Chapter 462 [476] Script-level responses

"Fuck! Awesome!"

"Domineering brother-in-law, jump on the face of the Crane King!!"

"What about those who question that my brother-in-law has never played LPL?"

"I can't help but become a fan, I heard that Qianqian is very beautiful, right?"


The game has been played until now, even the audience is a little tired after watching it for so long, but this sudden wave of face-jumping kills has directly lifted everyone's spirits. Many people started to make fun of it.

The commentators were also excited, speaking as fast as shouting.

"Kill it! Xia is dead! One blood!"

"Nice! Brother-in-law is too decisive this time, and he can kill another one!"

"Nami is dead too!"

The excited words echoed in the viewing hall along with the live broadcast, mixed with some shouts of "Fuck" and "Awesome", Jiang Yuqing also shouted happily like many girls, waving her arms, her expression Excited and joyful.

In the female dormitory of Lucheng University, which is thousands of miles away, the atmosphere is obviously lighter. Only Shao Dan shouted excitedly: "Wow, it's amazing!"

Xu Qingru Jianshui's bright eyes sparkled, obviously very excited, but very calm, but he clenched his palms on his knees, watching the scene of Xiaopao chasing and killing Nami with some expectation.


"Brother-in-law's triple jump of quality directly won a double kill!"

"I have to say that brother-in-law's fight was too decisive. I was stunned when he jumped up..."

At this moment, the end of the battle in the bottom lane can be regarded as a smooth and unexpected surprise for everyone. When the commentators talked about it again, they were full of a victorious tone, and their joy and happiness were beyond words. It can be said that it has established an absolute advantage in the bottom lane, which is completely beyond our original imagination."

"It's really unexpected. I can only say that I played too decisively. Because Galio reached level six, Crane must have communicated with him. I remember that at that time just now, Galio should have just reached level six."


The LPL commentary desk is full of joy, while the LCK commentary desk is already a little confused. Even if they have a hundred predictions for this game, there is no guess that Crane will not be able to beat it, let alone Crane's strongest bot lane?

"Oh... what's the situation? Didn't Galio get a reminder when he reached level six?"

"It's a bit of a surprise, I got a double kill by Tristana... It's not easy to fight like this, get off the road."

The two commentators paused several times while speaking, and let out an "oh" from time to time, as if they had just realized that this was a fact, "Li Yifan was double-killed by the opponent during the laning, this is still a rare situation. ..."

"Galio reached level six a little fast."

"Maybe it's because I didn't communicate well. After Galio's big move, Xia has nothing to do..."

"Uh... Actually, he was killed more by Tristana's injury. I think... it shouldn't be a communication problem, but the other party was too fast and didn't have time to take precautions."

"Oh...that makes sense! I never thought that the opponent's ADC would dare to jump up directly, he is so bold!"

"Now you need to stabilize your way down."

"Yes, you can still play after a while. After all, it's Li Yifan. We can trust his ability to withstand pressure. They will find their rhythm."

If this wave of double kills made the LCK commentary a bit confused, then for the LCS and LMS commentators, it is purely a slap in the face. Both sides don't have to worry about the competition area for this game, so the comments on it are relatively Personal and real.

Although it is one China, as two divisions, the public opinion on the LMS side has always been more inclined towards the LCK. Just now the two commentators commented that it seems to be a mocking attitude towards the Ichthon team, as if to put it Became a clown in front of the champion dynasty.

With the mentality of watching a joke, they wanted to see how Crane abused the clown. As a result, the game had just started, and only 6 minutes later, the little cannon jumped on Crane King's face and got a double kill.

This is like when they laughed at a person, they jumped up and slapped him hard in the face. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, not only could they not fight back, but they had to stand at attention.

"This little cannon..."

"It's a bit hanging, this man."

After a couple of dry laughs, they had no choice but to applaud first, and then began to re-discuss the double kill just now, "Hey, he's so bold, he just jumped on Li Yifan's face."

"Yes, I just stayed for a while."


After the director gave the replay, Lin Xuan had updated his equipment and came back. The two heads provided 700 yuan, plus the supplementary knife and the natural growth of the economy. When he came out of the spring, he was already equipped with Dolan Sword, Stormwind Big sword, straw sandals, attack speed dagger.

When Xia returned to the pawn line, she only had two attacking long swords and a pair of straw sandals on her body, and the difference was not 01:30.

A wave of double kills brought about not only a financial gap, but two heroes and two waves of soldiers also opened up a huge gap in the experience of the bottom lane duo. Without the interference of teammates, Crane's bottom lane has completely Lost the ability to fight.

Gained the advantage and started to carry out crazy laning suppression. This kind of suppression actually appeared in the previous battles against BGM and NTG, but after the target was replaced by Crane, the meaning and visual effect of the same scene were completely different. of.

The first time they met each other in the next lane, they jumped face directly, and the sparks of the explosion hung directly on Xia's head.


Li Yifan's reaction was extremely quick. While Lin Xuan hung up the bomb and launched a general attack, he also shot out QA. The three feather blades landed behind Lin Xuan, almost without any delay, and the three feather blades hovered and rolled back.


Luo has already swept over quickly with the small cannon, and EW rushed to Xia's side, and with the dazzling brilliance, the couple who belonged to different camps flew up at the same time.

The water was rushing, and the three feather blades imprisoned Xiaopao and Luo, but the confinement could not stop Xiaopao from continuing to attack.

The gap in equipment made Crane's down lane two people not determined to fight at all. Even if they were imprisoned, Li Yifan could only retreat. Fortunately, the distance between him and Lin Xuan was relatively far, and Lin Xuan couldn't make it when he jumped up. It fell directly on his face, Luo's control did not allow Lin Xuan to fill up the four layers of explosive sparks, and the rocket jump failed to refresh.

Nami provided some output, and with Xia's QAE combo, Lin Xuan also lost a lot of HP, but the leading equipment made him still gain a lot of HP in this wave of "reckless" face jumping.

Crane and the two never dared to appear within the [-]-yard range centered on Xiaopao. Even if Lin Xuan crossed the line of soldiers, the two of them retreated directly when they saw him moving forward.

Watching this scene, the LPL audience breathed a sigh of relief, and most of the commentators also thought this way in their hearts, and the commentary stations in other competition regions were somewhat uncomfortable.

If the IDs of the two parties were changed, they could say that they had seen this scene too many times, but Li Yifan was beaten up... How long has it been since he saw it?

LPL commentary desk:
"Wow—this... makes Crane a bit grumpy in the bottom lane."

"My brother-in-law is a little fierce, a little fierce, just jumping in the face when he comes up."

"That's the way to play! Play LPL bloody... To be honest, I kind of think back to when Chen Muyu was still around, hey - we often saw such scenes at that time, okay?" |
English commentary desk:
"Oh—I have to say that Loong surprised us again. I haven't seen such a scene in a long time. Crane was beaten like this in the bottom lane... He didn't even dare to go to last knife!"

"I think before Sejuani can successfully help them regain some advantage, it seems that we can only see such a scene..."

"I have to say that against a top ADC in the world like Li Yifan, Loong's performance as a backup AD has completely exceeded our expectations! If he can maintain this level of performance in this round, I think I might not be able to resist becoming a fan." It's..."

LMS commentary desk:
"Wow! This he too pissed? Is he jumping in the face again?"

"It's a bit fierce! My God, is this pushing Li Yifan to the ground and beating violently? I can't believe it."

"This guy is on fire."

LCK commentary stand... LCK commentators are heartbroken seeing their pride being bullied like this.

Even more heartbreaking is yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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