Chapter 635 [655] I want to marry her

Jiang Qianyu had already spoken, and Lin Xuan no longer pretended not to hear it. It is better to choose to die with dignity in a situation where death is inevitable, and replied: "Mom told us to go back."

Although Xiao Nizi has made up her mind to cook rice and show her attitude to her parents, it does not mean that she can face her parents calmly, especially now that she is in the same bed with Lin Xuan. The phone call from my mother woke me up instantly, my eyes widened, and I stared at Lin Xuan, as if hoping that he was joking with me.

Lin Xuan said: "Mom, we'll go back right away, don't worry."

Jiang Ya was silent for two or three seconds before she said "um" and hung up the phone.

Before Lin Xuan put down the phone, Xiao Nizi quickly snatched it over, glanced at the call log, raised her head to look at Lin Xuan, pursed her mouth, and didn't know whether she was angry or wronged, "It's really mom ah?"

Lin Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "No, actually I called my mother as a note to others."


Jiang Qianyu slapped him angrily, lying there, looking at him with wide eyes, "Then what should we do now?"

"Go back."

Lin Xuan hugged her and kissed her hard, reached for the clothes, Xiao Nizi let him put on the clothes again, turned around not to look at her, and then put on the coat herself.

Lin Xuan couldn't understand the difference, but it was more than shy, because he didn't remember where he heard a fallacy, saying that when a woman doesn't shy away from a man's undressing and dressing, then losing him is not far away. This is obviously nonsense. He wished he could watch Xiao Nizi take off her clothes every day. As for putting on clothes, although he would also like to watch them, but his expectations were far less than the former—compared to what had already happened, people obviously expected more Beautiful things that happen, human nature, men and women alike.

After getting dressed and getting ready to go out with the room card, Xiao Nizi reminded: "See if you have pulled anything down."

Lin Xuan said: "Yes."

Jiang Qianyu stretched his head and looked around the bed, "What?"

Lin Xuan looked at her quietly and said: "The dignity of a man."


Jiang Qianyu slapped him with a blushing face, hugged his arm, and closed the door. The corridor was empty and there was no one else. Lin Xuan leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. Before taking two steps, he couldn't help but kiss her again. A kiss on the lips, Jiang Qianyu said angrily: "Okay, is it over yet?"

"No! Liu Xiahui is done pretending, why don't you allow me to charge some interest?"

"Hmph, you deserve it! No one is forcing you to pretend."

As the elevator descended slowly, Lin Xuan suddenly remembered something and asked, "Do you remember what time we came here?"

Jiang Qianyu thought for a while, then shook her head, "I don't remember, what's wrong?"

When Lin Xuan came here, he didn't care about what time it was. He didn't remember at all. He tried to think back for a long time, but he didn't have any impression. He continued to ask: "Then how long did it take us from entering the room to leaving?"

"do not know."

Xiao Nizi blinked her eyes, saw that he looked distressed, and asked in doubt: "What's the matter?"

Lin Xuan estimated the time and said, "It should be more than an hour, it's not embarrassing."


Jiang Qianyu looked at him inexplicably, not knowing what he was talking about at all, Lin Xuan chuckled and leaned into her ear to explain, Xiao Nizi smiled shyly, slapped him on the arm, rolled her eyes annoyed Said: "It's boring to death!"

When I went to the downstairs lobby to check out, there were still the two front desk ladies. I guess it was a bit strange, but they were very professional, and they didn't show any strange expressions on their faces. When they parted, they still didn't forget to say: "Welcome next time. Come again."

The thick snow reflected the stars and lights, making the late night look like dawn. The two walked home through the snow holding hands. Xiao Nizi didn't seem to worry about what might happen next, but was very happy He looked like he was walking, he jumped up and down from time to time, and then he hugged Lin Xuan's arm and said sweetly: "You read that passage again."

"Which sentence?"

"I'm the only one who is stunning."

Lin Xuan was a little funny, scratched the bridge of her nose and said with a smile: "Don't tamper with it, that's the third kind of beauty."

Jiang Qianyu snorted softly: "I don't care, I don't want to be the third type, and this is what you said? Don't you want to admit it now?"

Lin Xuan looked at the long street covered with snow and the vast night sky in front of him, holding her hand and raised his voice: "If it is the first snowfall and the full moon is in the sky, there will be bright shadows on the bottom and bright silver on the top." , and you walked towards me with a smile, between the moonlight and the snow, you are the only beauty."

"You mispronounced a word."

"The step is too awkward, and the homonym is not good... Actually, I originally wanted to change the full moon into a galaxy, but it doesn't match the following scene."

"It's okay, you can read it to me again when there is a moon next time."

"it is good."

"How can I tell my mother later?"

"Just say what you ask."

"If Mom asks why we went?"

"Open the room."


