Chapter 689 [709] Jiang Jingbai Possession
Before this wave of scanning and anti-killing, Xue Yunqi's performance in this round of Yasuo was lackluster. Except for the commentators in the LPL division who still uphold the good virtue of "playing for the players", the commentators in other divisions have varying degrees. Ridicule or ridicule, such as EU and LMS.

The latter has a position, while the former has let go of his words before the game, and naturally he can't let go of the argument. He has to express his "sense of humor" more or less, such as taking this Yasuo and just Next Compared with playing, make fun of "do you think you can do it because you watch Next", for example, make fun of choosing Yasuo and playing it like a clockwork, and only focus on farming soldiers to develop.

And even the neutral viewers didn't feel bad about Yasuo, but they were somewhat disappointed, not because Xue Yunqi made any mistakes, but because he didn't have the willingness to take the initiative to do things at all, which obviously didn't suit Yasuo. "Personal design", I am even more sorry for the cheers from everyone before.

You don't control and you don't show off, and most importantly, you don't even have the heart to show off, so what kind of Yasuo are you playing?
However, the so-called "If you don't sing for three years, it's all for once", I just finished complaining here, and Yasuo, who has been working hard for ten years, participated in the war for the first time, and he shocked the audience with such a wave of operations. Use your life to explain what it means to sharpen your sword in ten years?

When Yasuo scanned and did not continue to flee to the grass, the commentator was still puzzled, and the next moment, as the sword tornado knocked the two of them into the air, there was almost nothing left to scream, especially The voice of the live female commentator "Oh! Oh! MYGod——" was even more exciting under the excitement.

"Wow - this Yasuo is too handsome?"

"Is this directly booked as the TOP1 of today's best operation highlights?"

"I think so, ah, you just laughed at people for being Orianna?"

"That's right, isn't Orianna finished brushing and coming out of the mountain now?"

"This Bo Qiqi really has a big heart, and the details are in place. Just now he has two details out of place. When Ryze walked into the grass, he walked behind Ryze. In this way, he can get to the other side. The wind wall can block the attacks of two people."

"When the big move was received, he had actually left the position of the wind wall, between the two of them, but if he didn't come here, he was far away from Ezreal, and the distance to step forward is not enough..."

"Yasuo's big move will reset the wind shield!"

"Yes! Yes! That's right! It's because Yasuo's ultimate move will reset the wind shield, so he dared to take risks..."

Naturally, the commentary from North America was broadcast live. Even during the rebroadcast, the tone of the two commentators was still very high-pitched and excited. The female commentator here praised Xue Yunqi even more:

"When we mention SKY, everyone's eyes will focus on their botlane. It seems that they only have a C position. After this wave of battles, I think it's time for us to change our views. Of course, including myself , their mid laner isn't as weak as we thought, especially since someone thought he was vulnerable, which now seems ridiculous."

It is somewhat arbitrary to make such a conclusion based on a single brilliant operation, but all top players do not rely on one game or one wave of operations to achieve success, but win after victory, perform brilliantly again and again, and even The accumulation that turned the tide.

Just like Lin Xuan, his performance in last year's global finals was amazing, but even so, at this year's MSI, many people's overall evaluation of SKY was not because of him, because SKY won the championship, it was only for this team And what a high evaluation.

Of course, after this game, the evaluation of SKY by various teams and other people in the circle, as well as the media and audience will change.

——At this time, almost everyone thought that such a change was big enough, and naturally they didn't think that a bigger impact was yet to come.

This wave of SKY won the team battle with four-on-five. Lin Xuan and Xue Yunqi joined forces and took down the fire dragon as they wished. Mu Wanli, who was developed on a single plane, had already pushed down the top tower, and then ate the canyon pioneer by himself.

After the canyon pioneer knocked down the middle lane, TPA tried to shrink the line of defense, waiting for the strong period after Ryze and the goddess Ezreal were full of tears, but it was a pity that Yasuo went down the lane and jumped the tower to kill Ryze Here, directly took away the second tower of the next road.

And only 1 minute later, Mantis and Dashu went to catch the big bug, but failed. Mantis was counter-killed first, followed by Karma in the middle, and the troll jumped over the tower and killed Bron and Ezreal.

The three second towers were destroyed almost within 2 minutes, and the situation deteriorated so fast that it could almost be described as "collapsing like a mountain".

At 8 minutes, Ryze was caught in front of the wreckage of the second tower, and then the high ground was broken on the road, and the dragon was born 2 minutes later, and he was donated in seconds.

22 minutes, the game is over.

"Nice! Nice!"


For Lin Xuan and the others, winning is normal, but they won so easily, which is naturally a bit surprising. Besides, this is their first game at MSI. Even if they are confident, they still have some suspense before winning. , and now they finally won, everyone couldn't help but smile. After taking off their earphones and getting up, they gave each other a high-five. Then, under the referee's reminder, they walked towards the five TPA members on the other side of the stage together.

This is also TPA's first match at this year's MSI. The result was that they were abused so badly. There must be some frustrated emotions, but they seemed to have a good expression, but when they shook hands, they saw Jiang Yingxue's expressionless face. Leaning back, I was a little dazed, not knowing how to respond.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan immediately realized that it was probably due to the negligence of the organizers, who hadn't communicated about this matter in advance. Jiang Yingxue didn't care about it at all, and after finishing the post-match tasks as usual, he turned around and left. He had no choice but to help her wipe Ass, explained with a little apology and embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't take offense, she's like this in LPL, she never shakes hands with anyone..."

