Chapter 657 [677] Hitting you
The game will be played at the home court of Beijing TL.

When arranging the schedule, Sky relied on the prestige of winning the Demacia Cup, and countless people thought that it would reproduce the glory of Sky in the past. It was the final day of the regular season, but then Sky suffered a series of disastrous defeats in the regular season, which failed the official intentions, but it had been arranged anyway, and no one cared about it.

However, no one expected that when the regular season was halfway through, Sky, who had basically bid farewell to the playoffs and everyone expected only a victory, suddenly broke out subversively in the confrontation between different groups. Victory, all the way to the present, even many passers-by, and even the audience who turned black not long ago, can't help but start to look forward to them entering the playoffs.

However, after seeing WXY win, the hearts of most viewers are still half cold. Although sky still has hope of advancing, it is too difficult. TL is now only short of the last game of the regular season. The previous record was 14-2. They only lost to Yulong and AVI, and it can be said that they won all they could win. This is also in line with the consistent steady style of this team, and there are very few cases of overturning.

Now Sky has swept everyone in the west except TL, but in this cross-group confrontation, the performance of the west is obviously not as good as that of the east. People provided an explanation for "sky suddenly became stronger", that is, the Western Division is too weak.

But being weak in the Western Division does not mean that TL is also weak. After all, its performance against the Western Conference is not bad.

In most people's minds, TL is still stronger than sky in terms of hard power, and most people are still optimistic about TL winning the final game of the last game, not to mention that sky not only needs to win, but also wins 2:0 to advance.

The game started at [-] o'clock in the evening, and Jiang Qianyu sent Lin Xuan a message after [-] o'clock, asking if he had arrived at the stadium. It was only [-] o'clock in the morning at her side, and Lin Xuan was on the bus heading to the stadium, chatting with her After a few words, let her continue to sleep, and call her before the game starts.


Jiang Qianyu obediently agreed, put down the phone, closed her eyes, turned over and continued to sleep. She didn't know whether it was because she had something on her mind or because she often watched the game during this period, and her schedule was disrupted. She fell asleep for a while in a daze. It was only early six o'clock when I opened my eyes, and I still felt sleepy, but I couldn't fall asleep anyway, so I sat up and felt dazed, so I put on my clothes and got up.

Walking out of the room, the voice of her father Shen He talking to that beautiful Caucasian lady Evie came from the terrace. Shen He introduced her as a life assistant. The beautiful young lady has an unusual relationship with her, but there is no proof. When she asked her sister, Shen Yuan asked back disdainfully, "A single man with an upright middle age and money, do you think he lacks a woman?" , the relationship with Evie does not seem to be good.

Jiang Qianyu didn't have a bad impression of Evie, and got along very well during this period of time, but she always had doubts about the relationship between her and her father, so she tiptoed to the terrace, but she didn't expect to have a sneak peek, just peeped out Half the head, I saw Evie, who was chatting with her father in English, turned her head and looked at her, showing a gentle and kind smile.

This young lady is nearly [-] years old, with long light golden hair and sea blue eyes, just like most people's impression of European and American women. Her figure is very good, which made Jiang Qianyu, who was originally very confident in her figure, give birth to some I feel a little frustrated, but the hot figure does not make people associate her with sexiness at first sight. In fact, Jiang Qianyu's first impression of her is "elegant". She is obviously of Caucasian descent, but that The white and tender skin and exquisite facial features are hardly inferior to her own.

What's more, according to my father, this "Life Assistant" graduated from the Boston Conservatory of Music in Berkeley and has a very high attainment in classical music, especially good at piano. After her musical literacy, while admiring her, she also became more skeptical about the relationship between the two, otherwise she really couldn't imagine such a talented and beautiful beauty, why would she be willing to be a "life assistant" for her father?
"Good morning." EVie greeted Jiang Qianyu in Chinese, and Xiao Nizi replied "Good Morning". Since she was discovered, she didn't try to hide it. She slightly smoothed her long hair and walked to the terrace.

Located in the North Bay of San Francisco, it is one of the areas with the lowest population density in San Francisco. It is not that no one wants to come here, but the extremely low population density can ensure a good living environment. There is almost no public transportation here, and the natural environment is excellent. , Jiang Qianyu once looked down on this area on a private plane. As far as he could see, the coast line separated the blue sea from the farmland, grape fields, and mahogany forest under the same sky. The scenery in the wide field of vision is very beautiful.

At the beginning of the morning light, Shen He was practicing Tai Chi on the terrace. Seeing his daughter approaching, she kept moving, and asked casually, "Wake up so early, is there a competition today?"

Jiang Qianyu stretched her waist, gave a long "hmm" and said, "Start at seven o'clock."

Shen He said: "Let's have breakfast first when you get up, what do you want to eat?"

Evie chuckled softly: "I saw Uncle Zhou fried buns just now. He said that Miss likes to eat them, so he prepared them specially."

Jiang Qianyu said with a smile: "Then eat the buns. I won't bother you. I'll wash my face first."

Shen He glanced at her, and said with a straight face: "It's not big or small!"

Xiao Nizi stuck out her tongue, went to wash herself, and went to the kitchen downstairs to have a look. It is not easy to eat authentic Chinese food in North America. Fortunately, there is a private chef at home. This fat uncle named Qin is named Qin Zhonghua, in his 40s, claims to be proficient in major Chinese and foreign cuisines. According to his self-report, when he was first hired by Shen He, there were two other chefs specializing in Western food. They were all unemployed. He said that he was good at cooking, but Jiang Qianyu got the answer from Evie that he had learned all the skills of the other two, but he was still a bit "proportionate" in his work, and his salary was only raised to It's only twice the original size.