Jiang Qianyu let go of his hand, bent down and grabbed a ball of snow from the coral tree by the roadside, and threw it at his neck. Lin Xuan waved his hand to block it, and the snow ball shattered, splashing all over her face and body, lifting the stone The little girl who smashed her own foot was not willing to give up, she grabbed another ball of snow and yelled for revenge, Lin Xuan ran away.Xiao Nizi chased and smashed several balls of snow but failed to hit the vital point, so she pretended: "Don't run! Do you hear me? Let me smash it."

Lin Xuan stopped five meters away, and smiled helplessly: "How could you be so shameless? You were the one who hit me from the beginning to the end."

Jiang Qianyu grabbed a snow ball and said: "I don't care, you have to let me smash it, otherwise I will be unhappy, the kind that can't be coaxed well... will you let me smash it?"


Lin Xuan bent down quickly, grabbed a ball of snow, squeezed it tightly and threw it over. Xiao Nizi raised her arms and was standing there aiming, when he hit her forehead with a "bang", and angrily threw the snow ball in his hand towards him. Throwing it on him, Lin Xuan laughed wildly and continued to run. Xiao Nizi didn't even wipe off the snow on her face, so she shouted angrily "ahhh" and continued to chase, "Lin Xuan, get out of here ! I want to break up with you!!"

Lin Xuan was finally caught up by her, and the little girl who was about to be pissed couldn't help but grab the snowball that was about to be warmed by her and stuff it into his neck. Lin Xuan screamed strangely and grabbed her hand, Still unable to escape the catastrophe, the half-melted snowball was even colder, and he was jumping up and down like a monkey in the ice, Jiang Qianyu was relieved, "Humph! Humph! Humph!" three times, very proud, "You run? You run—why don't you run?"

Lin Xuan said angrily: "I feel sorry for my daughter-in-law, can't I?"

"Hmph, you are not worthy of having a wife!"

"Well, if you don't deserve to have a daughter-in-law, then you can live with a little ancestor."

Lin Xuan grabbed her cold little hand and put it in his arms to cover it. Jiang Qianyu pouted her small mouth with a cute expression on your face. Lin Xuan helped her cover it for a while, said "Okay", and then put his hand away She stretched out her chest, Xiao Nizi was startled, took a step back, blushed and said angrily, "What are you doing? Shameless! Smelly rascal!"

"You don't know how to reciprocate, it's up to you to warm my hands now."

"Are you shameless? It's necrotic!"

"I just want a daughter-in-law, shameless."

"Hmph, without a daughter-in-law, didn't you say you lived with your little ancestor?"

"Being a little ancestor offering during the day, and being a daughter-in-law at night, but it's hard to say, most of the time I have to use it during the day... Hey, what are you doing? You murdered your husband!"

Jiang Qianyu was ashamed and angry, grabbed a snow ball with each hand and continued to chase him. After a long time, she was already close to the neighborhood when she stopped. Both of them were panting. My son will be misunderstood by his mother if he goes up like this.

After getting out of the elevator and reaching the door of the house, Lin Xuan took the key and opened the door, motioning for Xiao Nizi to go in first, she went to hide behind him, Lin Xuan was a little helpless, took two deep breaths, and then walked in without hesitation. The door of the house, looking around, looking cautiously like a thief entering the door for the first time, the little girl behind him is pulling a corner of his sleeve, with the same expression.

The living room was lit, but there was no one there. Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he came in after changing his shoes, he saw Jiang Ya walking out of the bedroom. Looking at the two of them calmly, Lin Xuan yelled in embarrassment. "Mom..." Xiao Nizi lowered her head and did not speak, as if she had done something wrong when she was a child, but quietly stretched out her hand, holding Lin Xuan's clothes tightly and not letting go.

Jiang Ya sighed, walked to the sofa and sat down, Lin Xuan then sat down, Jiang Qianyu also sat down beside him like a little tail, Jiang Ya stared at her with piercing eyes, still holding Lin Xuan The hand in the clothes frowned and said, "Did you come to spread dog food at home?"

No matter how thick-skinned Lin Xuan was, he still felt that his face was a little hot, and Xiao Nizi's face was flushed with embarrassment. The courage that had been so easily pumped up disappeared in an instant, and she quickly withdrew her hands and sat there not daring to move.

Jiang Ya didn't mention this matter anymore, looking at Lin Xuan, she seemed to hesitate for a while, and then asked softly, "Is your mother really in Hangzhou?"

Jiang Qianyu raised his head to look at his mother, while Lin Xuan nodded calmly and said "Yes".

Jiang Ya asked again: "Then have you seen her?"

Lin Xuan nodded again, hesitated for a moment, and explained: "I never thought about seeing her..." After a pause, he smiled wryly, and continued: "But I didn't expect such a coincidence, our counselor and her My current husband seems to be a relative, but when I was in military training at school, I happened to apply for a vacation because of playing games, and their family seemed to be going to Xida University to play, so I bumped into her."

