Chapter 681 [701] I want to practice Carry top order

Lin Xuan froze there, and heard Jiang Qianyu ask through the earphones: "What's the matter?"

Lin Xuan didn't dare to make a sound, and was about to back out, but saw Jiang Yingxue twisted around in a red dress in the yoga room, and looked over through the glass wall. She obviously didn't expect someone to come here in the middle of the night, and her body was stiff There, he stared at Lin Xuan with both eyes, without making a sound.

After getting along for a long time, Lin Xuan naturally understood what she meant by her questioning, smiled awkwardly, stretched out his finger to the earphones stuffed in his ears, then put his hands together, and bowed apologetically, as if he was really bowing Like a fox fairy.

Without waiting for Jiang Yingxue to speak, Lin Xuan hurried out the door, and then said: "Jiang Yingxue, dancing in the gym in the middle of the night, scared me."

Jiang Qianyu snorted and said, "Scared? You can't look away, you don't have time to talk to me."

"How can I? I'm afraid that she will hear me as soon as I speak."

"Yes, you can keep peeking without making a sound, right?"

"I'm just surprised. I didn't expect her to dance, and she dances here in the middle of the night."

"Maybe I knew you would come and danced for you specially?"

"I think so too."

During this period of tight training tasks, Xiao Nizi also cared about his daily training, she was gentle and obedient like a newlywed daughter-in-law, now that the competition is over, Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing and said: " But it's not as good as my daughter-in-law's dance, so I don't mind showing it to me."

"Hey, you dare to say that when you come out, don't you?"

"Nonsense, can I still say it in front of her?"

Xiao Nizi "hummed" twice, "Not sincere."

"Then why don't I go back now and tell her that your dancing is not as good as mine?"

"Okay, okay, go ahead and talk, I'll listen."

"If she throws me out the window, you'll be a widow."

"No, I can find someone else if you fall to your death."

"What did you say?"

" doesn't seem quite right. Your skin is so thick, you must not die from the fall, maybe you are just disabled. In this case, I am not ashamed to leave you and find someone else, but you love me so much, you definitely don't want me to fall with you. You suffer together, right? Then you should take the initiative to propose it, and then I was very moved and said 'No! I don't want to, I will never leave you alone'. If you force me to die, I have no choice but to Leaving you with tears in my eyes, throwing myself into the arms of another man, and living happily..."

"Do you think I'm stupid or you are stupid?"

"Hmph! Who told you to peek at other people's dancing? Shameless!"

"I'm not peeping, I just met by chance, okay?"

"Why did you happen to meet so many people?"

"...Let's talk about the truth, shall we?"

"Okay, you talk, I listen."

"It's all my fault."

"How can I blame you?"

"I shouldn't be reasoning with you."

Jiang Qianyu said fiercely: "What do you mean? I'm not reasonable?"

"Of course it's unreasonable. It's enough to love you. What's the reason?"

"Hey, that's disgusting."

"Then don't laugh when you talk."

"Who is laughing?"

"I, I, I'm so happy, I can't help laughing, can I?"


After chatting for a long time, Jiang Qianyu finally remembered the business and asked, "When are you coming?"

Lin Xuan said: "It's not decided yet, the game will start on the 22nd, we must go there early..."

Jiang Qianyu wondered, "Isn't it starting next week?"

"That's the play-in match, and we don't need to go, just wait for the main match to start."

"Proud, right?"

"Of course, this is the honor of the division."

"whispering sound."

When I arrive in North America, I still have jet lag, so I must go there earlier, but the exact date has not yet been decided. Lin Xuan actually wants to go there earlier, but it still depends on the club's arrangement, and I will be with Xiao Nizi for a while. , Another four, five, and 10 minutes passed, and it was almost two o'clock in the morning. Xiao Nizi told him to go to bed quickly, and she was going to read a book too.

Hanging up the phone for more than 20 minutes before finally hanging up, Lin Xuan was about to go down, but he heard some movement behind him, turned around and saw Jiang Yingxue coming out of the gym in the hazy night.

She closed the door and walked over. When she saw Lin Xuan, she paused for a moment before continuing to walk. Lin Xuan stood there and waited for a while before asking, "You don't come here to dance every night, do you?" ?”

Jiang Yingxue said lightly: "No."

"Then I'm lucky." Lin Xuan smiled, "How long have you been studying? You dance very well."

At this time, Jiang Yingxue had already walked in front of him, and it seemed that she was planning to go straight down. Hearing this, she stopped and looked back at him. The indifferent look in the bright eyes.

Lin Xuanzheng felt strange, and thought that she had offended her, or that she had a weird personality and didn't want to be praised, but saw her turn around, and the cold voice was sent by Night Breeze: "Not as good as your wife's dancing!" , I'll show you that you don't care too much."

Lin Xuan: "..."

He petrified for a few seconds before he realized it, hurriedly chased after him, and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, Jiang Yingxue, stop for me, eavesdropping on other people's phone calls is a bit unqualified, you know..."

Jiang Yingxue stopped and turned her head, those clear icy eyes stared at him in the darkness, Lin Xuan looked into her eyes, and stopped with a guilty conscience, and said with a dry smile: "Okay, okay, I made mistakes first, but I really didn't I went to take a peek on purpose, the ghost can think of you running up to dance in the middle of the night, but it's really pretty, the red dress looks good, and the dance is also pretty."

Jiang Yingxue still stared at him without speaking.

Lin Xuan exchanged glances with her, turned his head and looked behind him, but found nothing unusual, then looked at her again, and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yingxue didn't make a sound, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Lin Xuan returned to his room inexplicably. Xue Yunqi was still lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone. Lin Xuan closed the door and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Xue Yunqi replied: "Read the comments."