Evie doesn't seem to like Qin Zhonghua very much, but Jiang Qianyu has a very good relationship with this uncle Qin. First, his cooking skills are really good, and second, she always feels that the old man is not ordinary to this fat uncle, and he doesn't seem to be innocent. Treat a private chef with respect.

Uncle Qin made fried buns. Jiang Qianyu had mentioned it two days ago, but he didn’t expect him to make them. She was a little surprised. She rarely gets up so early in the morning, so the buns hadn’t started frying yet, so Xiao Nizi said hello. Afterwards, he went back to his room and had a video meeting with his parents who were far away from Wangyang as usual. After chatting for a while, Aunt Zhou came to call for breakfast, so she hung up the phone and went to eat.

Aunt Zhou is Uncle Qin's daughter-in-law, Evie is responsible for the daily life of the father, and she is similar to housekeeping, and I don't know whose assistant she is.

Evie sat at the dining table with Shen He's father and daughter to eat. She said she was Shen He's life assistant, but she would chat with him about today's itinerary and work arrangements. Jiang Qianyu didn't think about it anymore, because it was time for the game .

Lin Xuan sent her a message before going to the stage, and she sent back two photos, one of the dining table and one of herself, then she put the pad on the shelf and was about to plug in the earphones to watch the game, Shen He said: "Let's watch it on TV, no Are you talking about playing in the playoffs?"

Jiang Qianyu said "hmm", and was too lazy to find a broadcast channel, so he directly cast the screen on the TV. The game hadn't officially started yet, and the commentators Xiao Ying and Zhang Fei were warming up. Shen He listened to the two talking about the game. The criticality of the game is a little strange: "Didn't you say that they have played very well recently, why didn't they even make the playoffs?"

Jiang Qianyu glared at his father dissatisfied, and said, "Didn't you just come in after today's fight?"

Shen He said with a smile: "As long as he wins one game, he will have no chance."

"It's okay if you don't lose?"

There was a delay in watching the game, and in addition to the delay in the live broadcast, Lin Xuan and the others had already entered the game room on the far side of the ocean at this moment, and started the selection of the first match of today's game.

Lin Xuan and the others had the priority to choose the side. They chose the blue side and defeated the crow, vampire and captain respectively. TL defeated Verus, Xia and Tam, and then Mu Wanli helped Lin Xuan from the first floor. Locked the Ezreal that he used frequently recently.

Jiang Yingxue got Bron.

After the Demacia Cup ended, although the TL club tried every means from the owner to the fans, bubble finally insisted on leaving TL and returned to LCK to pursue his championship dream. After losing the core carry point in the team, Regardless of the audience or the insiders, they once thought that TL would lose its dominance over the LPL, but what is surprising is that TL has quickly completed the run-in. Currently there are two ADCs in the team, one of which is a Korean aid introduced from the LCK. Yoke, and the other is a rookie promoted from the TL youth training team. In the first half of the regular season, Korean aid Yoke played very steadily. Although he did not reach the height of the original bubble, it was still remarkable. In Duan, the rookie Duan Yinfeng made more appearances.

Duan Yinfeng, AVI's mid laner Lanting, and Lin Xuan are known as the three rookies who brought the biggest surprise this season, while Jiang Yingxue seems to be ignored, and few people will mention her in the reports.

Today, TL started the first game with Korean aid Yoke. The bot lane combination he and Moon got was the female policeman and the bull head. Line, because we all know that my brother-in-law has played very aggressively from the beginning of the laning in the last few games. I have read the game data before. In the confrontation between different groups, my brother-in-law averaged 15 per game in 80.00 minutes. Knife, the rate of the first tower in the bottom lane is more than [-]%, almost every game is the first to take the first blood tower, this data is too scary, I think it is not too much to say that it is the only one in the LPL league..."

Sakura said: "I feel that the combination of the policewoman and the bull's head is not very good."

Zhang Fei said: "I think it's because Moon is responsible for starting the team, because TL actually relies more on Moon to start the team..."

Sakura nodded and said: "That makes sense, but my brother-in-law's recent EZ feels a little different from our impression, because he has used this hero a lot recently, and I have seen some of his statistics, which are very exaggerated. In the confrontation between different groups, brother-in-law I have won 37 games of Ezreal in 58 games, which is exactly half. Among them, the game with the lowest output ratio is 30%, and the highest game is 58%. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is really too much. It’s scary, usually [-]% of the output ratio has already surpassed the dust in the output chart, [-]%, this... is really scary.”

Zhang Fei said with a smile: "Of course it's scary for one person to crush the output of four people in the team."

Sakura smiled and said, "So I think this bot lane should look better, because there is a high probability that my brother-in-law won't be suppressed by the policewoman... I think."

Generally speaking, when there is a match between the policewoman and Ezreal in the bottom lane, it is almost acquiesced that one consumes one wretched development, and it is difficult to explode the kill, but Sakura quickly showed that she was standing in the LPL commentary. In the 4-minute professional attack time of the year, Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue killed TL's bottom laner in front of the opponent's tower without the participation of the jungler.

(End of this chapter)

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