Chapter 617 [636] Seed

Lin Xuan was most worried and afraid of the matter with Xiaonizi. In fact, it was the stepmother. Although Lin Yi was listed as the head of the household, in fact, Jiang Ya was always at the helm of the family.

To be more realistic, Jiang Ya is the only person capable of stopping Lin Xuan. Even if other people object, they will not form effective resistance.

Public opinion is irrelevant. After all, this matter neither violates the law nor deviates from universal morality. It is far from reaching the level where everyone shouts and beats, and public opinion can be guided.

Lin Xuan thought many times about her stepmother's reaction after learning about this incident, but she was still unable to draw a more specific outline, but what is certain is that this level is the most difficult for her to pass.

And the fact is the same, Jiang Ya's words just now seem gentle and affectionate, but they are actually more powerful than any violent and coercive obstruction, because the obstruction by external force is likely to make the two parties being obstructed More determined—whether in real life or in literary creation, there are no shortage of such examples.

It can be seen that Jiang Ya is actually trying her best to solve this matter in a milder way, so although she is opposed, she does not choose to forcibly stop the destruction, but tells them the pros and cons by stating the pros and cons. The possible consequences of behavior, I hope they can decide to give up in time.

This is a direct attack on the heart, which fundamentally disintegrates the two people's idea of ​​continuing to go on, and it seems that a good fighter has no great achievements.

Jiang Qianyu Bingxue is smart, and obviously realized the real intention of Jiang Ya's words just now, wiped her tears with her hands, and said in a crying voice: "Are you stupid? Do you believe what Mom said? What she said just now is to stop it, okay? She has a deep heart!"

Lin Xuan glanced at his parents' room, reached out to wipe her tears, and said with a smile, "Be careful not to be heard by mom."

Xiao Nizi looked at him with tears in her eyes, sniffed her nose, and choked up: "I heard it when I heard it, who made her have bad intentions? We are not the ones who encounter this kind of thing, which couple will not face this kind of problem Huh? Changing the concept secretly! Alarmist talk! It’s intentional! You thought we were all stupid, who couldn’t tell?”

From the point of view of the two of them, what Jiang Ya said just now can be called "criticism". It is not wrong to say that she has bad intentions, but what she said is all the truth, so even if Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu Seeing her intentions, she still has to face the difficulties, there is no tricky way.

However, judging from Xiaonizi's words, Jiang Ya's words hardly caused her any troubles, but instead eliminated her long-standing knots - what she was most worried about was the reaction of her parents. Although Jiang Ya also objected, but The phrase "Mom respects your decision", in a sense, has already accepted this matter conditionally.

Xiao Nizi was not affected by those words. In the final analysis, it was still a matter of trust. This kind of thing was unreasonable. She had a natural advantage in this regard, because it was also unreasonable.

Lin Xuan is different.

Jiang Qianyu's mind is innocent, and he will no longer be troubled after he understands it. Lin Xuan has gone through a process similar to washing the lead. After Nizi wiped away her tears and hugged her as usual, she couldn't be as confident about the future as before.

The thought that flashed through my mind just now resurfaced involuntarily: Will Jiang Qianyu also become one of those faces that have become the past?

"What's wrong with you?" Xiao Nizi noticed his abnormality and asked a little strangely.

Lin Xuan looked down at her, shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's think about it for two days, and then find a chance to talk to Mom after two days."

Jiang Qianyu asked strangely, "What are you thinking about?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "You have to pretend to think about it seriously for two days, otherwise what's the weight in making an easy decision?"

Jiang Qianyu looked at him suspiciously, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

If it was normal, it is unlikely that Xiao Nizi would ask this question again. Lin Xuan didn't know whether she had noticed her abnormality, or whether she was still affected by what her stepmother said, and she had buried a lack of trust in each other. Seed.

He reached out and hugged Jiang Qianyu tightly in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said softly, "Of course, have I ever lied to you?"

Xiao Nizi shook her head and said sweetly: "No."

Lin Xuan also smiled, stroked her soft hair, and hugged her tightly against his body, but his heart was inexplicably filled with a kind of uneasiness that could not go away.

There is now.

Xiao Nizi lay obediently in his arms and let him hold her. After a while, she also stretched out her arms and hugged his waist tightly. Lin Xuan embraced her soft body, not feeling how to enjoy it. The feeling of uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense.

He called softly: "Qianqian."

Xiao Nizi gave a soft "hmm".

Lin Xuan stopped talking, buried her in her hair and sniffed, and couldn't help but leaned closer to her white and alluring ear, kissed her, and then glanced at her parents' room with a guilty conscience. The subconscious action almost didn't frighten him until his heart jumped out.

Jiang Ya didn't know when she came out of the room, and she was standing at the door, staring blankly.

Lin Xuan quickly let go of Xiao Nizi like an electric shock, and at the same time squeezed out a smile, and yelled embarrassingly: "Mom..."

Jiang Qianyu was a little surprised at how he suddenly pushed herself away, but when she heard Lin Xuan shouting like this, she turned her head and saw her mother staring at him, her face was burning with shame, and she glared at Lin Xuan viciously.

Jiang Ya said indifferently: "Why is this?"

Being caught on the spot, don't want to be a little girl, Lin Xuan felt a little hot on his face, and explained with some embarrassment: "We all think what you said makes sense, so let's... that, let's discuss it."

This reason is a bit ridiculous, Jiang Ya didn't care about it, she went straight to the kitchen and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Lin Xuan hurriedly said: "It's fine, it's fine, I love everything you cook."


