Chapter 621 [640] Show love
"The car is four and five."

"Cannon seven into five."


"Five horses retreat seven."

"Three guns equal two."


Oh, you idiot, how can you level two?Two cars into two!

"Seven soldiers enter one."

"Car two flat three."

Oops, you are so stupid, you are not good at leveling four, why do you want to level three?

She didn't remember that she said it out loud, but she seemed to have said what she was thinking unconsciously, otherwise why would Song Tan next to her make fun of her: "Qianqian, didn't you bet on grandpa to win?"

"I was betting on grandpa to win. I can't bear him being so stupid!"

"Then you don't know that if Lin Xuan loses the chess game, the two of you will have to separate?"

Jiang Qianyu was startled, "Who said that?"

"Didn't you just say that?"

"No way! Why can't I remember... Then I want to re-bet, I won't bet on grandpa to win..."

"No, I've already made a bet, how can I go back on my word?"


"I lost again, you see what I said, Qianqian, you should continue to bet on grandpa in this round, so that you can earn some extra money."

"Are you stupid? If Lin Xuan loses again, we will have to separate."

"I'm going to lose anyway, why don't you earn some money and give your brother a breakup fee."

"go away."

"It's okay, there are still two rounds to go, didn't grandpa say that if it is a tie, he will be considered a loser."

"Impossible to lose."

"Hey, Qianqian, are you really betting on grandpa to win?"

"How can I! I bet on Lin Xuan, how could I bet on his opponent..."

"Have you lost your memory? You just bet on grandpa, okay? You said to make more money. You didn't see how much my father lost in the bank. It would be great if Lin Xuan could win this round..."

"Impossible, how could grandpa lose to Lin Xuan."

"Wow... are you dying?"

"I can still save you... Wow! I'm really dead! Isn't Lin Xuan too powerful?"

Did Lin Xuan win?
"There is still one game, okay? Who are you betting on to win this game?"

"Of course it's Lin Xuan. It's the last game, and I want to unite with him."

"Hey, didn't you say you wanted to bet on Lin Xuan? Why did you bet on Grandpa again?"

"How can I..."

"You obviously bet that grandpa will win!"

"General! Lin Xuan was forced to exchange his son, and grandpa made another one... Lin Xuan is about to lose!"

"Handsome four flat five."

"The death is seven and eight."

Oh, you idiot, how can you be handsome?

"Take three cars and retreat one."

"Six dead and flat seven."

Lin Xuan, what are you doing?
"Can you shut up?"

She looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar face roaring angrily in front of her, tears filled her eyes, "Why are you so fierce?"

"Don't you want me to lose? Now you have your wish! Are you happy?"

"I didn't! I...I hope you win..."

Tears finally fell down, but there was no one in front of her. She was driving alone on the snow-covered road, and there was an extremely familiar figure in front of her vision. Unable to catch up, she cried and called his name loudly, but he ignored him.

Wiping her tears, she stepped on the accelerator vigorously, the speed of the car was getting faster and faster, and finally the distance between him and him was shortened, but the distance was too close, his back was rapidly zooming in, and a huge sense of fear instantly enveloped her whole body. She slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. She saw him turn around, and then his body flew up. The bright red color covered the car window, and it was still flowing down slowly. Climbed up in the snow, looked at himself yelling something with horror on his face, and at the same time desperately backed away...

Why... why is the car still chasing him forward?

She sat up abruptly in the darkness, and after a moment of shock, she realized that the room was pitch-black and completely silent. The air conditioner hanging on the wall was blowing out a gust of hot air, and Jiang Jinghuai was sleeping beside her very soundly. .

is a nightmare...

After waking up to this fact, a great sense of happiness filled her whole body, but when she recalled the dream just now, she still felt a wave of palpitation and fear, and reached out to pick up the mobile phone beside the pillow

In the past, she never put her mobile phone on the bed, because it would affect her sleep, but when she went to bed tonight, she couldn't sleep well without holding her mobile phone.

Of course, I didn't sleep well with my mobile phone on my pillow, otherwise I wouldn't have such a mindless dream.

The phone screen lights up, the wallpaper is dull, and there are some message notifications that cannot be blocked on the lock screen, but there is nothing I want to see.

She bent her legs, hugged her knees and stared blankly for a while, only to realize that her body was covered with sweat, wet and greasy, so she got off the bed lightly, took a change of clothes, and left the room.

Jiang Chengyan only has Jiang Jinghuai as an only daughter, but the residence is extremely spacious, with four bedrooms and two living rooms of nearly 160 square meters. Each bedroom has a bathroom, and Jiang Jinghuai's room naturally also has one. However, Jiang Qianyu didn't want to disturb her, so she left the room and planned to go to the next door. Check to see if there is hot water in the bathroom of the guest room.

