Chapter 676 [696] A close call

Liu Handong, who was in the field, saw that the sparrow was punished to stand, and it was not far away from him, so he stopped chasing Swain, turned around and rushed towards the sparrow under the acceleration of the predator.

Swain was first blocked by Aoun's big move, then Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue arrived, and the two slowed down. The next step is to see how long Swain's frankness can resist.

Lin Xuan's build is very aggressive. He skipped the rundown and went straight to Endless, Hurricane, and Artillery. The output is very scary, but it is short of battery life. Fortunately, it is supplemented by the blood-sucking effect in the runes.Ashe is a hero who often doesn't feel it when she plays it by herself. Only when she is placed on the opposite side can she really feel how annoying her continuous deceleration ability is, especially for a hero like Swain who is relatively cumbersome, it is difficult to walk under the continuous deceleration kite. Originally, I was trying to see if I could replace this little crispy skin, but I didn't touch it a few times until I died.

There was a burst of shouts of "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" fans of sky, it is definitely a big rhythm to capture Swain at this point in time!

In the wild area, a bad wine barrel was found, and they finally provided timely support. Olaf's axe saved the chaffinch's life, but Swain died, and the second tower in the lower lane was released properly. Lin Xuan and the others still refused Let go and continue to push up the ground tower.

The rock sparrow has come back to defend again, and the will of the four members of the Ichthyosaurus team to stick to it is particularly tough, and they have not become timid because of sky's aggressive position.

Olaf is not big, Ornn is not big, Ashe is not big, Tamm is not big... If it wasn't for the fact that their own economy is also greatly behind, even if there is one person missing, Yulong would have taken the initiative to form a group.

Ashe's shooting range is slightly inferior to that of the policewoman, but the full range of 600 yards is enough to crush the 525 Xia. Just in front of the tower, anyone who dares to go forward is just an arrow. Sudden, the timing and angle of the shot are very tricky, wanting to make a sudden change of fate.

However, Jiang Yingxue was waiting behind Lin Xuan, and immediately opened her mouth to swallow Lin Xuan in. After the crisis was resolved, Lin Xuan continued his arrogance of pointing people and pointing towers.

After the next wave of soldiers arrived, Swain was about to be resurrected, and the vision of the bottom lane had not been cleared. In order to prevent being surrounded by Swain's perfect wave, regardless of the Highland Tower that had consumed half of its HP, Lin Xuan and the others quickly retreated.

So far, there are only three highland towers left in the Yulong team, which also means that all areas except the highlands have fallen, and the economic gap has further widened to more than seven thousand.

For those who are accustomed to the crushing situation of various "[-] economies", this data may not have such a big impact, but those who understand the game a little can naturally realize that when the strength of the two sides is almost the same, [-] enormous pressure on the economy.

"Sky pushed down the last second tower of Ichthyosaurus, so the Ichthyosaur team must be more cautious next time, even if one more person dies, the next step is to break the high ground or lose the dragon."

"The next step is the winner."

"It depends on the dragon."


Unsurprisingly, Sky did not choose to forcefully attack the high ground, that was purely a pit in the head, Aoun went to the bottom lane, and the other four had two real eyes, directly blocking all vision of the dragon area.

Because of the presence of Zoe, not to mention the Dalong area, the Ichthyosaurus team was frightened even in the red BUFF wild area close to their home, so be careful.

But in fact, Lin Xuan, Jiang Yingxue and Liu Handong had already started to fight the big dragon in the first time when the field of vision was cleared!

Xue Yunqi stood alone in the grass between the opponent's Dalongkeng and the red BUFF, ready to block the opponent.

At this moment, seeing that Sky is already fighting the dragon, and the Yulong team is restrained and dare not set foot in the wild area easily, everyone can't help but sweat.

"The one with the blue ornaments."

"The ichthyosaur seems to be aware of..."

As soon as Wang Fei's words fell, Xiyan leaned slightly towards the wild area, and a gorgeous and soft blue brilliance fell from the sky, illuminating the situation in the Dalong Pit.



