Chapter 644 [664] Day and night

"Where is the person?" Jiang Ya's voice came from Lin Xuan's room.

Jiang Qianyu hurriedly grabbed the mop, but she couldn't hold it firmly, and it hit the floor with a "bang". With a "ah", she quickly bent down to pick it up, and at the same time urged in a low voice, "Hurry up."

Lin Xuan was a little guilty, but he couldn't hide from this matter, so he walked to the door of the room with his backpack and pillows, leaned his upper body forward, and carefully peeked inside. He took two deep breaths, calmed his beating heart, walked in, and called out cautiously: "Mom."

Jiang Ya glanced back at him, Lin Xuan wanted to calm down, but she still couldn't control it, and involuntarily showed a timid smile. Fortunately, Jiang Ya didn't say anything, and turned around to continue tidying the sheets.Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief, put down his pillow and backpack, and subconsciously wanted to slip away, but felt that this was too irresponsible, so he stood there stiffly, waiting to be punished.

Jiang Ya made the mattress, turned around and saw Lin Xuan still standing there, sighed, and said, "Okay, you go out first, and ask Qianqian to come over."

This sigh is more important than too many words of blame. Lin Xuan couldn't help but secretly grateful, and at the same time felt a little guilty. He wanted to explain, but then thought that Xiao Nizi would definitely explain later, so there was not much Say something, answered, turned around and walked out of the room, feeling like elementary school students who took turns entering the head teacher's office to be scolded.

Jiang Qianyu was bending over and mopping the floor very hard, but she was obviously paying attention to the movement here all the time. When she saw Lin Xuan coming out, she asked with her eyes. Lin Xuan walked over and took the mop, and said, "Let me mop it. , Mom told you to go in."

Xiao Nizi bit her head like a rattle, hugged the mop tightly and said, "I won't go, I want you to go."

Lin Xuan couldn't laugh or cry and said: "I just came out, hurry up, Mom is waiting."

Jiang Qianyu still held the mop tightly and let go of Buken, and at the same time looked at him with those big watery eyes, and said pitifully: "I'm afraid..."

Lin Xuan said: "What's there to be afraid of, Mom won't eat you, be good, give me the mop."

Jiang Qianyu still grabbed the mop and refused to let go, saying: "No, I won't go."

Lin Xuan spread his hands and said, "If you don't go, Mom will still call you later."

Xiao Nizi acted coquettishly with a "ah--" and begged: "I dare not go, can you go?"

Lin Xuan said helplessly: "I'm not Monkey King, I can't change into your appearance, hurry up, or Mom will be reminded again."

Jiang Qianyu knew that he couldn't escape, so he pouted and glared at him angrily, dragged the mop and walked to Lin Xuan's room, Lin Xuan grabbed the mop and said, "Are you planning to go there with the mop?"

Jiang Qianyu turned her head and said fiercely: "No way?"

Pulling away the mop, she strutted towards Lin Xuan's room, as if what was waiting for her was not her own mother, but the execution ground where her head was about to be beheaded. After walking a few steps, her pace slowed down, and she stopped feeling angry. She stopped and looked back at Lin Xuan pitifully, like a poor woman who was about to be persecuted and asked her lover for help.

She was already extremely beautiful, but at this moment she intentionally sought sympathy, making people's hearts melt when she saw her. Lin Xuan's heart softened, and her heart ached when she saw her, so she turned her head away.

Xiao Nizi was probably pissed off by him, she could hear her exhale from far away, as if she was going to blow Lin Xuan away, when Lin Xuan turned his head again, he saw only a piece of mop Disappearing in front of the door, with a secret smile in his heart, he quietly walked to the door, and heard Jiang Ya say: "What are you doing with the mop?"

Jiang Qianyu said, "Mopping the floor."

Jiang Ya said: "Close the door."

Jiang Qianyu walked to the door, just in time to see Lin Xuan crept to the door to eavesdrop, turned around and yelled at Jiang Ya: "Mom, Lin Xuan is eavesdropping."