When passing the living room, Daidai, who was sleeping in his temporary cat nest, raised his head vigilantly, and immediately realized who was coming, blinked his big blue-green eyes, let out a "meow", and walked over come over.

Jiang Qianyu's pajamas were a little thin, the air conditioner was not turned on in the living room, and she was sweating, feeling a little cold, so she patted her dazed head, said softly, "Go to bed quickly", and then went to the bathroom next to her to see Look, there is actually hot water. This incident made Xiao Nizi immediately feel good about her uncle and his wife, who didn't have a good impression at first.

According to normal circumstances, it is very likely that Lin Xuan will be staying here tonight, and if he lives here, it is obviously impossible for him to share a room with Jiang Jinghuai, and most likely he will live in this room. Xuan prepared.

I went back to the room and took a change of clothes, thought for a while, took the mobile phone, went back to the guest room and locked the door, then went to the bathroom to take a shower, and washed the changed clothes by the way, and then went back to the room. room to go.

Dadai has been following her since she came out of the bath, because the little guy is now a black and red black cat, and the traditional and conservative Jiang Yanjia regards it as a big auspicious beast, even with the little guy who didn't like pets very much. Jiang Chengyan and the others were also quite close to it. When they returned from dinner at night, they even added an extra layer of old clothes to its temporary cat litter.

While sleeping, Jiang Jinghuai wanted to carry Daidai back to the room, but Jiang Qian resolutely rejected it with the reason of "old habits die hard", but now he has something on his mind, so he simply carried it back to the room, and returned to the bed with the light of his mobile phone .

It was nearly three o'clock in the morning, and Lin Xuan must have fallen asleep by now, but after Xiao Nizi lay down, she still couldn't help picking up her phone to look at it. Naturally, there would be no new news. Thinking of the dream just now, he stretched out his arms to hug Dadai, looked at its big blue-green eyes shining in the dark, grabbed one of its ears and asked, "Did you do something wrong? Am I having nightmares again?"

She didn't have much strength, and she didn't struggle in a daze, she just let out a soft "meow". Jiang Qianyu was worried about waking Jiang Jinghuai, so she reached out and covered its mouth to prevent it from screaming, but she suddenly sneezed .

She subconsciously glanced at Jiang Jinghuai next to her, and saw that she was lying asleep, so she felt relieved, sat up and took a tissue, and before she had time to wipe her nose, she let out another "sneeze".

Jiang Jinghuai, who was sleeping next to him, rubbed his face against the quilt in a daze, and muttered something vaguely. Jiang Qianyu wanted to wipe her face, but she turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

The little girl wiped off her snot, holding the ball of paper but didn't know where to throw it, so she pulled out Daidai who was lying under the quilt, put the paper ball in front of it, and said in a low voice, "Daddy, it's your turn again!" Time to make a difference."

He looked up at her blankly, lowered his head and bit the paper ball, turned around with the paper ball in his mouth and got off the bed in a very skillful manner, and soon jumped up again, squatting on Jiang Jinghuai's quilt and licking his paws, Then wiped his mouth.

Jiang Jinghuai, who was in a deep sleep, suddenly turned over again, and the dumb body who was squatting on her quilt tilted, but his reaction was very quick, and the four cat paws stood firmly, blinking those blue-green eyes The eyes returned to the owner's side, Jiang Qianyu lifted a corner of the bed, and it got in consciously.

Jiang Qianyu reached out to hug it, looked into its blue-green eyes in the dark, and asked ferociously: "You were the one who made trouble again just now, right? I already said that I would never learn to drive in this life. If you dare to make me have nightmares, I will pull your ears, you know?"

Dadai didn't know if he understood, so he blinked his eyes innocently, and meowed softly, Jiang Qianyu quickly covered its mouth, and said: "But if there are other dangers, remember to remind me, you are Xuan Cats can ward off evil and avoid disasters, don't lose cats, you know?"

She blinked again in a daze, then stretched out her head to rub against her face, Xiao Nizi stretched out her hand to hug it, it was so soft, warm and fluffy and comfortable, she once wondered if it was so comfortable to hold herself , soft, tender and fragrant, otherwise why does that guy always like to hug himself to sleep...

She closed her eyes, but she didn't feel sleepy at all, so she stretched out another hand to pick up the phone, turned on the screen and looked at it. The daze on the screen was looking at her cutely, but there was still no news that she wanted to see. She clicked into the chat box with Lin Xuan, muted the phone, tapped the screen lightly with her slender fingers, typed a few words, paused for a while, and deleted them one by one.