Lin Xuan said "oh", and went to the bathroom to take a shower and came back. Seeing that Xue Yunqi was still lying there looking at her mobile phone, she said a little funnyly, "You are still watching, are you all praising you?"

Xue Yunqi put down her phone, leaned on her arms and stared at the ceiling, sighing: "How is it possible? Many people are saying that MSI is going to be over this time. Except for the bottom lane, all the upper middle and the wild were completely destroyed by STR."

Lin Xuan pursed his lips and said, "A group of bronze-sprayed kings, do you believe what they say?"

Xue Yunqi turned her head and looked at him, "Some words are still very reasonable. Brother Heng is too conservative, Liu Handong is easy to explode, I am sure I can't beat An Chengye, you two are better, but the NEX line is as stable as a dog, It is too difficult to open the situation from him, and the core of STR is the middle lane and support, Glod is the strongest brain, the person who pushed the wild and auxiliary double play tactics to the peak, not to mention Cui Mingxiu, this guy almost single-handedly killed the LCK All orders..."

Lin Xuan lay down and said: "Fuck! The biggest reason why LPL has been losing to LCK for so many years is not the difference in strength at all, but the guilty conscience when they meet the South Korean team. They dare not push away their advantages and dare not take advantage of their disadvantages. If you are tied up, it will be strange if you can win! When the time comes, don’t care who the opponent is, just play in the LPL, don’t care if he is Li Yifan or An Chengye, the bullshit devil, just think about how to abuse him!"

Xue Yunqi nodded and said, "It seems to make sense."

"Right, listen to me, that's right."

The next day, Lin Xuan rarely got up until noon, and then went to rank training separately without food. I don't know if it was a coincidence or destiny. Xue Yunqi's first rank in the game was ranked in the mid laner An Chengye of STR.

When STR created the first generation of LCK dynasty, An Chengye, who had just debuted at the age of 16, had already become a god in the world championship, and was known as the "big devil in the middle lane". Similarly, becoming the two iconic figures of the LCK is also an existence similar to a spiritual leader.

In the past seven years, STR's record has been ups and downs. Regardless of STR's performance, when mentioning the mid laner, the name An Chengye can never be avoided.

Xue Yunqi was single-killed twice by An Chengye in this qualifying match.

And just in the evening, Zhang Heng also ranked as the top laner of STR in the RANK. The two who had been opponents in the LDL finals were in the same camp, but they are almost recognized as the world's number one ADC by the audience in all major competitions. Cui Mingxiu was not able to lead the team to win this round of RANK in the Hanbok king game.

Because Lin Xuan is opposite.

Well, in all fairness, RANK's final comeback in this round has nothing to do with him. The MVP should be given to the mid laner, the mid laner of the BGM team.

LCK has dominated the League of Legends all year round. It seems that every position is invincible and has no weaknesses. Relatively speaking, LPL is better at producing super ADCs, while Europe and the United States are rich in French kings.

When Lin Xuan played in the global finals last year, he helped the Yulong team abuse the BGM. At that time, the biggest carry point of this team was the bottom laner Free, while the middle laner Next was not so eye-catching. This year, he has grown into The most powerful mid laner in the EU division. In the summer split, he almost blew up all the mid laners in the same division, and won the double MVP of the EU division regular season and finals with his almost dominant performance.

Judging from this round of RANK, this guy's state has not declined, and Ryze, who can retreat with a 1V3 counter-kill against two people in a headwind game, deserves any praise.

In the evening, they played two training games against the STR team and lost all of them.

In the first game, Zhang Heng was countered in the wild area, which led to an explosion in the line. There was no way to fight back. In the second game, Liu Handong was replaced, and he once had an advantage in the fight in the wild area. However, in the mid-term, they were almost completely defeated by the opponent. Leading by the nose, especially Cui Mingxiu's Qinggang Shadow, there is almost no solution to the single line.

There was no replay after the training match, so Zhang San and Ren Fan hosted a small meeting, and it was Ren Fan who spoke first.

"Honestly speaking, winning this LPL championship is far beyond my psychological goal at the beginning of the season, but no matter what, we won the championship, and then we will go to MSI to play against champion teams from other divisions. Speaking from a different perspective, we represent the LPL competition area. To be honest, how well we play at MSI is related to everyone's evaluation of us. Whether you criticize us or praise us, it all depends on the results of MSI."

He paused and took a breath, "To be straightforward, our worth depends on how well we play in MSI, and foreign games are the ones that attract the most fans."

Zhang San took over the conversation and said, "It's not the first time we've played a training match against STR, but it's not as bad as today. Why? Our condition has deteriorated? Of course not. We just won the championship yesterday... because we played training matches before. , we are just for training, we may not be able to win the championship, we may not be able to go to MSI, but now... we will go to MSI soon, and we will play against them soon."

"Qiqi, you have a chance to hit a solo kill in the second game today."

"I don't know where the opposing jungler is."

"No, no, you can fight in that situation, because Xiaodong is also next to you, even if the opponent's jungler comes, we will at least trade one for two, and we will make money no matter what."

"Xiaodong, you should know that no matter how important it is to fight against the wild, a wild monster is worth less than your life. Don't go against the wild just to fight against the wild."

"Also...Xiaoxue, you're not in the right shape today. During the first wave of dragons in the second round, you should return to your brother-in-law's side in the second stage."

After Zhang San finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to Jiang Yingxue. This is the first time she has been called by name in a while. It will only be said when it is reviewed in detail.

Jiang Yingxue nodded, but did not make a sound.

Zhang San finally looked at Mu Wanli, "What do you think?"

Mu Wanli stared at the table in silence for a while, then raised his head and said, "I want to practice the carry type top laner."

(End of this chapter)

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