Chapter 448 [462] Two arrows for life and death

Judging from the performance so far, Lin Xuan is undoubtedly better than Free, but the development of the latter is not too far behind. As the game time progresses, especially after getting two very important kills, He also updated his own three-piece suit.

This marks that Free has passed the most difficult period of his development. With his previous performance in the game, all audiences who care about BGM have great expectations for him, and the European and American commentary stations are also using this to boost morale. : "We can have confidence in Free, he has never let us down."

Seeing that the BGM gradually stabilized the situation, the audience in the EU competition area who had seen many of their comeback experiences gradually calmed down, and after hearing the same from the commentators, their mentality gradually became optimistic.

On the other hand, the LPL audience, when the Yulong team had a huge advantage at the beginning, no matter the commentators or the audience, their mentality was more joyful and relaxed than the BGM fans at the moment, but as time went by, it was difficult for the Yulong team to expand their advantages However, Free's small cannon equipment is gradually taking shape. Some people who have watched the BGM game and know Free's strength are naturally unavoidable.

And even those who don't know, after learning about this through the commentary, know the hidden dangers of the small artillery equipment, and naturally become worried.

"Actually, if this drags on like this, the Ichthyosaurus team is not weak in the later stage, but it was originally an advantage, and this dragging on like this will affect the mentality a bit."

"Generally speaking, we still have the advantage, but the advantage is not that great... June 2th, right? But if it drags on for another [-] minutes, it will probably be May [-]th."

"At the end of the day, let's look at the performance of the ADCs on both sides. This is also a very common thing in this version. The core of the bot lane."

"Actually, I don't think we need to worry too much about this aspect. After all, the script is weird. It is naturally suitable for four guarantees and one, and my brother-in-law's three games in the LDL final are also four guarantees and one system..."

The commentators not only need to explain the game, but also need to control the field, so after talking about the hidden dangers, it is natural to reassure everyone, explain the situation, and not make people feel that the game is unnecessary.

This undoubtedly also showed the pressure in their hearts at the moment from the side, and they were not the only ones who felt the pressure, Lin Xuan and the other four players of the Yulong team naturally also had.

Regardless of whether the disadvantaged side is looking for a chance to comeback, or the advantaged side is looking for an opportunity to attack, they will always think of Dalong.

The Fish and Dragon team is naturally no stranger to this. After finding some difficulty in advancing, Lin Xuan didn't need to say anything, so they used Shen to single-handedly involve, and the others made a fuss around Dalong.

BGM's handling of this aspect can be said to be old-fashioned and cautious, but the Yulong team is taking the initiative after all. The so-called long-term defense will lose. After several times, it finally showed its flaws. The big move was blown back directly.

Lin Xuan was hidden behind, and immediately followed the output. Bron's big move kept people away, and Shen's big move taunted the ground. He almost surrendered all his skills, and finally killed the pig girl under the protection of Taric's big move. .

"The jungler is dead! The jungler is dead!"

"Big Dragon! Big Dragon! Yes Big Dragon!"

Both Wang Fei and Zhang Fei shouted excitedly, as excited as they finally saw a search and rescue ship after wandering in a shipwreck for many days in despair. Dalong is very likely to be the winner, so they couldn't help but be happy and excited.

"Big dragon, big dragon!"

Bubble and Alley also shouted excitedly.

In Sky, regardless of whether Lin Xuan played ADC or support, he had the final decision-making power on the field. However, in the Yulong team, it was directed by Nosuke, and the final decision-making power was in the hands of Alley. As a substitute, he is taking over Xiyan's AD position, so it is naturally impossible to give him the command.

Now that Bubble and Alley have decided on Dalong, he will naturally not raise any objections. In all fairness, this is indeed the greatest opportunity to expand our advantage.

It's just a pity that the Yulong team couldn't grasp it.

The big dragon was robbed by the worm's flashing big move!
Halfway through Dalong's fight, the four BGM members kept interfering. We all know that Chongzi has R, but Bubble also has punishment. After he shouted to continue fighting, Alley didn't object, and the others naturally had nothing to say, so they Then hit it.

Everyone knows that the big dragon is very important, and no one wants to be robbed, and the BGM people have been forced to stay on the periphery. Who would have thought that the big bug would speed up and flash over with the glory of justice, and eat the big dragon in one bite?


