Chapter 629 [648] Blind Date

"Then you are hairy?"


"Can this be regarded as blessing news?"


"I'm curious how much money you have for the New Year's Eve?"

Lin Xuan just got into the car when he received Jiang Yingxue's message, and he didn't receive a reply until he got off the car. Naturally, he didn't feel lost because of this, but he was relieved - I swear with the dignity of a man, this is the same as the mobile phone in the small Nizi didn't have anything to do with it. Lin Xuan mainly felt that she was going to inherit tens of billions of property, and time was precious, so it would be a pity to waste it on him.

The person who drove to pick him up was his uncle Lin Zhi, who had just returned to his hometown during the summer vacation, so the goodbye this time was not as strange as it was at that time. Along the way, he asked and answered some things about Lin Xuan and the two at school. In the end of the game, Lin Yi complained and praised at one time, and first pushed the responsibility of his son's failure to go to school, and then showed off his current achievements.

After the car enters the village, it is inevitable to meet one or two acquaintances every few steps. Lin Yi and Lin Zhi rolled down the car windows to say hello, so Lin Xuan just played Xiao Nizi's cover of "The World" in the car. Then it floated out.

"There may not always be a beautiful sky after the storm"

"If it's not sunny, there must be a rainbow"

"So just because you look innocent doesn't mean you're ignorant"

"Not all relationships have a beginning and an end"


The car stopped in front of the old courtyard where the two elderly people lived. This was the place where Lin Yi and Fang Jingyue got married, and where Lin Xuan's first memories of life were held.There has hardly been any repairs in these years, and it looks a bit dilapidated, but it is more spacious. Grandma will plant a few rows of melons, fruits and vegetables in the courtyard every year. At this time, everything is withered in the cold winter, and the courtyard door is wide open, and there is no summer. Lush and luxuriant, one desolate.

As soon as the car leaned halfway in, I heard Xiao Linxin yelling, "Come on, grandpa! My father is back with Big Daddy and Miss Qianqian—"

On the first day of the new year, Uncle Lin Yong brought his son Lin Jin to his hometown to pay New Year's greetings as in previous years. At this time, it was approaching noon, and he had already visited various houses to pay New Year's greetings, but he was not here, because there would be one of his peers on the first day of the new year every year. Hosting a treat, Lin Zhi went to pick him up, but Lin Yong had already been invited to the home of the clan brother who was supposed to treat this year.Lin Jin was chatting with his grandfather in the house, when he heard Lin Xin's shout, he rushed out to greet him.

The aunt and grandma who were cooking in the kitchen also came out one after another. After a few pleasantries, Jiang Ya went to help cook. Lin Zhi and Lin Yi were also urged to drink by the phone. Lin Xuan and Xiao Nizi sat in the room with the old man and Tang Brother chatting, just like the situation when we met my uncle Lin Zhi just now. This time, whether it is the old man or cousin Lin Jin, when we get along again, they will be more warm and familiar than during the summer vacation, and less unfamiliar and embarrassing. .

The last time I came was midsummer, the temperature difference between Yicheng and my hometown was limited, but not in winter, especially when Lin Xuan and the others came from Rongcheng, people wearing only one coat could be seen everywhere on the street, but when we arrived at our hometown, the temperature was low Ten degrees below zero—Lin Xuan always felt that it was quite embarrassing here in his hometown, because it was not so cold from here to the south, and there was heating from here to the north, so it was not embarrassing or embarrassing to freeze to death in the middle.

Lin Xuan wrapped himself in a down jacket. After sitting for a while, his feet still felt cold, so he got up and walked a few steps in the yard, looking at the Spring Festival couplets posted everywhere.Now all over the country, no matter what the customs are, Spring Festival couplets are basically bought, and Lin Xuan's hometown is the same, but his family has always been written by uncle Lin Yong, and even many acquaintances in the town ask him to write.

Lin Xuan couldn't tell whether the calligraphy was good or bad, so he only read the contents. Seeing that most of them were auspicious words and nothing new, he didn't read much. He asked Xiao Nizi to go into the kitchen to help light the fire—he was responsible for adding firewood to the fire. , Xiao Nizi is responsible for handing firewood to warm the fire, and cooperates with each other tacitly. From time to time, when my mother and aunt and grandma gossip about their parents, they will chime in.

