Chapter 477 [491] Bright dog tag

It was a last resort for Lin Xuan to flash into the Dragon Pit, but after the flash, he found that the decision didn't seem so bad.

The blood volume of the dragon is less than [-], and the state of the four of Crane is also very poor, especially Olaf who has been resisting the dragon and Soraka who keeps transfusing blood to his teammates, and even Ryze and Xia are in poor condition. unsatisfied.

"Olaf Olaf! Kill Olaf!"

The moment he flashed into the Dragon Pit, Lin Xuan immediately shouted, but at the same time as he shouted, the void silt slowed down to Soraka, but he smashed the first general attack and a live cannon on Soraka Laka's body.

Soraka was lucky. The only basic attack triggered a critical strike. In fact, with Soraka's blood volume at the moment, the critical strike was not needed at all. The AER was definitely enough to kill her. This critical strike was a waste.

Regardless of celebrating his first head of the game, Lin Xuan turned around and started pointing at Olaf who was rushing towards him with a big ax across the dragon.

Lin Xuan has already proved his strength with three consecutive superb performances, so even though the original plan was not the case, after hearing Lin Xuan's shout, Mo Cheng still followed Lin Xuan's words and rushed directly into the Dragon Pit.

Press the R key.

Energy pours out!

One after another, the orbs turned into torrents of energy and rumbled straight to Olaf's head.

Above the big dragon pit, Lulu has been killed by Jess.

On the other side, the big bug that teleported to the ground was galloping towards Dalongkeng under the acceleration of justice and glory, and he did not forget to shout: "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!!"

Dalong's blood volume is about to reach the killing line, Bubble has just been revived, thousands of miles away, Lin Xuan and Mo Cheng flashed into Dalong pit to kill Olaf, all in order to let Da Chongzi have no jungle situation on both sides Go down and grab the big dragon.

Olaf, who didn't have a lot of blood, suffered from the output of Big Mouth, and was force-fed by Syndra who flashed over and forced a full one. When the blood volume bottomed out, he was finally broken and handed over to punish and return blood.

The dragon's blood volume, which originally had more than 1000 blood volume, dropped to just over a thousand in an instant!
"Big dragon, big dragon, big dragon!"

"Big dragon, big dragon, big dragon, big dragon!"

"Big dragon, big dragon, big dragon, big dragon, big dragon!"

All the internal voices were repeating this word in an instant. Lin Xuan's sheep knife was already stacked, and Olaf, who recovered a mouthful of blood with punishment, had just rushed in front of him, and was connected into a line of green arcs with the live cannon. To spit to death.

Almost at the same time, Xia flashed to Lin Xuan.

The Feather Blade passed through the body and returned through the body.

Lin Xuan ushered in his first death in this global finals.

When he was above the Dragon Pit, half of his blood was knocked out by Jess with one shot. After he got down, he ate Olaf twice, and his own blood volume was already crippled.

The big bug ignored Syndra, who had been crippled by Ryze, and rushed into the Dragon Pit with the golden light of justice and glory on his body.

The big move "Feast" is ready.

Deals 1000 damage to minions and wild monsters, and it is real damage.

It's been 23 minutes since the game was played, and it's not the first time that Kogas, who has been unknown for 23 minutes, opened his mouth in front of Crane, but it was used to eat soldiers before, and he didn't threaten at all.

This is the first time that the short animation of its mouth opening made everyone in Crane feel so terrified, especially the sound effect of "baji baji" after swallowing the big dragon in one mouthful, which is unprecedentedly clear at this moment.

"Nice! Nice!"

"Go, go, go!"

"Dragon species, dragon species, dragon species!"

"Go, go, go!"

The voices of the team were still chaotic, even Mo Cheng, who had just been killed by Ruiz, kept yelling to leave, Zhao Jiang didn't miss it, saw that Jess had already walked from the river to the Dragon Pit, so he hurried into the depths of the Dragon Pit , flashed against the wall and fled back to his wild area, and fled to the high ground without looking back.

"Okay, okay, there are two dragon species left."

Generally speaking, this wave should be said to be four for two. Naturally, it is a loss in the head, but since the big dragon has been grabbed, it is definitely a profit in terms of the current situation of the Yulong team. , but at least in the next 7 minutes, there is no need to worry that the opponent will take the Baron, and this is a steady profit.

It was already 10 minutes before the next big dragon spawned. As long as Lin Xuan's development was not interrupted, he should be able to fight by then.

Ryze went to get the blue, and Xia took it on the road. After Bubble was resurrected, he pushed the bottom line out, and then brushed a circle of wild monsters. Soon the people who had just died in battle were resurrected one after another. Lin Xuan just got two heads. Coupled with Dalong and the economy that has been making up the knife, after Hurricane Yangdao, a Bilgewater machete was made up again.