When Dalong's mournful roar resounded, even Lin Xuan and the others didn't realize that Dalong was robbed in the first place, only Bubble hit the keyboard with a "bang".

The next moment, the Fish and Dragon team also realized the fact that the dragon was robbed, and before they had time to be annoyed or blamed, the BGM crowd with the buff of the dragon on their bodies had already rushed up.

"Dalong! Whose is it! Whose is it? Ah!...It was robbed!!"

Wang Fei's high-pitched to mournful shouts reverberated throughout the game, but failed to overwhelm the cheers from the European and American commentary stations. The opponent's shouts appeared in the live broadcasts on both sides, but the emotions and moods were quite different.

Before the LPL live broadcast, I don't know how many people heard Wang Fei's screams at this moment, and their hearts fell to the bottom.

Yicheng, Qianqian Internet cafe hall has sparse calls of "Fucking", full of unwillingness and annoyance, but Jiang Xu, Yi Shuicang and a few more active people are silent, staring at the big screen in front of them, regardless of age and experience. Lin Yi, who was better than many, was obviously more impatient and sighed.

In Lucheng, the girl's dormitory was full of shouts of "ahhhh", someone shouted "why did you get robbed?" "Isn't there punishment for junglers?" Twist together and stare at the live screen.

In Jiangcheng, there are young men and women in the offline game viewing hall, but they all pay more attention to maintaining their image. Some boys discussed "the jungler punishment was not handed over", and some girls were annoyed "Ah, how could this be?" But they all remained silent and continued to stare at the screen.

Jiang Yuqing nervously watched the next development of the game, but Zhao Han was looking at her. Like her, there was a boy who was secretly eyeing Jiang Yuqing.

Rongcheng, the male dormitory of the School of Film and Television, Liu Handong jumped up and shouted: "Fuck, this jungler is too good, if labor..."

Hangcheng, Daidai was almost strangled by Jiang Qianyu, stretched her neck and struggled with "meow~meow~" for a long time but failed to bring her back to her senses. Instead, she pressed her paws hard on her chest and finally made her The little master was startled and loosened it a bit.

No one gave anyone time to calm down, whether happy or frustrated, the game continued.

Bron, who had no ultimate move, used his slowdown and passive to keep the big bug, Shen Ze moved forward to block the small cannon and Ryze, Karma stood by the mouse, and the wine barrel quickly played after losing the big dragon's brief annoyance. Get up your spirits and bear the harm together with Shen.

Although Lin Xuan has a big move, the two key skills of wine barrel and Bron to control and retain people have already been handed over, and the pig girl on the BGM side has been resurrected, but she hasn't arrived yet, so the BGM just wants to procrastinate and wait for the pig girl , and rescued the bugs, but the Ichthyosaur team wanted to start a group immediately, but they didn't have the skills.

In the end, under the acceleration of Karma, Lin Xuan used his big move to force Ryze and Xiaopao back, but failed to kill him. He saved Shen, but it was equivalent to letting the bug go. Then the pig girl came and replaced it with a fish The dragon retreated, but the BGM did not catch up, and turned around to push the tower in the middle.

This wave of big dragons is undoubtedly a big loss for the Yulong team. Although Zhumei was killed, the original advantage was almost completely ruined because the big dragon was robbed.

BGM started their counterattack.

The ability of the equipped small cannon to push the tower is extremely terrifying. Under the protection of teammates, the middle tower was quickly pulled out, and the gap between the two defense towers was only one. With the economy brought by the dragon, the economic gap between the two sides was further narrowed. Less than three thousand.

This made the audience who supported the BGM even more joyful and excited, and the scene was full of cheers for the BGM. However, many Chinese students who came here to cheer for the LPL team were silent, even if there was cheering, they were drowned out.

"It's not very easy to fight."

"Steady, steady, drag this big dragon buff first."

"This big dragon has dealt too much a blow to morale. What I am more worried about now is the mentality of the players. Be sure to stabilize..."

The tone of the three commentators also seemed a bit heavy at this time. If they lose this game, the Yulong team will be double-killed in the BGM group stage. On the premise that Crane has already secured a qualifying spot, it means that the Yulong team has lost. hope of qualifying.

