Chapter 456 [470] Breaking Highlands in 10 Minutes (End)
The bright yellow barrage swept past with lightning speed, and the blue feather blades all over the sky swept out like a bright galaxy. Xia flew up in the sky in this bright galaxy, avoiding the fate of being pierced by the barrage, and at the same time her body was bright. There was a green light.

It's a pity that this treatment failed to save Luo's life after all, and was directly scraped to death by the edge of the barrage.

——In League of Legends, like Lux's R flash, there is also not much practical operation, EZ's R flash!
But at this time, it played its due role, not only avoiding the forced displacement of Zach's big move, but also leaving the area that Xia Yu's undercut can pass by.

The EZ that flashed in the grass reappeared as the basic attack hit Xia's body.

general attack.

Go chop.

In the early stage of the game, the movement speed brought by a pair of straw sandals is already very impressive. Coupled with the attack speed brought by the full stack of passives, his skillful walking and slashing operations appear extremely smooth and fast, and magic arrows hit Xia's body one after another.

After Xia returned two basic attacks, seeing that her blood volume was dropping very quickly, especially after being hit by Lulu Q again to slow down, she didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and fled back to the tower in a flash.

Lin Xuan immediately shifted his target to Zach, who was still approaching here. Poor Zac obviously came to Gank, but he lost a supporter, and he was beaten to the ground.
Zac, who obviously came to Gank but failed to play any role, finally came to EZ again, but found that the teammate he wanted to save had already escaped, so he had to run away too. Seeing that EZ's output was too high, he didn't care about saving skills. Dodge and escape.


"My God, my brother-in-law is a bit of a show!"

"How about Tianxiu, two hits three to kill one, three flashes and one healer, what else do you want?"

"Ah——what are they doing? Three beat two and were beaten like this..."


The commentary stations in each competition area hadn't had time to express their joy and annoyance over this wave of Gank, when the director hurriedly cut the camera to the next lane.

The wine barrel cooperates with Shen to kill the bug.

EZ and Lulu are starting to push towers.

Zac and Xia didn't have much blood in the first place. After Xia ate another Q, the two completely lost the confidence to forcibly defend the tower and clear the soldiers, and they didn't plan to fight. Re-entered the wild area.

Xia watched from a distance as the two bots pushed the tower, and felt that the Summoner's Canyon in October was a bit cold.

When I just took down the blood tower in the bottom lane, I took the dragon by the way. It was an earth elemental dragon. It just came into play at the moment. EZ, which already had equipment support, pushed the tower very quickly after the passive attack speed was stacked.

Yao Ji was still tied up in the middle lane and couldn't move, and it was difficult to kill even if she came over. At that time, she might lose the first tower in the middle lane. Everyone in NTG quickly reached a consensus and let go of the first tower in the top lane.

However, after the first tower was pushed down, EZ and Lulu did not withdraw. They didn't seem to worry about Zac going back and forth. After pushing down the first tower, they continued to attack the second tower with their troops.

Luo had just been resurrected at this time, and hadn't stepped off the high ground yet.

The line of soldiers came under the second tower.

The worm was revived, and went to the bottom lane to withdraw troops. At this moment, the bottom lane pawn line has also come to the second tower.

After finally recovering to more than half health, Xia threw two feather blades from a distance, and took away a soldier with residual blood. According to his calculation, after the defense tower was hit, the two feather blades could be taken back. This will take away the artillery soldiers.

"The skills of making up the knife are good."

Lin Xuan boasted, "It can be killed."

As soon as the words fell, there was a "bang", and Alley flashed into the tower with his own Lulu.

Become a sheep.

——Well, the official name of this skill is whimsy, which can speed up allies and turn enemies into harmless little animals.

Lin Xuan arcane leap into the tower.

The magic arrow hit Xia who had been turned into a small animal with the skill at the same time. She couldn't retract her feather blade in time, and she couldn't wait for her Luo to come back.

A lump of green appeared in the sky above, and reflected under Lulu's feet, a circular shadow area appeared.

"R me! R me!"

