Chapter 475 [489] Bright dog tag

For heroes with basic attack and special effects, the sheep knife is definitely an artifact, especially in this version of the incense burner. As long as the sheep knife is made, the big mouth will begin to have combat effectiveness, but it is a pity that Aery is still short of synthesizing the incense burner money.

So Mo Cheng had no choice but to give up his pawn line to Alley.

"Wow, what's going on here, it's fine for the jungler to give AD the gold, but what does it mean for the mid laner to support the gold?"

"Okay, the Ichthyosaur team's bot lane team is firmly established."

Wang Fei and Zhang Fei sang and joked together, and Xiao Ying couldn't help laughing and said: "This should be regarded as one person ascending to heaven. It should be to let Lulu make the incense burner earlier, and it is probably a little short of money."

Wang Fei said with a smile: "One person can ascend to heaven? What do you mean? If Ailee hears this, I will tell you if he is not happy."

"Hey, you..."

Alley ate up two waves of soldiers, and finally bought the incense burner after returning.

After the return trip was repaired, Crane transferred Jess to the bottom lane, Ryze was in the middle lane, and Xia and Soraka hadn't shown up for a long time.

Bubble came to the top of the Dragon Pit through the wild area. A real eye was inserted in the partition wall. Sure enough, he saw the back of the canyon pioneer. He had been lured out of the Dragon Pit, and his blood volume had dropped by half.

"Can you fight?"

"Don't, don't, I can't fight now, I really can't fight."

"Let it go."

"Help me get red."

"You really treat me like a dog?"

"What do you think?"

In fact, the red buff was still a few seconds away from being refreshed. Lin Xuan came over ahead of time, and Alley followed him like a dog. It is not expected to be the vanguard of the canyon, but the vision still needs to be done.

After Bubble helped Lin Xuan hit the red BUFF a few times, seeing that Lulu didn't need to help him at all, he decisively went to farm the stone man himself.

Lin Xuan took away the red buff, and the middle line of soldiers had come to the second tower. Ryze stood behind the line of soldiers, walked forward and backward from time to time, swayed left and right, and used general attacks to consume the health of the defensive tower. See Dazui and Lulu from The wild area got out, and then hurried to the second half of the wild area.

Lin Xuan's W skill is cooling down. As Dazui's core skill, the biochemical barrage brings not only percentage damage, but the range increase is more critical in many cases. Lin Xuan doesn't want to go up just relying on Dazui's [-]-yard general attack range. Was beaten by Ryze.

Seeing Dazui and Lulu return to the tower to eat soldiers, Ryze returned to the middle lane, and moved forward from time to time to throw a skill, trying to see if he could consume some HP by rubbing against them.

"So bloated?"

The general attack combined with the living cannon quickly ate up the soldiers under the tower. Lin Xuan waited until the "biochemical barrage" cooled down, and immediately shouted "speed up" to Alley, and then rushed up wagging his tail.


When Li Bai opened his mouth, he was half of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but when Lin Xuan opened his mouth, it turned out to be halfway mud, flying more than a thousand yards away, and stuck to Ruiz's feet.

The damage of "Void Silt" is not high, but the deceleration effect it brings is very important.

Kog'Maw under the skin of the monarch butterfly flapped his wings and quickly approached.

The biochemical barrage is activated, and the shooting range has increased from 500 yards to 710 yards, which surpasses all ADCs (second only to the mouse's 850 yards). Lin Xuan is already familiar with this distance and can no longer be familiar with it, so there is no need to deliberately judge it.

Press the A key.

The circular indicator circle is printed on Ryze.

Mouse down.

Kog'Maw, who turned into a butterfly, opened his mouth to the sky, and a green line crossed a long arc in the air and landed on Ryze. Before he could get out of the void and mud range, Ryze was immediately stuck by the red buff.

The passive effect of the stacked sheep knife is still there when I just ate the tower knife. Even if there is not much offensive equipment, the special effect of the general attack triggered once every two basic attacks combined with the percentage damage of the biochemical barrage is still enough to make the big mouth hit very impressive. Especially with the double attack speed of Lulu's skills and the incense burner, the attack speed is close to 20, which is equivalent to two more attack speed items.

The green arc almost formed a continuously moving line in the air. As Lin Xuan swiped and clicked quickly with the mouse in his hand, the monarch butterfly stretched its wings and chased the decelerated Ryze, spitting. Ryze's blood The blood volume dropped rapidly, and before Lulu's acceleration effect disappeared, more than half of her blood volume had already been lost.

