Chapter 627 [646] Brother is kissing sister

"New Year's Day is New Year's Day. Before New Year's Day in China, it was the first day of the first lunar month. It was probably determined from the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty until the end of the Qing Dynasty. It was also called Shangri, Changsui or Yuanchen, Xinyuan, etc. Then to the Republic of China At that time, the Gregorian calendar was introduced, and all other aspects were learned from foreign countries. In order to better integrate with the world, the government of the Republic of China set the New Year’s Day on January 100st of the Gregorian calendar as New Year’s Day, so that we Chinese people can celebrate The Gregorian New Year is not the Lunar New Year, but the government stipulates that the common people don’t agree, and continue to celebrate the Lunar New Year, but New Year’s Day has been given to the Gregorian Year, so what is the name of the Lunar Year? So another word was created, called Spring Festival, It's [-] years old now."

I went to bed too late last night, and got up early in the morning, so I didn't have much time to sit down on the plane, and Lin Xuan fell into a deep sleep before taking off, and vaguely heard a little girl on the side of the aisle. I read Wang Anshi's "Yuan Ri", which is a poem about the Spring Festival. However, when the little girl asked her parents, she was told that Yuan Ri means New Year's Day. After questioning, it was probably her father's man's voice that explained it. The title of New Year's Day and Spring Festival.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and looked around, and saw a little girl about eight or nine years old sitting between her parents, reciting the song "Yuan Ri" again: "The sound of firecrackers kills one year old, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu. Thousands of families On the day of every day, the new peaches are always exchanged for the old talismans."

He soon fell asleep again, and in a drowsy state, he vaguely heard what Jiang Qianyu next to him was saying. Lin Xuan turned his head and saw Xu Qingru. She looked embarrassed, then shook her head, as if saying Lin Xuan couldn't hear what it was, but felt empty and uncomfortable in his heart. Walking on the street, he was still thinking about Xu Qingru shaking his head just now in his mind.

How could she refuse?

Obviously the relationship has always been very close, she has a good impression of him, this is by no means an illusion, I even prepared to give her something as a token of love, but was rejected.

she refused...

The ear-piercing sound of brakes suddenly rang in his ears, but Lin Xuan, who was dazed in a daze, could not wake up immediately. He only felt a strong force coming, his body was almost numb from the sudden pain, and his mind went blank. It seemed that he was flipping in the air, and when he looked back, he saw a somewhat familiar red supercar. The delicate and refined face of the girl who opened the door made him feel even more familiar, so it was even more shocking.

Lin Xuan's eyes widened, and many images flashed through his mind. He thought of the strange dream she had mentioned, and the car accident in his memory that caused the memories of the two lives to overlap... Before he could think about anything else , The boundless darkness struck, and he lost consciousness.

When he regained consciousness, he only felt dry mouth and a splitting headache. This was the aftereffect of a hangover, and he was used to it, but why did he feel that his body was also aching?

It seemed that he heard the sound of him waking up. Someone walked over beside the bed, and then a somewhat familiar voice asked with concern: "Are you awake?"

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, and saw that Jiang Qianyu, who had just hit him with a car, was walking to the head of the bed, staring at him with a pair of clear and bright eyes, which seemed a little strange, like a kind of scrutiny between strangers or unfamiliar people , Lin Xuan was about to speak, but seeing that her expression was not quite right, he asked a little strangely: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Qianyu seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said, "It's nothing, Mom and Dad won't be here until a while later."

The scene in front of me seemed familiar. It was a hospital ward. Lin Xuan hadn’t had time to remember why he felt familiar. The previous memories flooded into his mind, and he felt the condition of his body. It seemed that most of his body was in pain, but luckily he picked it up. a life.

"Didn't you say you would never drive in the future? Why did you hit me in the end?"

The beautiful face of the girl in front of her showed a bit of astonishment and doubt. She looked at Lin Xuan carefully, and after confirming that he was not joking, she asked, "You said I hit you?"

