Chapter 615 [634] The showdown from the stepmother
Most people know that energy is conserved, but in fact, God is so stingy that even smiles are conserved in many cases. Some people laugh while others are sad, and vice versa.

Lin Xuan looked at the sunset on the river bank in front of him, and thought of the afternoon when he drove Jiang Qianyu through the corn seedlings in the summer vacation, he couldn't help laughing, and asked the voice assistant to call her, but he didn't know what Xiao Nizi was doing , It took a long time to pick it up, it seemed quite lively there, so Xiao Nizi spoke a lot louder than usual, and asked: "Are you finished? We are trying on clothes, where are you?"

Lin Xuan said: "I'm fine here, you send me a location, and I'll go there right away."

Xiao Nizi said "OK", then hung up the phone, and then sent him a location.

Lin Xuan followed the navigation to the mall, called Xiao Nizi to let them come down, but Xiao Nizi let him go up, saying that there was a nice dress and he could try it on.

Lin Xuan found the brand store she mentioned with great difficulty. He didn't need to go in. He just glanced outside the door and knew he had been cheated. This is obviously a women's brand store, okay?
Xiao Nizi was trying on a dark gray scarf, next to Zhao Han was trying on a coat, Jiang Yuqing was trying on shoes, Liu Shuangshuang was gesticulating, and the four chatted and laughed with each other from time to time, which was very lively.

The store is very big, except for one or two boys who accompany their girlfriends, the rest are all girls. Lin Xuan walked in quite abruptly, but the clerk still asked Lin Xuan very politely whether he was shopping or looking for someone. Xiao Nizi pointed, and the female clerk with exquisite makeup smiled and nodded and took a step back, at the same time making a gesture to invite him to come over.

"Hey, long time no see Lin Xuan."

Zhao Han saw Lin Xuan smiling and greeting, Jiang Yuqing raised her eyes to look at Lin Xuan, but didn't make a sound, just smiled when he looked over, it was considered as a greeting.

Jiang Qianyu turned to look at Lin Xuan, frowning slightly, "Have you been drinking?"

"You have a good nose."

Lin Xuan spread his hands with a smile, expressing his innocence, "It's hard to turn down the kindness, I forgot about driving, but luckily I didn't meet the inspection, you guys try it first, don't worry about me."

Jiang Qianyu rolled his eyes at him, "From now on, you are not allowed to drink and drive, no matter how much you drink."

Lin Xuan made a gesture and knocked her on the head, "Where are the clothes you asked me to try on? Is there something I'm wearing here?"

Jiang Qianyu, Zhao Han, Liu Shuangshuang, and Jiang Yuqing all laughed, Lin Xuan rolled his eyes, found a place to sit next to him and played with his mobile phone, and helped them carry their bags.

Xiao Nizi came out at the same time as Lin Xuan, that is to say, she should have been shopping for the whole afternoon, but she seemed to be in good spirits. Lin Xuan was here, and they didn't intend to hurry up and go home, except for Jiang Yuqing. Besides, the other three people are still very interested.

Liu Shuangshuang tried a hat on the recommendation of the shop assistant, and after asking Jiang Yuqing to help evaluate it, she asked a little strangely, "What's the matter with you, are you tired?"

Jiang Yuqing shook her head and said, "There's nothing I want to buy."

As she spoke, she also sat down beside Lin Xuan, took out her mobile phone and didn't know what she was scanning, Lin Xuan asked, "You don't want to buy it?"

Jiang Yuqing shook her head with a smile, and did not speak. Lin Xuan stopped talking when she saw this, and continued to read the news that "this year's global finals will be held in China" just announced this morning.

Lin Xuan has actually heard about this matter, but there is no definite news.After the official announcement, it can be said that one stone caused a thousand waves. There were many discussions among domestic and foreign players, especially the domestic players. People are worried about this matter, even all kinds of cynicism.

"Fuck, I finally waited for this day"

"LPL is about to lose face at home"

"Does this mean that the excuses of being jet-lagged, acclimatized, and unaccustomed to eating can no longer be used?"

"Let's not talk about players, even the audience is not good enough?"

"This embarrassment will be thrown to the whole world"

"It's time for players all over the world to see the power of Chinese trolls"


Remarks like this can be seen everywhere, and some people even brought out the shady things that happened to Sky in the Korean Finals:

When South Korea held the global finals, sky entered the finals for the first time. In the fourth round of the championship match with STR, it sacrificed the support fire girl who had been secretly prepared for a long time. Soon after the start, it played a huge advantage. With Chen Muyu's terrifying Carry ability back then , Stable development is the opponent's nightmare, let alone an advantage?

Sky defeated STR 3:1 to win the championship. However, in the middle and late stages of the game, the opponent's bot lane equipment suddenly lost power, and the organizer decided to rematch. Now that he is so healthy, sky is in a foreign country, and he doesn't even have any supplies. After the rematch, STR moved Huo Nu, regained two games from sky, and won the world championship that year.

This is also one of the important reasons why STR, like Crane, is the same LCK champion dynasty, but its popularity at home and abroad is far less than that of Crane. Many old players have a bad impression of this team.

The LCK kicks off earlier than the LPL. Last year’s dark horse VCR still performed brilliantly. On the contrary, King King, the world passerby who ruled the roost in all major servers, took the place of Day Lily in the middle lane. Crane’s situation seems to be...

