Chapter 604 [623] Idol Ethical Drama

When the magazine first released the picture of the snow scene, it did not add text to this photo. However, after this photo attracted attention, some related comments all defaulted to their couple status. Later, some marketing accounts saw The photos in this chapter are very interesting, so they have been reposted one after another, with words such as "Couples break the bridge in the early morning to watch the snow", "The most beautiful girl in the first snow in West Lake".

Jiang Qianyu was the first to be recognized. At this time, Lin Xuan's identity was still her boyfriend, and until Lin Xuan's identity was also recognized, after fans or viewers in the e-sports circle continued to "clarify", the two The "true relationship" of her was only known by most netizens.

This relationship is naturally brother and sister.

When this photo was taken, Lin Xuan was actually holding hands. However, because of the angle and the fact that the down jacket is relatively thick and loose, this detail was not shown in the photo. In addition, both of them are public figures, so in many When everyone has Aite's accounts with two people, the truth is easy to come to light.

Near noon, the keyword "broken bridge couples are brothers and sisters" was on the top of the hot search. Although it was just the tail of the crane, it was enough to attract many people who didn't notice it.

After many people figured out what was going on, they couldn't help cursing: "Title Party!"

Many marketing accounts have comments like "I thought it was a German orthopedic department" or "I thought it was a brother and sister who were in love." Of course, the somewhat ridiculous nickname "Big brother-in-law" is more widely spread, and Xiao Nizi is also Gained a lot of fans.

Lin Xuan didn't rise much.

After this trending search, things have basically become clear, ridicule is ridicule, and beauty is beauty, but few people think of the two as a couple anymore.

Lin Xuan thought of the worst possibility, and made preparations for the storm, but he didn't expect that when the turbulent waves came to him, he turned a corner, and it was just a false alarm.

After learning about this matter, Lin Xuan was not in a hurry to tell Jiang Qianyu, and planned to tell her after school, but he underestimated the popularity of this matter, or the speed with which her classmates obtained information, Lin Xuan hadn't followed She said that Xiao Nizi sent a screenshot after class, which was the photo posted by some marketing accounts.

After making up their minds about many things, they just follow a road to the dark, and there is nothing to be afraid of, so when the two of them chat, they basically talk about the same thing.

"Am I pretty?"

"Well, I'm handsome too."

Then I planned to find the magazine that posted the photos to have a serious negotiation about the infringement. It is not uncommon to get paid, but Xiao Nizi refused to take pictures in the morning. Send it out directly with permission, or you can't pretend that nothing happened.

The copyright of the photos taken by the photographer is divided into two parts, most of which belong to the photographer, but it does not mean that the person being photographed does not have the right to his own portrait. Jiang Qianyu used his account to find the magazine when he came back at noon The other party's attitude is very good. After expressing apology, he said that he can give a certain reward. Please forgive me.

Xiao Nizi was a little angry at first, but when she saw her like this, she calmed down and didn't pursue anything further. The reward would definitely not be accepted, otherwise she would be acknowledging the other party's ownership of this photo, and only asked the other party not to act in any way Post and spread this photo.

When eating at noon, she deliberately forwarded the photo to the family group of four people, including some screenshots of comments, and the snow scene of the West Lake that she took, and asked herself proudly if it looked good.

We live in the world, and it seems that it is always difficult to avoid lies and scheming caused by various reasons. It can be seen that Xiao Nizi is not happy with her actions. Lin Xuan was kicked out during the afternoon nap, and when the alarm clock rang When he came in to see her, he saw her staring blankly at the ceiling with those big sparkling eyes. Lin Xuan yelled twice before recovering. He lay there looking at him, and suddenly sat up and hugged him. He, with half of his body in his arms, said sullenly after a long while: "Tell them."

Lin Xuan stroked her soft long hair, pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

Then he thought for a while and said, "Why don't you confess tonight while it's hot?"

Jiang Qianyu didn't speak, hugged him for a long time without any movement, when Lin Xuan looked down at her strangely, he found that she had fallen asleep, and he didn't know if she hadn't slept the whole noon.

She has developed a habit over the years. If she doesn't sleep at noon, she will be very lethargic in the afternoon. Lin Xuan didn't dare to move, so he sat on the edge of the bed and hugged her, pulled the quilt to cover her, and lowered his head on her cheek Kissed.

The door was not closed when he came in, and he paced gracefully into the room in a daze. Seeing the two hugging each other, he ignored Lin Xuan's threatening eyes and jumped onto the bed. The quilt at Xiao Nizi's feet He lay down on his stomach and curled up together. After a while, there was also a very slight snoring sound.

Lin Xuan glanced at Jiang Qianyu who was sleeping in his arms, then glanced at Daidai who was sleeping soundly on the quilt, feeling a little depressed, so he looked down at Xiaonizi's delicate and smooth skin, fair and delicate ears, and fresh and moist lips Petal... I feel that although this is uncomfortable, it is still very profitable.

