Chapter 459 [473] Courage is commendable

After the small cannon, the Yulong team locked Galio again, and Crane then locked the top laner Gnar, and the first round of pulling was over.

Wang Yingfeng pondered and said: "It really is a rock sparrow, shall we assist?"

"There is also the mid laner. I am under a lot of pressure."

"What kind of mid laner, you can't beat it anyway, just lie down."

"I'll tell you what I want to give you, if you say so, Bubble."

"Which round did you not send? Can you tell me which round you didn't send?"


"Alright, alright, it's time to wrestle."

In the second round of pulling, Crane started targeting the jungler and directly took out the prince and the barrel, while the Ichthyosaur took out Tarek and the rock sparrow.

Then it was Crane's turn for the fourth pick. They seemed to be planning to take the mid laner, and they showed Snake Girl first, but they were not selected.

In the live broadcast, the director put the screen on Crane's side, and he could see the coach communicating with the players. The head of Snake Girl quickly changed to Ryze, then changed to Snake Girl, and finally changed to Ryze .


"If the mid laner Ryze is locked, then the counter is reserved for the support."

"Let's see what I choose for Ichthyosaurus, the jungler and the top laner are still missing..."

Shen is still outside, this does not require too much hesitation, Wang Yingfeng quickly finalized Shen's choice for the top lane, but when it was the turn of the jungler, the current version of the relatively strong wine barrel, prince, and pig girl were gone. The remaining options are not without, Zac, Rexai, Spider, Blind Sin, Leopard Girl...

Wang Yingfeng asked: "What do you want to take?"

Without even thinking about it, Pao Pao said: "Blind monk."



"Change another one."

"Can you just tell me to take something?"

"I respect players more."

"Then Aerie, help me get the blind monk."

"No, get another one."

"Didn't you say you respect the players?"

"Yeah, didn't I let you choose your own hero?"

"Then get me the blind monk."


"Leopard Girl."

"Change another one."

Alley, who was preparing to select candidates, reminded helplessly: "There is no time."

"If you are a bitch, you still need to set up an archway, you are."

Bubble said helplessly, "Okay, I'll choose Zach."

Wang Yingfeng smiled and said, "Okay, then Zach. You see, I just said that I respect the players..."

Bubble laughed and scolded angrily: "Fart."

Wang Yingfeng stopped chatting, and seriously told him: "Stay safe in this game, let Bubble lead the rhythm, don't jump around in the lane, you must keep the lane..."

Bubble said: "It's agreed to let me lead the rhythm, why do you want to keep the road?"

Wang Yingfeng ignored him, and continued: "Brother-in-law, you should be more on the road, you have never played a training match, be more on the safe side, don't fall apart in line."

Ai Li smiled and said, "Hey, brother Feng, you are a bit too much, you look down on my brother-in-law..."

"It's my uncle."

"Okay, okay, don't make noise, listen to me, listen to me, be more steady on the road, do you hear me?"

"It depends..."

In the middle of Lin Xuan's speech, he saw the opponent's last assisted lock, and changed the subject, "Uh, well, we really need to be more steady."

Crane's last support is Nami. Although the current version of Xiaobao's laning ability is not too weak, it is better to be honest when facing Nami and Xia.

What's more, he was facing Crane King Li Yifan.

It is not easy to launch a "No. [-]" that can be recognized by the majority of people on a certain road, but with "one of the strongest", no matter which audience or a certain media selects, it will never be an easy task. Crane team may be overlooked.

And with Li Yifan's qualifications, if one had to choose the current "world's strongest ADC", then he would undoubtedly be the most convincing.

Even though Lin Xuan had already proved his strength, Wang Yingfeng and the others had great confidence in him, so if they really wanted to face Li Yifan at this moment, they would feel somewhat uneasy.


"Nami and Xia, the laning is a bit strong."

"...Let's choose to trust my brother-in-law. The lineups of both sides have already been determined. For the Yulong team, top laner Shen, jungler Zac, mid laner Galio, ADC Xiaopao, and support Luo."

"Crane is the top laner Gnar, playing the wild boar girl, the mid laner Ryze, and Xia and Nami in the bottom lane."

The lineup has been determined. After the three commentators briefly recounted it, Wang Fei pondered: "The lineup of the Fish and Dragons, to be honest...the output points are a bit small."

Zhang Fei said: "Indeed, basically there is only one output point of the small cannon."

Sakura said: "This should be regarded as four guarantees and one. Galio and Shen are both playing around the bottom lane, so it is more dependent on the brother-in-law's performance."

The three of them are naturally concerned about the Ichthyosaurus team, and they have some biases when they speak. This is a normal thing. Even if the commentary needs to be neutral, they will have more or less emotional tendencies towards the teams in their own competition area.

After the lineup came out, the two commentators at the commentary desk on the LCK side were also discussing.

"Loong still continued their style of play in the previous two rounds. It seems that they are very confident in this new ADC."

"This is also the habit of LPL all the time. They may still be immersed in the glory of Chen Muyu's era...Of course, this version of the bottom lane is indeed worthy of such treatment, but their choice is too single."

"I don't blame them for this. It also depends on strength. Operations and single belts are not something that can be played just by thinking about it."

"I think Crane came up with the combination of Xia and Nami because he wanted to gain an advantage in the laning phase. With Li Yifan's strength, I don't think it's a difficult task. Once Xiaopao falls into a disadvantage, Loong is not far from failure... "

"Hahaha, Loong wants to copy their style of play against BGM and NTG, and wants to use this new ADC to carry the game..."

"Of course, judging from the performance of the previous two rounds, we must show respect to this substitute AD. He is indeed very strong, even Free lost to him...but I am still optimistic about Li Yifan."

"Hahaha, it's like you didn't say that."

Similar discussions also appeared in other commentary booths. At this moment, all the audience and commentators in the EU division are obviously in Crane's camp, hoping that they can beat Loong. Only in this way will BGM have a chance to play a playoff, so they will have a strong psychological tendency. normal.

As for the LMS division, because of NTG's early exit, it can be said to be relatively objective, but in fact, the two commentators of the LMS made more jokes about the Yulong team.

The strength of the LCK has been deeply rooted in the hearts of all LOLers, and this naturally includes the commentary. Seeing that the Yulong team has chosen a system of four guarantees and one against Crane at this moment, they are somewhat disapproving, even a little mocking.

Choosing the four guarantees and one system, it is almost obvious that we are going to fight Crane in the late game...

It’s not that no one has ever defeated NTG. For example, NTG defeated Crane in a crushing posture today, but wants to fight Crane in the late game...

Even the other two teams from the LCK would not easily dare to make such a tactical arrangement.

When Crane's players were interviewed, they said more than once that with Li Yifan, they could drag back without any psychological pressure. Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages in the early and mid-term, as long as they reached the late stage, they could win.

It's not that the Crane team has never lost a game. How can there be an undefeated team?

But when the game dragged to the late stage, they lost very few games. On the contrary, there were many times when they fell into a huge disadvantage in the early stage, and in the late stage, they relied on Li Yifan to make a shocking comeback.

In the closing words of the LMS guy, "They chose the most difficult path to fight against Crane's strongest point, and that's Li Yifan! To be honest, I admire their courage...the courage is commendable!"

(End of this chapter)

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