After a short meeting, Lin Jin came in. Seeing that the space inside was really limited, she said a few words, and then went back to the house to accompany her grandfather. Xiao Lin Xin came twice a while, and Lin Yan talked to the village in the early morning. The acquainted children of the same age ran around and set off cannons, fully enjoying the festive joy and creating a festive atmosphere for others. Then they came back covering their blue face with frozen trotter-like palms, and greeted Lin Xuan while sniffing their noses. , Before I finished speaking, I was scolded by my aunt for a while.

Jiang Ya smiled and rounded up Lin Yan, but in the end, her aunt complained more, saying that Lin Yan didn't study hard, was not obedient, and didn't know who she had learned to speak badly from recently, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter how much she scolded , Jiang Ya smiled and persuaded, then scolded Lin Xuan, telling him to add less firewood.

The fire was already burning, and it was very comfortable to sit in front of the stove. Lin Xuan replied to some classmates and friends who sent blessings privately, and some would chat for a while. I couldn't help laughing out loud. For example, coach Zhang San said that he was so urged by his family to get married that he simply told his parents that he liked men, but unexpectedly his mother was even more ruthless, saying: "Men all like young men. Then you have to hurry up."

Seeing the two of them laughing happily, my aunt asked what was the matter. Naturally, Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu couldn't tell her this, so they had to keep their mouths shut. Lin Xuan quickly changed the subject. Probably because he thought he was flirting with Xiao Nizi, so he couldn't help but feel a little wronged.

Jiang Ya is very good at cooking, and Lin Xuan has gotten used to her cooking over the years, but when he returns to the place where he remembers the first place, eating the dumpling food that tastes familiar, he feels somewhat strange in his heart.

Jiang Qianyu was not used to the food at home, but ate a big bowl of dumplings dipped in vinegar and garlic. After the meal, he hiccupped in a very inconspicuous manner. Others were far away and didn't notice it. Lin Xuan turned his head and looked over. Xiao Nizi rolled her eyes and exhaled at him, a smell of garlic hit her face.Lin Xuan lowered his voice and said with a smile, "Be careful that you will keep farting."

Jiang Qianyu stepped on him shamefully and angrily, and said angrily, "You're the one who farts."

Jiang Ya who was next to him came over and glanced at the two of them. Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu immediately sat upright, one took the phone to answer the message, and the other continued to eat. The old man next to him looked at the family of three with a smile, and there was a slight smile on his old face.

After eating, Xiao Nizi behaved well in front of people as always, Lin Xuan held hot water to watch her pretending to help pack things, and then showed a slightly shy sweet smile when her aunt praised her, and felt There is a sense of pride in bringing back a beautiful daughter-in-law to see her being popular at home.

After tidying up, the adults chatted. Lin Xuan and the others had nothing to do. Under Lin Jin's suggestion, Lin Yan, Lin Xuan and the others played cards. He doesn't play, but knows a little bit, just watching with a smile on the side, Xiao Lin Xin also joins in the fun, and from time to time follows Lin Xuan and the others to help sign up for his favorite sister Qian Qian. After all, Lin Yan is still young, so it is easy to be serious. The siblings almost didn't fight over it.

Aunt said that Lin Yan didn’t know who he learned from at school, and he probably had been rectified many times. He didn’t feel much of it when he was eating and chatting. When he started playing cards, he probably had fun, so he didn’t pay much attention to it. Swear words are always coming out subconsciously.

When her aunt was not there, Jiang Qianyu acted like she was a sister-in-law or a cousin and scolded him a few words. Lin Yan had a cowardly temper and would argue with her mother, but she was only reprimanded by Xiao Nizi. I said I was wrong, I was wrong, but within 2 minutes of admitting my mistake, a good deck of cards was smashed, so I said without going through my brain: "This is too many..." Then I probably reacted, Quickly glanced at Jiang Qianyu, seeing Jiang Qianyu glaring at him, without a pause in his voice, he sang along, "...Gua Lianhuan Zhang——"

A group of people almost laughed crazy.