Although there are only three people fighting the dragon, Ashgar Olaf's continuous output is still very powerful. At this moment, the blood volume of the dragon has dropped by half, and the Ichthyosaur team has no time to hesitate. The wine barrel and the bull head are in front, and they go straight to the dragon The pit rushed up.


With a soft sound, Zoe's hypnotic bubbles crossed part of the wall of the red BUFF's lair, flew out from the grass, and hit the wine barrel walking beside the bull's head.

If it was Zoe who fell asleep under normal circumstances, the wine barrel would definitely turn around and run away, but now the big dragon pit is plunged into darkness again, and the other party is likely to take down the big dragon soon, so there is no time for Bubble to go back Go, still rushing towards Dalongkeng.

Alley missed a position and stood in front of him.

Xue Yunqi moved the flying star backwards, then returned to the bushes, pulled the flying star over, and hit Niutou. Ailey was directly knocked out by Zoe QA for nearly half of his HP. At the same time, he also sent a scout The moment the eyes were inserted into the grass and Zoe's figure was seen, a second company rushed up.


Xue Yunqi didn't dare to be careless, and directly dodged to avoid the second company. Bubble's wine barrel woke up from the hypnosis, walked quickly into the river, and approached the Dalongkeng.

The wine barrel inserted the real eye in the grass in the middle of the river, and the teleportation light immediately lit up, and on the real eye that already existed in the grass, the same brilliance had already lit up two full seconds earlier. time.

Aoun landed first and opened the big shot directly.

On the other side, Lin Xuan, Jiang Yingxue, and Liu Handong who were fighting the dragon also gave up on the big dragon with less than [-] blood at almost the same time, and turned to meet the nearest wine barrel.

Bubble immediately moved to the front field to escape, followed by the giant horned deity phantom, knocking him and Xia behind into the air.

In the sound of "rumbling", the rock sparrow that had been hiding behind was amplified again, and the stone wall separated the river area behind the wine barrel.

Stopped Sky's pursuit.

Also stopped Swain who had just teleported to the ground!
But this is obviously after the communication, or when Mo Cheng zoomed in, he had already thought of this consequence, because the blood volume of the big dragon is too low, and his side dare not take the group, so the flash of the wine barrel is very important.

And Swain...had no choice but to say that it was the lesser harm.


Zhao Jiang was also very straightforward. Immediately after the teleportation landed, he flashed through the stone wall and fled to the middle road.

"Dragon Dragon Dragon!"

The time involved in the confrontation between the two sides was very short. Before the big dragon started to heal, Lin Xuan and the others immediately turned around and continued to fight the dragon.

"The wine barrel is flashing!"

"It's okay, it's okay, trust me, trust me!"

In the noisy voice, Liu Handong's voice was extraordinarily excited and loud, "You can fight, you can fight, trust me..."

He yelled like this, and the others naturally had no objection. Seeing that the blood volume of the dragon was rapidly decreasing, it was already approaching one thousand.

The bull head on the top of the big dragon pit inserted two real eyes into the big dragon pit one after another. Its blood volume is low, but after it activated its ultimate move, it still resolutely chased after Zoe, trying to drive her away. Walk.

Bubble's wine barrel came to the top of the Dragon Pit.

Although the opponent seemed intent on robbing the dragon, Xue Yunqi was not sure if they would temporarily change their minds and kill him. After all, if he was killed, even if he took down the dragon, the opponent might seize the opportunity to force a team battle. The big dragon BUFF you get may be spat back, and it may become a turning point in a wave of comeback.

He was forced to retreat to the triangular grass on the top road, and suddenly found an angle, a hypnotic bubble passed through the wall of the dragon pit, and hit the wine barrel guarding above the dragon pit.

"I fell asleep until I fell asleep..."

Xue Yunqi immediately shouted excitedly and began to pull Feixing back.

After the hypnotic bubble hits, there will be a short delay before falling into a two-second sleep state.

During this delay, the wine barrel subconsciously took two steps back, and then suddenly turned around and made a collision displacement.


Flash sound.

A "roaring" roar spread throughout Summoner's Canyon, as well as the final scene where everyone's heartstrings were tense.

"I got it!! Oh my God - Bubbles got the big dragon under almost impossible circumstances, the only turning point..."

