Chapter 679 [699] Testimonials
"After five rounds of fierce fighting, we finally witnessed the birth of this year's LPL champion, who are they?"


"Let us welcome the six sky players, their coaching staff and behind-the-scenes staff to the podium with warm applause."

The audience at the scene didn't give too much face. Fang Yao obviously said applause, but the cheers on the scene were too loud, and the applause was hardly heard. Some people shouted sky, and some called their favorite contestants, especially the voices of Lin Xuan and Jiang Yingxue. The highest, and then slowly, the voices of the contestants weakened, and the content became unified, and everyone was shouting "sky".

The official has no specific restrictions on the people on stage to receive the award, but in the end, only two behind-the-scenes staff of Sky, Zhang San and Ren Fan, walked on the podium together, plus six contestants, a total of eight people, Zhang Heng was at the front, Ren Fan and Zhang San were at the end, and a group of people walked up to the podium slowly to the cheers of the audience.





Seeing their appearance, the cheers on the scene increased by a few decibels. Every few steps, white mist-like dry ice gushes out from the side, filling the stage, the lights are shining, and the cheers and shouts are endless.

——As if in a dream.

During the competition, you are just competing, even if your heartstrings are tense and you are so nervous, you still know what you should do, but at this time, amidst the cheers of the crowd, there is a sense of unreality.

However, when he saw the silver championship trophy standing in the center of the stage, the nervousness and unreality disappeared. Eight people stood in a circle and together they won the honor that eighteen teams had fought for for a whole season. The championship trophy, millions of viewers witnessed their glory at the moment.

Fang Yao, who was standing aside, looked at this scene with a smile, waited for a while, and then slowly walked over, "From the losing streak at the beginning of the season to the catching up in the second half, from the last playoff spot in the Eastern Conference , to Lianke strong opponents, four BO5 games, and five rounds of fierce battles in the finals. This championship is hard-won and even more precious. We will record this moment forever! We also invite the audience at the scene to use your applause and cheers again Come celebrate the birth of our new champion, shall we?"

This time the audience was very respectful, and the cheers and applause intertwined into a thunderous sound wave, constantly hitting everyone's eardrums.

Fang Yao walked over, and Lin Xuan and the others naturally understood that they were going to conduct interviews and award awards. The others did not know whether they pushed Lin Xuan to the closest position to Fang Yao subconsciously or consciously, and Lin Xuan then backed out. Leave the seat to Zhang San who is holding the trophy.

Compared with winning the Demacia Cup, this stage is more suitable for "sky" to declare that he is back, and Zhang San and other old people are more suitable for being interviewed immediately.

Zhang San pulled Ren Fan over again, but Ren Fan still wanted to give way, but the staff on the scene had already handed over the microphone. Seeing him, Fang Yao smiled and said, "Six years ago in the summer, Sky got the last An LPL champion, Fan Ge, San Ge and the old teammates behind you were there, after such a long time, finally returned to the LPL championship stage, how do you feel?"

This question made Ren Fan momentarily absent-minded.

Compared with most professional players, he and Zhang Heng, who have always been friends with each other, were both lucky. They won the championship lying down when they first entered the arena, but they were also unlucky, because after the peak, they soon fell into a long-term struggle with the entire team. low for several years.

He had experienced the last glory of SKY, but after such a long time, by now, the memory of the scenery in the early days of the professional arena has long been blurred, and the most impressive thing is the ups and downs in SKY in recent years.

Returning from the championship stage to the championship stage, the lights, trophies, and cheers are more gorgeous, more luxurious, and more enthusiastic. At this moment, the long-standing dusty memories come back and flood into my mind. It seems that nothing has changed, but he has not changed. It was that fledgling young boy again.

Reality and memory overlap, and what is stacked is six full years of time for many people.

He glanced down the stage, everyone in the huge venue held their breath, everyone was waiting for him to speak.

Trying to calm down the ups and downs of emotions, Ren Fan said: "It's very exciting, me, Zhang Heng and the third brother, we stood here a long time ago, and then..."