BGM pushed down the first tower in the middle lane extremely fast. When Lin Xuan and the others finished gathering in the second tower in the middle lane, the blood volume of the second tower had already dropped by less than half. When it was cooling down, the BGM obviously grasped the message accurately and withdrew decisively.

The economy is almost evened out, and the win rate of both sides has returned to [-]-[-]. Considering the impact on mentality and morale, BGM has already taken advantage.

The BGM, whose BUFF has not disappeared from the dragon, went home and began to push back after going home for repairs, while the Fish and Dragons had to defend.

Offensive and defensive changes!

It is a very conventional [-]-point belt, just now the Yulong team also divided the belt in the same way, but at this time the BGM has the blessing of the dragon BUFF, and the power is naturally different.

Before the Dragon BUFF disappeared, BGM destroyed the middle and bottom towers of the Yulong team.

"BGM's team play, cooperation, and involvement are really powerful. It feels like they have gained the advantage, which is completely different."

"Indeed, they should be regarded as the team closest to the LCK in the current World Championship."

Both Wang Fei and Zhang Fei were obviously in a heavy mood, and some worry could be heard in their tone, and they obviously realized it themselves, so they changed the subject without waiting for Sakura to speak, "The good news is that brother-in-law's equipment has been updated all the time. , the next thing is to see how the brother-in-law plays..."

"But at this time, both sides are fighting in a team. It is difficult for the mice to find opportunities to steal people. We can only watch the team battle..."

"The big dragon buff disappeared, but the ancient dragon was refreshed. This dragon fish and dragon team is not easy to grab."


Lin Xuan's equipment at this time is not behind, but the time for the ancient dragon to refresh is too tight. The line of soldiers brought by the BGM using the big dragon BUFF has not been processed before, and there is no time to arrange the vision.

Of course, even so, this ancient dragon couldn't give up easily. Seeing that the refresh time was approaching, Bubble and Allie went to make a vision first. They were careful enough to not be ambushed and killed by the opponent, but Get in the field of vision.

Lin Xuan and the others were limited in their field of vision, but the commentary from God's perspective and the audience could see clearly that the first time the ancient dragon was refreshed, the small cannon was already fighting with the bugs.

When Lin Xuan finished dealing with the line of soldiers and the blue jewelry eye shines out, the ancient dragon has already fallen to half blood, and the BGM no longer hides it, and quickly gathers together. , Insect's big move, Bubble took the lead and before rushing over, the ancient dragon had already turned into brilliant golden dragon blood and bathed the five BGM members.

Yiwang Youlan blocked the Ichthyosaur team's retreat route. At this time, the opponent had the blessing of the ancient dragon BUFF, and it was unwise to rush to join the team. Bubble had to throw a big move to interrupt Ryze's big move, and retreated to defend again.

The Ichthyosaurus lineup is not very capable of clearing troops, so it is very difficult to fight against the big dragon buff. However, facing the ancient dragon's forcing group, you only need to retreat to the high ground to avoid the battle, and it is easier to deal with it .

But it's not easy to pick up the group, so you can only watch the opponent advance. When the ancient dragon buff ends, all the defensive towers outside the high ground are destroyed, and even the high ground tower has consumed some HP.

This is still thanks to Lin Xuan's use of a big move in the highland team battle to kill Ryze and force the opponent back.

The ancient dragon BUFF disappears, and the big dragon is about to be refreshed again.

The game time has reached 10 minutes. This is already a time period when a wave of team battles can change everything.

"The dragon is about to refresh."

"This should be the final decisive battle, it's a matter of life and death."

"To be honest, the Ichthyosaurs are not very easy to fight at the moment. Both Ryze and Xiaopao are difficult to deal with, and there is Taric's ultimate move. This ultimate move is actually more restraint against mice..."

"Actually, the small cannon's big move is also the same. He can push the mouse away the moment the mouse turns big, but the big brother-in-law handled this round very well because he never gave Free this chance. From the beginning to the end, all his big moves They're all out of range of the small guns."

"After all, the script is weird, and the understanding of the basic attack range must be top-notch."

"BGM is already setting up the dragon's vision."

The commentators were analyzing the lineup, thinking about how the Ichthyosaurus team could win, and what the big dragon team should do... In front of the TV, Jiang Qianyu's eyes were fixed on the mouse's equipment column.

