Chapter 609 [628] Fierce defeat

I went to the restaurant downstairs with Xiao Xuan, and everyone else was already eating, but Xue Yunqi was still missing. Xiao Xuan asked a little strangely, and Zhang San replied: "I just called him. I'm brushing my teeth."

Liu Handong asked: "What's wrong with him, he seems to be in a bad mood?"

Lin Xuan thought that no one would be in a good mood if this kind of thing happened, but naturally he would not say anything. After saying, I will go and have a look, then went upstairs to the room, and saw Xue Yunqi sitting on the bed with a mobile phone in her hand, as if she was Hesitating about something, when he saw Lin Xuan coming in, he turned off his phone, stood up, and asked, "Did you eat?"

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "I'm already eating."

"Let's go."

Xue Yunqi tried her best to be calm, but Lin Xuan naturally wouldn't point it out. Many things started from pretending, such as maturity, handsomeness, etc...Of course these are not important, the most important thing is that you can continue training.

The training match was re-appointed by Zhang San last night, and only AVI and RAT were made. These two teams are not weak, but they can't be called the top teams in LPL. In the just-concluded Demacia Cup, both Is sky's defeat.

Both teams completed their revenge today. There were a total of four training matches, and Sky didn't win any of them.

Xue Yunqi was obviously out of shape. Not only was the tacit understanding with Liu Handong no longer, but she couldn't even stabilize her own lane. At the beginning, no matter whether it was AVI or RAT, the opponent in the middle lane was scruples about Xue Yunqi's performance in the Demacia Cup Xue Yunqi probably became bold because of the opponent's wretchedness, and even tried to jump the tower twice.

The results were all counter-killed.

Under such circumstances, Xue Yunqi's strength was quickly regarded as "outside strong but middle-ranked", and the second game basically became the opponent's breakthrough, especially when facing AVI mid laner Lan Ting, who played extremely eye-catching in the LPL last year, he was even in the lane. Being pierced by life and death, the 0-5 record can be said to be miserable and couldn't be more miserable.

Lin Xuan never mentioned Xue Yunqi's "family affairs" to anyone, and Xue Yunqi naturally wouldn't talk about it, so neither Zhang San nor anyone else knew that he had undergone a sudden change. Xue Yunqi made many mistakes.

Xue Yunqi didn't argue, and her attitude was not bad, but her mood was not too high, she seemed a little depressed. After the replay, she continued to play games, and she didn't even watch tonight's LPL group draw.

At present, the LPL already has [-] teams. According to the plan, there will be no more teams in the future. This is one of the reasons why the last auction quota this year fetched a sky-high nine-figure price.

The eighteen teams will be divided into east and west, with nine teams in each group, and the playoff spots will still be four in each group, so the competition will be more intense.

When drawing lots, the [-] teams will be divided into [-]st, [-]nd, [-]rd and [-]th seeds according to the results of the previous season. Among them, there are two first seeds, four second seeds, six third seeds, and six fourth seeds. .

The No. [-] seed was drawn first, and these two places undoubtedly belonged to TL and the Yulong team, which meant that they would not be in the same group.

The No. [-] seed pool was drawn first, the Fish and Dragons team was assigned to the east, and TL was assigned to the west. The next six No. [-] seed pools were also drawn quickly. Although sky won the Demacia Cup championship, as a A newly promoted team, they were undoubtedly assigned to the No. [-] seed pool.

At the end of the Sky documentary not long ago, the last scene was Lin Xuan's words "We are back". This sentence made many old Sky fans cry, and even many new fans or passers-by felt a little enthusiasm and anticipation, after all Although this kind of drama of the return of the king is bloody, it is enough to exaggerate emotions.

And the ones who are most looking forward to this are undoubtedly Xu Yichen, Zhang San, Ren Fan and other old people. After winning the Demacia Cup, although the swelling is not high, everyone's confidence is undoubtedly very high, and the outlook for the new season is naturally rising. , is no longer satisfied with entering the playoffs.

If you want to achieve good results in the playoffs, strength is of course important, but the ranking in the regular season is also crucial. Winning the Demacia Cup does not mean that you are eligible to be among the top players in the LPL. The goal is set relatively high, but It is absolutely impossible to underestimate the opponent because of this, and I am still very concerned about tonight's group draw.