He didn't want to show even a little weakness in front of people, but when he said this, his voice was choked up, hard to make a sound, and completely out of his control. Zhang San beside him reached out and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him. After calming down, he continued: "Later, I fell to the secondary league. In the past five years, many people have left, many people have joined, and some people have always been there..."

When he said this, he stopped again, turned his head to look at Zhang San and Zhang Heng, and said, "Thank you Chen Muyu, thank you third brother, thank you Chen sister, thank you Zhang Heng, and thank you myself, we are always here, and Lin Xuan, Xiaoxue, Qiqi, Xiaodong... Thank you, thank you for trusting in me as a rookie coach, and thank you to everyone who has always supported Sky."

He bowed deeply to his teammates and the audience, straightened his waist, held the microphone, and shouted loudly as if he had exhausted all the strength he had accumulated during the long time of disappearance: "sky——"

"We're back!"

Since Chen Muyu's era, Zhang San has been Sky's coach. When he resigned last year, Ren Fan became the head coach. The reasons are quite complicated, but generally speaking, it is mainly because he wants to be a coach. Zhang San then Voluntarily offered to step aside, although there is a title of "I am tired after being a coach for many years", everyone knows in their hearts that being tired may be a fact, but if it is not for the matter of Ren Fan retiring and changing coach I will still continue to be Sky's coach——Sky has survived the most difficult years of troughs, and saw the light, so why would he give up instead?
Ren Fan is grateful for this, but also deeply pressured. No matter how hard he tries to do well, he is still a novice after all. Sky's losing streak at the beginning of the season has something to do with the player's state, but it also has something to do with him. The pressure from all aspects Gathering together, the pressure in Ren Fan's heart can be imagined, it's hard to control himself at the moment, it's because of excitement, and it's also because the long-term pressure has finally been vented.

Lin Xuan and the others understand these things, but the audience off the court and before the live broadcast saw him talking about a retired coach for a long time, but it was somewhat annoying. Originally, although the players won the game, it was not only the credit of the players, but everyone liked it Of course it was the players.

But fortunately, most people can still understand. After all, when they are holding the cup, they will not say anything if they are too excited. Of course, there are naturally dissatisfied people. The audience can't find a place to say it. Started to complain.

After Ren Fan shouted his last voice, he gave the microphone to Zhang San who was next to him, and then walked to the side, Fang Yao asked with a smile: "Do you have anything to say, third brother?"

After all, Zhang San is older, and he didn't lose his composure like Ren Fan. He smiled and said, "I'm very happy, and then everyone has worked hard. You can take a rest tonight, and then continue training to prepare for MSI. That's the spring competition of this year." The final battlefield."

Fang Yao smiled and said, "Have you thought about how to celebrate?"

"Just have a big meal together, and then take half a day off."

"In today's game, all the players played very well. If you were to choose a final MVP, who would you choose?"

"They all played well."

"I also think they all played very well, but there is only one MVP."

Zhang San thought for a while and said, "If I only look at today's game performance, I will vote for Xiaoxue, but if I look at it from the perspective of Sky winning the championship, I will vote for brother-in-law."

Fang Yao asked again in a strange way: "Why?"

Zhang Sandao: "Every team needs a core. It doesn't mean that four guarantees and one must be guaranteed, but a spiritual support or leader. Lin Xuan is that person. With him, no matter how big the players or the coaching staff are, We will not despair of the disadvantages, and believe that we can still play and win. I think this is more important than any core of four guarantees and one. Our results at the beginning of the season were not ideal. At that time, our biggest hope was to enter the season In the post-match, I even felt that this goal was impossible to achieve. He was the only one who insisted on winning the championship... I think for a professional player, this kind of desire to win is very necessary and very rare .”

The rest of the sky looked at Zhang San in unison, and they didn't have any objection to his words, but it was the first time they realized that he was so thick-skinned, that so many people's faces were nonsense without blushing, don't tell you no Knowing why that bastard wants to win the championship, he obviously wants to see his wife, how can he say that he is so great?