Alley immediately yelled, a dark purple halo appeared on him, and the blood bar above his head, which was being attacked by the defensive tower, was supported by a thick shield of the same dark purple.

On the NTG highlands, the worm that had just stepped out of the spring suddenly stopped moving, a mass of red light lingered around it, spinning and heading straight into the sky.

There is a red light lingering in the real eye of the triangular grass, spinning and falling from the sky.


When Zac landed, Lulu couldn't escape the control range of the rubber slingshot, and was knocked into the air. Fortunately, Zac didn't have a big move. He added the shield of the kidney and Lin Xuan healed and raised his hand to escape the defense. tower.


While the defensive tower attack fell on the minions, Galio directly sent the guards.

"Don't fight! Don't fight! I can't fight..."

Seeing this scene, the worm in the NTG team's voice immediately shouted, it can kill Lulu after it lands, but Shen is about to land, EZ's equipment is still ahead, and Galio has already turned on teleportation. It's really hard to please in the past.

The bug canceled the teleportation.


Shen's flash has cooled down, and after landing, the E flash directly controlled Zach, who wanted to retreat, under the tower.

Although Zac killed a carbine, his blood volume is still not enough. Shen's output should not be underestimated. Lin Xuan turned around and only added two skills and two basic attacks to beat him to pieces, turning him into a pile of green cakes Start to climb together.

The enchantress didn't teleport, and there isn't even anyone who can save it right now.

When Luo came to the tower, Zach, who still couldn't stand up again, was completely finished, and his head was snatched away by Lin Xuan again.


Ezreal is 5-0 and unstoppable.

"Let's go, let's push the tower."

"Don't go, let it go."

In the NTG team voice, everyone quickly reached a consensus. The enchantress returned to the middle lane to push the line and push the tower, and the bug took the bottom lane line. If the second tower of the top lane can be used to replace the two outer towers of the bottom lane and the middle lane , is still acceptable for their current situation.

Summoner's Rift in October is a bit cold.

Luo, who watched the other four push the second tower, felt Xia's mood just now.

"What does NTG mean? Do you want to change the tower?"

"Hey... If they don't come back, it feels like they can go to the high ground."

"It's only been a few minutes, Kamikochi is a little over."

When the commentators were discussing, this issue was also discussed in the voice of the Yulong team.

Mo Cheng: "They seem to be changing towers?"

Alley: "It's okay, no loss, no loss."

Bubble: "I can guard the middle."

Lin Xuan: "Why do they change towers with us?"


Alley: "If you can speak normally, we can still be friends."

"I'll count to three. If they dare not come back, we will push the ground up."


Bubble: "You count."

"Push down the second tower first and I'll count."

In the last round of confrontation, NTG more or less misdefined the impression of the Yulong team, or the performance of the LPL team in the World Championships in recent years, so that most people's impressions of him are "stable" or "cowardly". "

——Maybe there is a reason for this, or it may not have occurred to the current time, only 9 minutes, less than 10 minutes, NTG did not think about the fact that the Fish and Dragons pushed down the second tower and did not retreat.

So they did not retreat.


After the second tower collapsed, Lin Xuan started his own counting, and at the same time walked to the Highland Tower at the same time.

Galio followed and asked, "Where is the second?"

"If you can control people, I will be number two."


Galio and Shen walked to the front, Xialuo had no big move, so had to retreat, but fortunately Zac had also come back from the resurrection, so he wouldn't feel the coldness of Summoner's Canyon in October again.

"They're on high ground."

"Can you keep it?"

"Come back, come back, at least one."

"I'll go back, the bug keeps pushing."

Seeing that none of the four members of the Ichthyosaurus team had any intention of leaving, NTG panicked a bit. Yao Ji was blocked by the wine barrel and couldn't push the tower, so she asked the bug to push the tower back.

Bubbles couldn't let her go away, so he set the line of troops to go to interrupt, so after a delay, on the high ground on the road, Mo Cheng had already rushed under the tower with a flash of taunt.

One for two,

Galio was killed, killing Lo and Zac.

In the early 9 minutes of the game, NTG broke the highland tower on the road, and EZ's record came to 6-0.

(End of this chapter)

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