Lin Xuan staggered, and jumped back to the sofa like a frightened rabbit, shouting: "Don't spit blood, you!"

Jiang Qianyu glared at him angrily, and slammed the door. Lin Xuan quietly walked to the door again, but couldn't hear what was being said inside, so she curled her lips and went back to the sofa to sit down, watching TV and playing with her mobile phone, thinking Secretly guessing what mother's attitude is.

Lin Xuan was sitting on pins and needles outside, and Jiang Qianyu was living like a year inside. The mother and daughter thought that the other was meddling in their own business, meddling in what should and should not be meddled. How can a mother prepare such things for her daughter and stuff them into her son's? bag!A girl who feels that her years of education have been in vain, and the daughter she taught at a young age does not know how to love herself... Fortunately, she still knows how to think from the other party's point of view, and her words are not fierce, especially Jiang Qianyu clarified that she slept with Lin Xuan with a blushing face. after the truth.

Jiang Ya breathed a sigh of relief, so she didn't expose Lin Xuan's shortcomings in front of Xiao Nizi, and avoided talking about what she saw in Lin Xuan's bag. After this matter was finished, Jiang Ya was still taking the blame for Lin Xuan, of course she didn't know it.

After Jiang Qianyu came out of Lin Xuan's room, she passed by the living room without looking at him, and went back to her own room, her face was still red, Lin Xuan wanted to follow, but Jiang Ya came out with her heels, so she had to be embarrassed stop.

Jiang Ya couldn't see any expression on her face. She asked what time it was and was about to go out to buy vegetables. Lin Xuan quickly volunteered to help carry things, and called Jiang Qianyu again. Lin Xuan couldn't get off the tiger, so he had to go shopping with his stepmother.

The intense and short-lived turmoil seemed to subside, and the ordinary, peaceful and warm family seemed to have returned to its original track.

Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu returned to Hangzhou on the tenth day of the first day. Lin Yi urged Jiang Ya to pack things for Xiaonizi two days in advance. She wants to go back to Yicheng again. She is not studying abroad, but changing her nationality.

Shen He has already immigrated to North America, and Jiang Qianyu is not yet full, so he can directly apply for naturalization on Jiang Qianyu's behalf, and Jiang Qianyu only needs to go through the procedures here.

The whole family tried to avoid talking about this matter, but the progress of the incident did not stop because of this. The night before leaving home, Jiang Qianyu received a call from Shen He. Lin Xuan only learned from Jiang Qianyu what the man and daughter had said that his father-in-law would visit him in Hangzhou after a while.

"I came to see you, not me."

This is what Xiao Nizi emphasized when she told Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan felt a lot of pressure.

After breakfast on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, Lin Yi and Jiang Ya sent Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu to the airport. After saying goodbye to their parents, they finally returned to the world of the two of them. .

Jiang Qianyu talked about Shen He with Lin Xuan on the plane. Her last memory of her father was before her mother remarried. After that, the tall and gentle man in her impression never appeared again. Another man took his place. She is very good, but it's not him after all—Lin Xuan always finds this passage weird, but he can understand it because he feels the same way.

Two days later, the LPL will start after the new year, so the major clubs have already resumed training at this time, but Sky did not have a game in the first week, so it will be later to start training.

On the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, that is, the afternoon of February 2th, Lin Xuan and Jiang Qianyu returned to Hangzhou. After two days of living a shameless life with Xiao Nizi, on the afternoon of the 6th, which is the day when the LPL game starts after the year Returned to the club base and was honored to be the latest member to return to the team.

After a year, when he returned to the club and saw each other after a long absence, Lin Xuan felt that some of his teammates had changed more or less.

Among the six members, Xue Yunqi and Mu Wanli were the first to return to the team. Xue Yunqi was shocked when she learned of her true life experience years ago, and her mood has been depressed. After a year, it seems to have eased, while Mu Wanli is just the opposite. , since SKY was promoted to LPL, Mu Wanli is no longer as silent as before, and after the new year, he seems to have returned to the original state of silence.

