Chapter 481 [495] Annihilation Strikes (End)
"The crystal in the middle lane has been pushed away!"

"Is this fighting the big dragon? Oh - the fish and dragon team chose to fight the dragon directly! Isn't this...too hard?"

"You can only fight dragons, otherwise you will be dragged to death if you continue like this!"


Seeing this scene, the three commentators couldn't help but thump their hearts a little bit. In this case, it is absolutely desperate to fight Dalong first, although for the current situation, fighting Dalong is a good way to force the group , but with Crane's sophistication, would he let them get what they wanted so easily?

The so-called desperation, the difference between suicide and death lies in whether you can kill the opponent before you die.

There are many examples of opening a baron first in an advantaged game and being overturned. With such a big disadvantage, how likely is it that the fish and dragon team will survive the death?

This is a probability that cannot be calculated in any way, but as long as it is not zero, there is a possibility of it, but the possibility of failure is greater.

Seeing Lin Xuan and the four of them rushing into the Dragon Pit with a decisive attitude, everyone's attention is also in suspense.

Jiang Qianyu couldn't care less about holding her in a daze, her slender and jade-like palms grasped the pajamas unconsciously into a bond, her legs were tightly closed together, and she vaguely felt that she wanted to pee.

I knew I shouldn't drink milk...

The ghost knows that the last round of the game actually ended like this...

These thoughts flashed randomly in her mind, her eyes were still fixed on the TV screen in front of her.

Big dragon!
It's too easy to go wrong...

"what happened?"

Mo Yi, who was not as focused as her daughter watching the game, noticed Jiang Yingxue's strange behavior, and asked a little strangely.

Jiang Yingxue, who was leaning against her mother to watch the game, still couldn't take her eyes off her, but she slid down, lay on the sofa, curled up her legs, hugged her knees with her hands, rested her head on Mo Yi's thigh, and stared at the TV the whole time .

"Want to go to the bathroom?" Mo Yi was amused, "Then go, how long have you been sitting here without moving?"

Jiang Yingxue didn't pay attention to her mother's ridicule, nor did she pay attention to the speed at which Lin Xuan and the others beat Dalong. She knew very well that this wave of team battles was caused by Dalong, but in the end it really had nothing to do with Dalong. Want to fight the dragon, they just want to fight.

But if they didn't wait for them to hit the dragon's blood volume to a very disabled position, how could Crane come over?
The vision inside the Dragon Pit has been completely blocked by Lin Xuan and the others. Crane is obviously calculating their dragon-fighting speed. In the official reminder, Dazui, the hero, has the ability to cooperate with the most powerful dragon-fighting speed. It is conceivable that they did not dare to delay for too long, and Olaf quickly leaned over here.

Mo Cheng immediately went over to chase him away, showing that we are serious about the dragon and you don't want to influence us, while Bubble didn't appear in the dragon pit all the time, this is to prevent the opponent from being dismissed.


Brilliant blue light descended from the sky, and Xia's foresight orb gave Crane the vision of the Great Dragon Pit.

The dragon's health is still half.

Jess was pushing down the road crystal, and the big bug came to stop it, and the two sides began to fight each other-in fact, it was the process of the big bug fighting against each other.

With Olaf at the front, Ryze at the side, Xia and Soraka at the back, the four of Crane began to approach the Great Dragon Pit.

Ryze activated his big move on the spot, and a faint blue light lit up under the dragon, while at the other end of the teleportation section, Ryze, Olaf, and Xayah all stood on the edge of the teleportation area, ready to enter the teleportation zone at any time. Or withdraw.

"Ryze's big move!"

"Don't panic, don't panic, they dare not come in!"


The faint blue light became brighter and brighter. When the light reached the top, everyone in Crane left the teleportation area by coincidence, and did not follow. They came here to explore the field of vision, and secondly, to put psychological pressure on them. Go in and grab the dragon.

The dragon's blood volume dropped to one-third!

At the exit of the Crane wild area on the edge of the river, a teleportation red light suddenly lit up.