The last chat record stays at last night, or it was good night the night before yesterday. That guy sent a kiss emoticon shamelessly. She stared at the screen for a while, then suddenly pursed her lips slightly, and frowned. With a hint of a smile, the two dimples on her cheeks were sweet and intoxicating.

Fingers subconsciously swipe the chat history, in the light of the phone, the expression on the girl's exquisite and refined face is sometimes sweet, sometimes shy, and sometimes there are some small movements, biting her lips lightly, or staring at the screen angrily to recall situation at the moment……

Dazed seemed to have fallen asleep, there was no movement for a long time, the time flowed quietly in the quiet darkness for an unknown amount of time, the chat records turned to the end, Jiang Qianyu realized that his eyes were sore, it was already past five o'clock in the morning.

A little dizzy, Jiang Qianyu put down her phone, adjusted her sleeping position, and closed her eyes gently, but she was obviously very sleepy, but she still couldn't fall asleep. She turned sideways and hugged the quilt, as if something was beaten because of this position It poured out, and the sour feeling quickly filled her whole body from her chest. She held back the tears she wanted to shed, and cursed softly in her heart: "Idiot!"

Biting her lip, tears still flowed out.

She rubbed hard on the quilt, her face was still wet and uncomfortable, so she felt more and more wronged, sniffed, and cursed softly in a crying voice: "Bad guy!"

Obviously everything is fine.

Why did it suddenly happen?

But if he doesn't send himself a message, why can't he send him a message?

She thought faintly again: "Me too!"


Lin Xuan also didn't sleep well. Usually, he didn't even need to go to the toilet when he woke up until dawn, but this night he always woke up inexplicably. The last time he woke up was almost six in the morning. Since he couldn't sleep well, he didn't bother to sleep again. , Playing with the mobile phone, and getting dressed and getting up after hearing noises outside.

The two old people were downstairs. When Lin Xuan went downstairs, grandma was already preparing breakfast, and grandpa was doing Tai Chi in the courtyard. One of them was in the courtyard and the other was in the kitchen, chatting with each other. , Lin Xuan couldn't understand what the two were saying, but after standing in front of the house for a while, he found that it was basically grandma who said that grandpa would answer sometimes, sometimes answer later, and sometimes didn't answer, and just focused on his own hands. Action on the upper foot.

Jiang Yujia found Lin Xuan standing in front of the house door after a single whip. He seemed a little surprised that he got up so early, stared at him, and kept moving. , and asked aloud at the same time: "Have you practiced?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "I often lack exercise in front of the computer, and my body is prone to problems. Therefore, many clubs now let players exercise regularly. I just practiced a few times...Of course, it is far from you."

Jiang Yujia said: "I thought you young people only knew that Tao and this Tao. I didn't expect that you have to practice Tai Chi when you play games. It's rare, rare."

Lin Xuan explained in a low voice: "In fact, most of them practice yoga or something like that. There are only three people in our club who choose Tai Chi."

Jiang Yujia stopped talking, finished the 24 moves, turned to Lin Xuan and said, "Don't stand there, come and practice."

"it is good."

Lin Xuan responded, but stopped suddenly as soon as he lifted his foot, and asked with some uncertainty: "Which practice?"

Jiang Yanjia was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "Which practice are you talking about? Have you practiced boxing or me? What do you want to do with me?"

Only then did Lin Xuan feel relieved, and said awkwardly, "I'm afraid that you will find an excuse to beat me up."

He stood at a distance from Jiang Yujia, just as he hit the bird's tail, Lin Yi also came out, and Jiang Ya also came after a while, after washing up, he went to help grandma cook, Lin Xuan accompanied Jiang Yujia to beat him twice, Feeling hot all over, just as he took off his coat, he saw Jiang Jinghuai and Jiang Qianyu walking into the yard one after the other.

Jiang Jinghuai yelled twice in the family dialect, presumably she was here to eat, her tone was very cheerful and lively, but Jiang Qianyu who was following behind her looked a little haggard, with a paper ball in her hand, she walked over sniffing, with a nasal voice He called out to Grandpa and walked into the house.


Just as Jiang Yanjia set up his posture, he stepped forward with his right foot, and was about to keep up with his right hand. Seeing this, his movements were fixed there, and he asked, "Why, are you sick?"

Xiao Nizi sniffed, looked at him aggrievedly, nodded her head pitifully, "Yeah."

"Get in the house quickly, get in the house quickly."

Jiang Yujia waved her hand and shouted something to the kitchen. Jiang Ya quickly came out of the kitchen, dragged Xiao Nizi into the room, and went to help her get the medicine. Lin Yi also asked what was going on, was it uncomfortable? , Do you want to go to the hospital, then grandma also came in, and then Jiang Yujia.

"I'm fine, I just have a cold, I don't need to go to the hospital, I've already taken the medicine from my uncle just now, mom, you don't need to get it...Ah Choo!"