Liu Handong's words became less and less.

Zhang Heng probably walked out of the greening incident slowly, and started talking and laughing.

Jiang Yingxue... even more beautiful.

The results of the training match were not good. After the first day of training, they almost never won. Regardless of whether Liu Handong or Zhang Heng played, the upper middle field almost fell behind in the game. When he returned to the team, he suppressed his emotions and spoke softly to comfort him.

However, in the next two days, the situation in the training match not only did not ease, but became more serious. Almost every training match would collapse 15 minutes ago. Under such circumstances, Lin Xuan had no choice but to let Lin Xuan play support again, driving the rhythm by roaming.

Jiang Yingxue was as stable as ever, and she was able to stabilize her development even when Lin Xuan wandered around frequently. Unfortunately, the other people were in a sluggish state, solo online, wandering inexplicably, or suddenly died suddenly in the mid-term...

The slump in the training match caused everyone to feel bad. After two consecutive advantages were overturned in the No. 11 afternoon training match, during the meeting, Xue Yunqi and Liu Handong, the originally tacit understanding partners, quarreled, and then Zhang Heng Renfan It was also affected or mixed in, and then Mu Wanli, Lin Xuan originally wanted to persuade the fight, but later found that calmness could not be compared with a loud voice, and he was a little angry. A group of people kept arguing with each other, Jiang Yingxue got up and walked out of the meeting room.

After the quarrel, Lin Xuan asked for leave and left the base. It was the Lantern Festival, and the evening training match was cancelled, so he could spend the holiday with Xiaonizi—others were training in the base that night. Under the current situation, Lin Xuan Xuan knew that his request for leave would make other people feel dissatisfied, but he had no time to take it into consideration.

The parting was imminent, Lin Xuan didn't want Xiao Nizi to worry, so he didn't tell her about the situation of the team, and a large part of the reason why he couldn't hold back his anger was because of this, he really wanted Xiao Nizi to see it before going abroad. The team's performance has improved, so that she can feel at ease and believe that Sky can win the championship. Three months later, he can represent the LPL to North America to participate in the mid-season championship game-although if he loses the game to find her, he will have more time to spend with her, but then Obviously not what she wanted to see.

With the development of industry, the night sky in the city is still vast, but it is still difficult to see the stars. However, on this night, the lights in the world are as bright as the Milky Way hanging upside down. The school has not yet started, and the fetters of many acquaintances are missing. It is inevitable that there will be scruples and dare not be too close relatives, but after all, this is the first time for the two of them to spend the Lantern Festival alone, and they are still very happy.

At Yuan Ye last year, the flower market lights up like the day.

Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

On New Year's Eve this year, the moon and the lights are still there.

No one from last year, tears wet the sleeves of the spring shirt.

When the tourists gradually dispersed, the two were ready to go back. They passed an alley, and the little girl was holding a small lantern in her hand. When walking, she would occasionally jump up and down a few times. She looked very happy, but suddenly slowed down , After Lin Xuan followed up, he recited the very famous Lantern Festival Exam, held his arm and asked: "During the Lantern Festival next year, can we still watch the Lantern Festival together?"

Lin Xuan didn't know either. He pinched her cheek and said with a smile, "This is just the first Lantern Festival. There will be many more Lantern Festivals in the future. We will all be together."

Jiang Qianyu gave a soft "hmm", looking a little dull, when Lin Xuan was about to persuade her, she suddenly smiled again, the lanterns on both sides of the alley had already been extinguished, only dim street lights remained, the light was not bright, But when she smiled, it was brighter than the lights of the city she saw when she stood upstairs and looked down just now. She said: "I know, if the relationship between the two lasts for a long time, how can it be..."

She showed her face and smiled, and when she said this, before she could finish her sentence, tears welled up involuntarily, and she choked up and said, "But I just want to go day and night!"

(End of this chapter)

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