Chapter 440 [454] All surnamed Ran
When Xu Yichen called, Lin Xuan was discussing the Little Fairy of the Ran family with Jiang Qianyu.

It happened that the two of them played games live at night, and happened to meet the little fairy from the Ran family, so they matched together. As a result, the little fairy who made the two of them call her Ran Ran kept asking about the concert.

She said that she didn't get a ticket, so she didn't go to the concert. Probably because of this, she became more curious about the concert and kept asking questions, whether it was good, what music she played, and whether Ran Qinghuan was good-looking. Whether she plays the guzheng well or not, do you think she is not worthy to perform with Liu Fuqing...

Compared with Liu Fuqing, she seemed to be more concerned about the evaluation of Ran Qinghuan.

This made Lin Xuan think a little too much involuntarily.

Ran Qinghuan.

The little fairy of the Ran family.

Both are surnamed Ran.

Ran Qinghuan is Liu Fuqing's granddaughter, and Su Luoyu has learned piano from Liu Fuqing, and the two families have contacts.

Ran Qinghuan followed Liu Fuqing to perform in Hangzhou.

The little fairy from the Ran family had just arrived in Hangzhou not long ago, and had appeared at Su Luoyu's house.

The little fairy of the Ran family chatted with Xiao Nizi a few days before the performance, and asked Xiao Nizi if she had heard of this concert, saying that she wanted to see it too, but after the performance, she said she did not go to see it, but kept asking The matter of this concert, and I am more concerned about the evaluation of Ran Qinghuan...

These clues all seem to indicate a surprising answer.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence?
After turning off the live broadcast, Lin Xuan told Jiang Qianyu this bold guess, but after thinking about it, Xiao Nizi firmly said that it was absolutely impossible.

Lin Xuan asked the reason, Xiao Nizi rolled her eyes and said an answer that made him almost vomit blood: Ran Qinghuan can't play games like this, otherwise she would immediately lose her fandom.

When Lin Xuan was chatting, he naturally had a test, and the other party replied: "After all, they are all surnamed Ran, and they belonged to the same family 500 years ago."

Combined with the fact that the little fairy of the Ran family knew Su Luoyu, Xiaonizi was more inclined that the little fairy of the Ran family might know Ran Qinghuan, and they might have some relatives, but it was definitely not Ran Qinghuan herself.

Otherwise she will be off the fan.

Lin Xuan thought about it, and also felt that the gap between this little fairy from the Ran family and Ran Qinghuan was a bit too big. It was a world of difference. One was a talented girl who was famous all over China, and the other was a high school student who was so good at playing games. It was completely different, the possibility of Ran Qinghuan was indeed too low.

Besides, the probability of meeting Ran Qinghuan by playing a game is indeed a little low.

No matter what the relationship between the little fairy of the Ran family and Ran Qinghuan is, after all, it has little to do with his life, and Lin Xuan didn't think about it anymore. After Xu Yichen told him that he was going to Paris, Lin Xuan had no time to think about it This thing is over.

Xiao Nizi urgently helped him pack his clothes and bags, and then specially called his parents to tell him to prepare a big screen in the Internet cafe, so that he could watch his brother show off his skills in the World Championship

——Of course, she was very kind and more likely to be abused, and asked Dad to prepare himself before deciding whether to live broadcast on the big screen.

Lin Yi was very surprised and proud that his son was able to go abroad to play games, but the attitude of his stepmother Jiang Ya made Lin Xuan a little strange, thinking that after she heard that she was going to Paris, she seemed to hesitate to speak.

The next morning, he had to fly to Europe. Time was tight, and Lin Xuan didn't have time to think about it. He quickly focused on the game version of the global finals.

This is the last glory of the incense burner system, and the bottom lane has an extremely powerful carry ability.

Strong heroes in the version, feasible routines, which ones can be used directly, which ones need to be verified in training games, and which ones need to be practiced...

There is no direct flight, so we can only transfer from Yangcheng. The journey took nearly [-] hours. When Lin Xuan arrived in Paris, the first round of the Yulong team's group match had all ended. The dragon team also lost as expected.

Points 1-2, second to last in the group.

The Crane team won 3-0 in the first round,
BGM 2-1, only lost to the Crane team.

The last LMS compatriots lost all three races, and they are the last one.

The first round of the group stage is interspersed with different groups, while the second round of the group stage is carried out by group, that is, all the games of a group are played within one day, and the qualifying places for the group stage are directly determined.