After the highland team battle just now, Lin Xuan sold the attack speed shoes and used the bounty provided by the head of Ryze to update his last piece of equipment.

The Scythe of Extraction.

In Summoner's Rift, one of the most critical factors for basic attack ADCs to become stronger in the later stage is crit, which is almost the strongest attack attribute in the entire game.

Endless, Hurricane, Electric Blade, and Duojing's full crit four-piece set, plus the blessings of equipment, skills, and incense burner, the mouse with almost full attack speed now has terrifying damage that can instantly destroy the world.

Coupled with the tank and survivability provided by Armor Breaking Skill and Mercury Knife, after nearly four to ten minutes of long development, the mouse finally grew into a giant beast.

The situation is very unfavorable for the Yulong team.

But she felt inexplicably that the heart that had been suspended had settled down.

In my impression, when he got such equipment, it seems that he hasn't lost yet, right?

Although it was just a Masters Rank with less than two to three hundred points on the national server, playing with a group of top professional players couldn't be more difficult than leading yourself, right?
While thinking this way, I heard that the commentators also noticed this problem, and also mentioned Lin Xuan's equipment replacement, but their thoughts were obviously different from hers.

"Brother-in-law, did you sell the shoes? For...uh, the Essence Seizing Scythe?"

"Change this equipment... 100% crit?"

In the professional arena, the number of times the rats used the Essence Seizing Scythe is obviously not much, and the three commentators are also a little puzzled, but this is full of critical hits, so there is no shortage of reasons. They quickly changed the subject and returned to this wave. On the important dragon regiment.

The fish and dragon team's pawn line is still at a disadvantage, so Shen was left to deal with the pawn line. The BGM also let the bugs with teleportation go solo, and the remaining four used their vision advantage to ambush.

It is expected that the opponent has an ambush, but Aerie has a shield and R, and Bubble also has a big move, so he can take care of it from the rear, so he turned on the scan, and the two went to explore the field of vision one by one, slowly moving towards the big Longhe Road is close to the past.

The four BGMs were squatting behind the Red Fanghong BUFF lair, in the grass above the Dragon Pit, waiting for the Ichthyosaurs to come.

Bron walked into the wild area immediately, and the wine barrel made up for the eye position that had just been swept out. The two continued to move forward, followed by Karma, and Lin Xuan was in the pawn line of Qingli Middle Road.

The last few soldiers were quickly cleared, and Lin Xuan disappeared from the BGM's field of vision.

Bron walked past the six birds' nests and continued walking towards the river, unaware that four pairs of eyes stared at him coldly with fierce murderous intent less than a thousand yards away.

The audience held their breath.

"I haven't found out yet, Miss Pig hasn't made a move yet..."

"Be careful, the explosion of Ryze and Xiaopao..."

"The bug has TP!!"

When Wang Fei and Zhang Fei were carefully watching the four people in ambush, they saw that the bug who was leading the line down the road brought a wave of soldiers to the tower, and then walked a certain distance to start the teleportation.

The landing point is on the road leading to the red BUFF wild area from the Ichthyosaur team highlands. From here, using the glory of justice, the bugs can circle back perfectly.

Once they are really surrounded by bugs, restrain the mice, and with the output of Xiaocan and Ryze at this time, they can completely eliminate the front row of the fish and dragon team by using ambushes.

This can be regarded as a disaster for the Fish Dragon team.

"Oh! Oh!"

"MyGod, look! Cho'Gath!! Look at Cho'Gath, it teleports!"

"Cho'Gath! Cho'Gath has activated the teleportation, and it's going to go around. With its huge size at this time, Twitch is like a real little mouse, one bite can..."

The European and American commentators shouted in surprise and joy, with a high-pitched and excited tone, which could be heard clearly from the LPL commentary, but Wang Fei, Zhang Fei and Sakura naturally didn’t have the heart to listen to them yelling, they Also screaming excitedly.

The moment Kogas started teleporting, the four people who were ambushing in the grass also shot at the same time.

Pig girl's big move turned into a piece of frost and flew out, so fast that people had no time to see its shape clearly, it turned into a frozen field, directly sealed Bron in ice, and formed a circle around him. A frozen field enveloped the wine barrel next to it.

