Chapter 637 [657] Talking in sleep (repair)

Regarding Lin Yi's matter, Lin Xuan actually didn't intend to tell Xiao Nizi at first, it was out of a way of maintaining Lin Yi's image in her heart, even if she just said it, she actually had a lot of reservations Yes, taboo for His Holiness.For example, what he originally wanted to ask was: "In the past few years, have you ever seen Dad lose his temper with outsiders because of something, or have he fought hard?" But he didn't say this in the end.However, with Xiao Nizi's intelligence, Lin Xuan felt that these words were enough to make her realize some problems, but...he didn't expect Xiao Nizi to pay attention to his father's character flaws, but his attitude towards him.

It is not difficult to understand after thinking about it. First of all, there is not much difference in the nature of human beings. Kindness, cruelty, selfishness, cold-bloodedness, compassion, bravery, cowardice... The beauty and badness of human nature are all rooted in the depths of everyone's soul, and everyone has evil. Well, everyone has a kind heart, the difference is only a few centimeters, but it is this little difference, after the magnification of personal behavior and specific events, there will be a difference between heaven and earth.As the saying goes, people's hearts can be seen with time, but many times, it is difficult to see people's hearts with time. Some people can't share wealth, and some people can't share adversity. Without ups and downs, how can we see a person's true quality?
Testing human nature is a very stupid thing, and so are credulity and judgment.

Lin Xuan found that he seemed to be making such stupid mistakes during this time, because the impression of his previous life was too deep, so when Lin Yi said that he blamed his stepmother, he remembered his cowardice when he got involved with outsiders. When he didn't want to play professionally by himself but finally let it go, he remembered that he was doing nothing in the face of anything. When he saw with his own eyes that he was intimate with Xiao Nizi but chose to pretend to be drunk to escape, he remembered that he had borrowed drunk countless times. Paralyzed and escaping, when he was drunk, cursing and throwing things, he could only see a weak and incompetent child-like soul. Adults should know how to stop losses and recover, not just lose their temper and push things in a worse direction... …

Lin Xuan knew that if he was in the same situation in his previous life, Lin Yi's choices and behaviors would not change much. He was like this by nature, and he didn't have the consciousness to change, because he probably never realized his various flaws, but some After all, the matter never happened. It is somewhat unfair to look at Lin Yi from the perspective of the previous life.

Most importantly, those things don't happen in this world.

Living in the present, rolling in the world of mortals, it is difficult for us to pursue pure things in life. It does not mean that pure is necessarily good, and knowing is not necessarily better than being confused.

This brings me back to the topic of not testing human nature. Human nature cannot stand the test. This failure is not due to the fact that human nature is good and evil at first, but the consequences of the test, whether it is a girl facing a flirtatious boyfriend, or a husband facing infidelity The cruelty of his wife is unbearable, and it is difficult to face it with the usual mentality.

Lin Xuan is equivalent to passing a failed test, and needs to treat the original person with the original mentality. Fortunately, the child faces the cowardly father, and his cruelty is slightly weaker. Gradually mature, after realizing the fact that no one is perfect, Lin Xuan has been able to maintain an understanding mentality.

This is already rare.

But from Jiang Qianyu's perspective, Lin Xuan's behavior is still weird.

Teenagers and girls in this age group, even if their personalities are precocious, have not really entered into life independently to work hard after all. They can truly break free from the shackles of seniority and age, and judge and look at the strengths and weaknesses of the characters close to the elders with an equal attitude. After all, it is a minority. Lin Xuan's words just now seemed somewhat weird to Xiao Nizi, just like she asked, were you paying attention to these at the time?

Generally speaking, Lin Yi in this world is still a good father. In fact, even in his previous life, he still worked very hard to be a good father. From his understanding, a good father is to work hard to make more money, because Lack of emotional intelligence, he is not good at expressing his love, so the way of father's love is basically to satisfy his son's requirements as much as possible, even if he uses his own food money to let him skip class and play games...

Ignorance is not a mistake, it is the biggest mistake.

Lin Xuan could only comfort himself by saying that such a thing would never happen in this world. He had no way to explain his psychological process to Xiao Nizi, because it would most likely scare her, and there might even be worse After being silent for a long time, he took Jiang Qianyu into his arms and did not answer her question.

Xiao Nizi probably attributed the reason to the divorce. Seeing that Lin Xuan was in a bad mood, she thoughtfully didn't ask any further questions. She put her arms around him, tried to make her voice lighter, and asked, "What do you mean?" Yes, even if Dad objects, there won’t be any substantial action to stop it, right?”

According to Lin Xuan's original intention, in fact, Lin Yi couldn't do anything substantial to stop him. This is why he has always regarded Jiang Ya as the biggest stopping force between the two, but such words are too cruel for a father. , Xiao Nizi's statement is more euphemistic.

Lin Xuan said "um", and Jiang Qianyu said again: "Then it should be all right, I don't think my mother has much objection."

Lin Xuan said: "Did you forget what she said last time? Does she seem to have no objection? If it weren't for the deep affection and unswerving determination between the two of us, civil strife would have already occurred."

Jiang Qianyu looked up at him, then buried her face in his arms again, and said angrily, "Are you ashamed?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "To be honest, what's there to be ashamed of?"