Almost at the same time, the big bug who just used up his interrupt skill also pressed the teleport.

"TP! TP! Jess TP!"

"I'm here and I'm here too!"

"Be careful Olaf, be careful Olaf!"

"Go, go, don't fight in the Great Dragon Pit!"


The damage and debuff of the big dragon should not be underestimated. Lin Xuan and the others naturally do not intend to continue to resist the damage of the big dragon when a team battle is about to break out, but if they leave too early, Crane may choose to retreat immediately, so they have already done After preparing to retreat, they still did not leave Longkeng immediately.

The blood volume of the dragon is still decreasing...

Without warning, a whirlwind suddenly appeared on Olaf who had been wandering in the river, holding a big ax and roaring to the sky, his burly and majestic body has become like a red-hot iron block under the blue vest, roaring angrily Just rush to the big dragon pit.

"Olaf Olaf Olaf..."


"Back! Back, back, back!"

"Look at AD!"

"Come out, fight, fight! Come out..."

At this time, even the three-character title of "brother-in-law" has become something that affects the efficiency of communication. Everything is kept simple. Even so, the internal voice is still noisy. At this time, the tacit understanding cultivated for a long time is the most important. E-sports is known as a contest of reactions below the second level, and it is simply impossible to decide cooperation through communication.

At the same time as Olaf rushed up, Xia and Ryze followed behind. Mo Cheng, who was already continuing with the magic ball, directly grabbed a magic ball and smashed it in front of Ryze. However, this did not stop Ryze. On the road with Xia, the two are horns of each other, also rushing towards this side.

No one cared about Baron Nash who was the focus of everyone just now.

The red whirlwind roared.

Blood splattered!

"boom boom"

Syndra's magic ball whizzed past, failed to stun Olaf, who was immune to control, but pushed Ryze behind him to a certain distance and stunned him, and then the spell was uttered, and the magic balls floated up one after another, turning into darkness The torrent rumbled towards Olaf's red-hot body.

Bubble, who had lost half a tube of blood, jumped out of the dragon pit and stood in front of Lin Xuan.

Olaf ignored everyone and rushed directly in front of Lin Xuan. In the process, Dazui, Lulu, Syndra, and Zhumei all regarded him as the target of the first episode, but Olaf still got his wish. He rushed to Dazui.

Olaf created the Resurrection Armor. He didn’t expect to be able to directly kill the opponent’s Dazui in this wave of force. Firstly, Lulu’s protection, and secondly, Dazui’s output is too scary. This wave of selling resurrection A is just to create a killing environment for teammates, whether it is breaking up the opponent's formation or crippling Dazui's blood, it is profitable.


Just rushed up like this?
The opponent's output doesn't seem to be that high...

Before he had time to think about it, Olaf raised his head to the sky and let out a roar. The blazing electric light shone fiercely on Kog'Maw in front of him. The hero Olaf's basic damage was already high. Fury combined with brutal blows, seeing his arms waving, his attack speed didn't seem to slow down much, and he directly knocked out half of Lin Xuan's HP.

Seeing that Olaf had knocked out half of Dazui's blood, Soraka, who might not have used his ult for him, swung his staff directly, and a brilliant starlight fell from the sky, bringing Olaf's blood back to a level.


Jess and the big bug landed at the same time.

The glory of justice was opened, the plate armor was opened, and Kogas, who was getting bigger and bigger, went straight to Xia Chong.

A ball of blazing white light tore through the air and flew towards Lin Xuan's position like a thunderbolt.

The blood volume of Bubble, who was blocking Lin Xuan's front, bottomed out in an instant, and the big move in his hand was thrown towards Xia and Jess who was further behind, and then flashed and fled up the road.

"whoosh whoosh"

Feather blades shot out all over the sky, and Xia flew up in the sky in a radiant brilliance, her figure was still walking forward, at the same time, Ryze, who had been purified and relieved of dizziness, had already walked in front of Syndra.


Magic surges!

