Chapter 450 [464] Interviewing ghosts (two more)

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Jingbai, the temporary ADC of the Fish and Dragons team."

The beginning of Lin Xuan's interview was quite unusual, because he was not a member of the Yulong team, but he represented the Yulong team at the moment, so he added a "temporary" prefix when introducing himself, which attracted many audience members below. laugh it out.

Fang Yao couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "Temporary ADC... Haha, but even though he was ordered in a crisis, he performed very well. This should be the first time for my brother-in-law to play in the World Championship, right?"

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, I haven't even played in the LPL, so I came to the World Championship directly."

He was serious when he spoke, but it caused the audience below to burst into laughter. On the barrage in the live broadcast room, many people were using words like "I feel sorry for XXX". Most of them were some who performed very well in LPL, but never Players who have the opportunity to go to the World Championship.

Fang Yao smiled and said: "This seems to be true. This should be the first time in the global finals that someone skipped the professional league in the division and went directly to the global finals, right? But I think based on the performance of my brother-in-law just now, no one should have anything to do with it Doubtful."

She first took Lin Xuan's words with a smile, and then continued to ask: "You cooperated with Xiaoxue when you were in Sky, but do you feel any different when you come here to cooperate with Alley?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "There must be, after all, men and women are different."


"Ha ha ha ha"

"Fucking labor and management froze for a moment before reacting"

"Sure enough, it depends on Jiang Jingbai's talk."

"Interview with Ghost Jiang Jingbai"

Now the live laughter can be heard through the live broadcast, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was immediately covered with "66066" full of screens, mixed with various jokes, some people who originally played with their mobile phones or had something to eat during the game The live viewers immediately turned their attention back.

"Pfft, hahaha..."

Fang Yao almost laughed out loud, and forgot to ask the question for a while. She has a very good figure, but now she bent over with a smile, which highlighted her figure even more, especially when watching from a close distance under the live broadcast camera, many live broadcast rooms The audience immediately turned their attention to her.

It took her a while to stop laughing, but there was still a smile in her voice, and she asked, "Then who do you prefer to cooperate with?"

Lin Xuan's answer just now was actually a bit tricky, and he avoided the question with a joke. Under normal circumstances, Fang Yao would not continue to ask, but seeing that Lin Xuan still had the strength to deal with it, and was more relaxed and comfortable than many veterans, he asked again.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "It must be Xiaoxue."

This level of his answer is actually enough. No matter the live broadcast or the scene, many people laughed again, thinking that this answer is very frank. After all, boys like beautiful women, let alone playing games with them?

Fang Yao's interviews are relatively relaxed and casual, and she also has the ability to get along well with others quickly. Seeing that Lin Xuan's answer was not official, she asked with a mocking smile, "Why?"

Her original intention was that Lin Xuan could take advantage of the situation and say frankly that Jiang Yingxue is more beautiful. This is also the subtext of Lin Xuan's answer just now in her opinion. Saying it this way is actually more helpful for the audience watching the live broadcast to remember Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan paved a step.

But never thought that Lin Xuan would answer with a smile: "No matter how good Alley is, he still has Xi Yan. I don't want a third party to intervene..." These few answers were all outside the predetermined questions, and he also answered casually on the spot. Ben was also joking, and the words came out a little bit misleading, so he stopped talking here.

But the effect here is enough, Fang Yao laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist, and there were all kinds of ridicule on the barrage, so in the next few minutes, after the topic of "Fish and Dragon BGM", the topic of "Interviewing the Ghostly Brother-in-law" It was also quickly posted on the Weibo hot search list.

The craze of League of Legends has swept the world, but because of the poor record of LPL, the rise of popularity in China has been hindered. Although it is not uncommon for a game to be on the top of the list, it is still rare for an interview to be listed.

But compared to the most legendary and surprising day of this global finals, this is just the beginning.

Because there is still a competition to come, there is not much time left for interviews. Lin Xuan’s timely performance delayed a lot of time. After Fang Yao laughed, she quickly brought the topic back, asked a question about the competition just now, and then said something The idea of ​​today's game, whether you have confidence, etc., quickly ended the interview.

"Hahaha... I died from laughing, this man is so funny."

The interview was over, Ni Chang still couldn't stop laughing, and Fang Jingyue couldn't help laughing, but naturally she wouldn't smile so shamelessly like Ni Chang. There was more of a gratifying emotion in her smile. But Ni Chang didn't notice.