It's a pity that the sky didn't come true. When the No. [-] seed pool was drawn, the first one to be drawn was sky.


There are many strong teams in the LPL, and the last thing Sky wants to meet is the Yulong team, so this grouping is definitely not good, but apart from the Yulong team, there seems to be not many strong teams in the East, TL, 419, AG, ASF, RAT, Many strong teams such as Spring and MEPG have been assigned to the West.

And the LPL can be called a strong team, it seems that only MV and Yulong and AVI, which has undergone a major change in the new season, seem to be the new dark horse sky of this season.

So when the lottery grouping came out, the online comments were almost completely one-sided. I have to say that there was a huge gap between the two teams' rosters at first glance. The Western Conference has a deep foundation, and even had an extremely strong performance for a period of time. Although some teams performed unsatisfactorily last season, the impression of a strong team is still there after all, and after the personnel changes in the new season, the audience's expectations are even higher.

It can be said that these teams have won the playoffs, and everyone is not too surprised.

Of course, since they are all assigned to the same group, they must compete for the precious four playoff spots.

Sky's fans are undoubtedly relieved, because judging from the current situation, it is not too much for Sky to say that it is recommended to playoffs, because there is no strong competitor in sight, and many people think they still watch it regularly. The competition, but in the Eastern Conference team list, several people have no impression of it——of course, the author didn't write about it.

After grouping, the next thing to do is to actively train and wait for the start of the LPL. During this period of time, many game lovers, or die-hard fans of some teams, are almost living their lives on their fingers.

The life of the fans is difficult, and the life of Lin Xuan and the others is also difficult.

If during the Demacia Cup, the morale of Sky's entire team was like a rainbow, then Sky is undoubtedly in a downturn now, because they have almost never won the training games these days.

What Xue Huang said, Lin Xuan had found an opportunity to convey it to Xue Yunqi, but Xue Yunqi's condition had not improved. Xue Huang seemed to be seriously injured in the car accident that day and was still in the hospital. Xue Yunqi had never been home, but his mother had come to look for her Once, he was a pretty delicate-looking woman, not very old, but her complexion was not very good. He went out to chat with Xue Yunqi for a while, and never came again after that.

Xue Yunqi's condition is even worse.

Jiang Qianyu finished her final exam on the 13th and started her winter vacation life. Lin Xuan had to wait until the games were over before the 21st before leaving. Because she had to train and had no time to accompany her, I advised her to go home first, but Xiaoni In the end, Zizi still insisted on waiting for him to go back together, saying that he could just make up the live broadcast, but Lin Xuan didn't persuade him any more.

So in the next few days, her fans celebrated the New Year in advance almost every day.

The LPL kicked off on the 19th. In the second game of the day, Sky played against the AG team in the Demacia Cup qualifiers at home in Hangzhou. Before the game, both the media and the audience were more optimistic about Sky, because the last time they played against the AG team. At that time, sky could almost be said to have swept the AVI team.

However, in this game, sky advanced to the first match of LPl and was swept by AVI 2:0, completing his revenge.

On the 21st, sky lost to MV with the same record.

Jiang Qianyu witnessed the two fiascos at the scene.

Backstage before the game, Chu Ming, who made his official debut as an interview host for the first time, met Lin Xuan with a smile and said that he was looking forward to his post-match interview. Unexpectedly, until he went home for the New Year, he did not wait for Sky's post-match interview.

Losing the AVI first, then the MV, Sky, who had just won the Demacia Cup, suffered a two-game losing streak, and both lost to the opponent 0:2. Among them, they are at the bottom of the Eastern Conference with a record of 0-2.

New stars fall, dark horses fall, under such circumstances, no matter how many praises and flattery they have received, they will naturally receive more doubts and belittlings, and because of the original brilliance of Sky, during the Demacia Cup, no matter the official, media, Fans and passers-by have given a lot of compliments, which will naturally make many people dissatisfied.

If it is said that the first loss to AVI, many people are still not sure whether Sky has really been touted, then two consecutive defeats seem to be a conclusion. Counterattack, Lin Xuan's "We are back" emoticon, which was reposted by many people, was reposted by more people.

Nature is no longer a compliment.

On the evening of the 21st, Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu returned to Yicheng by flight.

The longest winter vacation trip in the past few years has officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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