At this moment, the system did not read the announcement, and most of the audience were still in a daze, unable to realize what happened, while Zhang Fei had already buffed the color with the big dragon BUFF on the hero of the Yulong team. And it was judged that Dalong was snatched by the wine barrel punishment.

Wang Fei was also stunned for a moment, but he had instinctive trust in his good friends, so he also shouted. When the audience heard it, many fans of the fish and dragon team were still in a daze, and they also screamed.

Dalong was indeed robbed!
When the dragon BUFF is blessed, there will be an unobtrusive animation effect. Although it is not very obvious, after years of training, there is no need for special attention and judgment. Lin Xuan has already realized this.

"Kill him, kill him!"

With no time to think about anything else, Lin Xuan shouted and quickly switched his attack target to Jiu Keg. Bubble was bullied by Olaf in the early stage, but later because of the team's disadvantage, he urgently needed to supplement the two C positions. Development, he doesn't have much room for development at all, so the equipment is not good.

Zoe shot a flying star, Lin Xuan received two more basic attacks, and directly took away Bubble's head.

Xia has a big move.

Chaffinch is too far away.

Swain has Central Asia.

This thought flashed across his mind in an instant, Lin Xuan immediately adjusted his viewing angle, and the huge Frost Arrow whizzed into the wild area wrapped in the bitter cold wind.


The tauren chief who was fleeing to his own highland was fixed in the grass next to the red BUFF's lair by the Frostbolt.

A small plane with a sense of technology flew over the wild area, illuminating the grass, and then with a "bang", Lin Xuan flashed and jumped up from the dragon pit.



Take another arrow.

The shooter focuses on stacking.

Two waves of arrows flew by, and the Tauren Chief's tall and majestic body immediately fell down.

"Nice! Ncie!!"

"Wave after wave!"

"A wave! A wave! A wave!..."

Except for Jiang Yingxue, everyone else yelled like crazy. Under normal circumstances, it is hard to say whether Lin Xuan flashed to kill a support. It is the only stable starter and front row of the Yulong team.

If Niutou is alive, the four members of the Yulong team can definitely rely on the highlands and base towers to defend and restrain them.

But if Niutou is killed, the opponent will completely lose the team and the front row, and there is definitely a chance to end the game in one wave.

The three commentators were still excited about Bubble's feat of robbing the dragon just now. Even if the wine barrel died, it would be a sure profit for the fish and dragon team. Destroy all the explosive magazines, and exchange the life of the jungler for a huge profit.

But in a blink of an eye, the bull head also died.

"The head of the bull is also dead!"

"Then Sky is going to push back?"

"I think all the way to the high ground is acceptable, absolutely acceptable!"

"No, it's not... Is this going to be a wave?"

"No way?"

"There is a chance, the death of Niu Tou is really possible. In other words, if it wasn't for a wave, how could my brother-in-law flash up?"

At this point in the life-and-death game of the finals, even the three veteran commentators who had watched Qianfan had difficulty judging the situation.

Originally, Sky had the advantage of the three-lane pawn line, but the Yulong team just sorted out the middle-lane pawn line. Now that the upper and lower pawn lines are advancing, Lin Xuan and the others naturally chose the top lane.

The five people followed the line of soldiers to the Highland Tower. Xi Yan, Mo Cheng, and Zhao Jiang did not make a fearless resistance at all. crystal.

It's not that they are willing to do this, but they have to. Once they are caught by the opponent because of the defensive high ground, it will be a wave of rhythm, and that is the most deadly.

And if you just lose the high ground on the road, as the commentator said, it is absolutely acceptable.


On the road, the crystal was quickly shattered under Ashe's ice arrow, but the five members of Sky did not intend to stop there. The four guarded Ashe behind them, and continued to follow the line to the base of the Yulong team.

With a distance of less than ten meters, one side is determined to give it a go, while the other side's heartstrings are tense like walking on thin ice.

Throughout the final scene, and even beyond the countless screens watching the live broadcast, everyone's heartstrings and emotions, excitement, tension, anticipation, worry, fear... were also pushed to the top at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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