Chapter 472 [486] Crane's terrifying strength
Crane King Li Yifan, with the name of the team named Wang, Li Yifan can be called No.1 in the League of Legends today. His light is so dazzling that people more or less ignore his teammates.

However, if you put it in the field of vision of the professional area, Li Yifan's aura is far less dazzling. No one denies that he is very strong, but it is far from being able to ignore his teammates because of him.

Whether it is for the players or the coach, it is an error that should not be made.

Crane has almost no weaknesses. The five players include the support position. Everyone has the experience of saving the team at critical moments. They can play around any point as the core.

In this round, Crane obviously wanted to play around Ueno. For this reason, they did not hesitate to give up the very strong Luo in the current version, and also ensured that they could get Olaf and Jess.

"Steady during the laning phase! Be sure to stay steady! Especially in the top lane and the wild area, as long as the early stage does not collapse, we will gradually get better after 10 minutes."

"I'm just saying these two words to you, hold on! Remember? Just hold on, wait for brother-in-law's equipment to take shape before hitting, and don't hit hard if it's not necessary depending on the situation..."

After confirming the BP, Wang Yingfeng kept emphasizing the importance of stability. This was his final control over the game as a coach, and everything that followed was beyond his control. Naturally, no one would show any impatience , but no one answered.

The referee urged the coach to shake hands in the voice, and then Wang Yingfeng hurriedly said: "Steady, be sure!" Then he took off the earphones to shake hands.

There is no pre-match interview, and the time from the end of the BP to the start of the game is all reserved for the commentator. The content is nothing more than analyzing the lineup. The hero Jayce is basically waiting to die if he can't get an advantage. He is born strong. There are not many people who can be tough with him, and the big bug is obviously not included among them.

Crane gave up Luo for Jess, and the three commentators can naturally see how determined they are to gain an advantage through the top lane, so after analyzing the pros and cons of the lineup, they also have to express their opinion on whether the Fish and Dragons can handle it. Don't worry about Crane's early offensive.

The game has officially started, and the camera still slowly advances from the blue side to the red side.

Jiang Qianyu, who had always had a regular schedule, couldn't help feeling sleepy at this moment, yawned, patted the dazed little head squatting beside him, and said lazily, "Are you sleepy, dazed?"

The little milk cat blinked at her with big jewel-like eyes that were still bright, and let out a meow. It was soft, soft, and cute. Just looking at it made people's hearts melt.

The sleepy little girl poked it's nose with a delicate white finger, and made a fierce look, "Don't sleep no matter how sleepy you are, you know? He won't be able to sleep until he finishes this game, Do you know?"

Not feeling sleepy at all, he meowed again in a daze.


"What is Crane trying to do?"

The voice of the commentary interrupted Jiang Qianyu's thoughts of continuing to be dazed, and hurriedly looked up to watch the live broadcast, and saw that Crane Olaf, Jess, and Ritz all came to the Red BUFF lair of the Ichthyosaur team.

The red BUFF of the red side is easy to be stolen, especially when teammates in low-end rounds are not conscious to help with vision. In high-end rounds, as players become more aware, most of them will consciously help with vision. The formation makes it easy to detect the opponent's opening direction, and the possibility of being stolen BUFF is further reduced. Even if it is stolen, it is basically clear to each other. The jungler who lost the BUFF will go directly to the opponent's jungle, which is equivalent to changing the BUFF start.

Bubble originally planned to start the game with six birds, but seeing the opponent attacking so aggressively, firstly, the first-level duel was a bit vain, and secondly, Wang Yingfeng's "Hold on! Hold on!" If it is necessary to fight like this, the worst is to change the wild area.

Crane chose a good timing for the invasion. It was too late for Bubble to go to the opponent's jungle at this time, so he had to go directly to the bottom lane to blue open.

Helping Bubbles to unlock the BUFF will increase the pressure on the bottom lane, and if you don’t help, Bubbles will be too slow to play blue, and then the opponent’s red BUFF may be in danger, so Lin Xuan can only help him play blue first, Then go live again.

Even if he didn't help for too long, he started fighting in 32 seconds and returned to the line in 38 seconds, but Crane came directly to the bot lane to push the line. When Lin Xuan came over, all three melee soldiers had already died.

As far as combat ability is concerned, Xia didn't learn W at level one, and Dazui learned W for combat. Lulu's consumption ability is also not weak. Whatever you do is just getting your head caught by the door.

This is because the opponent's first-level opening routine worked. The disadvantage of the pawn line caused Lin Xuan to stand at the back to make up the knife, and to prevent Soraka's Q skill from being consumed.

——Although Soraka has always been known as a mobile blood bank, her laning ability is actually much stronger than it looks, especially the recovery ability brought by the Q skill, which is absolutely cancerous.

The ADCs on both sides are Dolan Dun, with the same equipment, but Xia is undoubtedly the leader in pushing the line. In addition, Crane took the lead in pushing the line just after going online. Therefore, Lin Xuan, who has lost the line right to the opponent, fell into a passive position as soon as the line was matched.

Of course, the right to push the line does not represent a substantial advantage. The last knife, kills and tower difference are the things that can really be linked to the economy, but the right to push the line is certainly not useless.

The side with the right to push the line can go to support teammates earlier.

This is common sense, but its effect is beyond doubt.

——When Bubble went to oppose Fang Hong's BUFF, he was besieged by a bot lane duo. In addition, because of the terrain advantage, Ryze came to support earlier. After Bubble punished and got Crane's red BUFF, he was still not warm. It was given to Xia together with the first blood.

Bubble's own top half of the jungle fell, so the bottom lane duo could only help open the bottom half of the jungle, and the bottom lane pushed the lane at a disadvantage... These are obviously within the scope of Crane's calculations.

Both Bubble and Lin Xuan obviously don't know about this, but the problem is that even if you know that this kind of thing is a trap, you still have to jump, unless you are willing to default to the opponent's three BUFF start.

Naturally, Pao Pao refused to suffer this loss. The coach didn't say that he would endure to this extent at the beginning. If he wanted to pass, no one else could force him to stop him.

Facing a team like Crane, this death can be said to have directly doomed the subsequent collapse of the Yulong team's early rhythm. Xia gave up Flash in order to kill Bubble, but with double BUFFs in hand, he can do nothing in the bottom lane. Pushing the line with scruples,

But Bubble was seriously behind in level because of his death at the beginning. Without knowing the position of the opponent Olaf, he dared not take the initiative to gank at all.

However, the nightmare was far from over.

In the case of blue, Olaf's clearing speed can be said to be as fast as lightning. Since Olaf didn't show up when he went to fight red, it was obvious that he had to clean up the first half of the wild before returning home.

But since he would rather give up on Luo than grab Olaf, and he already had the initiative, the other party obviously didn't want to stop there.

After Bubble was resurrected, he brushed the three wolves first, and then continued to fight his own toad monster. Just halfway through the fight, Olaf appeared.

The middle lane was too far away, and the bottom lane was crushed. It was said that Tiantian should not respond, and that the ground was not working. Bubble had no choice but to give up the toad.

Then Olaf lived in Bubble's wild area.

(End of this chapter)

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