Jiang Qianyu gave him a blank look, turned around and walked to the room, Lin Xuan quickly added: "Qianqian also likes to eat."

Xiao Nizi came back and kicked him again, and then went back to the room angrily.

Lin Xuan looked at the stepmother who walked into the kitchen, and then at Xiaonizi who walked back to the room, and felt that it was not the right place to go - it was definitely not possible to find Xiaonizi, but to find the stepmother... a little guilty.

He stood there in a daze for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and went to the kitchen, poked his head first, and asked cautiously, "Mom, is there anything I can help you with?"

Jiang Ya said without looking back: "Yes."

Lin Xuan: "..."

He froze at the door and waited for quite a while, but he didn't see that his stepmother wanted to change his mind, so he walked into the kitchen and said, "We're going to grandma's house tomorrow, so we can order less food tonight. Lest you have to throw it away if you can’t finish it.”

Jiang Ya said: "Eat more, just take that leek and choose it, and put it over there."

Lin Xuan responded, brought over the leeks that were placed beside him, and sat next to him, opened them one by one and peeled them clean, and asked, "When did you go to buy the vegetables?"

"It didn't take long after I bought it, and your dad insisted on eating leeks."

"Then he will come back later?"

"Say yes, let's wait and see."

"Would you like to give him a call?"

Jiang Ya nodded and said, "Then ask Qianqian to call him and ask."

No matter how Lin Xuan heard it, he felt that this was a bit weird, but he didn't dare to say it, so he could only shout: "Qianqian, Qianqian! Mom asked you to call Dad and ask him if he will come back for dinner."

"Know it!"

Xiao Nizi quickly responded impatiently, and after a while, the voice of her phone came from the living room, and it was clearly turned on, and Lin Yi's loud voice could be heard in the kitchen, saying that she would wait. When she came back, she hung up the phone and repeated it again: "Dad said he would be back later."

Lin Xuan glanced at Jiang Ya, waited for a while, but didn't see that she had any intention of responding, so he said by himself: "Oh, okay, I see."

Jiang Ya finished ordering, but she didn't continue to embarrass Lin Xuan, pouring water and noodles beside her, Lin Xuan asked, "Do you want to make dumplings?"

Jiang Ya responded, and said: "I'll go to see your grandma tomorrow, and I'll go directly to your grandpa's when I get back. I guess I won't be able to come back until after the Chinese New Year. Let's eat dumplings at home first."

Lin Xuan nodded and said, "It should."

Jiang Ya didn't make any more meaningful moves after that, she chatted casually about the local customs of Rongcheng, and asked about Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu's life in Hangzhou, and quickly reconciled the noodles, cut leeks, scrambled eggs, and cooked After the dumpling stuffing was finished, the noodles also woke up. When Lin Yi came back, Lin Xuan asked his father to come over to help.

Lin Yi's cooking skills can be called very good - there are four members of the family, and three of them are actually good at cooking - but Jiang Ya is usually the one who cooks, and I'm used to it. Since tonight is Chinese New Year eating dumplings, Naturally, he also came to help, brought the noodles and dumpling stuffing to the living room, and made dumplings while watching TV. Jiang Qianyu also came to join in the fun, and the family talked and laughed happily.

Jiang Ya obviously knew Lin Yi's temperament very well, so she was not in a hurry to tell him about Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu. After dinner, she urged to pack up again. A cat flies to Rongcheng.

It was almost the same as when she came back. On the plane, Xiao Nizi basically focused all her thoughts on Daidai. Lin Xuan chatted with her parents quite happily, and also asked some information about her grandmother's house. Jiang Qianyu occasionally interjected a few words Words, but generally speaking, not many good things.

Her impression of her grandmother's family has never been very good. This is mainly because of the unpleasant New Year's experience when she was a child, which left a big impression on her-she was not yet ten years old at the time. The supper was overwhelmed, so it was hard not to be impressed.

However, she has a good impression of Rongcheng. The main reason is that Lin Huiyin, a strange girl from the Republic of China, was born in Hangzhou, but her ancestral home is in Rongcheng. Follow Zhanguang, but it's a pity that Lin Xuan remembered that Xiao Nizi wanted to find Lin Huiyin's footprints here more than once, but with little success.

Grandpa Jiang Yujia has three sons and three daughters, Jiang Ya is the fourth, and the second sister is the second. The person who came to pick him up was the second brother Jiang Chengli. Lin Xuan didn't have much impression of the stepmother's family. The second uncle and aunt are considered kind people. Of course, out of consideration for his father's vision, Lin Xuan felt that it was more reliable to observe by himself.

When Lin Xuan and the others landed, Jiang Chengli had already waited for some time. This was the judgment of Lin Yi and Jiang Ya. They both said that this was his consistent style. Then three other people complained about being "blindly active".

Lin Xuan's specific impression of Jiang Chengli was almost zero, but after a few pleasantries after the meeting, he had a good impression of this second uncle. The first impression was that he was very down-to-earth and unassuming. He drove a seven-seater commercial vehicle and carried four people. spacious.

It was an hour's drive from the airport to grandma's house, and there was a traffic jam on the way. It was less than eleven o'clock when Lin Xuan and the others landed, and it was already past twelve o'clock when they got off the bus.

Lin Yi and Jiang Ya had anticipated this situation, and they mentioned it more than once, so Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu were both mentally prepared, not unexpected, surprising, and even completely unprepared, the two of them got out of the car Finally, the first person to see it was actually Jiang Luoying.

(End of this chapter)

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