In the same city thousands of miles away from the arena, the atmosphere between another mother and daughter was obviously not as relaxed.

Jiang Yingxue's father passed away for some reason in her early years, and the company family was supported by Mo Yi. One can imagine the pressure and busyness on her body. Although she tried her best to find time to accompany Jiang Yingxue, the time spent together was far less than that of mother and daughter in ordinary families. .

So even if she accompanied her daughter to watch a game that she didn't understand, she cherished it very much, but she didn't expect to hear a sentence that was somewhat reminiscent.

When Lin Xuan was invited to join Sky, it was not so much that he valued and believed that he could adjust the relationship between the entire Sky team members, but rather that he valued and believed in his face and communication skills, and he could act as a communication bridge between Jiang Yingxue and other teammates.

They are all young boys and girls in their youth. It is not impossible to have a long-term relationship when they get along day and night. When Chen Muyu and Su Luoyu talked to her, they also teased about this. With Mo Yi's vision of the city, naturally they would not She really put Lin Xuan on her daughter's future husband's investigation list, but she would not force her to intervene.

Life is very long, getting into a marriage does not mean a simple thing like falling in love with each other overnight, based on her understanding and planning of her daughter, it is not taboo to fall in love at this age, this is something she will have to experience sooner or later, No one can replace it.

From a practical point of view, Lin Xuan's current conditions are far from being acceptable to her as her son-in-law, but this does not mean that she will now oppose Lin Xuan's pursuit of Jiang Yingxue or Jiang Yingxue's acceptance of Lin Xuan's pursuit. Love and marriage are Two different things.

It's just that if that's the case, if she faces Lin Xuan again from now on, she will have to pay more attention to her attitude and sense of proportion. Unless Concubine Qiong takes the initiative to talk to her one day, she doesn't need to express her opinion.

——From a long-term perspective, a failed relationship will do far more good than harm to Jiang Yingxue's future life.

So if it is said that Lin Xuan is interested in Jiang Yingxue, or that both of them are interested, Mo Yi will not interfere right now, and is even happy to see it succeed.

This is part of her life experience, just like running to play professionally.

So after hearing that answer, she didn't pay attention to the next content, but turned her head and stared at Jiang Yingxue intently, examining her expression.

It is naturally impossible for Jiang Yingxue not to hear Lin Xuan's words, and not to notice her mother's gaze, but she still watched the whole interview with a blank face, and then looked at her mother, with some doubts in her icy clear eyes Come.

Mo Yi couldn't help Mo Yi with this level of anti-client, she still stared at Jiang Yingxue with the same eyes just now, and didn't make a sound.

After the mother and daughter looked at each other in silence for two seconds, Jiang Yingxue finally looked away first, no longer pretending to be confused, just inserted a piece of peeled apple with a toothpick, put it in his mouth and chewed gently: "He has The person you like... This person talks a lot and talks nonsense, don't think too much."

Mo Yi said "Oh?", smiled a little, nodded, and pondered: "Actually, your looks, brains, and city are not bad. At your age, if you don't fall in love early, it will be too late."

After all, Jiang Yingxue was not as cold as outsiders in front of her mother, she rolled her eyes and said, "Boring."

Mo Yi stretched out her hand to pinch her white and smooth cheeks, and said with a smile, "My concubine Qiong is so pretty, and after living under the same roof for so long, no one came to you to confess her love? I was so worried about it for so long."

Jiang Yingxue broke away gently, and lay down on her mother's lap. She looked sideways at the wonderful replay of the last game on the TV. She couldn't tell whether it was the light or the TV light. Her icy clear eyes were reflected, making them more and more luminous. Blinking slightly, "I'm fine by myself, why do I feel uncomfortable."

Mo Yi sighed, and said softly: "I always want to fall in love, I always want to get married."

Jiang Yingxue quietly watched the replay of the highlights of the game on TV, and said nothing, but what rang in her mind was the lie she told that night when that guy just came to the base.

Regrets and the like are of course out of the question, but now that I think about it, I feel like superfluous, a little...boring.

Well, I admit that I am weak in naming, and the content of this chapter can be written in less than 10 minutes to break the high ground, so...the last chapter [463] was renamed Two Arrows of Life and Death (Continued)...

(End of this chapter)

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