Fang Yao smiled and said, "Then who will be the MVP of today's final? Our evaluation team has already got the final results. Please watch the big screen."

In all fairness, Sky's entire team performed well in this final, especially compared to the collective slump of the upper middle field at the beginning of the season, today's performance is considered normal, and if compared horizontally, there is no doubt that The bottom lane is still better, so the MVP of this final will basically be decided between the two bottom laners.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lin Xuan's makeup photo at the beginning of the season appeared on the big screen, next to his very arrogant ID name: SKYFirst
Anyway, they had already won the battle, and they were very clear about each other's performance. Liu Handong and the others didn't care much about this mvp. Seeing the result, they turned around and gave Lin Xuan a thumbs-up.

Mu Wanli glanced at Jiang Yingxue, she still had no expression, no frustration, no other emotions, it seemed that since the end of the game, she felt out of place with the whole stage and even the whole scene.

The microphone was handed over to Zhang Heng, and he only said: "I'm glad I'm still on the field and in the sky."

Then there is the evaluation of Lin Xuan, which is equally concise: "Compared with myself, I am more fortunate that my brother-in-law has come to Sky."

The microphone was handed over to Lin Xuan, who briefly mentioned the MVP of the finals, then thought for a while, and then said: "I am really happy to win the championship, but it also means that we are about to represent LPL to the World Championship, I hope we can be worthy of this Champion, don't embarrass LPL."

This year's championship award ceremony is actually an MSI expedition ceremony. The MSI expedition costumes have been prepared in the background, so when Lin Xuan mentioned MSI, Fang Yao asked with a smile, "Then what do you think about the next step?" What can I expect from MSI?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Expectation is not counted. What is the result of Sky's participation in MSI last time? What is our goal? I also believe..."

Before Lin Xuan finished speaking, he was interrupted by cheers and screams from the scene. Sky represented LPL in MSI twice and was the champion. The meaning of these words is very clear.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to wait for the noise on the scene to subside for a while before continuing: "I also believe that the seniors of the LPL can do it, and our successors can also do it. If you haven't done it yet, then work harder. do it."

Zhang Sanrenfan and others were sweating after hearing what he said earlier. Although they won the LPL championship, they were not optimistic about the journey of this MSI. After two generations of dynasties, the strength of LCK has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The time is sad, such a big Flag stands there, waiting to be slapped in the face!
Fortunately, Lin Xuan's last words gave some clues, which made them breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Xuan handed the microphone to Jiang Yingxue, and without saying a word, she handed the microphone to Mu Wanli who was behind her. Mu Wanli, who was expecting the goddess to speak, was suddenly stunned, and then under the attention of everyone, With a blank mind, he passed the topic to Xue Yunqi who was behind.

Xue Yunqi thought for a while and said: "My brother-in-law is right." Amidst the roar of laughter at the scene, she handed the microphone to Liu Handong again.

Liu Handong actually prepared the speech in advance, and he was the only person in the whole club who was so annoyed to prepare this, but he didn't expect to come to his side all of a sudden, and all the words that were still in his mind just now can't be found at once. My mind went blank, and I murmured for a long time before saying, "Qiqi is right."

The audience who were watching the award presentation almost didn't laugh like crazy.

Fang Yao then interviewed a few more questions, and then the official bigwig came to the stage to present the awards, followed by the MSI expedition ceremony, a group of people hung medals, held trophies, carried gold medals, and wore LPL logos to conquer. The final group photo was left on the stage, and the finals came to an end.

And this evening, five or six topics of the LPL finals were on the top of the hot search list.

Ran Qinghuan congratulates brother-in-law for winning the championship
Brother-in-law's speech
LPL final
Fish and Dragons lost again

sky wins
Jiang Yingxue


There is no need to mention the popularity of LPL itself. Lin Xuan's speech and Ran Qinghuan's two topics in a row were ranked in the top ten hot searches. As for Jiang Yingxue... she relies on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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