Lin Xuan was worrying about the country and the people, but he heard Jiang Qianyu say: "Then these two things, Lin Xuan pays the bill!"

Lin Xuan responded with some helplessness, and took out her mobile phone from Xiao Nizi's bag to pay for Xiao Nizi's scarf, Zhao Han's coat, Liu Shuangshuang's hat, three things, a total of more than 700 yuan.

Each of them has their own expense lists, and the other two will naturally transfer them to Xiao Nizi later. Lin Xuan doesn't have to worry about this. After leaving the shopping mall, they went home separately. Xuan and Jiang Qianyu were relatively on the way, so they went back with them.

Zhao Han and Jiang Qianyu sat in the back row. After chatting for a while, they suddenly fell silent for a while, then glanced at Lin Xuan, and asked Jiang Qianyu, "Are you going to tell Yuqing?"

Jiang Qianyu also glanced at Lin Xuan, shook her head with a blushing face, and said softly, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Zhao Han said: "Anyway, Yuqing already knows."

Xiao Nizi tilted her body, fell against the back of the seat with no bones and no image, and said in a long and distressed voice: "That's different, are the two concepts good? How can I talk to her at that" Speak ah ah ah ah ah!"

From the conversation between the two, it can be clearly heard that this matter has been discussed a lot. Lin Xuan didn't know it at all. Hearing Xiao Nizi's non-stop communication, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Can you stop calling me raped?" like?"

Xiao Nizi blushed with embarrassment, and kicked him behind the seat, "How do you know what it's called to be raped? Have you ever done such a wicked thing?"

In terms of beauty, Lin Xuan felt ashamed to compare with Xiao Nizi, and Lin Xuan was no weaker than anyone in terms of face, and said with a smile: "Why don't we try it later?"

Jiang Qianyu was so ashamed that he wanted to strangle him to death. Zhao Han laughed beside him and shouted, "I know you two are not related by blood, but isn't it too much to show affection like this?"

"You are the one who shows affection!"

Jiang Qianyu turned around and scratched Zhao Han, and after a while, Zhao Han shouted: "Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble, let's be honest, Lin Xuan, when are you going to announce it?"

Although Xiao Nizi is shy, she can see that she actually likes the feeling that she doesn't have to hide it in front of her girlfriends. Naturally, Lin Xuan would not say anything depressing at this time, and said with a smile: "After waiting for my parents, I will Can’t wait to announce it sooner.”

Zhao Han smiled and said: "It's okay, you are not related by blood, uncles and aunts will not make things difficult for you."

Soon after arriving at Zhao Han's house, she got out of the car with her belongings, Jiang Qianyu got out of the car too, and then sat in the passenger seat, still glaring at him, Lin Xuan asked: "When did you tell Zhao Han? ?”

"She asked me herself."

"Where's Jiang Yuqing?"

"Zhao Han told her."

"Where is Liu Shuangshuang?"

"I just told her about it two days ago."

"That is to say, now you basically know everything here?"


Lin Xuan nodded, seeing that she was a little unhappy, he smiled and said, "When Jiang Yuqing was with you today, did she get into trouble with you?"

Jiang Qianyu shook her head and said sullenly: "No, she was the same as before before you came, but this made me feel even more uncomfortable. I don't know how to see her anymore, and I have never dared to look her in the eye."

Lin Xuan recalled the situation just now, and said, "Why do I feel that she seems a little afraid to look you in the eye?"

"Have it?"

"No? Oh, if you don't look into her eyes, you won't notice it naturally."

Jiang Qianyu thought he was making fun of herself, so she gave him a half-ashamed and half-annoyed look, and said, "I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Lin Xuan always felt that something was wrong, because after he passed by just now, Jiang Yuqing seemed to have never looked at him, and felt a little bit like a little girl when facing her... But she didn't have any feelings for herself Ashamed?
Back home, there was a TV in the living room, Jiang Ya was sitting on the sofa in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking, Jiang Qianyu said as usual after entering the door: "Parents, we are back!"

Then he changed the compromise and said: "I bought you all a scarf, it looks good, where is my dad?"

Jiang Ya said: "Someone called him, go out."

"Oh, well, then try it on first, I think your outfit will definitely match."

Xiao Nizi took the shopping bag from Lin Xuan, and trotted over to show her courteousness, but Jiang Ya didn't try it after taking it, she put it next to her, pointed to the sofa and said, "Try later, you Sit down first, I have something to ask you, Xiaoxuan, you sit down too."

Although he had been prepared for a long time, when things came to an end, Xiao Nizi was still a little nervous when facing his mother. She subconsciously glanced at Lin Xuan and asked Jiang Ya: "What's the matter?"

"Sit down." Jiang Ya's tone became slightly serious.

"Oh." Xiao Nizi had no choice but to sit down obediently, motionless, like a primary school student waiting for the teacher to interrogate.

Jiang Ya had already discovered the relationship between the two last night, but she never said anything. She even stopped Lin Xuan from confessing last night.

But now, she has made a decision.

Lin Xuan didn't know what was waiting for him and Xiao Nizi next, but he went directly to Jiang Qianyu's side, sat down next to her, and looked at Jiang Ya together.

(End of this chapter)

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