I don't know if it's because I didn't sleep just now, or because Lin Xuan's arms are more comfortable - Lin Xuan thinks it should be the latter, Xiao Nizi sleeps soundly in such a weird position, for more than half an hour, Lin Xuan secretly I kissed her several times, but she still didn't wake up.

Later, I realized that it was probably because I always kissed her secretly that she didn't wake up, so I endured it for a long time and didn't touch her. Sure enough, she still didn't wake up.

Although he has been trying his best to find space to move his body, after so long, half of his body is still numb. Seeing that it is getting late, Lin Xuan could only lower his head and softly shout: "Qianqian~"

No movement.


Xiao Nizi still didn't move, she raised her head in a daze on the quilt, glanced at Lin Xuan, then she seemed to have nothing to do with her, so she had to bury her head in sleep again.

Lin Xuan continued to shout softly: "Daughter-in-law~"

Xiao Nizi raised her head and looked at him in a daze, then buried her head in his arms again, twisted a few times, and fell asleep again, and the two of them, one outside the quilt and the other under the quilt, were in an unexpectedly Quite alike.

Lin Xuan continued to speak softly: "Daughter-in-law, it's time to get up, otherwise I'll be late for class."

Xiao Nizi muttered indistinctly, looked up at him again, let out a drowsy "oh", then fell into his arms again, and moved up the arm that had slipped unconsciously because of falling asleep. Move, hug him around the waist.

Lin Xuan didn't shout any more. After more than ten seconds, Xiao Nizi suddenly let go of him, and looked at him while she was combing her slightly messy hair. With difficulty moving his numb body, he suddenly smiled, dimples appeared, his face was as lazy as if he had just woken up from a nap, but it was extremely sweet and charming. He leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek, and then Just push him out, "Okay, I'm going to get dressed."

Lin Xuan was still struggling to activate his blood, and complained helplessly when he heard the words: "I've hugged, kissed, touched, I've even seen naked buttocks, what's wrong with wearing clothes?"

Jiang Qianyu glanced at him and said angrily, "Then are you watching here now, or are you sleeping here at night?"

Lin Xuan thought about it seriously and said, "I want them all."

Jiang Qianyu rolled her eyes.

Lin Xuan reached out and picked up Dadai, who was still nestled on the quilt, and hugged it in his arms, got up and left the room, threw it on the sofa in the living room, washed his face, and prepared to send Xiao Nizi to class.

When I parked under the teaching building, Xiao Nizi didn't get out of the car in a hurry, she turned her head to look at him, her big eyes seemed to have some resentment and grievance in her eyes, she pouted and said: "Let's not talk about it now."

Lin Xuan asked strangely: "Why?"

Jiang Qianyu thought for a while and said, "Let's see it later."

People always have a mentality of avoiding and taking chances, and Lin Xuan is no exception, so he probably understood Xiao Nizi's entangled mood, reached out and pinched her delicate and smooth cheeks, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't say anything." Don't talk about it, don't think about it, go to class obediently, and I will pick you up later."


Xiao Nizi smiled sweetly, opened the car door and got out of the car, smiled sweetly at him, and walked into the teaching building, while Lin Xuan drove to a supposedly high-end entertainment club near Xida University.

Zhang Bin seems to be doing well with Jing Yi. Today is her birthday, so he celebrated her birthday in the name of a fellowship dormitory. Lin Xuan hasn't met his classmates for a while, so he has been ridiculed as "living in everyone's computer" People", and I will definitely be absent from the birthday dinner tonight, so I came here in the afternoon.

When Lin Xuan arrived, there were only three roommates Zhang Bin, Zou Yi, and Yu Pengcheng, as well as Jing Yi and her two roommates. The fourth person in her dormitory seemed to have a bad relationship and did not come over.

Later, students came over one after another, and there were about fourteen or five people in the end. Although there are many outstanding students among the students of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon at Western University, Lin Xuan can't be called a star, but he will never be ignored. The last time Demacia The fact that Lin Xuan helped the school team avenge the cup qualifiers is still being ridiculed frequently.

As his thoughts gradually matured, Lin Xuanhe seldom had radical ideas and behaviors. When he was a child, "Mom, I will definitely not drink when I grow up." It's always seven points after drinking three points. I don't know if it's genetic, but he has a good capacity for drinking, and some social situations will not make people feel that he "doesn't give face".

In my memory, the one who was really drunk was only that time, and when she woke up, she molested Xiao Nizi.

On the way, Lin Xuan went out of the box to go to the toilet. When he came back, he happened to see a few people passing by the side passage led by the waiter. From his point of view, it was a bit like watching the sky from a well. He could only see three or four of them. There are two acquaintances.

Xue Yunqi.

Xue Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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