The dark blue magic ball jumped on Syndra's body, as if melting, and the blood volume disappeared piece by piece.


The sharp sound of Feather Blade tearing through the air resounded in my ears. Xia decisively followed a flash, and directly took away Bubble's head. Xia, who was bubbling with blood, held the blue dazzling feather blade in her hand, turned her head and started to keep walking A to attack the big bug.

Seeing that the team battle finally broke out completely, Lin Xuan opened the biochemical barrage that he had been holding in his hand all along.

Alley, who didn't know that Lin Xuan kept his skills, feared that he would be killed in seconds, and had already given him the big move first. The endless void descended upon the terrifying monsters in the world, and the green slime fell on Olaf in front of him with a short arc. Olaf Lynch, who had just been raised with a half of his blood, was about to strike again with his big axe, frantically pressing the keyboard in his hand With a crackling sound, I found that my figure had disappeared from the screen in front of me, and I was resurrected after waiting for four seconds.



The two flashing sound effects were not conspicuous in the chaotic battlefield, but because they appeared beside him, Lin Xuan, who could hear all directions, still noticed it.

The bloody Mo Cheng flashed here and wanted to seek protection, but Ryze followed the flash without hesitation, the magic ball passed by, and Mo Cheng's remaining one-third of his blood volume evaporated in an instant Lost.

Ryze, who was full of horror and tyranny, strode towards Lin Xuan and Alley. The shield of the Archangel's staff opened and disappeared. Alley just gave Lin Xuan the shield and acceleration that had just cooled down, and didn't even press the flash. I found my screen was black.

Lin Xuan, who still had the effect of Lulu's big move, kept moving quickly while typing on the keyboard. The green mucus turned into a long arc at almost full attack speed, knocking down the shield of the Archangel's Staff in an instant. Frantically devouring Ryze's blood volume.

Finding that Ryze couldn't fight back, he hurriedly retreated, triggering the passive Soraka to rush forward as if stepping on the wind, and raised his hand with a starlight to save Ryze from the brink of death.

Jess hadn't even walked [-] yards in front of Lin Xuan with the gun barrel in hand, when he realized that half of his HP had been lost, and he backed up without hesitation.

Zhao Jiang rushed to Xia with great difficulty, but failed to bite her to death. After being imprisoned, he realized that his blood volume had dropped a lot. Not to mention, the other party, Ruiz and Jess, had already come in front of him, and his family Lin Xuan was the only one left alive here, so he was startled and turned around and ran away.

"Let's go!"


In terms of team battle tacit understanding, Crane is still better. The opponent's timing, injury, and output are better than their own. After a wave of team battles, three of them died, and they didn't even have a single person. Death, this is the gap...

This thought hadn't fully unfolded in his mind, and Alley, who had always been steady, suddenly widened his eyes and let out a "shit".

With both hands away from the keyboard, he wiped off the sweat on his face, and by the way, he grabbed the bubbles from his bangs on his forehead and grabbed his hair, almost pulling it off without feeling any pain.

Mo Cheng, who was urging Lin Xuan to retreat as soon as possible, might still have a chance, didn't even notice that his tongue was tied up, and he said "walk" instead of "shake".

When Zhao Jiang turned his head, he found that Dazui, who was still far away from here just now, appeared alone next to the other five people, waving colorful and gorgeous wings, stretching to become a butterfly, which is not beautiful Neck, vomited so darkly that the screen was covered with green mucus.

Li Yifan, who had just reached a consensus with his teammates and rushed directly to the opponent's high ground to end the game, didn't even come back to his senses, and found that the screen was full of green slime and hurricane splitting arrows, and there was a thick ball of green slime smashed down from the sky above his head .

The screen instantly went black and white.

Beside him were the bodies of his fallen teammates.

The earphones, which were filled with the voices of teammates just now, fell silent without warning.

Only one sentence in English echoed.


That's Kogmaw's line.

Annihilation strikes!

There is still hope for this author, so please don't give up treating him.

(End of this chapter)

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