The group where the Fish and Dragons belonged was arranged on the last day, and there were still three days left for Lin Xuan and the Fish and Dragons.

This is based on the fact that Xiyan's condition cannot improve and Lin Xuan has to play.

If Xiyan was able to play, she would naturally still be allowed to play, but after being ill and insisting on training and competitions, Xiyan's condition worsened a bit, and the coaching staff had stopped all her training arrangements.

The team leader Xiao Xuan and a male assistant came to Paris with Lin Xuan. The other personnel of the Yulong team are all in place, and there is no need for sky personnel to come.

It was the first time for Lin Xuan to come to this romantic city, but he didn't have much time to feel its charm, and he didn't care about it. He didn't think it was better than China, if he just came for fun, he would have plenty of time.

When he arrived at the player's hotel specified by the organizer, the Fish and Dragon Club had already arranged a room for him, and he lived in the same room as Alley, the assistant of the Fish and Dragon team. This should be a temporary adjustment for the convenience of the two to enhance communication.

As for who Ailey's original roommate was, Lin Xuan didn't ask, but it was unlikely that it was Xiyan. Even if they were a couple, it would be inappropriate to live in the same room during the game, and it would hurt his teammates too much.

Alley was not in the room, but probably in the training room. Lin Xuan said that after putting down the suitcase, he went to the training room with the leader of the Fish and Dragon team.

Most of them think that women are naturally gentle and patient. The Ichthyosaurus team is the same as Sky. The team leader is a woman named Xu Li. She seems to have a very familiar relationship with the players. She smiled and shouted before opening the door of the training room. With a loud voice: "Your brother-in-law is here!"

All the members of the Fish and Dragons team were conducting replay analysis. A group of people fanned themselves in front of the computer and listened to head coach Wang Yingfeng's narration. After hearing Xu Li's words, they all turned their heads and looked at Lin Xuan. Xi Yan, who was wearing a thick coat while sick, also stood up.

"Welcome, welcome, hard work."

As the head coach, Wang Yingfeng walked over first and said with a smile, he obviously still treated Lin Xuan like a child.

——It’s not surprising, he is one of the first batch of coaches in China, his age is about the same as Chen Muyu, although he is only five or six years older than Lin Xuan, but these five or six years are the time when a person’s experience and character grow the fastest , In addition, we also need to pay attention to the mentality of the players on weekdays, so unconsciously there will be half the self-consciousness of the elders.

Everyone in the Yulong team is obviously very welcome and happy for Lin Xuan's arrival. Xiyan's condition has worsened, and no one will blame her, but it is a fact that she has been unable to bear the heavy responsibility of the team's core Carry on the field.

They often play training games with Sky, and they are very clear about Lin Xuan's strength. Lin Xuan's arrival can not only allow Xi Yan to rest at ease, but also share the pressure for the team. There is no reason not to welcome him.

Among these people, Lin Xuan is more familiar with Bubble, but this guy is very active, and Lin Xuan is not a dull person at all, so there is no need to worry about the embarrassing atmosphere, just joking and joking, even the haggard Xi Yan made a joke , asked Lin Xuan if he wanted to hug Alley again.

Everyone knew more or less about the fact that Lin Xuan, as a lucky spectator, interacted in the last Ichthonosaurs match, and couldn't help laughing.

The qualifying situation is not optimistic, so after getting acquainted with each other, Wang Yingfeng said: "Okay, brother-in-law is also here to play a game, we will talk slowly after training, let's replay this game first, Xi Yan, you still have to bear it." Can I live? Do you want to go to rest first?"

Xiyan shook her head lightly, indicating that she was fine, so Wang Yingfeng asked Lin Xuan to sit down and listen together.

The replay was a game against STR. The Yulong team initially had a certain advantage, but they were not able to expand it. In the mid-term, the opponent's standard LCK operation gradually regained the advantage. Three 10 minutes In the end, the opponent pulled back and forth through the pawn line, and the Yulong team was exhausted. After losing the big dragon, it would be difficult to compete with the opponent.

What Wang Yingfeng focused on analyzing at the moment was the mistakes made by the Yulong team in decision-making on the line of troops.

After the resumption, Xiyan was accompanied by Xu Li and others to the hospital, and Lin Xuan directly replaced her in the next training match.

(End of this chapter)

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