Lin Xuan felt a pain in his ribs, took a deep breath involuntarily, and said with a bitter face, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Qianyu looked at him with a puzzled face, Lin Xuan didn't know why, but also became a little confused, trying to think about what happened, his head seemed to explode, the severe pain made him almost faint, Jiang Qianyu was pained by him With a startled expression, he hurried up and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Xuan covered his head and screamed involuntarily, and subconsciously grasped the soft and tender palm. He heard "ah" in his ear, and a girl's voice called out, "what are you doing?"

The voice is delicate and crisp.

Very strange.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, and saw the girl in front of her with an oval face, willow brows and big eyes, pure and lovely, but she was naked, and her skin was white, which added a bit of charm to her. At this moment, she was lying on the soft and spacious bed, very is moving.

Lin Xuan stared at her for a long time before he found the relevant part from the memory he had almost forgotten. He turned his head and looked at it in disbelief, and saw that the layout of the room he was in was somewhat familiar, and there were two scattered on the floor beside the bed. People's clothes, especially the pink underwear thrown next to the small white suspender skirt, are very eye-catching.


It took Lin Xuan a long time to organize his words. He looked down at the girl who was clinging to him at some point and asked, "Why am I here..."

The girl glanced at him with her big clear eyes, and said a little coquettishly and charmingly: "Obviously you are the one who wants to come to live with me, so you don't want to admit it early in the morning?"

When she was speaking, her soft and tender body was already attached to Lin Xuan's body, her posture was extremely alluring, pure and charming coexisted, it did not violate harmony, but instead gave a contrasting stimulation.

Only then did Lin Xuan realize that she was the girl in his memory, but for some reason, her eyebrows looked a bit like Jing Yi, and the more she looked, the more she resembled her, especially the natural charm emanating from her bones, which was exactly the same. At this moment, she was naked, lying on the same bed with him, the sun was shining brightly outside the window, and the clothes were scattered on the ground. This situation and the situation lead to infinite reverie.

Why Jingyi?

This question flashed through Lin Xuan's mind, and in just an instant, he was interrupted by another thought that followed: Don't let Qianqian know, otherwise even if it is a dream, she will break three legs. This interrupting process may be quite evocative, I am looking forward to it...

"My name is Meng Jingli, not Jingyi! Also, who is Qianqian?"

The girl in his arms seemed a little angry. She leaned on his chest and took a bite. The pain made Lin Xuan gasp, and then a terrible thought occupied his mind: "If this is a dream, why do you feel the pain?"

"What dream? You haven't woken up yet, have you?"

The girl in his arms looked at him suspiciously, then pouted again, "What's the matter with you? If you really want... that... just promise you tonight, don't scare me!"

Lin Xuan looked at her in astonishment, then shook his head vigorously, and when he opened his eyes again, there was still this girl who was still called Meng Jingli for some reason but was more sexy and charming, and she had already sat up. , looked at him with some doubts and worries, and comforted him softly: "Okay, isn't it just a conflict with the club, anyway, you also have a guaranteed salary now, think of a way first and try again, or can you fight for the live broadcast , earn more money, the worst is to wait two years for the tide of Korean aid to pass, and then you will definitely be able to succeed with your talent..."

Probably to comfort him, when the girl spoke, she had already grabbed his hand and put it on her chest, and her body was pressed against her again, with a delicate voice, "Okay, it's early in the morning, don't think about it, it's a big deal I promised you what I said last night..."

Lin Xuan couldn't remember what he wanted to do to her last night, and he wasn't in the mood to think about it. He just wanted to find out what was going on, what about Qianqian?Didn't they celebrate the New Year together at grandma's house? Why did it suddenly become like this again?
"You are stupid, do you take your dream seriously?"

The girl said softly: "What's so shallow, I'm your girlfriend, you forgot what you said to me last night..."

