Chapter 623 [642] Car accident scene

The sound of the cola falling on the ground attracted the attention of many people in the drip room. Jiang Jinghuai hurriedly bent down to pick up the cola, and picked up a bottle in each hand. Seeing that Lin Xuan also turned his head to look at him, he did not panic because of his appearance. There was a look of panic, even holding Jiang Qianyu's hand and not letting go.


Jiang Jinghuai walked over full of anger, even forgetting the shock. Just now, when his father, aunt, and uncle were all there, these two people were so indifferent, but when they were all gone, it was too late to send him out to make out secretly. Forget it, now that I'm back, I've broken through their affairs, and I'm not guilty at all... Do you have a little bit of respect?I've never seen such bullying!

And that's your sister, okay?Beast!
She walked up to the two of them without speaking, just staring at the dog's paw holding Jiang Qianyu's hand without blinking. Lin Xuan glanced at her and said seriously: "It's been hard work, but in fact You don't have to run so fast, I'm not that thirsty."

Jiang Jinghuai hadn't even breathed yet, so he snorted and said, "You wish I didn't come back!"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile, "No, I'm still waiting for a Coke."

Jiang Jinghuai glanced at Jiang Qianyu, and saw that she was still leaning on the back of the chair with her eyes closed, but her slightly pale cheeks were slightly flushed at the moment, obviously pretending to be asleep, she rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, don't pretend La."

Lin Xuan felt Xiao Nizi tickle his palm with a finger. He was a little amused, but quickly held back and said, "Keep down, she's asleep."

Jiang Jinghuai said contemptuously: "You still know how to blush when you are asleep? You are lying to a ghost!"

Lin Xuan said: "Do you have any common sense? You are blushing because you have a fever! Besides, we have not been together for a day or two. We have not violated the law or made any mistakes. What is there to blush?"

The two of them spoke in a quiet voice all the time, but after hearing what he said, Jiang Jinghuai took another look at Jiang Qianyu, lowered his voice suspiciously, looked at him and said, " didn't mean to take advantage of it... Did you deliberately take advantage of it while you were lightly asleep?"

Lin Xuan said angrily, "Who do you think I am?"

Jiang Jinghuai let out a heck, "I won't even let my sister go, who do you think I should take you for?"

"We're not related by blood, don't you know?"

"That's your sister too, beast!"

Jiang Jinghuai felt angry when he thought of how far he had just gone and wronged, "And you are brother and sister according to the law, okay, marriage is still forbidden."

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes and said: "Article 3 of the Marriage Law Chapter [-], the original text of the prohibition on marriage is "Marriage is prohibited under any of the following circumstances: [-]. Direct blood relatives and collateral blood relatives within three generations; A disease that the gods say should not marry." You tell me what law you just said came from? "

Jiang Jinghuai said: "Wow, you actually checked the marriage law on purpose? You have ulterior motives!"

"I don't know your size, what would you say if I don't plan to marry her?"

"Start chaos and end abandonment! Heartless and ungrateful! Wolf-hearted! Smelly and shameless..." Jiang Jinghuai said a series of adjectives without hesitation, unexpectedly quite proficient.

Lin Xuan said angrily, "Did you learn how to swear all day long at school?"

Jiang Jinghuai snorted, "Anyway, it's wrong for you to do this."

Lin Xuan asked: "Then I break up with Qianqian now?"

Jiang Jinghuai shouted: "Of course not!"

"Then you can show me a way out?"

Jiang Jinghuai was at a loss for words for a moment, but it took a while to react, and he stared and said, "What does it matter to me whether you live or die? I don't care about you!"

She looked at Lin Xuan suspiciously, "Does Miss Qianqian like you too?"

Lin Xuan raised the little girl's palm at her, and Jiang Jinghuai said resentfully: "Who knows if you deliberately took advantage of her while she was asleep, do aunt and uncle know?"

Lin Xuan said: "Of course I don't know, so keep your mouth shut and don't let it slip."

"Why should I help you?"

"what do you want?"

Jiang Jinghuai thought for a while and said, "You just promised me to play games with Ran Qinghuan, don't forget about it, and don't play tricks."

"no problem."

"If you come to Rongcheng to play games in the future, I need tickets, and if I have a player I like in the future, you need to help me get a group photo."

"I can help you take pictures now."

"You think too much, I must like the kind of tall, handsome and positive player, not a beast that even my sister will not let go..."

"If you dare to scold me again, everything I just promised will be void."

"Then I'll tell grandpa, aunt and uncle to break your leg..."

Jiang Jinghuai spoke very confidently, and looked Lin Xuan up and down, as if he wanted to see through his evil heart hidden under his appearance, "No wonder the Internet says you are shameless, you are too coquettish, you are going to break your legs rhythm..."

Lin Xuan was too lazy to chat with her, looked down at Xiao Nizi, saw that her face was slightly pale, and her breathing was calm, he gently squeezed her weak and boneless little hand, but there was no reaction at all, it seemed that she was really asleep.