The Ichthyosaurus team kept two big dragon buffs, but Crane didn't mean to stop advancing the rhythm because of these two buffs. After the resurrection, he still led the line according to the 131 formation, and then Ryze came to the middle to meet, and Jess took advantage of his personal advantages Go to the second tower on the upper road.

The big dragon BUFF is still effective after all. The resistance and attack of the minions under the blessing of the BUFF have become extraordinarily powerful. There is no longer any way to shoot a bunch of soldiers at once, and the speed of pushing the line is slow, so the time to push the tower will naturally be reduced accordingly.

On the road, the second tower successfully blocked Jess for 2 minutes. After Ryze opened up and took Xia Duan, he cooperated with Jess to rush to the tower and kill the big bug. Fortunately, Zhao Jiang has been eating the line during this time, and his equipment has gradually formed , and just ate a big dragon and replenished some blood volume, and resisted for a few seconds under the beating of three people. Bubble and Alley supported in time, and the two big moves cooperated to save Zhao Jiang, who was bloody. But the second tower must be let go.

So far, the three inner and outer towers of the Ichthyosaurus team have all been destroyed, leaving only three highland towers standing firm on the line of defense.

Crane was not satisfied with destroying all the outer towers. After destroying the second tower in a devastating manner, the four people gathered continued to push towards the high ground tower on the road.

Without the big move of the pig girl, the Ichthyosaur team lacked a key initiative skill. Crane obviously lost a lot of scruples because of this. The five joined forces and brought the pawn line under the high ground tower on the top road. Olaf was eager to try, and Jess and Xia directly Go forward and force the tower.

With the current equipment of Xia and Jess, they can directly push down the highland tower in four or five seconds, Bubble is in front, Lin Xuan directly presses forward, and the team battle is almost on the verge of breaking out. Crane was pushed back.

After this wave of minions was cleared, the next wave of minions came, and Crane rushed up again. After two times, this tense atmosphere of attacking and defending under the tower, and team battles that were about to break out stretched the hearts of players, commentators, and audiences. To the extreme.

Crane is obviously better at pawn operation and pull. The reason why they are desperate to force the top lane is that they are the dominant pawn line in the middle and bottom lanes. At this moment, the pawn line has been pushed to the bottom of the tower.

Regardless of the line of soldiers, even in the push and push of the road, their formation is still better, but Lin Xuan found an opportunity, and when Olaf wanted to move forward, he decisively opened the biochemical barrage, Olaf only came up and clicked on the defense tower, and then found that his blood volume was falling down, and he probably hesitated for a while before choosing to retreat.

Lin Xuan caught up and lost about one-third of Olaf's blood volume, because Lulu and Zhumei didn't have a big move, and then was pressed back by Xia and Jess.

After this wave of advancement, the HP of the Highland Tower on the road has been less than one-third, and he probably realized that Dazui's output has initially taken shape at this time, and a lineup without a front row is not suitable for forced advancement. Crane quickly gave up this hard approach. , Ryze went to the middle lane, and Jess went to the bottom lane to continue to divide the belt.

Justice Glory, Pig Girl's ult, and Lulu's ult are all cooling down. Lin Xuan and the others don't have the ability to initiate, so they have to spread their defenses. However, except for Lin Xuan's strong defense, it is difficult for Big Chongzi and Syndra to fight in a single line Jess and Ryze, just as Lin Xuan cleared the line on the top lane and stacked sheep knives to try to attack, Jess took advantage of his vision and disabled Syndra with a single shot outside the high ground wall, and then Ryze drove R to force Mo Cheng back, Jess and Ryze directly merged and pushed.

Lin Xuan immediately returned to the defense, but it was too late. As soon as he arrived in the middle, he saw the scene where Jess exploded the highland tower in the middle for the last time. Ryze and Jess, who had taken down the highland tower in the middle, did not miss it, and retreated directly. Then merge with teammates and push again.

Without the protection of the Highland Tower, Lin Xuan and the others had no choice but to avoid the battle again, giving up the crystal in the middle.


When the crystal exploded into pieces, two exclusive icons of the Crane team appeared on the heads of Jess and Soraka.

Also known as bright dog tags.

"Wow... I can't hold it, the equipment gap is still too big."

"Indeed, the economic gap has reached [-]. Without the Highland Tower, the crystal can only be let go."

"Crane chose to go back and fight Xiaolong, let's see if he can hold on."

"It is estimated that we will have to wait for the next big dragon to decide the outcome."

Of course, the three commentators clearly saw the scene where Crane’s icon was on, but in this case, they could only pretend that they didn’t see it, and continued to analyze the next situation, but in less than 10 minutes, Crane got a [-] economic advantage , no one will believe that the Yulong team still has the possibility of a comeback.

(End of this chapter)

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