After having fun, he didn't notice the passage of time. Half the afternoon passed quickly, and Lin Yicai came back smelling of alcohol, saying that Lin Yong and Lin Zhi were playing cards there, so he came back first.He obviously drank a lot of wine, and asked Jiang Ya shamelessly in Jiang Jingbai's style if he was a good man from the Gu family. Jiang Ya rolled her eyes and ignored him, and Jiang Qianyu responded with a smile: "Yes!"

All the men in the family love to play cards from the old man down. Lin Yong doesn't play very much on weekdays. He only plays a few games when he returns to his hometown, so he knows how to cherish it. When he comes back in the evening, the family is already cooking dinner. It was already dusk, he was in a hurry to go back, and regardless of everyone's persuasion, he went back to town with Lin Jin.

When it was time to eat dinner, Jiang Ya's cell phone rang suddenly. She was in the kitchen. Jiang Qianyu took the cell phone and sent it over. After checking the caller ID number, her expression seemed a little strange. When Lin Xuan waited for Jiang Ya to go out to answer the phone, Somewhat strangely asked Xiaonizi: "Who is calling?"

"Unknown number."

Jiang Qianyu shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "The beginning is 001."

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was the international prefix for North America in the international telephone area code, indicating that the call was made from North America.

Jiang Ya came back after a short meeting, and Lin Yi asked, "Who is calling at this time?"

Jiang Ya sat down next to him, put her mobile phone on the table casually, and said: "A friend from North America said that he came to China on a business trip. He wanted to meet up and asked if there was time. We are in this hour and a half If I can’t go back again, I will refuse.”

Lin Yi asked again: "What do you do?"

"I used to be a fashion model, but I heard that I changed careers after I divorced my husband. I haven't had much contact with her in the past few years. Who knows what I'm doing now."

Jiang Ya's answer was light and watertight, and she tactfully revealed the other party's female identity. Lin Yi didn't ask any more questions, but the old man said that if there was something to do, he could go back first. Jiang Ya naturally said that there was no need, so the matter was exposed.

Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu didn't know whether what Jiang Ya said was true, and naturally there was no way to verify this matter, so let's let it go.

Over the years, Lin Yi and Jiang Ya have some contacts and relationships in Yicheng that need to be maintained, so it is impossible for those who celebrate the Chinese New Year to stay in their hometown all the time. In the evening, he returned to his home after a long absence. Lin Yi received a call from Chen Yuan's father before he finished packing his luggage, asking his family to have dinner.

Just after Lin Xuan was confirmed that he would go with Xiao Nizi as a guest, he received a call from Chen Yuan, saying that he had invited Liu Handong and Yi Shui Cang to get together alone. Lin Xuan struggled for a while , and then made a very difficult decision, telling Xiao Nizi that she can only accompany her parents to the past.

Jiang Qianyu ignored him until he went out.

Lin Xuan was not worried that she would be really angry. After talking to his parents, he went out first. A few days after he separated from Liu Handong, Yi Shuicang and Chen Yuan hadn't seen each other for a long time. There was no thrilling event in the game, and even if I publish an autobiography in the future, it will probably not take much space, but there is still a revolutionary friendship. When we meet again, we are still enthusiastic about each other. Yi Shuicang and Chen Yuan probably thought that Liu Handong had gone to Sky to play professionally. On the one hand, his development prospects were good, and on the other hand, his relationship with Jiang Qianyu was probably hopeful. Besides, he didn't even meet each other a few times, so how could he be regarded as close to the water.

Lin Xuan didn't speak, but raised his glass to clink with him. Chen Yuan and Yi Shui Cang saw that something was wrong, so they toasted and changed the subject.

While drinking, Lin Xuan suddenly received a message from Xiao Nizi. After reading it, he almost couldn't hold back and smashed the wine glass on the face of Chen Yuan next to him:
"Uncle Chen said he would introduce me to a blind date."

Subject three failed.

So I originally wrote [-] words, cut it in half after editing, and see how to fix it tomorrow, first chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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