Because the level is not high, Lulu's movement speed and attack speed bonus is only three seconds (it takes only four seconds to fill up), but the extra damage effect of Dazui's biochemical barrage lasts for a full eight seconds. The acceleration just now gave Lin Xuan shortened the distance enough
——Ryze's confinement range is about [-] yards, which is [-] yards behind Lin Xuan's range at the moment. This distance is very familiar to ADCs, and getting stuck in this position is not a problem at all.

With an escape distance of [-] yards, Ryze was stuck in the deceleration with the red BUFF. Seeing that Big Mouth lost the blessing of the incense burner and Lulu, his attack speed had dropped, but he still maintained a smooth walk and A continuous output. Before the living cannon fell, seeing that his blood volume had gradually bottomed out, he had to press the flash to distance himself.

Lin Xuan tentatively threw another live cannon. This skill does not do much damage when the opponent's health is healthy, but because of the additional beheading effect, the damage becomes very considerable when the opponent's blood is left.

"Wow - brother-in-law's damage? Doesn't he only have one piece of equipment?"

"Xiaoye is still playing Canyon Vanguard, there is a chance! There is a chance to kill Ryze..."

Zhang Fei and Wang Fei, who finally saw the exciting scene, immediately recovered the excitement and excitement of the previous rounds, and began to shout.

This is the first time that the Yulong team has taken the initiative to attack since the start of the playoffs, and the performance in the first few rounds can be called an extremely amazing bot lane, which naturally affects people's hearts even more.

Ryze's summoner skills in this round are flash and purification. When he was slowed down, he didn't want to pay purification, so he was chased all the time.

But at this time, although the flash opened the distance, the deceleration effect of the red buff was still there. Seeing a pool of green falling from the top of his head, Ryze had to hand in the purification to remove the deceleration.

Great attention!

A straight green line descended from the sky, and with a bang, green liquid was splashed on the ground.

Ryze, who released the deceleration, avoided the living cannon by a slight margin.

"Ah - dodge!"

"It's a pity."

"In fact, it's already very profitable. This wave forced Ryze's double moves... This wave has to be said that Ryze himself is too greedy. If he handed in the purification immediately, he would have a chance to go away."

"It's hard to say."

Amid Wang Fei and Zhang Fei's regretful voices, Canyon Pioneer uttered a mournful cry and was captured by Olaf, while the director gave a replay of the wave of pursuit just now in the middle.

"Let's take a look at the playback first."

"My brother-in-law slowed down, Lulu slowed down, and then chased and sprayed... I have to say that my brother-in-law's distance control is really good. When he accelerated, he paused. Did you see that? That should be Ryze's imprisonment extreme distance."

"Yes, if you are imprisoned by Ryze, Ryze can fight back, at least it won't be as bad as it is now."

"Ryze is back home now, but the bad news is that the Canyon Herald has been taken down by Crane, and the next one will definitely hit the second tower. How should we defend this wave?"

"It's a bit difficult, Jess is already pushing down the second tower."

Jess' development is the best in the field, regardless of level or equipment.

The Ichthyosaurs didn't get a single head at this time. Crane had four heads, Xia had two, and Jess had two. However, Jess has always developed in a single line and is still plundering the wild area. At this moment, more than One hundred and seven's last hit data has exceeded the game time, and it is even more terrifying than Xia's development.

Jess pushes the second tower, and Mo Cheng can only use his skills at a certain distance, but it is a pity that he just used up his E skill in a wave of testing. There is no direct threat to Jess, and he may be instantly killed by the opponent, so he moved Be very cautious and try to clear soldiers with skills.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan leaned down the road. Just halfway there, he didn't know whether he was seen by the opponent or Jess was on guard, so he immediately retreated from the tower.

Seeing that Jess could not be caught, Lin Xuan immediately returned to the tower to withdraw his troops.

Olaf disappeared from the field of vision, but Xia appeared in the middle to clear the troops, Lin Xuan waited to continue to withdraw troops under the tower, a white light flew out of the wild area suddenly, just in front of him in a flash, right in the middle of Lin Xuan and Alley exploded.

The blood volume of the two dropped by half almost at the same time.

If counted together, the damage from this shot is almost equivalent to killing a person in seconds.

Olaf appeared in the wild area, and used the scan to clear the field of vision that Alley had just set up. Soraka appeared behind Xia, and they came to the second tower together. Bubble was blocked by Olaf and had to make a detour.

Mo Cheng didn't dare to come from the wild area, so he could only go around from the high ground, and he started later than Jess, so he couldn't make it for a while.

Lin Xuan and Alley had to retreat to the high ground.

Jess appeared in front of the second tower in the middle lane, and he and Xia began to push the tower together. The two tapped the tower very quickly, and the blood volume of the originally healthy defensive tower dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The game time has not reached 10 minutes, but Jess has ushered in his strongest period.

But for the Yulong team, the difficult time has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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