Jiang Qianyu didn't speak, Lin Xuan hugged her and softly called "Qianqian", Xiao Nizi gave a low "um", Lin Xuan leaned into her ear and said slowly: "I like you so much."


After Xiao Nizi responded, she paused, and then added softly, "Me too."

Lin Xuan asked again: "Then are you willing to marry me?"

Jiang Qianyu looked up at him, then lay down again, humming, "I don't want to."


"You didn't propose, why should I?"

"I just said in front of my mother that I married you, okay?"

"You were going to marry me."

"You were going to marry me too."

"That's in the future, not now. When you propose, I'll be more willing."

Lin Xuan laughed and said, "Are you afraid that I'm not afraid? But it doesn't make any difference whether you are like this or not."

Xiao Nizi snorted, Lin Xuan smiled and stopped talking. After a while, Jiang Qianyu said: "You should go to bed."

Lin Xuan asked with a smile, "Are you sleepy?"

Jiang Qianyu nodded.

"Then why don't you just say no?"

"I'm afraid you're thinking about it."

Lin Xuan kissed her on the cheek, and then on the lips, then let go of her, stood up and said, "Go to sleep, it's fine, don't worry."

After washing, Lin Xuan returned to his room, and just as he undressed and lay down, he received a message from Xiao Nizi: "Have you finished washing?"

After Lin Xuan went back, she quickly called. Lin Xuan turned off the light and said with some amusement, "What's the matter, aren't you sleepy?"

Jiang Qianyu said sullenly, "I can't sleep."

Lin Xuan turned on the external voice, put the phone beside the pillow, and said with a smile, "Are you still worried?"


Lin Xuan teased: "Then why don't I cook you up now?"

Jiang Qianyu said angrily: "I hate it!" Then said: "Can you sing for me?"

Lin Xuan said: "I can only sing Shibamo."

Jiang Qianyu asked curiously, "What is Eighteen Touches?"

The traditional folk tune Shibamo has long been lost, and now various versions are flying all over the place. Lin Xuan coughed, cleared his throat, tried to search for the few words in his memory, and sang together.

Jiang Qianyu laughed shyly and called to stop repeatedly, but Lin Xuan was not willing to sing, and continued singing endlessly and out of tune.

"What the hell?"

Jiang Qianyu laughed so hard on the bed next door that tears came out. Lin Xuan didn't feel ashamed at all, and continued to sing there.

The light in the living room outside the door was suddenly turned on. Lin Yi, who had already taken a nap, was wearing pajamas and walked to the water dispenser with a cup in his hand. When he was about to receive the water, he suddenly paused, his hazy eyes seemed to His eyes became much clearer, he quietly walked a few steps to the door of Lin Xuan's room, stood there listening for a few seconds, seemed to hesitate for a while, then came back to get the water, and went back to the room lightly, The lights were not turned off.

After a while, Jiang Ya came out on tiptoe, stood in the living room and listened carefully for a while, then walked cautiously to Lin Xuan's door, just as she heard the howling inside, her face turned dark all of a sudden.

She raised her hand, her face turning green and gloomy, but she still didn't knock on it, and walked to the door of Jiang Qianyu's room. She heard a laugh like a pig's cry inside, and her face eased a little, and she heard Lin Xuan's room again. Lin Xuan's voice came faintly from inside.

Jiang Ya finally couldn't bear it anymore and walked to the door of Lin Xuan's room in two or three steps, knocked hard twice, and reprimanded: "Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?"

The howling of wolves and the howling of pigs disappeared at the same time, and everything was completely silent.

After a few seconds, Lin Xuan's stuttering voice came from the door: "Mom... that, that... I was talking in my sleep..."

"go to bed!"

"Oh, oh, sleep now, sleep now."

There was no sound outside the room, and after a while, Lin Xuan still didn't dare to make a sound, and Xiao Nizi's voice like a thief came from the phone: "Mom, are you leaving?"

The door was closed tightly, but Lin Xuan couldn't help but glance at the door when he heard the words, as if he was afraid that his stepmother would suddenly appear, "Should we go... right?"

Jiang Qianyu said angrily: "Let you sing nonsense, now it's all right?"

Lin Xuan said: "I sang it for you, okay, the ghost knows Mom is still asleep?"

Jiang Qianyu hummed: "It's just shameless, singing this kind of..."

Lin Xuan said: "This is a minor tune, folk art."

Xiao Nizi snorted, "Go and talk to your parents about science tomorrow."

Lin Xuan lay powerlessly on the bed and said, "I'm ashamed to face people."

Xiao Nizi giggled gleefully, and said, "Okay, anyway, you don't even let your sister go, and you don't have much image at all, go to bed quickly, good night."

Lin Xuan shouted: "No, I sang, but you haven't sung yet."

"I didn't say I was going to sing."

"No, I can't sleep if you don't sing, I need singing to heal the wound in my heart."


Xiao Nizi responded crisply, paused, and sang slowly and softly. The already clear and melodious voice was soft and melodious, which was very attractive, "Come on~ be happy~ Anyway, there is a lot of time ..."

Lin Xuan shouted: "Mom, come quickly! Qianqian has also started talking in her sleep!"

Some content is illegal and has been fixed, it may seem a little unsmooth, sorry.The unrevised version is in the subscription group.

(End of this chapter)

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