"Bugs! Bugs!"

"R me! R me!"



There was a lot of noise in the earphones. In a sense, this is Lin Xuan's own fruit. Just a few days ago—to be precise, before he "joined" the Ichthyosaur team, the voices in the team had never been so noisy. passed.

Without any hesitation, Shen immediately put his ultimate move on the controlled Braum, but the shield only appeared for a short moment, and immediately melted under the terrifying output of Xiaocan and Ryze.

A dazzling starlight lit up on Tariq, and the same light also lit up on Xiaopao, forming two circles. After a buffer of just two or three seconds, everyone in the circle will be immune to all attacks .


The big move of the wine barrel exploded in the crowd, but with a short animation effect, when the huge wine barrel flew out of the air, the little cannon had already taken a step back, avoiding the big move just right.


The air wave swept in all directions, and Taric and Pig Girl were blown up. Karma threw out the flame of the mind, but strengthened the ultimate move to the shield. After a bang, Barrel, Braum and her A shield appeared on his body, and his movement speed suddenly soared.

It's all happening pretty much at the same time.

The fast-moving Ryze was not affected by the big move of the wine barrel, and a series of skills hit Braum's body one after another. Braum, who didn't even raise his shield when he was frozen, lost a lot of blood in an instant.

Just after the stun from Zhumei's big move ended, she saw a sword-shaped light beam extending from the starlight on Tarik's body, and with a "click", it stunned Braum again.

Xiaopao, who had just been forced to move to avoid the big move of the wine barrel, gradually solidified the dazzling starlight. At this time, Xiaopao made a rocket jump, jumped high in the air, and jumped directly to the other side of Braum.

It obviously intends to continue to set fire with Ryze to kill this relatively less fleshy Braum first.

Under the special effects of the new Omega Squad skin, the little yordle, who always looks cute on weekdays, looks crisp and neat. He looks like a real warrior, just like his jumping action at the moment, bold and agile.

With its damage at the moment, it can cooperate with Ryze to kill Braum. As long as the opponent is reduced first, there is a chance to end the game in one wave.

After winning this game, their points will be 3-1, tied with Crane, not to mention securing a qualifying spot, and they will have a chance to compete with Crane for the first place in the group.

Xiaopao jumped up in the air, his body was gradually solidified with light that could withstand all attacks, and on the ground was Braum whose blood volume was still declining.

This position is protected by Zhumei and Tarik in the front, and Ryze is on the side to support it. It has a good output and room for development.

After killing Braum, the displacement skills are refreshed, and there is also a flash.

It can be harvested completely. Like many previous competitions, it led the BGM to complete the comeback and break out of the group stage, representing the EU division heading towards a higher height.

It seems that because of this reason, the "BGNFree" ID on its head is also very dazzling in everyone's eyes, as if it is about to shine.

The short time seems like a moment, and the long time seems to echo with many pictures of the past.

Then it was interrupted by the raging laughter of "Ahahahahaha".

Accompanied by the sharp whistle of crossbow arrows piercing through the air, the scattered traces left by the arrows flying through the air linger and a faint green poisonous mist envelopes the entire battlefield.

The source of the poisonous arrows all over the sky is a green mouse.

Over a distance of nearly a thousand yards, two marks flashed.

At the end, there was an electric light above the head of the small cannon that had just landed.

Then I saw the figure with the ID that was about to shine on the ground and never got up again.

The dazzling starlight on it no longer had the chance to completely condense and block damage from all directions.

It fell down so quickly, it seemed that the moment the laughter of "Wahahahahaha" sounded, it fell the moment the arrows pierced the air. The laughter was so wild, and it fell so quickly that it was too It was too abrupt and inconspicuous, and almost no one noticed or came back to their senses at the first time. It was not until the commentators at each commentary station shouted excitedly for several seconds that they suddenly uttered a louder and almost hoarse voice. roar.

"MY! GOD—"

"Hey——Xiaopao! Xiaopao was shot!!!"

"My God! Brother-in-law..."

Without the supplementary damage from the small cannon, Braum finally got rid of the bad luck of being killed by the focus fire. After the stun was over, the shield was raised and the big move was released.

When the big bug finally landed slowly, what he saw were corpses all over the place, as well as the deafening majesty reading above his head:

(End of this chapter)

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