteen or fifteen-year-old beautiful girl in the mirror, dressed in pink casual clothes, slender and beautiful, with wide-open eyes, a little shy and uncomfortable. Come closer with a embarrassed look.

A little familiar.

Lin Xuan looked back in a strange way, and at the same time remembering who she was, Ni Chang smiled and waved his hands a little embarrassedly, his wide-open eyes were extremely cute, "Brother-in-law? Uh... your name is Lin Xuan, right? We I saw it at Xida last time, and you showed me the way."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "I remember... such a coincidence, you are here too?"

"Yes, I came with my mother. I didn't expect to meet you here by such a coincidence. I just saw you and Qianqian... Has she gone to the toilet?"

Seeing that he still remembered himself, Ni Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and he also relaxed a lot, "Aren't you going to play in the World Championship? I saw the news..."

It's hard to say too much, Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Not necessarily."

Then he pointed to the women's bathroom next to him, and asked her if she wanted to go in. Ni Chang hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, I'm here to see you...can you take a photo with me? Now some students in our class like it." And you."

The little girl can't speak a little bit. It's a bit like she doesn't like Lin Xuan. It's just because some classmates like Lin Xuan that she took a photo with him. The word "now" is also a bit inappropriate.

Lin Xuan didn't care, and nodded with a smile. Ni Chang happily took a photo with him with his mobile phone.

The two had met before and had a brief exchange. Goodbye at this time. Although Ni Chang came to take a group photo, Lin Xuan's idol halo was not so dazzling. Coupled with his kind attitude, Ni Chang didn't look like a stranger in front of him. How many fans are cautious in front of their idols? After taking pictures, they showed them to him. Lin Xuan felt that it was a bit weird to take pictures at the sink. He was planning to say that if he took pictures in another place, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Qianyu from the mirror out of the corner of his eye. Came out of the bathroom.

Xiao Nizi was obviously a little shocked by the situation in front of her. She had never met Ni Chang. Fortunately, Ni Chang immediately asked if she could take a photo with her when she saw her. hand, and then took two photos with Ni Chang, and went back together.

The concert hasn't started yet, but the seats are already full of people. Ni Chang and Lin Xuan are chattering and complaining. Originally, they came as a family, and they bought all the tickets, but Dad had something to do. She didn't really like listening to guqin before. , but my mother likes it, my father listens to my mother, and then she slowly likes it, and now I seldom listen to pop music...

Jiang Qianyu maintained a very polite smile, quietly listening to Lin Xuan and Ni Chang talking and laughing happily, and walked all the way to the row of seats where she and Lin Xuan were seated, only then did Ni Chang realize that he had passed by, and told them with some embarrassment With a sound, he hurried back to his place to find his mother.

When Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu returned to their seats, they turned their heads and looked back. Across three rows of seats, they saw the woman staring at them.

He didn't have time to distinguish how much emotion was in those eyes, and moved away after touching them. Ni Chang, who was waving at him, smiled, and then turned back and sat down.

The little girl sitting next to him glanced at him.

Then glance at him again.

Continue to glance at him.

Lin Xuan was a little amused. Seeing that the lights were dim and no one was paying attention, he wanted to shake her hand. Xiao Nizi immediately avoided it, with a pretty face, and looked at the stage in front of her expressionlessly.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Why, are you still jealous over this?"

Jiang Qianyu squinted at him, and continued to stare at the empty stage without speaking.

Lin Xuan continued to laugh, "I knew that my Qianqian family is not so stingy, right?"

Jiang Qianyu rolled her eyes and let out a "tow".

She is naturally not that stingy, and she doesn't get angry easily, but Lin Xuan's attitude towards the girl just now is different, and she still has some insight.

Lin Xuan sighed and said, "She is my younger sister."

Xiao Nizi's eyes suddenly widened, and she stared at him fiercely. She was a little angry just now, but now she was really angry.

Seeing her expression, Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, then understood, and hurriedly explained: "No...not a sister like you, but a real sister."

It is too troublesome to explain the real sister and the fake sister, so Lin Xuan can only explain the matter clearly in the simplest words, "I still remember that I told you last time that I met at Xida... ...My mother, Ni Chang is her daughter."

His tone was calm, but the impact in Jiang Qianyu's ears can be imagined, Xiao Nizi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "Then she..."

When talking, subconsciously want to look back, Lin Xuan has already reminded: "Don't look back."

Xiao Nizi immediately stopped her head from turning her head, and then gave a soft "um", trying to lean on his shoulder, but stopped again, did not speak anymore, and reached out to hold his hand.

All the lights in the auditorium area suddenly went out, but the stage was lit with soft and bright lights.

Guqin playing is about to begin.

The entire venue, which was slightly noisy, became quiet in a very short period of time, and everyone's eyes were on the stage shrouded in bright lights.

Only one person's eyes are always looking at the dark place ahead.

The strings were ringing, and Liu Fuqing was a guqin master she had always liked very much. After learning that he was going to play here, she immediately bought a ticket, just to be able to listen to the piano on the spot.

But at this moment, the world-renowned guqin master on stage is not worth mentioning.

(End of this chapter)

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