"it's okay no problem"

"understand understand"

"come on! Come on"

Although they didn't have a chance to get in touch with this unbelievably beautiful girl contestant, they lost all the games, and the five TPA didn't care.

After shaking hands with the last person, Lin Xuan quickly walked to the middle of the stage. Before they could bow, there were warm cheers on the scene.

It was only then that Lin Xuan realized that his ears were so sharp. With so many people shouting at the scene, he could still hear Xiao Nizi's emotional inner confession: "Ah——Lin Xuan, I like you!"

She was sitting in the front row, waving her snow-white arms at Lin Xuan, with a charming face and a sweet smile that could melt people away.

Lin Xuan held back a smile and passed a dismissive look, then turned his head and walked arrogantly to the backstage aisle.

"Aren't you afraid of being exposed if you openly flirt like this?" Zhang Heng asked a little sourly.

"Exposure is exposure, what can I do?"

Zhang Heng thought about it, and it seemed that he really couldn't do anything about it, so he couldn't help but feel a little depressed, "I also want to have such a sister."

Xue Yunqi glanced at him, "I think so too."

Jiang Yingxue, who was walking in the front, turned her head and sized up the two dishonest teammates with distaste and suspicion.

Mu Wanli said: "If you really have a younger sister, you don't think so, and they are not brother and sister at all, okay?"

Ren Fan and Zhang San were already waiting in the backstage passageway. They first waited for Jiang Yingxue to pass by, then raised their hands and waited for the people behind to clap their hands. As a result, except for Xue Yunqi who was walking in front to save face, everyone after Zhang Heng went directly to They walked past.

"Winning the game is very inflated, you guys!"

"Do you want to inflate after losing?"

"What did brother-in-law just tell someone?"

"Wipe Xiaoxue's butt...ah no, no, explain to the provincial team, she just left with her body down, she looked confused, didn't know what's going on?"

"Did the organizer not communicate in advance?"

"Have you told the organizers?"

"Who is responsible for this..."

"Let's not talk about this first, how do the interviewers arrange it, Xiaoxue, are you going?"

Jiang Yingxue, who had already sat down and opened her book, shook her head.

"Ah Li, who will go to our competition area to interview you or Zhang Heng?"

"Why both of them?"

"They both have the worst English."


Thinking that Zhang Heng and Mu Wanli, who had received some kind of preferential treatment, suddenly felt bad, Zhang Heng shouted: "I just came to play games because I didn't study well, okay? Why should I be despised if I win? "

After all, it was necessary to give the translator a bite to eat, plus the official roll call, and Xue Yunqi was the one who was finally invited to the LPL interview.

The interviewer was still Fang Yao. She was wearing a wine-red dress, showing a graceful and undulating figure. The machine was already waiting in the interview area, looking at the card for the interview later.

Xue Yunqi walked over under the guidance of the staff, and when she heard the voice, she raised her head and smiled at Xue Yunqi, like a peony blooming with dew in the morning light, the beauty and charm of women are displayed in this smile Incisively and vividly, he said, "Congratulations."

Xue Yunqi also smiled, and did not speak. Fang Yao has been the host for several years, and has seen many shy contestants. I don't mind it, but it is a little strange, because I have had contact with Xue Yunqi before, and my impression is not Not such a shy person.

She had no time to think about it, and said with a smile: "If there is no problem, let's start directly?"

When some questions came, the staff already had an overview. Xue Yunqi nodded when she heard the words, and Fang Yao gestured to the camera next to her, and started the live broadcast interview according to the usual procedure.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate SKY for winning this game. We invited Qiqi, who played very well just now, to do the post-match interview. Qiqi will say hello to everyone first."

There were some spectators in the audience, but not many, because LPL interviews must not be used on the stage, and most of the audience who care about LPL are not Xue Yunqi's fans. Most of the audience are girls.

"Hi everyone, I'm SKY's mid laner."

After Xue Yunqi made a brief introduction, many girls in the audience immediately screamed out of shame.

"Wow, although we are far away in a foreign country, we also have many LPL fans here today."

Fang Yao added a word with a smile, and then started her question: "You chose the hero Yasuo in the game just now, what are your considerations?"

Xue Yunqi thought for a while before saying: "We have practiced this hero in the training match, and we can play it according to the lineup, so we took it out."

"Is this the big move you have prepared?"

"Uh, no, I'm not a big move in our team, Yasuo has played before..."

When Xue Yunqi said this, some people in the audience laughed, and Fang Yao also smiled and said, "I assisted Yasuo last time, right?"

Xue Yunqi glanced at her, then laughed too, "Yes."

Fang Yao smiled and asked again: "Then do you think Yasuo is more suitable as a support or a mid laner? Who is better in Yasuo?"

"It's definitely the mid laner who is great, unless the support is a brother-in-law, he has a thick skin and can steal soldiers. If he doesn't steal soldiers, it will be more difficult to play..."

Fang Yao didn't expect him to say such words, she couldn't help laughing and bent over for a while, unable to stop for a while.

The audience is also laughing.

Xue Yunqi seemed to be possessed by Jiang Jingbai, and kept talking seriously, "But if we compete in the team, I, Yasuo, should be the best."


"I soloed with them when I practiced Yasuo."

"The results of it?"

"My brother-in-law was abused by Xiaoxue, and I was abused by my brother-in-law..."

(End of this chapter)

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