Lin Xuan looked at the medicine bag hanging above, then put down her hand, asked Jiang Jinghuai to take care of it, took a bottle of Coke, opened it, took a sip, went out of the IV room, found a hot water supply place, poured out the Coke first, Then connect some hot water to rinse the bottle, and then take most of the bottle of hot water back to the drip room.

Jiang Jinghuai stared at the Coke bottle whose wrapping paper had been torn off for a long time, and asked, "Where's the Coke I bought?"


"How big is this? Can you show me after drinking a bottle?"

"Just drank too much."


Jiang Jinghuai said angrily, "You asked me to buy Coke just for a bottle, right?"

"They say I drank all the Coke!"

Lin Xuan tested the temperature, then looped the infusion tube around the Coke bottle, then carefully picked up her drip hand and moved it, holding the bottle by her hand.

Jiang Jinghuai looked at the side for a long time, and reached out to touch the bottle. After a while, he hummed: "The bottle I bought, you use it to show your courtesy, I will definitely not tell sister Qianqian later."

Lin Xuan was speechless, "It's not that I'm chasing her, I don't need to do anything to let her know, besides, she must wake up accidentally to see this kind of thing to be the most moved."

"When she wakes up, the water will be cold."

"So I would accidentally wake her up before the water got cold, and then apologize to her very gently."

"Scheming bitch!"

Of course, Lin Xuan would not wake up Xiao Nizi to express himself, but seeing that she was sleeping deeply, he was a little worried that she would catch the cold again, but after thinking about it, Xiao Nizi was wearing thick clothes, so there was no need to take off her coat For her, it was too cold, so I lifted her head up, put the down jacket hat on her, wrapped it tightly, and continued to watch over her.

Jiang Qianyu’s illness was caused by catching a cold, staying up late, and depression. After talking to Lin Xuan, she relaxed and fell asleep again. The drip gradually took effect. When a bag of medicine was finished, Lin Xuan asked the nurse to take his body temperature. It had dropped from 38 degrees to 37 degrees. It was still a little hot, but seeing that Xiao Nizi was sleeping soundly, it should not be so uncomfortable anymore.

After a while, Lin Yi called and asked about the situation here, and how long it would be before someone would pick them up. After Lin Xuan hung up the phone, he saw Xiao Nizi opened her eyes in a daze. Opening his eyes and looking at him sleepily, Lin Xuan took her hand again and asked softly, "Are you feeling better?"


Xiao Nizi responded with a soft ending, looked down at the bottle in hand, wrinkled her nose, and said in disgust: "This bottle is so ugly."

"It's hot."

Lin Xuan was worried at first that the water was not hot, so he received a lot of hot water, and the Coke bottle was directly deformed by the scalding, but Xiao Nizi said it disgustingly, but she still handed it to Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan habitually handed it to her. After unscrewing the cap of the bottle, she realized that the water in it was undrinkable, so she went to the hot water supply again and used a disposable cup to fetch half a cup of hot water for her. Come here and help her hold it like a little eunuch next to a queen.

Jiang Jinghuai said: "Can you two pay attention? I'm still watching!"

Jiang Qianyu gave her a sideways glance, "You can also choose to close your eyes."

Jiang Jinghuai almost choked to death, and shouted, "Why?"

Jiang Qianyu said: "Let Daidai sleep with you at night."

Jiang Jinghuai immediately closed his eyes and said, "Deal!"

When the second bag of potion was about to be finished, Lin Xuan sent a message to his father, and soon received a reply, saying that Jiang Yuanzhou would come over soon. Jiang Jinghuai tilted his head and read the chat records, curled his lips and said, "You guys restrain yourself!" One point, if the big brother finds out later, it will be over, he will definitely not be as talkative as I am, and help you keep the secret."

Lin Xuan said: "You are not easy to talk, but easy to bribe."

"Who is easy to buy? Do you really think that I am greedy for that little advantage?"

Jiang Jinghuai became a little annoyed and said, "I'm worried that your leg will be broken, okay? I don't know good people!"

Jiang Jinghuai took his half bottle of Coke and beat Lin Xuan on the head. Lin Xuan dodged and took the bottle to fetch hot water for Xiao Nizi again. When he came back, Jiang Jinghuai tried his best to persuade Xiao Nizi not to give it Daidai is neutered, because she also wants a black cat, which is just right for Daidai to give birth to her.

Lin Xuan was not interested in such boring topics, so he just played with his mobile phone next to him. When the second bag of medicine was about to be finished, Jiang Yuanzhou came to the hospital and chatted in the IV room. A rather delicate nurse lady came over to help with the injection.

This nurse was the one who helped Xiaonizi change the medicine bag just now. Lin Xuan also asked her about the location of the hot water supply point. She probably had a good impression of Lin Xuan. Xuan said, "Your boyfriend treats you very well."

Xiao Nizi was a little shy, Lin Xuan said modestly: "It's okay."

Jiang Jinghuai had an expression that he couldn't bear to look directly at the scene of the car accident.

Jiang Yuanzhou stood there in a daze, wondering if the nurse had misunderstood or he had heard it wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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