Seeing a group of elders busy in and out asking about their health, but the person who should be caring did not even fart, Jiang Qianyu's originally sick look immediately became more energetic, so she hurriedly comforted her, but before she finished speaking, she slapped again sneeze.

Lin Xuan took out a tissue, and before handing it over, Jiang Jinghuai took it enthusiastically, and handed it to Jiang Qianyu. Xiao Nizi glanced at him, and took the tissue from Jiang Jinghuai's hand expressionlessly.

"It's such a cold day, why are you running here even if you have a cold..." Grandma stroked Xiao Nizi's forehead to measure her temperature, and said angrily.

"Grandma, I'm fine, I just keep sneezing and I don't have a fever."

Xiao Nizi did catch a cold, but it wasn't that serious. She sniffed and coquettishly said to her grandma, "I want to drink the shepherd's purse porridge you cooked. The porridge cooked by other people is not as good as yours. My mother also cooked it." , it’s not as good as yours.”

Lin Xuan curled his lips beside him.

After confirming that Xiaonizi is really fine, Jiang Ya and grandma continued to cook, while Lin Xuan went to wash up. When she came back, she saw Jiang Qianyu wrapped in a down jacket and curled up on the sofa with hot water, taking a sip of hot water , sniffed the snot, I don't know what she was thinking, the snot was almost running into her mouth and she refused to wipe it, so she continued to suck.

Jiang Jinghuai, who was sitting next to her, looked up at her with a look of intolerance, and said helplessly, "Qianqian, can you wipe your nose off?"

"Don't wipe."

Jiang Qianyu took a sip of the hot water, then sniffed again.

Jiang Jinghuai turned around and looked at Lin Xuan with an unlovely expression: "Can you take care of your sister?"

Before Lin Xuan could speak, Jiang Qianyu called out, "Why does he care about me?"

Lin Xuan glanced at her, and Xiao Nizi glared at her without showing any weakness. After the two looked at each other for a second, Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and pointed at her, then turned to Jiang Ya who had just walked into the room and said, "Mom, Look shallow."

Jiang Ya turned her head to look over, reprimanded with a stern face: "What is it like? Wipe the snot off!"

Jiang Qianyu let out an angry "Oh", got up and took two tissues, wondering if she wanted to go out, walked outside, then stopped in front of Lin Xuan, and blew her nose vigorously.

"Blow your nose with such a loud movement?"

After Jiang Ya put away the heated dishes, she was about to go back to the kitchen. Everyone had already walked out of the door. Hearing the voice behind, she turned around and reprimanded her again.

Jiang Qianyu stood there silently, Lin Xuan said, "Mom, I'll help serve the dishes."

Jiang Ya didn't make a sound, Lin Xuan ran out quickly, walked into the courtyard three steps at a time, Jiang Ya suddenly turned around, Lin Xuan subconsciously stood upright, like braking, his upper body leaned slightly, Fortunately, it did not fall.

But Jiang Ya didn't say anything, just gave him a meaningful look, and walked into the kitchen. Lin Xuan came to her senses now that the stepmother already knew about the relationship between the two, and she played this trick of complaining again... Stepmother Don't you think you are showing affection?
At breakfast, Jiang Chengyan, who had already finished his breakfast, came here again. He didn't eat, so he moved a small stool and sat beside him chatting. He talked about what happened last night, and praised Lin Xuan generously, saying that he was so young, how could he How to control the scales, how casually Chen Muyu treats him, how other people praise him, etc.

Although Jiang Chengyan is not as calm or introverted as his two elder brothers, in fact, on some occasions, he can do better than the two of them. Ya's appetite is obviously very good, even the two old people are in a good mood, and the whole family enjoys themselves happily.

Only Xiao Nizi didn't seem very happy, even when others were caring, she didn't talk much, not to mention the sweet smile she had yesterday. Everyone knew that she was not feeling well, so naturally she wouldn't think about it elsewhere.

Jiang Yuanzhou couldn't get away these two days. Jiang Chengyan originally planned to let Jiang Jinglan and the others accompany Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu to go shopping around, but Xiao Nizi was sick, so naturally she couldn't go around. After breakfast, Jiang Qianyu went back Jiang Chengyan rested at home.

However, when it was close to noon, Jiang Chengyan suddenly called Jiang Ya, saying that Xiao Nizi went back to sleep after eating in the morning. For some reason, she started to have a high fever. He was about to send her to the hospital and was already on the way up.

 When I applied for my driver’s license, I applied until eleven o’clock in the evening, and woke up before five o’clock in the morning. I originally wanted to finish writing this story and then update it together. I was afraid that everyone would beat me if I didn’t update it. These are sent out.

(End of this chapter)

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