She pressed against Lin Xuan's ear, exhaled like blue, and said softly and charmingly: "Okay, let's not talk about it, it's good, people want..."


"You said you wouldn't... I hate it to death... Scoundrel! Hooligan! Pervert! Shameless!"

"Why are you so annoying!"

"Are we really doing this right?"

"I don't resist."

"Wait for your triumph."

"To me... yes."

"Because... I rejected you before?"

"The watermelon is not big enough."

"You like your sister."

"I seem to... like you."

"...There must always be a child named Jiang."

The sound was cascading and turbulent, and the fog gradually dispersed. Lin Xuan opened his eyes again, and at some point in his sleep, he turned his head and leaned against the bed.

Beside him, Jiang Qianyu was sleeping soundly, and was placed in the middle under the seats of the two of them, her face pressed against the fence of the pet box, and she meowed softly at him.

Lin Xuan was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. After letting out a long breath, seeing that Dadai was still looking at him, he finally understood why Xiaonizi insisted on treating the nightmare as Dadai's manifestation.

Since the black cat can wake up the dream and warn, it means that it is really psychic and auspicious. If this is the case, then the things in the dream will not happen.

The so-called belief leads to spirit, which actually refers to a kind of beautiful wish, expectation and hard work.

"When the bad luck turned into good luck, the death became auspicious, and the hundred-year-old marriage case was raised. Qimei Baitou married the old Qinse and He Zao gave birth to a precious son..."

Lin Xuan murmured these beautiful original thoughts in his heart, turned his head to look at Jiang Qianyu, he was good-looking, the more he looked, the better he looked, he looked left and right, and saw that his parents were sitting in front, no one cared, so he walked over Xiao Nizi kissed once in front of her, and then kissed again.

The sleeping Jiang Qianyu probably sensed it, grunted twice, opened her eyes and looked at him in a daze, rolled her eyes coquettishly, and said in a low voice, "I hate it."

Then reached out and hugged him.

She probably hasn't woken up yet, Lin Xuan looked ahead vigilantly, and found that his parents didn't look back, so he held her hand and kissed her on the cheek again.

When Lin Xuan finished the kiss and looked up, he found that the little girl who was reciting the poem across the aisle had her eyes wide open and was staring at the two of them curiously. Seeing that Lin Xuan had spotted her, the little girl covered her face shyly , turn your back.

"What's the matter?" asked the little girl's mother.

The little girl stretched out one arm and pointed towards Lin Xuan, she seemed a little shy, covered her face with the other hand, and said childishly: "That brother is secretly kissing the beautiful sister who is sleeping."

Lin Xuan looked up at his parents sitting in the front row.

Jiang Qianyu quickly let go of her hand.

At the same time, Lin Yi, who was sitting in the front row playing Landlords on his mobile phone, turned around and looked.

Lin Xuan quickly closed his eyes, looking as if he was still sound asleep. Lin Yi glanced twice and didn't see the young couple behind him. It was a bit strange, but he glanced again, but still didn't see it. He probably thought he was still playing cards, so Turn your head and concentrate on playing cards, and stop paying attention to those boring things that you have and don't have.

When getting off the plane, Lin Yi kept looking back, Jiang Ya looked a little strange, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Lin Yi was also a little strange, and muttered: "I just heard from the little girl next to me that a brother secretly kissed a sister... Didn't you see how many young couples there are?"

There was indeed a young couple in the cabin of this flight, but sitting in the front row and sitting in the back really did not have any obvious qualifications.

Jiang Ya turned her head and glanced at Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu.

Jiang Qianyu looked at his father who was still looking for doubts in his heart, blinked in doubt, and showed a bit of curiosity just right.

Lin Xuan followed the stepmother's gaze and looked back.

 You people don't expect me to order well. For the New Year's Eve, what kind of incense will be served, and the rhythm will be messed up. I'm that kind of person, really...

(End of this chapter)

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