Jiang Ya nodded, and asked again: "A family?"

Lin Xuan said "Yes", "Now I have a daughter."

Jiang Qianyu glanced at his mother, and added cautiously: "And what's more coincidental, when my brother and I were playing games with Lin Xuan, I met that Ni Chang and made friends. Later, there was a concert , I ran into her and... that aunt again."

Jiang Ya stared at her and said: "It seems that you have a lot of activities in normal times, and you still go to the concert together?"

Xiao Nizi pouted her lips, looked at her mother aggrievedly, and stopped talking.

Jiang Ya continued to ask: "Then...does she recognize you?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

Jiang Ya also nodded, and sighed: "After all, it's my son..." I didn't know what to think of, and seemed to be a little lost, and then said after a while: "Then... what do you think? Well, about this matter , did she say anything to you?"

Lin Xuan shook his head, "When we met, I didn't show that I recognized her..." He hesitated slightly, and smiled wryly, "I guess she didn't pretend much, but she was probably enough for her to understand that I didn't intend to recognize her, and didn't say anything. By the way, her husband called me once."

Jiang Ya nodded slowly, and sighed: "She has her sufferings, you...don't blame her too much."

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, I'm not that selfish, I don't blame her for a long time, she is living a good life now, so it's good."

Jiang Ya nodded and didn't speak, Jiang Qianyu came over again and said, "When her husband called, brother Lin... just told him directly." She imitated Lin Xuan's indifferent tone at that time and said, "I'm sorry, why don't you call me?" Wrong, my name is Jiang Jingbai, I don’t know anything..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Ya glanced at her, and Xiao Nizi's voice immediately quieted down, but she still pouted her mouth and muttered to finish: "...what Lin Xuan, my mother's name is Jiang Ya...he was Said so."

Jiang Ya glared at her and said, "What Jiang Jingbai? Calling Lin Xuan means Lin Xuan, what kind of nonsense names are used?"

Xiao Nizi didn't dare to speak anymore, Jiang Ya turned her head to look at Lin Xuan, and asked, "How did you know she was in Hangzhou?"

Lin Xuan said: "That aunt also told me."

Jiang Ya nodded, and did not deny Lin Xuan's word Ye, which probably confirmed Lin Xuan's conjecture that Dad probably learned about it from that aunt or her husband while drinking in his hometown.

Jiang Qianyu looked at Lin Xuan with some strange eyes. She remembered very clearly about going back to her hometown during the summer vacation. That aunt did not tell Lin Xuan about it. On the contrary, Lin Xuan knew that the aunt had always been in touch with his mother, but She didn't say that.

After Jiang Ya was silent for a while, she said: "Your father's temperament has changed some over the years, and some have not changed. At this age, it is not easy to get rid of all the bad habits. Take a step back and talk..." She hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't say what she had to say, but said: "You have been very sensible in the past half a year, so don't worry too much about him sometimes, especially when you are drunk Down."

Lin Xuan didn't know that her stepmother didn't know the truth about her father's so-called drunkenness, but she expected that with her intelligence and carefulness, it was impossible for her husband and wife not to notice it for so many years. Hearing what she said, it was probably out of understanding, or It is a clear mind, and the so-called understanding, in fact, sometimes, it is rare to be confused, and does not intend to compare this truth with Lin Yi.

He nodded and said, "Mom, don't worry, I understand."

Jiang Ya said "um", paused, sighed, and asked again: "What about your affairs?"

Speaking of this matter, Xiao Nizi didn't even dare to look at her mother, Lin Xuan lost the composure just now, but he still calmed down and said: "Mom, I understand your thoughts and worries of my father, But...we know what we are doing. After so many years, you should know that the two of us have never really treated each other as brothers or sisters, so our current relationship is pure, between a man and a "

A person's aura stems from the strength of the heart. Jiang Ya is not angry or angry, and the pressure she brings to Lin Xuan is far stronger than when Lin Yi was making a fuss before, especially when she has both With the dual identities of "loving mother" and "mother-in-law", it is really not easy for Lin Xuan to confess this paragraph, and he almost couldn't say it several times.

Jiang Ya looked at him silently, Lin Xuan gritted his teeth, and continued: "I regard you as my own mother. Over the years, you have also been my mother, but I have never regarded Qianqian as my younger sister, not before, and in the future No. I like Qianqian, I like her very much, I want to marry her, and treat her well for the rest of my life. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. If you are angry, want to beat, scold, or punish you, I will admit it. I just beg you understand."

As he said, he got up and left the sofa and knelt down in front of Jiang Ya. Jiang Qianyu couldn't stop crying, holding Lin Xuan's hand, knelt down as well, and called out: "Mom..." He choked and couldn't make a sound.

 With arms akimbo, I begged for votes confidently!
(End of this chapter)

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